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industrial processing
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Foods ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 164
Francesco Corrias ◽  
Efisio Scano ◽  
Giorgia Sarais ◽  
Alberto Angioni

Swordfish is the most widespread billfish in the aquatic environment. The industrial processing of swordfish fillets involves salting, drying, and smoking steps. Salting techniques, dry or wet, are the most common method of fish preservation. This work evaluated salt diffusion in swordfish fillets after traditional dry salting and wet industrial injection salting methods. The data obtained from the dry salting studies highlighted that the salt diffusion process in swordfish meat was an unfavorable process depending on the contact time with the salt/meat. Moreover, irregularly shaped fillets negatively affected the salt migration in the different areas, leading to inhomogeneous and possibly unsafe final products. On the contrary, wet injection salting was suitable for processing swordfish fillets. As a result, the final products had a homogeneous salt concentration, maintained the organoleptic characteristics and health benefits for a long period, and achieved a longer shelf-life. Furthermore, the water activity (aw) values detected for the different processed fillets confirmed the physicochemical features of the final products and allow the classification of safe products. Moreover, injection salting is a quick process compatible with industrial production times.

Mariann Chaussy ◽  
Morgan Chabannes ◽  
Arnaud Day ◽  
David Bulteel ◽  
Frederic Becquart ◽  

Human activities require a growing need for raw materials. In order to contribute to sustainable development, many business sectors are focusing on biomass valorization. Whether from dedicated crops or first industrial processing, it generates materials with high potential that can be used in many fields. Non-food uses mainly concern the energy, chemical, and construction sectors. Whatever the intended application, a pre-treatment stage is essential to clean the material and/or to access a specific fraction. An additional modification may occur in order to endow the material with a new function thanks to a process known as functionalization. Uses of plant fractions (aggregates) in combination with cement offer advantages like low-density materials with attractive thermophysical properties for building. However, their development is limited by the compatibility of crop by-products with hydraulic binders such as Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). This includes delays in setting time and hydrophilic character of vegetal components and their interaction with an alkaline environment. The aggregate/cement interfaces can therefore be strongly affected. In addition, the diversity of crop by-products and mineral binders increases the level of complexity. In order to overcome these drawbacks, the treatment of plant fractions before their use with mineral binders may result in significant benefits. In this way, various treatments have been tested, but the methods used at an industrial scale remain relatively under-researched. The purpose of this review is therefore to highlight the mechanisms involved in each specific process, thus justifying the operating conditions specific to each. This bibliography study aims to highlight potential treatments that could apply to biomass before their mixing with cementitious binders. According to the objective, a distinction can be made between extraction processes as hydrothermal or solvent treatments, assisted or not, and structural modification processes as surface treatments, impregnation, or grafting.

Vestnik MGTU ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 383-395
A. L. Veber ◽  
S. A. Leonova ◽  
T. A. Nikiforova ◽  
M. Giarno ◽  
E. V. Badamshina ◽  

Currently, there is a steady trend in the world aimed at finding new raw protein sources and their industrial processing into functional food products. The modern food market is represented among other things by non-alcoholic beverages from plant raw materials (vegetable "milk", fermented plant drinks), combined fermented milk products of complex raw materials, which are becoming popular among consumers and are in high demand among the population. The study shows the possibility of using pea grains of Bashkir Research Institute of Agriculture BashSC RAS (BRIA, Republic of Bashkortostan) varieties in the technology of obtaining fermented products. Consumer qualities, the chemical composition of pea varieties of the BRIA selection (Chishminsky 95, Chishminsky 229, Pamyati Khangildin, Yuldash) and their ability to germinate have been investigated. The possibility of their use for obtaining a plant dispersion intended for manufacturing fermented products from plant raw materials has been established.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Hamada El-Gendi ◽  
Ahmed K. Saleh ◽  
Raied Badierah ◽  
Elrashdy M. Redwan ◽  
Yousra A. El-Maradny ◽  

Enzymes have played a crucial role in mankind’s challenges to use different types of biological systems for a diversity of applications. They are proteins that break down and convert complicated compounds to produce simple products. Fungal enzymes are compatible, efficient, and proper products for many uses in medicinal requests, industrial processing, bioremediation purposes, and agricultural applications. Fungal enzymes have appropriate stability to give manufactured products suitable shelf life, affordable cost, and approved demands. Fungal enzymes have been used from ancient times to today in many industries, including baking, brewing, cheese making, antibiotics production, and commodities manufacturing, such as linen and leather. Furthermore, they also are used in other fields such as paper production, detergent, the textile industry, and in drinks and food technology in products manufacturing ranging from tea and coffee to fruit juice and wine. Recently, fungi have been used for the production of more than 50% of the needed enzymes. Fungi can produce different types of enzymes extracellularly, which gives a great chance for producing in large amounts with low cost and easy viability in purified forms using simple purification methods. In the present review, a comprehensive trial has been advanced to elaborate on the different types and structures of fungal enzymes as well as the current status of the uses of fungal enzymes in various applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Aida Pérez-Baltar ◽  
Margarita Medina ◽  
Raquel Montiel

Dry-cured ham can be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes during its industrial processing. The use of bacteriocins could ensure the safety of such meat products, but their effect on pathogen physiology is unknown. Therefore, the impact of enterocins A and B on the L. monocytogenes population, and the expression patterns of five genes (inlA, inlB, clpC, fbpA and prfA) related to adhesion/invasion and virulence regulation have been monitored in sliced dry-cured ham during 30 d of storage in refrigeration (4 °C) and temperature-abuse conditions (20 °C). L. monocytogenes strains S2 (serotype 1/2a) and S7-2 (serotype 4b) counts were reduced by 0.5 and 0.6 log units immediately after the application of enterocins A and B, a decrease lower than previously reported. Differences in gene expression were found between the two strains. For strain S2, expression tended to increase for almost all genes up to day seven of storage, whereas this increase was observed immediately after application for strain S7-2; however, overall gene expression was repressed from day one onwards, mainly under temperature-abuse conditions. L. monocytogenes strains investigated in the present work exhibited a mild sensitivity to enterocins A and B in sliced dry-cured ham. Bacteriocins caused changes in the expression patterns of virulence genes associated with adhesion and invasion, although the potential virulence of surviving cells was not enhanced.

S. Sokolyuk ◽  
M. Koroteev ◽  
O. Zharun ◽  
O. Tupchiy ◽  

The diversification of the activities of agricultural enterprises is considered as a process of mastering the production of new or expanding the range of traditional types of products, which makes it possible to more fully realize the existing natural, biological, resource, production potential and helps to strengthen financial, economic and environmental safety, increases the competitiveness and efficiency of economic entities. Today, the need to diversify the activities of domestic agricultural enterprises is determined by a set of prerequisites, both general economic and specific. In modern realities, the overwhelming majority of farmers are focused on the production of the most liquid and least capital- and labor-intensive types of products with a short payback period. The economic results of agricultural enterprises in most cases directly depend on the efficiency of production of grain and oilseeds. Narrow specialization, and sometimes practically monoculture, increases the threats of agrobiological, ecological, and economic nature Diversification of their activities allows minimizing the risks of agricultural enterprises from unfavorable phenomena of agrotechnical and weather-climatic nature and unforeseen changes in market conditions. Optimization of the sectoral structure on the basis of a rational combination of the main, additional, and subsidiary industries ensures more efficient use of land and means of production, leads to the leveling of seasonality, and creates conditions for an enterprise to receive a guaranteed stable income. The priority for the diversification of large-scale agricultural production is its investment and innovative development with a rational combination of crop and livestock industries, the revival of the traditional for Ukraine industries of beet growing, vegetable growing, horticulture, cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding. Diversification of the activities of small and medium-sized producers provides for an orientation towards the production of products with a high level of labor intensity, environmentally friendly organic products, niche agriculture, the production of non-traditional agricultural products, green, agritourism, etc. The need to change the raw material nature of the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy determines the need to increase the industrial processing of agricultural raw materials. This will not only make it possible to obtain greater added value, but will also ensure the creation of additional jobs, will contribute to the growth of incomes of the population, and an increase in the revenues of budgets of all levels. The development of diversification processes guarantees a stable income and an increase in the profitability of agricultural producers and will also contribute to the implementation of national priorities for ensuring the country's food security, increasing employment, and solving social and material problems of peasants.

2021 ◽  
Alberto Angioni ◽  
Nicola Arru

Insecticide\'s disappearance after field treatments could be ascribed to different factors such as sunlight photodegradation, dilution effect due to fruit growth, co-distillation during fruit respiration and evaporation. Moreover, the epicuticular waxes could speed or slow down the degradation rate, and the cultivation in an open field or greenhouses could affect the residues dramatically. After harvest, the processing techniques to produce byproducts deeply influence insecticide residues. For example, fruit drying, winemaking, the industrial processing of tomatoes to produce purée, triple-concentrated paste, fine pulp, diced, olive processing to obtain table olive and olive oil, and other industrial applications on fruits affect residues and their half-life time. The scope of this chapter is to highlight the major factors responsible for the disappearance of insecticides after treatment. Moreover, the chapter intends to review the influence of the industrial processes on insecticide behaviour when the raw material is transformed into its byproducts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Murali Kumar ◽  
Joseph Tierney ◽  
Martin Wilkinson

Bacteria are capable of colonizing industrial processing surfaces creating biofilms on them which may adversely affect the quality and safety of products. Traditional cleaning-in-place (CIP) treatments using caustic and nitric acid solutions have been known to exhibit variable efficiency in eliminating biofilm bacteria. Here, we introduce enzymes as an alternative to traditional CIP treatments and discuss their mechanism of action against bacterial biofilms in cheese manufacturing. In addition, we discuss research gaps namely thermal stability, substrate specificity and residual activity of enzymes that may play a vital role in the selection of enzymes with optimal effectiveness against multi species biofilms. The outcome of this mini review will aid in the development of a novel and sustainable enzyme-based CIP treatment during cheese manufacturing in the future.

2021 ◽  
pp. 142-153
Guédé Séri Serge ◽  
Adombi Caroline Mélanie ◽  
Touré Abdoulaye

Mango processing in Côte d'Ivoire is limited by data failure on characteristics of mango varieties. The purpose of this work is to contribute to the valorization of the main varieties of mango (Amelie, Kent and Keitt) cultivated in Côte d'Ivoire through the evaluation of their morphological, physical and biochemical parameters. Between May and June 2020, ten ripe fruits of each variety were randomly selected from ten batches of mangoes from different producers in the Poro region. After sampling, morphological, physical and biochemical parameters were determined at the biochemistry - microbiological laboratory of Peleforo Gon Coulibaly University in the month of June 2020. This study showed that the mangoes Kent and Amelie were bigger than those of Keitt. However, when ripe, the three mango varieties studied had each a specific gravity close to 1 g/cm3; they could therefore float on water. They were elongated in shape and corresponded to the caliber group B of mangoes exportable to the European market. The high values of pulp proportions (82.70 to 83.62%), pulp/stone ratios (12.71 to 13.33) and waste indices (4.69 to 5.20) gave them interesting aptitudes for industrial processing. With high moisture contents (77.80 to 84.80%), low fiber contents (0.53 to 0.84%) and acidity values (0.20 to 0.50%), interesting ascorbic acid contents (45.02 to 46.25 mg/100g ), TSS contents (15.51 to 18.50 °Brix) conforming to standard for fruit juices and nectars, the mango varieties studied would be suitable for making puree, juice or ice cream. However, with a higher sugars/acidity ratio (73.46), mango variety Kent would be more suitable for drying and making frozen or canned mango pieces; while those of Amelie and Keitt would be suitable for the manufacture of purees, concentrates and drinks. The results of this study could guide processors in the choice of varieties according to the types of derived products. They are interesting and should be deepened by including other varieties (improved and local) cultivated in Côte d'Ivoire.

2021 ◽  
pp. 42-45
Олеся Юрьевна Калужина ◽  
Светлана Александровна Леонова ◽  
Евгений Николаевич Черненков ◽  
Альфия Адиповна Черненкова ◽  
Александр Николаевич Гусев ◽  

Разработан способ интенсификации процесса брожения вина, полученного из винограда селекции Башкортостан. Для сбраживания взяты сорта винограда Башкирский, Находка Стреляева и Карагай 2020 г. урожая, выращенные в Кушнаренковском селекционном центре по плодово-ягодным культурам и винограду. Изучена технологическая характеристика выбранных сортов, которая показала, что по органолептическим и физико-химическим показателям все сорта соответствуют требованиям ГОСТ 31782-2012 «Виноград свежий машинной и ручной уборки для промышленной переработки. Технические условия», кроме массовой концентрации сахаров, которая ниже нормируемых показателей на 2,2 и 1,9 г/100 см3 у сорта Башкирский и Карагай, соответственно. Массовая концентрация сахаров у сорта Находка Стреляева составляет 17,1 г/100 см3 при норме 17,0 г/100 см3. Выбранные сорта винограда подвергали спонтанному сбраживанию и из полученных виноматериалов выводили чистые культуры дрожжей, которые дополнительно перед сбраживанием обрабатывали на ультразвуковой установке марки VGT-800 при следующих характеристиках: частота 42 кГц, мощность УЗ излучателя - 120 Вт, интенсивность излучения - 35 Вт/см2. Дрожжи, обработанные ультразвуком в течение 1-10 мин, служили в качестве засевных на этапе сбраживания виноградного сусла. Брожение проводили при температуре 22 °С. В результате проведенных исследований установлено, что ультразвуковая обработка чистых культур дрожжей в течение 2 мин способствует максимальному приросту биомассы дрожжей, почкующихся клеток и клеток с гликогеном, улучшает органолептические и физико-химические показатели готового вина и позволяет сократить процесс получения вина на 12 ч. There is a method of the intensification of the wine fermentation process received from the variety of grapes selected in «Bashkortostan». The following varieties of grapes were selected for the fermentation: Bashkortostan, Nakhodka Strelyaeva, Karagay - the harvest of 2020. They were grown in the selection center of the fruit and berry and grape cultivation in Kushnarenkovskiy region. The technological characteristics of the selected varieties were investigated. According to the organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters all the varieties maintain indicators of the State standard 31782-2012 «Fresh grapes of machine and manual harvesting for industrial processing. Technical conditions» except for the mass concentration of sugars which is 2.2 and 1.9 g/100 cm3 lower than normalized indicators of the varieties of grapes Bashkortostan and Karagay. The mass concentration of sugars of the variety of grapes Nakhodka Strelyaeva is 17.1 g/100 cm3 while the norm is 17.0 g/100 cm3. The selected varieties of grapes were subjected to the spontaneous fermentation. The pure yeas crops were derived from the obtained wine materials which had been treated by ultrasound on the ultrasound engine of VGT-800 model according to the following characteristics: frequency 42 kHz, the power of the ultrasonic emitter is 120 W, radiation intensity - 35 W/cm2. The yeast which was treated by ultrasound during 1-10 minutes serves as seedings during the fermentation of the wine wort. The fermentation was carried out at a temperature of 22 °C. As a result of the conducted studies, it was established that the ultrasound treatment of the pure yeast crops during 2 minutes promotes the maximum growth of the biomass, the budding cells and the cells with the glycogen. It improves the organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of the ready-made wine and allows to reduce the process of obtaining wine by 12 hours.

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