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elementary schools
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Xiaotian Wang ◽  

English as a second language (ESL) education refers to teaching non-native English speakers English as a second language. The number of English language learners (ELLs) is increasing in the United States in recent decades because of globalization, including immigrants, international students, merchants, refugees, etc. One of ELLs’ main characters is their various cultural backgrounds. Teaching and maintaining a diverse class within a safe learning environment can benefit students both now and in the future. In this case, understanding ELLs’ diverse cultures and knowing how to maintain ELLs’ cultural diversity is a significant consideration in American ESL education nowadays. This study reviews the cultural diversity in American ESL education by analyzing three New York elementary schools. The author summarizes some critical ways to maintain ELLs’ cultural diversity from four aspects: (1) the background of American ESL education and cultural diversity; (2) cultural diversity in school; (3) cultural diversity in family; (4) cultural diversity in communities. Finally, the study indicates the significance of connections among schools, families, and communities and identifies some difficulties when maintaining cultural diversity in education.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Adel Khiami ◽  
Mayssoon Dashash

Abstract Objective Oral health educators should have the required knowledge, skills and attitude in order to meet the increased needs of the Ministry of Education in Syria as well as to perform their duties in promoting oral health in children appropriately during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this study was undertaken to identify core competencies required for oral health educators in elementary schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. Qualitative exploratory study was undertaken. A focus group which consisted of 5 Medical Education postgraduates and 3 oral health educators’ training team members were invited to formulate a preliminary list of basic competencies. Delphi technique was also adopted through inviting 12 experts in oral health education to evaluate and formulate a final list of elementary schools’ oral health educators’ competencies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results A competency framework was developed. Fifty-five competencies were identified including 35 in cognitive domain, 12 skills and 8 attitude competencies. A list of essential competencies has been identified. These competencies should be addressed in training programs targeting oral health educators, which can consequently produce competent educators who can successfully promote and provide health care to all schoolchildren during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-186
Dewi Maryanti Dewi

The problem with this research is the lack of application of religious values ​​among elementary school children. Purpose of this study is to describe religious values in the animated film Nussa and Rara as an alternative learning media in elementary schools. Method used in this research is content analysis. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and documentation. This study uses the theory of Glock and Strak in analyzing the religious values contained in the animated film Nussa and Rara. The findings of this study contained five aspects in the animated film Nussa and Rara, namely aspects of belief in the existence of God, aspects of worship practices by praying and making sacrifices, aspects of experience and appreciation by feeling peaceful when praying, being afraid to sin, and being grateful to God, aspects of knowledge. by knowing the procedures for worship such as etiquette into the bathroom and neighbour's manners, behavioral aspects by doing things that Allah likes in accordance with religious rules and norms that apply in society such as maintaining cleanliness, helping, giving charity, saying sorry, being forgiving, maintaining friendship with loyal friends and togetherness. Based on the religious values contained in the animated film Nussa and Rara, it can be used as an alternative as a medium for learning literature in elementary schools to be applied in everyday life.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Maksimilianus Naben

This study aims to increase the professionalism of Catholic religious education teachers in the development of student worksheets (LKS) teaching materials through clinical supervision of supervisors at the elementary schools built in the city of Mataram. This research method uses Supervision Action Research (PTKp). The subjects of this research were 17 teachers of Catholic religious education in the target area of Mataram city. The research instrument used a questionnaire and an observation sheet. The data collected were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of this study indicate that coaching in an effort to increase the professionalism of Catholic religious education teachers in developing teaching materials for the preparation of Student Worksheets (LKS) through clinical supervision by supervisors shows a significant increase in each cycle. In addition, the activities in each coaching show that all Catholic religious education teachers can increase their professionalism in every aspect.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 187-195
Nurul Vidiyah

The problem in this research is the lack of alternative literature teaching materials used by teachers in the learning process. This study aims to analyze the semiotics of Roland Barthes in the animated film Entong which will be used as an alternative material for teaching literature in elementary schools. The research method applied in this research is content analysis method. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and documentation. The results of the observation show that there are semiotic codes of Roland Barthes in the episodes of the animated film Entong. This happens because, data retrieval is taken from the YouTube application. The semiotic codes contained in the animated film Entong are hermeneutic codes that function to see the problems of a narrative and create a solution or an answer, semiotic codes function to a connecting relation code which is the connotation of a person, place, object whose sign is a character, code symbolic functions as symbols, preauretic codes function to see the basic narrative actions in various sequences that may be indicated, and cultural codes function to see the cultural side of a story. Based on Roland Barthes' semiotics contained in the animated film Entong, it can be used as an alternative to teaching literature in elementary schools so that students can apply it in their daily lives.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Tri Susilawati ◽  
Marlina Marlina ◽  
Desyandri Desyandri

This study aims to determine the implementation of Minangkabau local culture in learning in elementary schools. This study uses a literature study method which analyzes various data and sources related to the implementation of Minangkabau culture into learning in elementary schools. Literary sources can be in the form of magazines, articles, books, reports, news, and so on. The results of the study show that the implementation of Minangkabau local culture in elementary school learning can be done by presenting learning carried out by the teacher by presenting a unique and interesting lesson for students such as singing, singing, and replying to Minangkabau traditional rhymes. Learning can also be done contextually where learning is based on real conditions in the environment around students which aim to make learning meaningful for students. With the implementation of Minangkabau culture in elementary schools, it can instill values, norms, and educational attitudes for students.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 728-732
Yustini Ardillah ◽  
Anggun Budiastuti ◽  
Dian Safriantini ◽  
Rendi Sabana

Covid-19 continues to increase the number of patients who are positive for Covid-19. Indonesia is a risky country to visit, while the National Data for South Sumatra is the number one province on Sumatra Island with the highest number of Covid-19 patients. Government policy allows regions or regions with yellow zones to open schools offline. Banyuasin Regency is included in the yellow zone of Covid patients, so teaching and learning has been carried out offline with strict implementation of health protocols. To support offline teaching and learning activities, it is necessary to educate students about the 3M movement (maintaining distance, using masks, washing hands with soap). This activity aims to train students to apply the 3M health protocol correctly. The results of the service show that there is an increase in knowledge and changes in student behaviour after receiving training and counselling about health protocols at school. Optimization of health protocols needs to be carried out on an ongoing basis to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in elementary schools.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 371
. Aningsih ◽  
MS Zulela ◽  
Amos Neolaka ◽  
Vina Iasha ◽  
Bramianto Setiawan

Today, the attitudes and behavior of Indonesian students are declining. Schools as a component of character building have an important task in inculcating morals, ethical values, noble character, and strong and tough characters. This study was conducted to analyze the implementation of character education in Indonesia. The qualitative research using an ethnographic approach was used in this study on the implementation of character education in elementary schools. A total of 115 participants were interviewed at the school, including principals, teachers, extracurricular coaches, parents, and students. Observation, interviews, and documentation were used as the research instrument. From the results of this study, it was found that character education was very much needed in learning. The character education that was implemented in the elementary school sample includes religion; discipline; responsibility; leadership; tolerance; cooperation; love cleanliness; neatness; courtesy; perseverance; bravery; self-confidence; economical; independence; honesty; acceptance diversity; nationalism; Justice; creativity; and reward achievement. This study also described the character education strategies applied in elementary schools, namely, exemplary; habituation; school climate conditioning; integration in learning across all subjects; and integration through extracurricular activities.   Received: 2 September 2021 / Accepted: 30 October 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1016-1020
Iin Indawati ◽  
Aan Kunaedi ◽  
Anis Selawati ◽  
Elva Angela

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia continues increasing significantly, even positive cases reached up to 235,173,857 people. The existence of Student Work Study (KKM) activities is expected to make a positive contribution during the Covid-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia. In connection with the condition of the spread of Covid-19 which is still increasing, KKM implementation activities in Kesugengan Kidul village, Depok Subdistrict, Cirebon Regency must certainly be creative in order to stay safe and the purpose of activities is achieved. Starting from student fielding and data collection of partnership problems by applying health protocols properly. The method of carrying out activities is carried out with various efforts, including by providing education through leaflets, brochures, sticking brochures on the walls of elementary schools, by limiting the implementation of learning activities, provide education and examples of vitamins both tablets and derived from fruit in the form of nutritious foods that the body needs during the Covid-19 pandemic, even educating through door to door method to local citizen. Expectation of understanding and insight of citizens in the place of KKM partnerships are increasing about the prevention of Covid-19. The results and benefits of KKM activities towards partnerships include increasing public awareness of the prevention of Covid-19, one of which understands the importance of using masks, especially 2-layer masks. The community is more cooperative towards the efforts and programs of village officials to prevent the increase in the spread of the Covid-19 virus, increased citizen insight in partnership on vitamins needed and useful to increase endurance to fight covid-19 and discipline to implement health protocols in an effort to prevent and suppress the spread of Covid-19 in the partnership area of Kesugengan Kidul Village, Depok Subdistrict, Cirebon Regency.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-100
Norah Alghamdi

This study aimed to explore EFL teachers’ perceptions regarding mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) in elementary schools in Saudi Arabia, including their attitudes, levels of proficiency, and challenges they experienced regarding the use of MALL. The study also sought to investigate whether EFL teachers’ backgrounds have any significant impact on their perceptions of MALL. To this end, survey data were collected from 123 EFL teachers who have worked in elementary schools in Saudi Arabia. The results revealed teachers’ positive perceptions of MALL, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, participants stated that mobile learning is beneficial and has the potential to support and enhance EFL teaching. Most EFL teachers reported that they did not have a sufficient level of skills/abilities required to develop MALL activities and cited some challenges they faced. The results also indicate a significant difference among participants’ perceptions of MALL based on their professional development and teaching experience, but no difference based on their gender was found. These results indicate that placing a greater emphasis on offering professional development in MALL for Saudi EFL teachers could cultivate both greater proficiency and the ability to overcome challenges. This study concludes by providing recommendations on how to improve MALL implementation as well as directions for future research.

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