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Collected Works of Uman National University of Horticulture
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Published By Uman National University Of Horticulture

2415-8240, 0134-6393

V. I. Ovcharuk ◽  
O. V. Ovcharuk ◽  
N. R. Havryshchuk ◽  
V. S. Kravchenko ◽  
V. V. Yatsenko

The article presents the results of vegetation-field studies (for 2018-2020) to study the effect of trace elements on the yield and quality of greens and root crops of parsley on heavy loamy chernozems on loess-like loams. A soil mixture was poured into the vessel at the rate of 10 kg of heavy loamy chernozem. Microelements were introduced into the soil in an amount: boron – 1.0 mg; zinc – 2.5 mg; copper – 0.5 mg; manganese – 5.0 mg; molybdenum – 1.0 mg; cobalt – 1.0 mg; iodine – 2.0 mg of active ingredient per kilogram of soil. In the prepared soil, 100 parsley seeds were sown in vessels at the beginning of May. Trace elements were aplicated in the form of an aqueous solution of salts 20 days before chemical analyzes. Molybdenum in the form of ammonium molybdenum (0.05 % solution), manganese – in the form of manganese sulfate (0.6 %, solution) and boron – in the form of boric acid (0.15 % solution). The experiments were carried out in triplicate. Collecting greens was carried out when the plants reached a height of 20–25 cm, leaving petioles 2 cm high from the head of the root crop. The results of the research found that microelements: boron, copper, manganese, molybdenum and cobalt on chernozem on average over two years contributed to an increase in seed germination by 1.2–1.3 %, and the introduction of iodine into the soil slightly reduced seed germination. Parsley shoots appeared together, which was also influenced by the water–air properties of the soil. At the same time, the plants were well leafy and had a darker green color of the leaves, increased the productivity of greens and parsley root crops. In the variant where organic fertilizers were applied to the soil under the predecessor, the microelements increased the yield. This is due to the fact that organic fertilizers were introduced under the previous crop, when decomposed in the soil, they provide the plants with microelements. The increased yield of parsley root crops was obtained from the introduction of molybdenum and a double dose of copper. An increased yield of root crops compared to the control (without feeding) was obtained, respectively: cobalt – 151 g, double dose of copper – 135 g, copper – 108 g and zinc – 106 g. Thus, the use of trace elements for parsley in order to obtain high yield and quality marketable products are best used on poor soils of these elements.

N. Y. Pitel ◽  
I. M. Novak

The article is devoted to the research of theoretical bases of organization of management of ecologically oriented production. The analysis of the financing of environmental protection measures in Ukraine shows a positive trajectory of expenditures on environmentally oriented activities during 2010–2019: total expenditures increased from UAH 13 to 44 billion, or more than 3.3 times. The structure of expenditures is dominated by own funds of enterprises (79 %), funds of state and local budgets – only 2 %. Global improvement of the environment can be achieved only through comprehensive cooperation between the state and enterprises with the support of society. Nature management can be optimized by creating a more advanced management system and introducing new efficient resource-saving technologies. Ecologically oriented activity ensures the observance by enterprises of socio-economic interests under the condition of rational use of natural resources and minimization of anthropogenic impact on the environment. At the same time, sustainable economic growth and stable improvement of financial and economic performance are achieved. The system of environmental production management must be organically integrated into the long-term strategy of enterprise management. The defining priority of ecological production is the target orientation on integration and harmonization of human relations with the environment. We have defined a set of measures for the effective organization of management of environmentally oriented production of enterprises. Among them are the development of environmental policy, compliance with environmental legislation, organizational structure, analysis of indicators and development of environmental programs, formalization of hazardous processes, staff training, document management, monitoring of deviations in environmental management, data accounting, environmental audit and environmental management. Their comprehensive implementation will allow to organize and ensure effective activities that will achieve the optimal ratio of environmental and economic indicators.

S. Iu. Sokoliuk ◽  
O. V. Zharun ◽  
O. S. Tupchii

In the context of complex political and socio-economic processes, that are characterized by the stratification of the property status of various segments of the population, by the growth of customs offenses, by the aggravation of the influence of destabilizing trends on the economic security of the state, the issue of creating an effective state system of customs and legal regulation of foreign economic activity of business entities becomes relevant. The variety of nomenclature of goods transported across the customs border, and the peculiarities of foreign economic operations determines the implementation of customs and legal regulation by a large number of state authorities, each of which, within the limits of their competence, is entitled to issue normative documents in the field of foreign economic activity and provide permits for foreign trade operations. The fulfillment of a foreign trade obligation is subject to both the terms of the agreement and the provisions of the normative sources of international trade law, and the customs of commercial turnover. Among the customs produced by many years of experience in international trade, the customs are distinguished, which have become general provisions, which in the civil doctrine are called the principles of fulfilling obligations. When drawing up an agreement, it is important to establish which state law will govern relations under a specific agreement, since there are significant differences in resolving the same issues in the law of different countries. The foreign trade sale and purchase agreement is the most common legal form of foreign economic agreement, which mediates the relationship between Ukrainian and foreign entrepreneurs. Its development in accordance with the principles of implementation, the development of conditions and obligations of the parties, the implementation requires special knowledge and skills, taking into account the specific features of the external market.

O. V. Rolinskyi ◽  
B. S. Huzar ◽  
S. A. Ptashnyk

The article highlights the current state of the formation of local budgets in the context of decentralization of financial resources, taking into account the changes made to the budget and tax legislation, the analysis of the revenue and expenditure parts of the local budget is carried out. On the basis of the study, the problems and ways of strengthening the financial base of local self-government bodies have been identified. The main tasks of budget decentralization have been formulated. The sources of filling and problems in the field of formation of local budgets in Ukraine are indicated. According to the Strategic Action Plan of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine for 2018–2021. the key priorities of Ukraine in the field of public finance management are the efficient execution of budgets and the optimization of resource allocation between the levels of the budgetary system. The fulfillment of these tasks is also the focus of the reform of financial decentralization, which began in Ukraine in 2015 and is aimed at strengthening the financial self-sufficiency of territorial communities. Over the first five years of the implementation of this reform, the share of local bud gets in the consolidated budget of Ukraine has increased from 18.5 % in 2015 to 23.3 % as of June 1, 2020, the share of local budgets' own revenues in GDP – from 5, 1 % to 6.7 % over the same period. However, despite certain positive developments, local budgets are still more than 46 % dependent on transfers from the state budget, which indicates the need for further transformation of the local finance system aimed at strengthening the independence and financial self-sufficiency of local budgets. At the same time, the revealed patterns also indicate the existence of problematic aspects in the formation of the revenue side of local budgets, which actualizes the need to revise the structure of local taxes and fees, as well as the powers of local governments in the field of their appointment, increase deductions from national taxes and fees to local budgets., and, at the same time, popularization of local borrowing and carrying out mass explanatory work on the organizational aspects of this process and optimizing the use of borrowed funds. These measures will increase the level of concentration of funds in local budgets and, accordingly, balance the processes of decentralization of income and expenditure, turning territorial communities into more independent and autonomous participants in budgetary and economic relations.

G. M. Gospodarenko ◽  
O. D. Cherno ◽  
A. T. Martynyuk

The issues of recoupment of nitrogen fertilizers are considered, since they determine the need for fertilizers and the agro-economic efficiency of their use. It is shown that the payback of fertilizers is a complex value and not constant in different crops. The increase in yield from fertilizers in kind is taken on the basis of field experiments with fertilizers carried out on podzolized chernozem of the opita field of the Uman NUS. The cost of an increase in the yield from the use of nitrogen fertilizers was determined by the average actual sales prices of products prevailing on the market through various sales channels in the 6th quarter of 2021. Additional costs included: the cost of fertilizers, a margin for their delivery to the farm, the cost of using it on the farm and collecting increase in yield from nitrogen fertilizers. The cost of ammonium nitrate was taken at UAH 24,000 / t with the addition of a margin for their delivery to the farm. The costs of using fertilizers on the farm and collecting an increase in yield were set calculated according to the accepted standards. The difference between the value of the yield increase (PU) and additional costs (AD) gives the net income received from the use of fertilizers. The ratio of the cost of increasing the yield to additional costs shows their payback. On the basis of comparing the indicators of PU and DZ, the boundaries of the economic efficiency of the use of fertilizers were determined: PU> DZ (general expression of the task). We also calculated the minimum required increase in yield from fertilizers and the limits of price increases for nitrogen fertilizers. It has been established that at a price of ammonium nitrate of UAH 24,000 / t and the cost of its use in optimal doses for field crops against the background of a balanced phosphorus-potassium nutrition, the cost of an increase in yield is 3075–47894 UAH/ha. Payback of 1 kg a.c. nitrogen fertilization varies in a wide range – from 3.0 to 217.3 hryvnyas, depending on the crop. The limit of the unprofitable price per unit of the active substance of nitrogen fertilizers at the optimal application rate depends on the crop and is in the range of UAH 76.5–219.0 /ha. With the current disparity in prices for crop products and ammonium nitrate (24,000 UAH/t), its use is profitable, which is explained by the low ability of podzolized chernozem to provide plants with nitrogen, biological requirements of crops for this food element and technologies for their cultivation. Key words: nitrogen fertilizers, agricultural crops, fertilizer recoupment, loss threshold, price increase limit.

R. V. Chukhrai ◽  

Cereal bugs can reduce the yield of cereals, worsen the quality characteristics of grain, and reduce the sowing quality of seeds with intensive reproduction and nutrition. Of all the cereal bugs, Eurygaster integriceps Put is the most damaging. According to scientists, yield loss is typically estimated at 20–30 % in barley and 50–90 % in wheat. In addition to direct crop losses, insects also inject chemicals that dramatically reduce grain quality, with chemical pest control costing over $40 million annually. The aim of the research is to reveal data on the species diversity of cereal bugs in spring barley crops in the conditions of the Uman national university of horticulture and to control their numbers in order to preserve crop yields. Accounting and observations conducted in 2017–2020, in the training and production department of Uman National University of Horticulture. Analysis of the species composition of cereal bugs allowed to clarify the diversity of their species, establish their average number and identify species that are dangerous for cultures during the study period. It was established that five species of cereal bugs which were dangerous to culture were identified from a number of Hemiptera between 2017 and 2020. Four species of cereal bugs were constantly present in the agrocenosis of spring barley – Eurygaster integriceps Put., Aelia acuminata L., Lygus rugulipennis P. and Trigonotylus coelestialium Kirk.. The most dangerous pest for the culture was the species Eurygaster integriceps Put., Which accounted for 36 %, 28 %, 27 % and 24.5 % of the total number of bedbugs, and also exceeded the rate of harmful index. The use of insecticides reduced the number of Eurygaster integriceps Put. for a two-week period after spraying. Average data for 2018–2020 show high technical efficiency at the level of 90.0–92.9 % on the 3rd day after spraying. On the 7th day after the insecticides were applied, the technical efficiency was 85–85.8 %. Application of insecticide Decis Profi 25 WG, v.g. at a rate of 0.04 kg/ha, reduced the number of pests by 82.5 % on the 14th day after spraying.

T. V. Silifonov ◽  
H. M. Hospodarenko ◽  
S. P. Poltoretskyi ◽  
V. V. Liubych ◽  

Aims. To determine the formation of physico-chemical properties of different ripening varieties of soft winter wheat grain under different fertilizer systems in a field crop rotation. Methods. Laboratory, mathematical and statistical, physicochemical. Results. The article presents the formation of physico-chemical properties (thousand grain weight, grain unit, hardness index, protein content) of different ripening varieties of soft winter wheat grain under different fertilizer systems in the field crop rotation. On average, over two years of research, thousand grain weight of KWS Emil soft winter wheat increased from 37.2 to 38.5 g, depending on the fertilizer system. The use of all types of fertilizers increased it by 3 % compared to areas without fertilizers. There is no significant difference between fertilizer application systems in the field crop rotation. The high stability index (0.96–1.00) of thousand grain weight formation under growing both varieties indicates a slight influence of weather conditions of the growing season. Thus, in 2020 this figure increased from 37.1 to 38.3 g, and in 2021 – from 37.2 to 39.1 g. In Rino variety, thousand grain weight was significantly higher than in KWS Emil variety by 16–17 %. The application of 75 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizers increased it from 43.2 g to 43.6–43.8 g or only by 1 %, and at a double dose – to 44.8–45.2 g, or by 4–5 %. The efficiency of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers was higher than the cultivation of KWS Emil, and lower in Rino. The grain unit of both soft winter wheat varieties increased both on average and over the years of research with a stability index of 0.98–1.00. Thus, on average over two years of research, it increased in KWS Emil variety from 771 to 779–789 g/l or 1–2 % depending on the fertilizer system. Rino grain had 6% more grain unit compared to KWS Emil. On average, it increased from 820 to 831–838 g/l per fertilizer application or only by 1–2 %. Conclusions. It is established that the physico-chemical properties of grain change depending on the fertilizer system, variety and weather conditions of the growing season. Rino grain has higher physico-chemical properties. Thus, thousand grain weight increases from 43.2 to 43.6–45.2 g, grain unit – from 820 to 831–838 g/l, protein content – from 14.4 to 15.4–16.4 %, depending on the fertilizer system, hardness type – hard-grained. In KWS Emil variety, thousand grain weight increases from 37.2 to 38.3–38.5 g, grain unit – from 771 to 779–789 g/l, protein content – from 11.7 to 12.3–13.7 % depending on the fertilizer system, hardness type – soft-grained.

H. L. Ustinova

Aim. Determination of the degree and frequency of positive transgressions by the number of ears of the main spike in F2 populations created by crossing varieties of soft winter wheat of different maturity depending on the hydrothermal conditions of the year and selection of economically valuable biotypes for subsequent breeding work. Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical. Results. In the majority of F2 populations, created by hybridization of soft winter wheat varieties of different vegetation periods, a significant form-making process took place in terms of the number of spikelets in the main spike. The experimental data obtained indicate a significant effect of matched pairs before hybridization and hydrothermal conditions of the year on the manifestation and formation of the number of spikelet’s in an ear F2. So, under the conditions of 2019, the majority of F2 populations for the number of spikelet’s in the main spike (17.4–21.5 pcs.) Significantly exceeded the parental forms. A positive degree (Td = 5.3–33.3 %) and the frequency of transgression (Tf = 3.3–96.7 %) were found in 85.7 % of the populations. In 2020, the average population number of spikelets in the main spike (15.0–18.6 pcs.) Was significantly less. When used in hybridization of early maturing varieties by the parent form, the decrease in the number of spikelets was 0.5–19.9 %. At the same time, for crossing mid-early, mid-ripening and mid-late varieties, the number of spikelets decreased by 2.8–28.9 %. Thus, it can be argued that populations in which early maturing varieties were the maternal form are less exposed to unfavorable conditions of the year. A positive degree (Td = 5.3–38.9 %) and the frequency of recombinants (Tf = 3.3–46.7 %), under the conditions of 2020, was established in 35 out of 42 F2 populations, which amounted to 83.3 %. Conclusions. The use of winter wheat varieties of different early maturity in hybridization in most cases contributes to the formation of F2 in populations and the selection of positive transgressive biotypes by the number of spikelets in the main spike. Conducted studies have established a significant effect of the parental forms used in hybridization and the hydrothermal conditions of the year on the formation of the number of spikelets in the main spike in F2 populations of soft winter wheat. Populations where the early maturing varieties were the maternal form are characterized by a more stable manifestation of the number of spikelets in the main spike. The decrease in the number of spikelets in 2020 compared to 2019 was 0.5–19.9 % for 2.8–28.9 % in populations obtained by hybridization of mid-early, mid-ripening and mid-late varieties. In years with contrasting hydrothermal conditions, hybrid populations F2 were identified, which formed more than the average F2 number of spikelets in the main spike and had high rates of the degree and frequency of positive transgressions, namely: Mironovskaya early / Kolchuga; Kolchuga / Stolichnaya; Shchedraia niva / Vidrada; Antonovka / Stolichnaya.

A. A. Brovdi ◽  
V. V. Polishchuk

The results of morphometric analysis of the leaves in floribunda roses varieties, such as Pomponella, Lovely Green, Carmagnola, Arthur Bell, Lilli Marleen, Westpoint, Minerva, Novalis, Goldelse, Rotkappchen, Friesia, Lavaglut, Iceberg, Santa Monika, Mathias, Bella Rosa, Cream Abundance, Hans Gonewein, Let's Celebrate and Gebruder Grimm, which have different origins and differ significantly in morphological and decorative characteristics are presented. The studies were conducted during 2018–2021 on the experimental plots of the Department of Landscape Gardening of Uman National University of Horticulture according to the generally accepted method. The description of the morphological traits of the varieties was carried out by the method of visual assessment using measurements and calculations. As a result of the research, it was found that the studied genotypes significantly differ in the biometric parameters of the compound leaf, features of the surface of leaf blades, their shape and size. The highest leaf blades areas were noted in the varieties Novalis 15.1 сm2, Rotkappchen 12.0 cm2 and Pomponella 11.8 cm2. The lowest biometric traits of the leaf were recorded in the varieties Santa Monika, whose compound leaf length is 9.2 cm, Mathias 9.1 cm, Bella Rosa 10.8 cm and Cream Abundance 9.8 cm. The size of the leaf, its shape, color and gloss, are important for the overall impression of the planting object and determine the decorative value of the respective variety. Of all the varieties, Westpoint, Rotkappchen, Hans Gonewein, and Gebruder Grimm have the glossiest leaves. The bright shine together with dark green color of the leaves of these varieties make their bushes more expressive and bright and, therefore, more attractive for use in ornamental gardening. The results of the study are of practical importance, since they make it possible to select varieties that are valuable for ornamental gardening, not only in decorativeness of the flower, but also in the characteristics of their leaf appearance.

S. P. Kotsyuba ◽  
Zh N. Novak ◽  
O. P. Naklioka

In the article it is shown the results of the study of heterosis hybrids of corn on the signs of early ripening, such as: the growing season, the number of leaves on the main stem, the moisture yield of grain during harvest. To distribute our corn material by precocity, a number of studies were conducted, namely: estimating the length of the growing season "shoots – full ripeness", which was determined in days, and a very important indicator today is the moisture content of grain when harvested in percentage, it allowed to distribute heterosis hybrids into two groups: early-maturing (106–114) and middle-early – 114–123 days. Over the years of testing, the weather conditions varied considerably, which made it possible to evaluate in detail the material under study. In 2020, the growing season was within 107.8 days, which is almost three days less than in 2021. At the same time, the longer vegetation period was in 2021. Therefore, the aim of our study was to analyze the rate of moisture yield of corn grain of the studied hybrids of the two maturity groups. The conducted researches allowed to trace the dynamics of grain moisture yield of early-maturing maize hybrids and one hybrid of the middle-ripening group of maturity, to determine the variability of hybrid grain moisture in different periods of grain maturation. The year 2021 was more favorable for growing corn, the plants formed a large vegetative mass, but the grain had a high humidity during the harvest period. This is due to a significant amount of precipitation (69.9 mm) in August 2021. Hybrids that had high harvest humidity were characterized by a long growing season, such as № 47 × № 33. Therefore, our selected hybrids can be successfully used in planning a strategy for early maturity. In establishing the patterns of moisture transfer of grain when it reaches, in particular, the influence of the conditions of the year, in our study group were identified two hybrids consistently better in terms of grain moisture. Preference should be given to hybrids № 31 × № 37 and № 83 × № 125, which combine indicators of early maturity: the shortest growing season, the number of leaves on the main stem and the rate of moisture.

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