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human values
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2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-38
Gabriel Magno ◽  
Virgilio Almeida

As the Internet grows in number of users and in the diversity of services, it becomes more influential on peoples lives. It has the potential of constructing or modifying the opinion, the mental perception, and the values of individuals. What is being created and published online is a reflection of people’s values and beliefs. As a global platform, the Internet is a great source of information for researching the online culture of many different countries. In this work we develop a methodology for measuring data from textual online sources using word embedding models, to create a country-based online human values index that captures cultural traits and values worldwide. Our methodology is applied with a dataset of 1.7 billion tweets, and then we identify their location among 59 countries. We create a list of 22 Online Values Inquiries (OVI) , each one capturing different questions from the World Values Survey, related to several values such as religion, science, and abortion. We observe that our methodology is indeed capable of capturing human values online for different counties and different topics. We also show that some online values are highly correlated (up to c = 0.69, p < 0.05) with the corresponding offline values, especially religion-related ones. Our method is generic, and we believe it is useful for social sciences specialists, such as demographers and sociologists, that can use their domain knowledge and expertise to create their own Online Values Inquiries, allowing them to analyze human values in the online environment.

أزهار محمد محمد عبد البر

The aim of the research is to identify the personal characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. The research sample consisted of 360 individuals from different spectrums in society. The descriptive and analytical method was used, and a questionnaire was prepared for the personal characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and a questionnaire of the moral and human values in the contemporary world. : The personal characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad were as follows: The Prophet Muhammad, upon him be prayers and peace, was characterized by sincerity, honesty and generosity among his companions. He was characterized by humility, justice, forgiveness and pardon. He was characterized by sincerity in secret, openness and mercy for children. He was never afraid of anyone as long as he was right and his courage increased after the prophetic mission, from the human and moral values that have been agreed upon in the contemporary world: love and defense of the homeland, preservation of sacred places, love for school and appreciation of teachers, rationalization of the use of water and electricity, appreciation of scientific progress Generous hospitality, advising others, visiting patients, appreciating professions and respecting their owners, being kind to others, maintaining order, maintaining the law and respecting rights Child, animal welfare, justice, loyalty, patience, honesty, humility and respect for the rights of others, sympathy for the poor, selflessness, sincerity in work, tolerance for others, seeking lawful earnings, suppressing anger, kindness to animals, generosity, avoiding bad behaviors, Hide anger and do good deeds, love beauty, arts and inventions, appreciate scientific progress, provide advice to others, and the research also found that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between the personal characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and between the human and moral values in the contemporary world.

2022 ◽  
Michael Matthews ◽  
Samuel Matthews ◽  
Thomas Kelemen

2022 ◽  
pp. 1329878X2110684
Jandy Luik

This article aims to explore the media content during the COVID-19 pandemic. It focuses on the pandemic-handling videos released by start-up companies in Indonesia through their official YouTube accounts. As start-ups were also experiencing the impact of the pandemic, one of their biggest challenges was to communicate optimistic messages to the public with the right content and context. Therefore, this article examines the contents of the videos released by start-up companies during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Drawing from the data collected between March and December 2020, this qualitative study finds four inspirational media themes: ‘ we all are affected by the pandemic’, the appearance of human values, presenting action taken, and optimistic expressions. Further, this article discusses the arrangement of inspirational statements and acts of empathy, which are predominantly mixed with brand identities and echo the value of gotong royong (mutual assistance).

Yanuar Bagas Arwansyah

<p><em>This study aims to describe the integration of the values of Astha Brata's teachings in Raden Ngabei Ranggawarsita's Serat Aji Pamasa in the transformational and transactional leadership styles of modern society. The research method uses descriptive qualitative by conducting a literature review of previous research to analyze the application of leadership and transformational styles in five institutions or companies in Indonesia. The results of the analysis are then adjusted to the eight elements contained in the teachings of Astha Brata so that qualitative data can be obtained relating to the suitability of transformational and transactional leadership styles with the values of Astha Brata teachings. The results of this study indicate that there is an integration of astha brata teachings in transformational and transactional leadership styles in various companies. The leaders of institutions or companies prioritize human values in determining the rules of working hours, wages, work targets, rewards, and punishments. In addition, in the application of transformational and transactional leadership styles a leader acts as an example and does not just provide an example. This research can be used as a reference in applying transformational and transactional leadership styles in modern society while still prioritizing the noble values of the previous leaders through the teachings of Astha Brata.</em></p>

2022 ◽  
pp. 34-46
Vicent Josep Escartí

The Capuchin friar Pau of Alacant-Jaume Fornals Colomina (Alacant 1612-1664), in view of the impact of the plague epidemic that hit many European territories in the mid-17th century and in order to highlight the martyrdom suffered by his religious brothers who had helped the sick in Valencia, wrote a letter that included several hagiographic-looking accounts, published in 1648. This chapter provides information on this forgotten author and analyzes the construction of micro-biographies that stress human values in difficult times.

Waqar Hussain ◽  
Mojtaba Shahin ◽  
Rashina Hoda ◽  
Jon Whittle ◽  
Harsha Perera ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 141 ◽  
pp. 106731
Arif Nurwidyantoro ◽  
Mojtaba Shahin ◽  
Michel R.V. Chaudron ◽  
Waqar Hussain ◽  
Rifat Shams ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-209
Hulaimi Azhari ◽  
Ninda Ayu Nafisah

Before the arrival of Islam, Arab society was a society that was far from being orderly and according to norms. Customs, morals and life rules adopted are habits that have existed for a long time and are adopted as habits and beliefs. In a society that is oriented towards human values, Islam comes with a concept that forms the order of pre-Islamic Arab society in a relatively precise manner. Islam as a religion changes several aspects of society, one of which is in the family. One of the discussions in the family field is the remaining settlement of nusyuz in Islam where nusyuz is a disobedient attitude between husband or wife. This type of writing is a literature study, namely a study in which data collection is obtained from various scientific literacy such as books, journals, articles and others. The data of this study consisted of secondary and primary data with qualitative methods. The findings resulted that the offer of another Qur'an was first, offering advice to the wife in a ma'ruf or good way which aims to awaken the wife from her wrong actions. Second, as a psychological punishment for the wife and in her solitude for committing a crime against her punishment. Third, giving physical punishment to the wife. Abstrak Sebelum kedatangan Islam, masyarakat Arab merupakan masyarakat yang jauh dari kata teratur dan sesuai norma. Adat istiadat, akhlak serta peraturan hidup yang dianut merupakan kebiasaan yang telah ada sejak dahulu dan dianut sebagai kebiasaan dan keyakinan. Dalam suatu masyarakat yang cenderung mengabaikan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, agama Islam datang dengan konsep pembaruan yang merubah tatanan masyarakat Arab pra-Islam dalam waktu yang relatif cukup simgkat. Islam sebagai agama pembaruan merubah beberapa aspek yang ada dalam masyarakat, salah satunya ialah dalam bidang keluarga. Salah satu yang menjadi pembahasan dalam bidang keluarga ialah penyelesaian nusyuz dalam Islam dimana nusyuz merupakan sikap tidak patuh antara suami atau istri. Tulisan ini berjenis kajian library research yakni sebuah kajian yang pengambilan datanya didapat dari pelbagai literasi ilmiah seperti buku, jurnal, artikel dan lainnya. Adapun data penelitian ini terdiri atas  data sekunder dan primer dengan metode kualitatif. Temuan yang dihasilkan bahwasanya tawaran al-Qur’an lain Pertama, pemberian nasihat kepada istri dengan cara yang ma’ruf atau baik yang bertujuan untuk menyadarkan istri dari perbuatannya yang keliru. Kedua, sebagai hukuman psikologis bagi istri dan dalam kesendiriannya unutuk melakukan koreksi terhadap kekeliruannya. Ketiga, memberikan hukuman fisik kepada istri.

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