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cyclical process
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2022 ◽  
pp. 222-242
Jo Denton

Should research in a particular field follow the traditional or favoured methodologies associated with that field, or, if it is desirable for the empirical methods of research to be mixed, can the same not be said for the theoretical standpoint of the research design? Does mixing methodologies imply that methodologies can be placed on a sliding scale to create a new methodology from combining elements of the old; or does it imply an iterative or cyclical process, using a suitable methodology for the stage in the research? This chapter explores what combining qualitative and quantitative methods actually means in terms of social and educational research and how this can assist in developing a mixed methodological approach suitable for addressing wicked problems faced in education in the rapidly evolving Anthropocene epoch. To address these issues, the chapter proposes a new term for combining methodologies: ‘omniduction,' which encompasses induction, deduction and abduction and utilises each as the research, rather than the researcher, dictates.

2021 ◽  
Elly Van Gelderen

In this pioneering study, a world-renowned generative syntactician explores the impact of phenomena known as 'third factors' on syntactic change. Generative syntax has in recent times incorporated third factors – factors not specific to the language faculty – into its framework, including minimal search, labelling, determinacy and economy. Van Gelderen's study applies these principles to language change, arguing that change is a cyclical process, and that third factor principles must combine with linguistic information to fully account for the cyclical development of 'optimal' language structures. Third Factor Principles also account for language variation around that-trace phenomena, CP-deletion, and the presence of expletives and Verb-second. By linking insights from recent theoretical advances in generative syntax to phenomena from language variation and change, this book provides a unique perspective, making it essential reading for academic researchers and students in syntactic theory and historical linguistics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-132

This research aims to improve the ability to perform mandatory prayers through modeling the way strategies in students of grade IV SDN Tri Mulya Agung Semester even the 2018/2019 school year with the number of students 23 students. The methods used in this study are class-action research methods, data collection through observation, interviews and tests or assignments, while data analysis is done with interactive models. While the activity is carried out in interactive form with the process of collecting data as a cyclical process. The results showed that through modeling strategies the way can improve the ability to perform mandatory prayers in students of grade IV SDN Tri Mulya Agung Semester even the year of study 2018/2019. Learning activities from cycle I to cycle II there is an increase: aspects of reading the pillars of prayer (average value increases 1.1; percentages rise 21.8%; from good category to very good), aspect of reading prayer conditions (average value up 0.7; percentage up 14.8%; from good category to very good); aspects of reading things that cancel prayers (average value increased 0.7; percentage rose 15.7%; from good category to very good), and aspect of prayer practice (average value rose 0.9; percentage rose 18.3%; from good category to very good). Student learning outcomes from the initial condition to cycle II increased, from 7 students (30%) who got completed grades to 23 students (100%). There was an increase of 16 students (70%) and the grade point average from 60.2 to 85.0, an increase of 24.8. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan melakukan sholat wajib melalui strategi modelling the way pada siswa kelas IV SDN Tri Mulya Agung Semester genap tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 dengan jumlah siswa 23 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian tindakan kelas, pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan tes atau penugasan, sedangkan analisis data dilakukan dengan model interaktif. Sedangkan aktifitas dilakukan dalam bentuk interaktif dengan proses pengumpulan data sebagai proses siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui strategi modelling the way dapat meningkatkan kemampuan melakukan sholat wajib pada siswa kelas IV SDN Tri Mulya Agung Semester genap tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Aktivitas belajar dari siklus I ke siklus II terdapat peningkatan: aspek membaca rukun sholat (nilai rata-rata meningkat 1,1; persentase naik 21,8%; dari kategori baik menjadi amat baik), aspek membaca syarat sholat (nilai rata-rata naik 0,7; prosentase naik 14,8%; dari kategori baik menjadi amat baik); aspek membaca hal yang membatalkan sholat (nilai rata-rata meningkat 0,7; persentase naik 15,7%; dari kategori baik menjadi amat baik), dan aspek praktek sholat (nilai rata-rata naik 0,9; prosentase naik 18,3%; dari kategori baik menjadi amat baik). Hasil belajar siswa dari kondisi awal ke siklus II mengalami peningkatan, yaitu dari 7 siswa (30%) yang mendapat nilai tuntas menjadi 23 siswa (100%). Terjadi peningkatan sebanyak 16 siswa (70%) dan nilai rata-rata kelas dari 60,2 menjadi 85,0, meningkat sebesar 24,8.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 100-100
Kathy Black

Abstract Age-friendly Universities represent a growing contribution to the worldwide age-friendly movement. For universities, the international effort aims to highlight the role higher education plays in responding to the opportunities associated with an aging population. The initiative outlines ten principles to engage older adults via collegiate mission pertaining to research, education and service. Shared practices suggest diverse and unique application of the guiding tenets across participating colleges and universities. However Age-friendly Universities are also part of a broader ecosystem, situated in geographic locales reflecting actual or prospective age-friendly community status. The global Age-friendly Community movement is a decade-old effort to improve the environments in which we age via a cyclical process. This paper identifies the intersection between Age-friendly University principles and Age-Friendly Community processes and discusses reciprocal considerations for mutual advancement of the broader movement.

Ilya Surov

The paper describes model of human affect based on quantum theory of semantics. The model considers emotion as subjective representation of behavioral context relative to a basis binary choice, organized by cyclical process structure and an orthogonal evaluation axis. The resulting spherical space, generalizing well-known circumplex models, accommodates basic emotions in specific angular domains. Predicted process-semantic structure of affect is observed in the word2vec data, as well as in the previously obtained spaces of emotion concepts. The established quantum-theoretic structure of affective space connects emotion science with quantum models of cognition and behavior, opening perspective for synergetic progress in these fields.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 12792
Dan Wang ◽  
Mas Nida Md Khambari ◽  
Su Luan Wong ◽  
Abu Bakar Razali

The use of gamification and AR technology is found to have the capacity to enhance students’ interest. In this study, the researchers chose a class in a vocational college in China as a specific case that used the gamified AR mobile application, called XploreRAFE+. This study aimed to explore the use of XploreRAFE+ in the formation of learners’ interest in order to answer the research question: What is the process of interest formation among vocational college students in a gamified AR environment, and how does it sustain students’ motivation in learning English? The data for the study were collected via observations, interviews, and document analysis. The findings of the study indicated that in a gamified AR environment, vocational college students’ interest was triggered by piquing curiosity. This then led to optimal learning experiences, where eventually the students began to have positive perceptions of English lessons and were motivated to extend learning experience on their own. These three components of interest formation formed a dynamic loop where interest formation was developed in a cyclical process. It is proposed that a cyclical formation of interest developed through a gamified AR environment over time could sustain learners’ motivation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 118-125
Whitney Freund ◽  
Brenda Coble Lindsey ◽  
Kevin Tan

This chapter discusses how school social workers can apply evidence-based practice to help meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of all children. Evidence-based practice broadly refers to two different approaches: infusing research and data use into school social work and applying empirically supported interventions in practice. The chapter details how school social workers can find and use effective evidence-based interventions. The process of implementing evidence-based interventions includes a cyclical process of assessing students’ needs, selecting the interventions, and monitoring progress by collecting data. Examples of interventions at tiers 1, 2, and 3 are presented, along with case examples that illustrate how school social workers have been successful at implementing these interventions. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the application of evidence-based practice as it relates to contemporary challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic and diversity, inclusion, and equity concerns in educational contexts.

2021 ◽  
Rose Stiles

<p>The combination of an increasing population, changing demographics and an ageing housing stock is driving the need for new and more varied housing types. Attempts to address these concerns have been less than satisfactory, leading to urban sprawl and the destruction of neighbourhood character. Residential intensification is a way of providing new housing while preserving both Wellington's compact urban form and open space. This thesis explores a process to increase housing density in the inner suburbs without a loss of urban form and character. Developed through design led research, the study first identifies those neighbourhoods most suited for intensification as Wellington's historic gridded suburbs. A representative street is then selected, and a strategy for integrating medium-density housing is developed. It then applies the principles in two multi-unit developments to address modern concerns with enhanced liveability and improved connection with private outdoor space. By manipulating the buildings in plan and section, complex internal configurations are possible, resulting in different sizes and types of dwellings, which accommodates varied demographic groups and household sizes. Through the elevation, the designs are then integrated into the local character of the site by reinterpreting the street's context in a contemporary manner. The design resolution was reached through a cyclical process, developing and being tested incrementally. The general principles of the design can be extrapolated and applied to other Wellington gridded neighbourhoods. They can also be applied to other locations with similar urban morphology in other New Zealand and Australian cities.</p>

2021 ◽  
Rose Stiles

<p>The combination of an increasing population, changing demographics and an ageing housing stock is driving the need for new and more varied housing types. Attempts to address these concerns have been less than satisfactory, leading to urban sprawl and the destruction of neighbourhood character. Residential intensification is a way of providing new housing while preserving both Wellington's compact urban form and open space. This thesis explores a process to increase housing density in the inner suburbs without a loss of urban form and character. Developed through design led research, the study first identifies those neighbourhoods most suited for intensification as Wellington's historic gridded suburbs. A representative street is then selected, and a strategy for integrating medium-density housing is developed. It then applies the principles in two multi-unit developments to address modern concerns with enhanced liveability and improved connection with private outdoor space. By manipulating the buildings in plan and section, complex internal configurations are possible, resulting in different sizes and types of dwellings, which accommodates varied demographic groups and household sizes. Through the elevation, the designs are then integrated into the local character of the site by reinterpreting the street's context in a contemporary manner. The design resolution was reached through a cyclical process, developing and being tested incrementally. The general principles of the design can be extrapolated and applied to other Wellington gridded neighbourhoods. They can also be applied to other locations with similar urban morphology in other New Zealand and Australian cities.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Saad Zighan ◽  
Salomée Ruel

Purpose The business environment is increasingly volatile, complex, uncertain and ambiguous. Today, COVID-19 represents a super-disruption situation. This paper aims to explore small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs’) resilience from continuous improvement lenses. It explores the role of continuous improvement in building organizational resilience across SMEs. Design/methodology/approach A Delphi methodology has been adopted to capture evidence and opinions from 38 experts from several Jordan-based SMEs through three-online rounds. Findings The study finds that continuous improvement enhances SMEs’ resilience in the short term and long term. It can translate the concept of resilience into tangible working constructs for SMEs in visualizing and making decisions about their risks, adapting, absorbing changes and prevailing over time. The role of continuous improvement in building organizational resilience is fourfold; continuous improvement is a cyclical process; it has a vital cultural aspect and can be considered a business philosophy. It also emphasizes a holistic change approach based on small but constant changes. However, SMEs’ leaders must consider several issues for effective continuous improvement, including a continuous improvement culture and a results-focused approach. Originality/value Organizational resilience has been studied across various contexts; however, there are still unanswered questions for SMEs’ resilience. This study contributes to theory and practice by examining the role of continuous improvement in SMEs’ resilience.

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