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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Sergey V. Vostokov ◽  
Anastasia S. Vostokova ◽  
Svetlana V. Vazyulya

Based on satellite data from the SeaWiFS, MODIS-Aqua, and MODIS-Terra scanners, the long-term dynamics of coccolithophores in the Black Sea and their large-scale heterogeneity have been studied. During the twenty years in May and June, mass development of coccolithophores population of different intensities was recorded annually. Summer blooms of coccolithophores reached peak levels in 2006, 2012, and 2017, after abnormally cold winters. It was noted that in conditions of low summer temperatures, the blooming of coccolithophores could be significantly reduced or acquire a local character (2004). In the anomalous cold summer of 2001, coccolithophore blooms were replaced by the mass growth of diatoms. Over twenty years, numerous signs of coccolithophores mass development in the cold season have been revealed. Winter blooms develop mainly in warm winters with periods of low wind activity. The formation of a thermocline and the surface layer’s stability are essential factors for initiating winter blooms of coccolithophores. It was noted that after the winter blooms of coccolithophores, their summer growth was poorly expressed. It is shown that during periods of rapid growth, the bulk of coccolithophores is concentrated in the upper mixed layer and thermocline. During the blooming period, the share of coccolithophores in phytoplankton biomass constituted 70–85%. The intensity of coccolithophore’s blooms is associated with the previous diatoms’ growth level. The effect of eddies circulation on the distribution and growth of coccolithophores is considered.

2022 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Х.Р. Ростами

A nonlocal high-frequency method for measuring the dynamic complex magnetic permeability with enhanced spatial resolution is developed to simultaneously determine the bulk and local character of stepwise penetration of a magnetic flux through twin boundaries (TBs) into a YBa2Cu3O7-x HTSC sample during its stepwise decomposition into twins. By the values of fields corresponding to the regions of steps, the thermodynamic first critical magnetic fields are determined: the penetration of a flux into a sample – a Josephson medium; the development of a critical state in the Josephson medium; the penetration of a flux into twins; and the values of the critical fields of phase transitions in the vortex system of the HTSC sample, such as the melting fields of a vortex crystal, the formation of a superconducting glass state in the sample, and the transition to the vortex glass and Bragg glass states.

V.M. Kyrylenko ◽  
K.V. Kyrylenko ◽  
M.O. Budko ◽  
P.L. Denysiuk

The aim of this work is to analyze the inadequacies of the diagnostic parameters, in particular the absorption and polarization coefficients, which are manifested in their integral character and dependence on the ratio of values of several elements of the equivalent scheme of insulation replacement. This article contains the results of theoretical investigation of the extremе nature of the absorption diagnostic parameters, which leads to unambiguity of the diagnostics procedure. The ways of partial adjustment of this unambiguity have been proposed. Methodology. To determine the extremality of the absorption coefficients depending on the absorption time, absorption capacity and resistance, as well as the leakage resistance, the usual method of investigating the functions was used, detailed calculations have been obtained by using MATLAB software. Results. Has been shown that the ambiguity of diagnostic results is caused by the contradiction of the integral character of the diagnostic parameters and the local character of the isolation failures, in particular breakdown, by ambiguous dependence of the diagnostic parameters on the values of the elements of the insulation replacement scheme and the extremal nature of the diagnostic parameters. Based on the general expression describing all currently used absorption coefficients, it is shown that they all have an extremum, the value of which depends on the parameters of the insulation substitution scheme and the time interval between the measurements of the absorption current. The dependence of the extreme value of the absorption and polarization coefficients on the parameters of the insulation substitution scheme has been established. Has been shown that to eliminate the ambiguity caused by the extremity of the absorption coefficients, it is necessary to introduce additional diagnostic parameters, such as the ratio of leakage resistance to absorption resistance, as well as the critical value of the absorption time constant. Originality. The detailed analysis of the reasons of ambiguity of electric insulation technical diagnostics by absorption methods has been carried out. A method for eliminating the ambiguity caused by the extremity of the absorption coefficients has been proposed. Practical significance. To eliminate the ambiguity caused by the extremity of the absorption coefficients, additional diagnostic parameters are proposed – the ratio of leakage resistance to the absorption resistance and critical values of the absorption time constant. The applying of these parameters with the absorption coefficients will more adequately assess the technical condition of insulation.

Risks ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 219
Rafał Balina ◽  
Marta Idasz-Balina

The main aim of the research was to determine the key factors determining the level of credit risk of individual clients (clients in the form of natural persons, excluding companies) on the example of Polish cooperative banks according to the following features: transaction characteristics, socio-demographic characteristics of the customer, the customer’s financial situation, the customer’s history of cooperation with the cooperative bank where they applied for a loan, and the customer’s history of cooperation with other financial institutions. For the research gathered data from 1000 credit applications submitted by individual customers when applying for a credit in five different cooperative banks were used for the analyses. To assess the credit risk of retail clients we use logit regression models, and additionally, score cards were calculated. The results of the research indicate that among the factors with high predictive power there were the features characterizing the client’s history of cooperation with the cooperative bank, where they applied for a loan. It may mean that when assessing credit risk related to financing individual customers, cooperative banks due to their local character, have an advantage over other financial institutions.

2021 ◽  
Rose Stiles

<p>The combination of an increasing population, changing demographics and an ageing housing stock is driving the need for new and more varied housing types. Attempts to address these concerns have been less than satisfactory, leading to urban sprawl and the destruction of neighbourhood character. Residential intensification is a way of providing new housing while preserving both Wellington's compact urban form and open space. This thesis explores a process to increase housing density in the inner suburbs without a loss of urban form and character. Developed through design led research, the study first identifies those neighbourhoods most suited for intensification as Wellington's historic gridded suburbs. A representative street is then selected, and a strategy for integrating medium-density housing is developed. It then applies the principles in two multi-unit developments to address modern concerns with enhanced liveability and improved connection with private outdoor space. By manipulating the buildings in plan and section, complex internal configurations are possible, resulting in different sizes and types of dwellings, which accommodates varied demographic groups and household sizes. Through the elevation, the designs are then integrated into the local character of the site by reinterpreting the street's context in a contemporary manner. The design resolution was reached through a cyclical process, developing and being tested incrementally. The general principles of the design can be extrapolated and applied to other Wellington gridded neighbourhoods. They can also be applied to other locations with similar urban morphology in other New Zealand and Australian cities.</p>

2021 ◽  
Rose Stiles

<p>The combination of an increasing population, changing demographics and an ageing housing stock is driving the need for new and more varied housing types. Attempts to address these concerns have been less than satisfactory, leading to urban sprawl and the destruction of neighbourhood character. Residential intensification is a way of providing new housing while preserving both Wellington's compact urban form and open space. This thesis explores a process to increase housing density in the inner suburbs without a loss of urban form and character. Developed through design led research, the study first identifies those neighbourhoods most suited for intensification as Wellington's historic gridded suburbs. A representative street is then selected, and a strategy for integrating medium-density housing is developed. It then applies the principles in two multi-unit developments to address modern concerns with enhanced liveability and improved connection with private outdoor space. By manipulating the buildings in plan and section, complex internal configurations are possible, resulting in different sizes and types of dwellings, which accommodates varied demographic groups and household sizes. Through the elevation, the designs are then integrated into the local character of the site by reinterpreting the street's context in a contemporary manner. The design resolution was reached through a cyclical process, developing and being tested incrementally. The general principles of the design can be extrapolated and applied to other Wellington gridded neighbourhoods. They can also be applied to other locations with similar urban morphology in other New Zealand and Australian cities.</p>

Alessandra Forni ◽  
Elena Cariati ◽  
Lucia Carlucci ◽  
Elena Lucenti ◽  
Daniele Marinotto ◽  

A QTAIM and IQA investigation on model compounds of two isostructural AgI and CuI coordination polymers (CPs) based on cyclic triimidazole (L), i.e. the [MIL] n 1D double-stranded stair chain and the [MClL] n 3D network (M = Cu, Ag), has allowed light to be shed on the different emissive behaviour associated with the two metal ions. According to a previously reported investigation [Malpicci et al. (2021). Inorg. Chem. Front. 8, 1312–1323], AgI CPs showed both fluorescence and multiple ligand-centred room-temperature phosphorescences, whereas CuI CPs displayed non-thermally equilibrated halogen and metal-to-ligand charge transfer and two ligand-centred phosphorescences, the latter observed only by their selective activation. Analysis of both local and integral QTAIM descriptors, including delocalization indices and source function, of the Ag—N and Cu—N bonds reveals a higher covalent and local character for the latter, explaining the greater metal–ligand electronic communication observed for the Cu compounds. Moreover, IQA investigation shows that the Cu—N bond is characterized by higher interaction energy, due to both higher electrostatic and exchange-correlation contributions. Analysis on the M—X (M = Ag, Cu; X = I, Cl) bonds, also present in these structures, highlights a much higher covalent and local character with respect to the M—N bonds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Rika Safitri Nur Azizah ◽  
Anisa Amalia Maisaroh ◽  
Nuria Muyasaroh ◽  
Mellina Nur Hafida ◽  
Laila Inayah

Modernization has shifted the existence of local wisdom which has become the national identity due to the influence of the entry of foreign cultures. Various traditions and cultures that are firmly held begin to fade and even disappear with a stronger cultural dominance. This proves the existence of cultural development requires a comprehensive approach, one of which emphasizes the value of preserving culture and character in education. This study aims to find out the philosophical values that are present in the Purnama Seruling Penataran performance through descriptive qualitative methods in order to overcome the significant impact outlined in the learning model. The combination of online and offline is used in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data for the distribution of information so that young people as the next generation know the ins and outs of preserving the culture of Penataran Temple. The conclusion of this research is that the Purnama Seruling Penataran performance is an effort as well as a form of cultural preservation that saves historical stories and local character values that can be imitated and implemented in everyday life. Purnama Seruling Penataran's philosophical values in this finding are in the form of religious, global diversity, mutual  cooperation, creativity, critical reasoning, and independence.Tidak ada batasan yang jelas atas terjadinya pergeseran antara budaya lokal dan budaya asing, sehingga Indonesia memerlukan penerapan pembelajaran kearifan lokal sebagai upaya penguatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai filosofis yang hadir dalam pagelaran Purnama Seruling Penataran guna dituangkan dalam kurikulum pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif diskriptif dengan pendekatan studi etnopedagogi.  Hasil penelitian  menemukan bahwa nilai filosofis dalam pagelaran Purnama Seruling Penataran relevan dengan 5 karakter utama dalam Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK), yang meliputi religius, nasionalis, integritas, mandiri, dan gotong royong. Adanya penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan pembelajaran muatan lokal yang mengangkat potensi daerah. Selain itu, sebagai acuan dalam eksplorasi nilai-nilai karakter kebudayaan lokal lainnya yang nantinya diimplementasikan dalam pendidikan. Berbagai tradisi dan kebudayaan yang dipegang teguh mulai luntur bahkan menghilang dengan dominansi budaya yang lebih kuat. Hal ini membuktikan eksistensi perkembangan budaya diperlukan pendekatan secara komprehensif salah satunya melalui penggalian nilai dalam Purnama Seruling Penataran.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Pedro M. P. Guerreiro ◽  
Gonçalo Cruz

The prediction of fog is a challenging task in operational weather forecast. Due to its dependency on small-scale processes, numerical weather models struggle to deal with under scale features, resulting in uncertainties in the fog forecast. Unawareness of the onset time and the duration of fog leads to disproportionate impact on open-air activities, especially in aviation. Nevertheless, in a small sized country such as Portugal mainland, the fog varies greatly. The traffic of the two busiest Portuguese international airports of Porto and Lisbon is affected by the occurrence of fog at different times of the year. The fog occurrence at Porto is a predominant winter phenomenon and a summer one at Lisbon. Observational variables and their trend are local indicators of favouring conditions to the fog’s onset, such as cooling, water vapour saturation and turbulent mixing. A dataset corresponding to 17 years of half-hourly METAR from the airports of Porto and Lisbon is used to diagnose the pre-fog conditioning. Two diagnostic models are proposed to assess pre-fog conditions. The first model is adapted from the statistical method proposed by Menut et al. (2014), which performs a diagnosis from key variables trend, such as temperature, wind speed and relative humidity. Thresholds are defined from the METAR samples in the 6 h period prior to the formation of fog. Due to the local character of fog, the presented thresholds are the most appropriate ones for each airport. The predictability of fog is then assessed using observations. The second approach consists of neural networks such as a fully connected (FC) network and a recurrent neural network (RNN), which are especially well suited for time series. By experimenting with different types of neural networks (NN), we will try to capture the connection between the temporal evolution of measured variables in the dataset and the fog onset. These experiments will include different time windows to measure its influence on prediction performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Darko B. Vukovic ◽  
Marko Petrovic ◽  
Moinak Maiti ◽  
Aleksandra Vujko

PurposeThe starting premise of this study is that women's empowerment is the goal for self-realization and that the support that comes from local tourism stakeholders represents an adequate base. In many rural areas, women have established self-help groups (SHGs), which facilitate the interaction with a wide range of stakeholders. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of SHGs on female entrepreneurship and self-employment in tourism.Design/methodology/approachTo examine the research question, this study adopted a quantitative research that included a sample of 513 women in a less-advanced rural area in Serbia. For the data analysis, the generalized linear regression model (GLM) was used.FindingsAccording to the results, self-employment is the leading goal of women's empowerment.Research limitations/implicationsThe main limitation in the research and the authors’ suggestion for future research is to increase the sample size of female respondents, so examination of their attitudes and role in the travel business in their local settings might reach higher significance. The second issue that the authors would like to point out is a highly local character of our study, so the future research should involve other rural areas in the country and from abroad (e.g. similar undeveloped countryside with noticeable, active women's role in local entrepreneurship).Practical implicationsThe most important practical implications of this paper are twofold: (1) the results of the research have shown that the tourist potential of rural areas can be enhanced through local tourism stakeholders' support; (2) women without professional interest or jobs in rural areas, especially in the areas where the population is traditionally dominated by men (husband/brother/father), have a chance to earn and to be economically more independent. This research can affect future studies to investigate other aspects of empowerment depending on the difference of regions, from one side, and also alternative opportunities for tourism and local development in less-advanced rural areas, from another side.Originality/valueThe study analyzes the tourism potential of the rural areas (which are less advanced and mostly very poor in developing countries, such as Serbia). In this case, there are opportunities to increase employment, social inclusion of women, development of new tourism strategies, implementation of destination marketing, etc. Moreover, it contributes to future research in the field of stakeholders in tourism strategies.

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