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grain unit
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H. M. Hospodarenko ◽  
V. V. Liubych ◽  
Ya. S. Riabovol ◽  
I. V. Kochovska

Purpose. Study the formation of yield and grain quality of baking winter wheat of different varieties. Methods. Laboratory, physico-chemical, mathematical and statistical. Results. The grain yield of baking winter wheat varied significantly depending on the variety. On average over two years of research, the highest yield (8.12–8.47 t/ha) was obtained in ‘Colonia’, ‘RGT Reform’, ‘Quebec’, ‘Tobak’, ‘Mescal’ and ‘Emile’ varieties. In ‘Bonanza’ and ‘Rivero’ varieties, this indicator was at the level of 7.48–7.53 t/ha. It should be noted that the stability index was high (0.92–0.98) for growing all varieties. In the favourable 2020 year, the grain yield ranged between 7.62 and 8.80 t/ha, while in the less favourable years it ranged between 7.34 and 8.26 t/ha depending on the variety. On average, over two years of research, the protein content of more than 13.0% was formed by ‘Emile’, ‘Bonanza’, ‘RGT Reform’ and ‘Quebec’ varieties, while in other the varieties it was 12.4–12.9%. The studied varieties of baking wheat had a high stability of protein content (0.98–0.99). Baking winter wheat grain had an average gluten content of 27.7–29.7%, depending on the variety, with high stability. Its highest content (29.5–29.7%) was obtained in ‘Emile’, ‘Quebec’ and ‘RGT Reform’ varieties. The gluten content in grain was directly proportional to the protein content. There is a direct very high correlation between these indicators (r = 0.91 ± 0.001). According to the Zeleny sedimentation test results, flour strength was high only in ‘Quebec’ variety, while in the other varieties it was medium. The grain of ‘Quebec’ and ‘RGT Reform’ varieties corresponds to valuable wheat; ‘Rivero’ and ‘Bonanza’ correspond to a good filler, while the rest of the varieties correspond to a satisfactory filler. The grain of ‘Quebec’, ‘Mescal’, ‘Rivero’ and ‘Colonia’ varieties is medium hard as the hardness was 54.1–59.1 units of instrument. Grain of the other varieties is soft with 48.3–51.1 units of instrument. Grain of ‘RGT Reform’, ‘Rivero’, ‘Emile’ and ‘Tobak’ varieties had the largest (794–812 g/l) grain unit. This indicator in the other varieties was at the level of 760–785 g/l. Flour strength is directly proportional to protein content. There is the direct high correlation between these indicators (r = 0.87 ± 0.002). Correlation between the protein content and the sedimentation index by Zeleny test was direct high (r = 0.79 ± 0.001). However, with grain hardness it was inversely weak, and with the grain unit direct moderate (r = 0.35±0.003). Conclusions. Yield of winter baking wheat varieties was in the range from 7.48 to 8.47 t/ha, protein content varied from 12.4 to 13.8%. Protein content highly correlated with the major baking properties of wheat grain. Baking winter wheat ‘RGT Reform’ and ‘Quebec’ varieties are recommended for stable grain production with good baking properties in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe.

T. V. Silifonov ◽  
H. M. Hospodarenko ◽  
S. P. Poltoretskyi ◽  
V. V. Liubych ◽  

Aims. To determine the formation of physico-chemical properties of different ripening varieties of soft winter wheat grain under different fertilizer systems in a field crop rotation. Methods. Laboratory, mathematical and statistical, physicochemical. Results. The article presents the formation of physico-chemical properties (thousand grain weight, grain unit, hardness index, protein content) of different ripening varieties of soft winter wheat grain under different fertilizer systems in the field crop rotation. On average, over two years of research, thousand grain weight of KWS Emil soft winter wheat increased from 37.2 to 38.5 g, depending on the fertilizer system. The use of all types of fertilizers increased it by 3 % compared to areas without fertilizers. There is no significant difference between fertilizer application systems in the field crop rotation. The high stability index (0.96–1.00) of thousand grain weight formation under growing both varieties indicates a slight influence of weather conditions of the growing season. Thus, in 2020 this figure increased from 37.1 to 38.3 g, and in 2021 – from 37.2 to 39.1 g. In Rino variety, thousand grain weight was significantly higher than in KWS Emil variety by 16–17 %. The application of 75 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizers increased it from 43.2 g to 43.6–43.8 g or only by 1 %, and at a double dose – to 44.8–45.2 g, or by 4–5 %. The efficiency of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers was higher than the cultivation of KWS Emil, and lower in Rino. The grain unit of both soft winter wheat varieties increased both on average and over the years of research with a stability index of 0.98–1.00. Thus, on average over two years of research, it increased in KWS Emil variety from 771 to 779–789 g/l or 1–2 % depending on the fertilizer system. Rino grain had 6% more grain unit compared to KWS Emil. On average, it increased from 820 to 831–838 g/l per fertilizer application or only by 1–2 %. Conclusions. It is established that the physico-chemical properties of grain change depending on the fertilizer system, variety and weather conditions of the growing season. Rino grain has higher physico-chemical properties. Thus, thousand grain weight increases from 43.2 to 43.6–45.2 g, grain unit – from 820 to 831–838 g/l, protein content – from 14.4 to 15.4–16.4 %, depending on the fertilizer system, hardness type – hard-grained. In KWS Emil variety, thousand grain weight increases from 37.2 to 38.3–38.5 g, grain unit – from 771 to 779–789 g/l, protein content – from 11.7 to 12.3–13.7 % depending on the fertilizer system, hardness type – soft-grained.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3-8
О.М. Касынкина ◽  
T.A. Vlasova ◽  
N.N. Sologub

В статье приводятся результаты исследования по изучению влияния применения местного кремнийсодержащего минерального ресурса (диатомита) на урожайность яровой тритикале сорта Укро. В исследованиях, проведенных в 2014-2016 гг. на временном опытном участке в Бессоновском районе Пензенской области, установлено, что использование диатомита способствовало повышению урожайности и качества зерна яровой тритикале сорта Укро. Урожайность зерна исследуемого сорта яровой тритикале в среднем за годы изучения варьировала от 4,00 т/га на варианте с внесением диатомита 2 т/га до 4,30 т/га на варианте с внесением диатомита 8 т/га, при средней урожайности сорта на контроле 3,80 т/га. Натура зерна в зависимости от дозы применения диатомита повысилась на 0,6-20,6 г/л, а стекловидность на 1,0-9,9 %. Достоверные отклонения по урожайности и качеству получены на вариантах с дозами внесения диатомита от 4 до 8 т/га. The article presents the results of a study on the effect of a local silicon-containing mineral resource (diatomite) on the yield of the Ukro spring triticale. The studies were conducted in 2014-2016 on a temporary experimental site in Bessonovsky district of Penza region. It was found that the use of diatomite contributed to an increase in the yield and quality of grain of the Ukro spring triticale. The grain yield of the studied variety of spring triticale on average over the years of study varied from 4.00 t/ha in the variant with the introduction of diatomite 2 t/ha to 4.30 t/ha in the variant with the introduction of diatomite 8 t/ha, with the average yield of the variety 3.80 t/ha in the control. Grain-unit, depending on the rate of diatomite, increased by 0.6-20.6 g/l, and vitreousness by 1.0-9.9%. Significant deviations in yield and quality were obtained in variants with rate of diatomite application from 4 to 8 t/ha. Key words: spring triticale, diatomite, yield, grain-unit, vitreousness.

V.S. Valekzhanin ◽  
N.I. Korobeynikov ◽  
N.A. Bereznikova ◽  

One of the factors decreasing yield and grain quality of soft spring wheat is fungal disease damage including leaf rust and stem rust (Puccinia graminisand Puccinia tritici-na). The most economical and safest way to control these diseases is the development of new resistant varieties with high and stable yields and high expression of yield ele-ments. For this purpose, 13 European varieties of new generation with positive complex of economically valuable characters were studied in the forest-steppe of the Altai Region’s Ob River area from 2018 through 2020. This pa-per describes the weather conditions of the experiment years and experimental techniques. Over the years of the study, mid-ripening (3.76-4.49 t ha), middle-late (3.58-4.59 t ha) and mid-early varieties (3.50-4.03 t ha) were charac-terized by the highest yields. As a result of study, the varie-ties from different groups of ripeness with stable and high yields (+11.0-28.2% to the appropriate standards) and re-sistance to fungal infections (from 0 to 20%) were identi-fied: Buran, Tybalt, WW-4, Quintus, Silach, Libertino and Licamero. The absolute resistance to rust diseases and moderate yield regarding the standards was shown by Ex-tra, WW-3 and Aquilon. The varieties Grenada, Start and Silach revealed high and stable gluten content levels and high grain-unit values corresponding to the requirements of strong wheat; the variety WW-3 had a high grain protein content level.

D. V. Chikishev ◽  
N. V. Abramov ◽  
N. S. Larina ◽  
S. V. Sherstobitov

Spring wheat is widely used as a raw material for the production of human food and animal feed. This study was aimed at investigating the response of spring wheat to different levels of mineral nutrition. The article presents the results of applying mineral fertilisers when growing spring wheat of the Novosibirsk 31 variety in the Tyumen region. The following parameters were determined: wheat grain yield, grain nutritional quality (protein content, raw gluten, gluten quality, grain hardness, grain-unit value), and amino acid and elemental (N, P, K, S, Na, Mg, Ca, Cl) composition. The efficiency of mineral fertilisers was shown to depend on their dosage, as well as on soil and weather conditions. In 2018, the use of mineral fertilisers led to an increased wheat yield and an improved grain quality. Thus, in comparison with the control (no fertilisers), the wheat yield increased by 1.6 t/ha, while the protein and wet gluten content grew by 3.67% and 9.9%, respectively. The application of fertilisers allowed 3rd class wheat to be obtained, while experiments involving no fertilisers produced only 4th class wheat. It was revealed that the role of mineral fertilisers in wheat yields and their quality decreases when growing wheat on leached chernozem under favourable weather conditions. Thus, in 2019, 3rd class wheat varying in yield insignificantly was obtained in all experiments (with and without fertilisers). It was confirmed that an increase in the dose of mineral fertilisers leads to an increase in the content of glutamic and aspartic acids in the grain, at the same time as decreasing the content of arginine. The elemental composition of grain, except for nitrogen, does not depend on the dose of fertilisers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 67-71
I. Diordiieva ◽  
Ia. Riabovol ◽  
L. Riabovol

The purpose of our research was to expand the genetic diversity and to create the new winter Triticale materials with high grain quality by use of intraspecific and remote hybridization, involving them in the breeding of high-yield cultivars. Samples of winter Triticale were created by intraspecific and remote hybridization methods using multiple individual selections at Uman National University of Horticulture (Ukraine). We created the collection of winter Triticale, which includes more than 300 samples. It consists of unique recombinant forms that differ in morphobiological and economically valuable indicators. The obtained samples were divided according to the plant height into medium-stemmed (over 100 cm), low-stemmed (80–99 cm), short-stemmed (60–79 cm) and dwarf (??60 cm). The sample 68 combined high yield (6.95 t/ha) and grain quality (protein content — 12.8%, gluten — 27.8%, 1000-grain weight — 50.5 g, grain unit — 690 g/l). Sample 83 was characterized by high protein content (14.2%) and gluten (30.2%) of group I, and was up to the standard yield (6.35 t/ha). We created the cultivars of winter Triticale ‘Navarra’ and ‘Strateg’ that listed in the State Register of Plant Cultivars Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine in 2018.

2020 ◽  
Jiftah Ben-Asher

<p>The first Nc dilution curve was based on dry matter (DM) power function. This model is limited to  point of singularity near zero. Another disadvantage was that it required meaasurements of DM which is time and labor consuming. Alternatively we proposed a logistic model that starts at zero and on the abscissa assumed a linear relationship between days after emergence (DAE) and DM throughout the relevant stages of wheat growth cycle.  </p><p>The Objectives of this study were to: 1) To demonstrate the feasibility of digital camera to replace laboratory tests. 2) To Determine critical N (Nc) and Nitrogen nutrition Index(NNI) of spring wheat and 3) Use N% and dry matter yield in order to calculate N uptake by wheat. This last is expected to be a tool to calculate the required amount of nitrogen to obtain maximum yield.</p><p>Wheat experiments were conducted in greenhouse lysimeters. Varied rates of N fertilizer (equivalent to 0–180 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>) and several  cultivars varying from shortest to longest ripening growth period. Nc reduced gradually from about 6% to 2%  ( =60-20 gr/Kg) when DM increased with DAE  from 0 to 14,000 kg/ha during 80 growing days.  NNI was stable and clearly distinct between   maximal index (1.0  and minimal index (0.2) when (DAE) was about 60;   Photographs succeeded to replicate laboratory measurements and obtained a linear regression curve with a unity  slop and r<sup>2</sup>=0.93. Nitrogen.  use efficiency (NUE) ranged from 50 to 65 kg  DM/unit N and from 30 to 50 Kg grain /unit N .</p>

2020 ◽  
A.N. Kshnikatkina ◽  
A.N. Dolzhenko

Представлены результаты исследований по влиянию микроэлементных удобрений на формирование урожайности и качество зерна яровой тритикале сорта Укро. Установлено, что микроэлементные удобрения Азосол 36 Экстра, Мегамикс-Азот, Мегамикс-Профи, Цитовит и НаноКремний обеспечили увеличение параметров фотосинтеза агроценозов яровой тритикале. Максимальное значение листовой поверхности 42,5 тыс. м2/га, фотосинтетического потенциала 1,03 млн. м2 дн./га, чистой продуктивности фотосинтеза 6,29 г/м2 в сутки отмечены при двукратной фолиарной подкормке в фазы кущения и колошения препаратом Азосол 36 Экстра. Вследствие применения некорневой подкормки растений микроэлементными удобрениями в хелатной форме наблюдалось повышение урожайности яровой тритикале сорта Укро в совокупности с улучшением технологических свойств зерна. По вариантам опыта, в среднем за три года, урожайность зерна была 3,84-4,43 т/га. Прибавка по отношению к контролю колебалась в пределах 0,42-1,27 т/га (13,3-40,3). Наибольшая урожайность высококачественного зерна 4,43 т/га получена при двукратной подкормке в фазы кущения и колошения препаратом Азосол 36 Экстра, прибавка урожая зерна 1,27 т/га (40,3), натура зерна 796 г/л, стекловидность 63, сырая клейковина 26,2, белка 15,1.The results of studies on the influence of microelement fertilizers on the formation of productivity and grain quality of spring triticale of the Ukro variety are presented. It was found that microelement fertilizers Azosol 36 Extra, Megamix-Azot, Megamix-Profi, Tsitovit and NanoKremny provided an increase in the parameters of photosynthesis of agrocenoses of spring triticale.The maximum value of the leaf surface of 42.5 thousand m2/ha, the photosynthetic potential of 1.03 million m2 d/ ha, the net productivity of photosynthesis of 6.29 g/m2 per day were noted with double foliar dressing during the tillering and heading phases with Azosol 36 Extra. Due to the application of foliar dressing with microelement fertilizers in chelated form, an increase in the yield of spring triticale of the Ukro variety was observed, together with an improvement in the technological properties of grain. According to the experimental variants, on average for three years, the grain yield was 3.84-4.43 t/ha. The increase in relation to the control ranged from 0.42-1.27 t/ha (13.3-40.3). The highest yield of high-quality grain of 4.43 t/ha was obtained by double top dressing at the tillering and heading phases with the use of Azosol 36 Extra an increase in grain yield was 1.27 t/ha (40.3), grain unit - 796 g/l, glassiness - 63, raw gluten - 26.2, protein - 15.1.

2019 ◽  
Natalia A. Volkova ◽  
Raisa I. Belkina

The studies were carried out in laboratory conditions on the basis of the Agrotechnological Institute of Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University. The studies include 5 varieties of winter wheat grown in 2009-2011 in three agroclimatic zones of Tyumen Region: sub-regional (Nizhnetavdinsky state crop testing site), northern forest steppe (Yalutorovsky state crop testing site), southern forest steppe (Berduzhsky state crop testing site). Bashkirskaya variety – 10 (45 g) demonstrated the highest potential in the formation of a 1000 grain weight. The same variety has the highest range of variability (11.7 g) and the variability coefficient (10.9%) indicates average variability. Other varieties showed minor variability of characteristic (V = 8.7-9.9%). Winter wheat varieties varied in terms of average hardness, at the same time the level of values of all varieties (66-77%) corresponded to the standards of high classes according to GOST. Novosibirskayaaya 32 (61-93%) and Bashkirskaya 10 (60-86%) varieties were the most stable in forming the required value of characteristic. The average gluten content in a grain of winter wheat varieties was corresponded to the standards of the third class according to GOST. Novosibirskaya 32 variety (V = 8.5%) had minor variability of the characteristic, while other varieties demonstrated the average variability. A significant proportion of the effect of the “variety” factor on the variability of such features as a 1000 grain weight (56.5%), grain-unit (50.5%) and hardness (45.1%) was established. The amount of gluten depended more on the growing environment (35.5%) and interaction of factors (39.3%). The quality of gluten was much influenced by the growing environment (52.2%).

2019 ◽  
pp. 114-127
Jalal Ahmed Elgadi

The Crop Simulation Model (CERES-wheat module) of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnolgy Transfer (DSSAT) was used in this study to simulate the effect of planting date (D) on growth, development and yield of three varieties of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L subsp. durum). The studied varieties were Cham1 (V1), Deir Alla6 (V2) and Haurani (V3). Data were obtained from a field experiment conducted for this purpose on the growing season 2015/2016 at Mushagger Agricultural Research Station Southwest Amman (31° 46' 24.7'' N, 35° 47' 47.3'' E, 800 m above sea level). First planting date (D1) was used for model calibration and the GenCalc software was applied to achieve acceptable genetic coefficient values. Calibration results showed an excellent estimation for days to anthesis, number of grains m-2, grain yield and days to physiological maturity with normalized root mean square error (nRMSE) ranged from 0 to 5.79%. Tops weight, harvest index, unit grain weight (except for V3) and number of tillers m-2 were poorly simulated. Validation of the CERES-Wheat model of the DSSAT using means of observed results of D2 and D3 showed excellent simulation (nRMSE < 10%) for anthesis and maturity dates for the three examined varieties. Good prediction (10 ≤ nRMSE < 20%) were attained for grain yield (for V2 and V3) and for grain nitrogen percent (except for V3 which was excellent). Fair predictions (20 ≤ nRMSE < 30%) were recorded for grain unit weight of (V1 and V2) and tops weight of V1. Conversely, grain unit weight was poorly simulated for V3. From these results, it can be concluded that the DSSAT model can be considered as an effective tool for predicting wheat growth and yield.

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