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research development
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Qianyu Sun ◽  
Boshen Wang ◽  
Shouxiang Xu ◽  
Xiaowei Cong ◽  
Yuepu Pu ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 17-39
Perla Velasco-Elizondo

What is software architecture? A clear and simple definition is that software architecture is about making important design decisions that you want to get right early in the development of a software system because, in the future, they are costly to change. Being a good software architect is not easy. It requires not only a deep technical competency from practicing software architecture design in industry, but also an excellent understanding of the theoretical foundations of software architecture are gained from doing software architecture research. This chapter describes some significant research, development, and education activities that the author has performed during her professional trajectory path to develop knowledge, skills, and experiences around this topic.

Satoshi Komorita ◽  
Suwichaya Suwanwimolkul ◽  
Jianfeng Xu

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-78 ◽  
Hans Verstraelen ◽  
Pedro Vieira-Baptista ◽  
Francesco De Seta ◽  
Gary Ventolini ◽  
Risa Lonnee-Hoffmann ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 393-420
Dinda Rosanti Salsa Bela ◽  
Achmad Nurmandi ◽  
Isnaini Muallidin ◽  
Danang Kurniawan

This paper aims to map the root of terrorism in Indonesia from the Islamic movement perspective. The authors want to know how the root of terrorism has strengthened in Indonesia. A qualitative method approach was taken through a literature study regarding the delivery of research map information while the data was exported in the RIS Export file format. Then, the authors exported the data and processed it using VOSviewer to find out a bibliometric map of research development based on significant themes of Indonesian terrorism cases. Nvivo 12 plus provided exploration and description of terrorism in Indonesia to get an efficient explanation of the data. The findings are, the first to map the issue of terrorism in Indonesia. First, there was a correlation between terrorism, radicalism, and Islam. Different views of religious teachings eventually led to the terrorism movement. Several radical Islamic organizations in Indonesia have portrayed Islam as a terrorist religion. Second, the factors causing the strengthening of terrorism in Indonesia were due to injustice, oppression, and discrimination leading to terrorism and radicalism using the concept of jihad. This research suggests that the government can handle terrorism cases in Indonesia and neutralize ideas that are considered radical with a de-radicalization approach. (Tulisan ini bertujuan memetakan akar terorisme di Indonesia dari aspek gerakan Islam. Penulis ingin mengetahui bagaimana akar terorisme menguat di Indonesia. Pendekatan metode kualitatif ditempuh melalui studi pustaka sedangkan untuk penyampaian informasi peta penelitian, data diekspor dalam format file Ekspor RIS. Kemudian, penulis mengekspor data dalam format (RIS), mengolahnya menggunakan VOS viewer untuk mengetahui peta bibliometrik pengembangan penelitian berdasarkan tema signifikan kasus terorisme di Indonesia dan menggunakan Nvivo 12 plus untuk memberikan eksplorasi dan deskripsi terorisme di Indonesia demi mendapatkan penjelasan yang efisien dari data. Temuan penelitian ini adalah; Pertama, pada tahap pemetaan isu terorisme di Indonesia, terdapat korelasi antara terorisme, radikalisme, dan Islam. Perbedaan pandangan terhadap ajaran agama pada akhirnya memunculkan gerakan terorisme. Beberapa organisasi Islam radikal di Indonesia telah mencitrakan Islam sebagai agama teroris. Kedua, diketahui faktor penyebab menguatnya terorisme di Indonesia adalah rasa ketidakadilan, penindasan dan diskriminasi yang berujung pada gerakan terorisme dan radikalisme dengan mengusung konsep jihad. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah agar pemerintah dapat menangani kasus terorisme di Indonesia dan menetralisir ide-ide yang dianggap radikal dengan pendekatan deradikalisasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 117480-117496
Leopoldo Augusto Melo Montenegro Júnior ◽  
Diego Queiroz De Oliveira ◽  
Rosângela López Alanís ◽  
Armando Araújo de Souza Júnior ◽  
Marcelo Albuquerque De Oliveira ◽  

Owner of one of the most expressive industrial hubs in Latin America, the Manaus Free Trade Zone is inserted in the context of Industry 4.0, initially through the Informatics Law of Western Amazonia and Amapá, which regulates the application of resources in research, development and innovation (RDI) in the region. The Priority Programs as vectors for the development of Industry 4.0, at the Manaus Industrial Hub, are the central objective of this study, as well as their contributions through projects, partnerships, fundraising and investments in thematic areas focused on enabling technologies that are the “backbone” of Industry 4.0. To reach the general objective, information was collected from the coordinating institution of the Priority Program for Industry 4.0 and Industrial Modernization and other coordinating institutions of the Priority Programs that aim to demonstrate trends and reflections on the implementation process and the strengthening of Industry 4.0 in the Manaus Industrial Hub, especially, based on the action of the Priority Programs.

Dadang Budi Hermawan

AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian dan pengembangan ini menghasilkan model latihan Servis Sepak Takraw untuk atlet pemula di Kabupaten Sumedang. Selain itu, penelitian dan pengembangan dilakukan untuk memperoleh informasi secara mendalam tentang  pengembangan dan penerapan model latihan, juga untuk mengetahui efektivitas, efisiensi model yang dibuat. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini menggunakan metode penelitian  pengembangan Research Development (RD) dari Borg and Gall. Sampel dalam penelitian ini ialah siswa dari Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 dan 2 Conggeang Kabupaten Sumedang yang tergabung dalam club sepak takraw kabupaten Sumedang. Sebagai kebaruan dan temuan dalam penelitian ini sebuah variasi latihan beserta penciptaan sebuah alat bantu penghantar bola yang berfungsi guna membantu pelatih dalam melatih serta mempercepat peningkatan kemampuan atlet dalam mencapai kompetensi yang dituju, dalam hal ini adalah kompetensi servis sepak takraw. Guna mengetahui hasil dari penerapan model, peneliti menggunakan beberapa tes, yaitu uji efektifitas model menggunakan instrumen tes yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan uji t dengan taraf signifikansi 0.05.  Analisis data diperoleh nilai rata-rata keterampilan servis sepak takraw atlet sebelum diberikan model yang dikembangkan adalah 12,155 dan setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan model latihan yang dikembangkan, nilai rerata dari sampel sejumlah 50 atlet adalah 215,62 artinya model yang dikembangkan tersebut mengalami peningkatan. Dalam uji signifikansi perbedaan dengan IMB SPSS 21 For Windows dapat hasil t-hitung = -111,387 df = 49 dan p-value = 0.00 0.05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kemampuan servis sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan, bahwa model latihan servis sepak takraw untuk atlet pemula Kabupaten Sumedang. Berdasarkan keterangan tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa model latihan untuk atlet pemula yang dikembangakan efektif dan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan servis sepak takraw. Kata kunci: Model, Sepak Takraw, Latihan Servis, Atlet Pemula

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 302
Alfian Ferdiansyah Madsuha ◽  
Yandry Kurniawan ◽  
Panji Anugrah Permana ◽  
Sik Sumaedi

The development of so-called advanced materials is mainly driven by research devoted to supporting industry and now expands to many issues such as energy demand, climate change, healthy awareness, and many others. However, the process of this material evolution is arguably slow in many developing countries, putting them far behind developed counterparts in terms of technological advancement. One of the advanced materials that absorbed global attention and can be adopted to assess research development is graphene. In this work, graphene-related publications of universities and research institutes were utilized to assess how effective the higher education policies of Indonesia, as a developing country, encourage graphene research development. For this purpose, a multidisciplinary perspective was used to comprehensively analyze the findings, highlighting the emerging gaps, orientation, and promising future research that will benefit many researchers, governments, and industries. A total of 667 filtered publications were investigated. In addition, VOSviewer was utilized as a proper complement to visualize and analyze the publication trend based on keywords and authorship. Many aspects were explored, including publication, distribution, collaboration, and policies. The investigation revealed that supportive governmental policies, especially Law No. 12 of 2012, in classifying the entity of universities, had a remarkable impact on the productivity and geographical distribution of graphene research publications. The most important finding, after analyzing 535 publications, showed that publications of graphene research increased dramatically and is centralized on Java Island. Moreover, it strongly indicates that most universities with the authority to self-budget can contribute significantly to advanced materials research. International collaboration with many countries was also strongly formed. By contributing 114 co-authorships, Malaysia was shown to be a favorite counterpart. Therefore, this study confirms that research activity can be utilized to assess the effectiveness of higher education policies. In a broader context, the advanced materials research publication is emerging as an indicator in revealing Indonesia’s socio-economic development. The trend of graphene research itself demonstrates the raising of developing countries’ awareness of global issues.

Roman Denysenko

Keywords: results of work, subjects of property rights of intellectual property, jointproperty rights of intellectual property The article deals with an issue of allocation of rights to the results ofworks that are intellectual property subject-matter, created during research or developmentand engineering works. It is considered what can be the result of works andin what form.It analyses problematic issues of the multiplicity of subjects of intellectual propertyrights to the results of work under the contract and the relationship between themon the prosecution of the joint intellectual property rights to the results of work. It isdetermined that the subjects of contractual relations of research or development andengineering works in addition to the executor and the customer should also includethe creator (author, inventor) — a specialist working in a research institution or in acompany, whose creative work resulted in the intellectual property subject-matter.Attention is drawn to the joint rights to service subject-matters created as a consequenceof labour-related duties execution.The norms of special legislation on the relationship on the use of an invention(utility model) and an industrial design, the disposal of property rights of each of theholders (owners) of a patent (certificate) are studied.Laid out in the article gives the ground for making conclusion about the need to supplementthe regulation of relations on the prosecution of the joint intellectual propertyrights to the results of work by including general provisions on the procedure for the useof intellectual property subject-matter and disposal of property rights on conditions establishedby the contract for research or development and engineering in Article 896 ofthe Civil Code of Ukraine. The author proposes to supplement Article 896 of the CivilCode of Ukraine with Chapter 3 as follows: «3. If the results of works have features ofintellectual property subject-matter, then special details of prosecution of propertyrights of intellectual property can be provided in the contract».

VUZF Review ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 91-97
Galina Yasheva ◽  
Yulia Vailunova

Clusters are the primary vehicle for smart specialization strategies, as they can make the greatest contribution to economic development by supporting research, development and innovation within the identified areas of specialization. This determines the relevance of the research topic. The theoretical foundations of clusters as network structures are considered in the article: the definition of the concept of «cluster» is given, the signs of a cluster are indicated, the significance of cluster structures for the economy is substantiated. An analysis of the experience of the Republic of Belarus in the creation and functioning of clusters is carried out. Active, emerging and potential clusters are considered. Their models are built. Conclusions about cluster processes in the Republic of Belarus are made. Clustering directions in the context of digitalization of the economy of the Republic of Belarus are proposed. These are the following directions: education and training for public sector and business representatives; creation of a cluster infrastructure to manage the clustering process; providing cluster initiatives and cooperation through organizational and economic methods; digitalization of training for cluster members; communication support for cooperation; digitalization of communications between the subjects of the cluster; digitalization of production in the subjects of the cluster.

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