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scholarly journals Nilai Purnama Seruling Penataran Sebagai Representasi Pendidikan Karakter di Era Globalisasi

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Rika Safitri Nur Azizah ◽  
Anisa Amalia Maisaroh ◽  
Nuria Muyasaroh ◽  
Mellina Nur Hafida ◽  
Laila Inayah

Modernization has shifted the existence of local wisdom which has become the national identity due to the influence of the entry of foreign cultures. Various traditions and cultures that are firmly held begin to fade and even disappear with a stronger cultural dominance. This proves the existence of cultural development requires a comprehensive approach, one of which emphasizes the value of preserving culture and character in education. This study aims to find out the philosophical values that are present in the Purnama Seruling Penataran performance through descriptive qualitative methods in order to overcome the significant impact outlined in the learning model. The combination of online and offline is used in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data for the distribution of information so that young people as the next generation know the ins and outs of preserving the culture of Penataran Temple. The conclusion of this research is that the Purnama Seruling Penataran performance is an effort as well as a form of cultural preservation that saves historical stories and local character values that can be imitated and implemented in everyday life. Purnama Seruling Penataran's philosophical values in this finding are in the form of religious, global diversity, mutual  cooperation, creativity, critical reasoning, and independence.Tidak ada batasan yang jelas atas terjadinya pergeseran antara budaya lokal dan budaya asing, sehingga Indonesia memerlukan penerapan pembelajaran kearifan lokal sebagai upaya penguatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai filosofis yang hadir dalam pagelaran Purnama Seruling Penataran guna dituangkan dalam kurikulum pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif diskriptif dengan pendekatan studi etnopedagogi.  Hasil penelitian  menemukan bahwa nilai filosofis dalam pagelaran Purnama Seruling Penataran relevan dengan 5 karakter utama dalam Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK), yang meliputi religius, nasionalis, integritas, mandiri, dan gotong royong. Adanya penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan pembelajaran muatan lokal yang mengangkat potensi daerah. Selain itu, sebagai acuan dalam eksplorasi nilai-nilai karakter kebudayaan lokal lainnya yang nantinya diimplementasikan dalam pendidikan. Berbagai tradisi dan kebudayaan yang dipegang teguh mulai luntur bahkan menghilang dengan dominansi budaya yang lebih kuat. Hal ini membuktikan eksistensi perkembangan budaya diperlukan pendekatan secara komprehensif salah satunya melalui penggalian nilai dalam Purnama Seruling Penataran.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-48
Umi Masfiah

The history of masjid Gedhe Kauman has a meaning of a place of worship since its inception to the present. In addition to its function as a place of worship, mosques as areas struggle against the invaders, the islamization, and the place of cultural development. While at present time, the dominant function of Masjid Gedhe as a place of scientific studies, the social activities, and means of cultural preservation sekaten. The research was conducted using qualitative methods with the historcal approach to trying and to see things from the point of the point of the span time or diachronic, to see the change, the continuity, the omission, the leaps, and the baundaries, the depiction of various forms of collevtive experience in the past. Any disclosure could be viewed as a staging of the actualization or the experience. In the procces of collecting datas, researcher using observation, review of documents, and interviews. The purpose and function of this researvch is to enrich the treasures of religious studies contribute to a theoretical, as well as provide the function as input for the goverment in formulating policies with regard to meeting the needs of the literature and increase the love and concern for the relics of history for the comunity.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-208 ◽  
Thijl Sunier

Abstract Within two decades Islam in European societies has developed from an issue of minor academic interest into one of the fastest growing research fields. The main reason for this is no doubt the emergence of new regimes of governmentality in most countries in Europe that emanate from the complex relationship between integration, and political priorities of security and national identity, the ‘domestication of Islam’. The narrowing down of research foci in the field of Islam in Europe has caused a serious academic neglect particularly where it concerns the entanglement of Islamic practices with everyday life, the religious engagements, expressions and experiences among young people, and the transformation and reconfiguration of Islamic authority. These three fields are of course closely connected, but also have their specific features and dynamics. The article explores these fields of research beyond the domestication paradigm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-203
Anny Valentina ◽  
Sherly Yunita ◽  
Siti Nurannisaa Parama Bekti

As time evolves, it is easier to find children, young, and adults using earphones to do various things ranging from work to entertainment purposes. The habit of using earphones with a volume that is too loud or too long added with other daily noise and a person's lifestyle can certainly harm their hearing. Therefore, the risk of hearing loss that can arise due to unsafe use of earphones needs to be informed early on to young people. This is because hearing loss due to noise is irreversible, so prevention is the most effective way to protect hearing from the risks that may occur. The research objective was to describe the creative strategy design for the educational campaign using earphones. The campaign's creative strategy is using qualitative methods, observation, interviews, literature studies, and surveys. The target chosen for this campaign strategy is young people aged 18-22 years as the generation who use earphones in their everyday life most of the time. The result of this research is a creative strategy in designing a visual communication campaign using an educational approach with the concept of "your last song". This concept emphasizes the delivery of information that the habit of listening to songs using earphones needs to pay attention to safety and risk aspects.

2012 ◽  
Vol 81 (First Serie (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19 ◽  
Frank Bechhofer ◽  
David McCrone

Admink Admink

Прослідковуються урбанізаційні та дезурбанізаційні процеси в моді ХХ ст. Звернено увагу на недостатню вивченість питань естетичних та культурологічних аспектів формування моди як видовища в контексті образного простору культури повсякдення. Визначено видовищні виміри модної діяльності як комунікативної сцени. Наголошено на необхідності актуалізації народних мотивів свята, творчості в гурті, певної стилізації у митців та дизайнерів моди мистецтва ностальгійного, втраченого світу з метою осягнення фольклорної, глибинної стихії моди як екомунікативного простору культури повсякдення. Ключові слова: міф, мода, етнокультура, етнос, свято, площа Ключові слова: міф, мода, етнокультура, етнос, свято, площа. According to E. Moren ethnic cultural influences take place in urbanized environment and turn it into "island ontology".Everyday life ethnic culture is differentiated, specified as a certain type of spectacle. However, all that powerful cosmologism, which used to exist as an open-air theater in settlements, near rivers, grasslands, roads, is disappearing. The everyday life culture loses imperatives, patterns, and cosmological designs, where, for example, the “plahta” contains rhombuses, squares, and rectangles - images of the earth, and the top of the costume symbolizes the sky. Yes, the symbolic marriage of earth and sky was a prerequisite for marrying young people. The article deals with traces of the urbanization and deurbanization processes in the twentieth century fashion.Key words: ethnic culture, culture of everyday life, ethnics, holidays, variety show, knockabout comedy, square.

1999 ◽  
Vol 90 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-138 ◽  
Mary Ann Hunter

This article considers the place of youth arts and cultures in the cultural industries approach to cultural policy. It argues that the ‘covert economic overlay’ (Brokensha, 1996: 101) of the Australian National Culture–Leisure Industry Statistical Framework privileges certain processes in a ‘government convenient’ model of industry inputs and outcomes, and that the assumptions of this model are challenged by youth-specific and community-based modes of production. Furthermore, it argues that the philosophies and practices of contemporary youth-specific arts organisations have the potential to redefine ‘culture industry’ and contribute to a ‘coherent new paradigm’ of cultural policy (UNESCO, 1995: 232). This paper makes these arguments by examining the place of youth arts and cultures in the existing environment of cultural industrialisation, by considering recent government policy responses to young people's cultural activity and by addressing long-term policy issues for the support of young people and cultural development.

2021 ◽  
pp. 030573562110089
Melissa L Kirby ◽  
Karen Burland

Current research investigating the functions of music in everyday life has identified cognitive, emotional, and social functions of music. However, previous research focuses almost exclusively on neurotypical people and rarely considers the musical experiences of autistic people. In addition, there is limited research which focuses explicitly on the musical experiences of young people on the autism spectrum. Current research exploring the functions of music may therefore not accurately represent the experiences of the autistic community. This article aims to explore the function of music in the lives of young people on the autism spectrum through a series of interviews. Eleven young people on the autism spectrum age 12 to 25 ( M = 19.4) were interviewed about the function of music in their lives. An adaptive interview technique, utilizing multiple methods of communication, was employed to account for the participants’ broad communicative and personal needs. Interpretative phenomenological analysis revealed four key functions of music in the participants’ lives: Cognitive, Emotional, Social, and Identity. Collectively, these results provide a unique insight into the musical experiences of young people on the autism spectrum.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-188 ◽  
Justin Rogers

This article presents findings from research into how young people growing up in foster care in the UK manage the relationships in their social networks and gain access to social capital. It is a concept that highlights the value of relationships and is relevant to young people in care as they have usually experienced disruptions to their social and family life. Qualitative methods were used and the findings show that despite experiencing disruption to their social networks, the young people demonstrated that they were able to maintain access to their social capital. They achieved this in two ways. Firstly, they preserved their relationships, often through what can be seen as ordinary practices but in the extraordinary context of being in foster care. Secondly, they engaged in creative practices of memorialisation to preserve relationships that had ended or had been significantly impaired due to their experience of separation and movement. The article highlights implications for policy and practice, including the need to recognise the value of young people’s personal possessions. Furthermore, it stresses the need to support them to maintain their relationships across their networks as this facilitates their access to social capital.

2003 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-210

Home, a pioneering theatrical production in post-communist Romania, cast homeless/orphaned youth in the Youth Theatre in Bucharest. The ‘orphan problem’ has been one of the most covered topics on Romania in western media, and one of the signs of Romania's ‘backwardness’, while neglect and indifference have characterized local press coverage. The significance of the production in changing the Romanian public's perception of these young people, many of whom are from the Roma ethnic group, is analysed, as are much wider political implications. Emma Nicholson, the European Parliament rapporteur for Romania, saw Home and afterwards expressed her support for Romania's acceptance into the European Union. The production and its reception permit a tracing of the historical relationship between the performance of Romanian marginality and national identity in relation to Europe.

2017 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-11
Daniel Seabra

AbstractThe paper aims to demonstrate that violence is far from a regular practice in Ultra groups, despite its notorious visibility as transmitted by the media. The paper attempts to demonstrate that Ultra groups are a social space of leisure for young people, rather than a space for violence. Actually, having used observation through direct participation and having registered the discourses of Ultra group members, it is possible to demonstrate that life in these groups represents, for many, not only a break from difficult everyday life, but also the only and/or the most important moment of social leisure in their lives.The object of this research was four Ultra groups who support the teams of Oporto City: Super Dragõe, Colectivo Ultras 95 (both support Futebol Clube do Porto), Panteras Ngeras (supporting Boavista Futebol Clube), and Alma Salgueirista (supporting Sport Comércio e Salgueiros). The research was based on observation through direct participation made among the groups over six years. Also conducted were 90 semi-structured interviews, 20 autobiographical narratives, and surveys (sample 206 for estimated n=1766).

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