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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Lei Jiang ◽  
Panote Siriaraya ◽  
Dongeun Choi ◽  
Noriaki Kuwahara

Objective: Numerous communication support systems based on reminiscence therapy have been developed. However, when using communication support systems, the emotional assessment of older people is generally conducted using verbal feedback or questionnaires. The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility of using Electroencephalography (EEG) signals for automatic emotion recognition during RT for older people.Participants: Eleven older people (mean 71.25, SD 4.66) and seven young people (mean 22.4, SD 1.51) participated in the experiment.Methods: Old public photographs were used as material for reminiscence therapy. The EEG signals of the older people were collected while the older people and young people were talking about the contents of the photos. Since emotions change slowly and responses are characterized by delayed effects in EEG, the depth models LSTM and Bi-LSTM were selected to extract complex emotional features from EEG signals for automatic recognition of emotions.Results: The EEG data of 8 channels were inputted into the LSTM and Bi-LSTM models to classify positive and negative emotions. The recognition highest accuracy rate of the two models were 90.8% and 95.8% respectively. The four-channel EEG data based Bi-LSTM also reached 94.4%.Conclusion: Since the Bi-LSTM model could tap into the influence of “past” and “future” emotional states on the current emotional state in the EEG signal, we found that it can help improve the ability to recognize positive and negative emotions in older people. In particular, it is feasible to use EEG signals without the necessity of multimodal physiological signals for emotion recognition in the communication support systems for reminiscence therapy when using this model.

2022 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Amanda Weidner ◽  
Samantha Elwood ◽  
Erin E. Thacker ◽  
Wendy Furst ◽  
Leigh Partington ◽  

Background and Objectives: Despite the prevalence of published opinions about the use of professional academic writers to help disseminate the results of clinical research, particularly opinions about the use of ghost writers, very little information has been published on the possible roles for professional writers within academic medical departments or the mechanisms by which these departments can hire and compensate such writers. To begin addressing this lack of information, the Association of Departments of Family Medicine hosted an online discussion and a subsequent webinar in which we obtained input from three departments of family medicine in the United States regarding their use of academic writers. This discussion revealed three basic models by which academic writers have benefitted these departments: (1) grant writing support, (2) research and academic support for clinical faculty, and (3) departmental communication support. Drawing on specific examples from these institutions, the purpose of this paper is to describe the key support activities, advantages, disadvantages, and funding opportunities for each model for other departments to consider and adapt.

VUZF Review ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 91-97
Galina Yasheva ◽  
Yulia Vailunova

Clusters are the primary vehicle for smart specialization strategies, as they can make the greatest contribution to economic development by supporting research, development and innovation within the identified areas of specialization. This determines the relevance of the research topic. The theoretical foundations of clusters as network structures are considered in the article: the definition of the concept of «cluster» is given, the signs of a cluster are indicated, the significance of cluster structures for the economy is substantiated. An analysis of the experience of the Republic of Belarus in the creation and functioning of clusters is carried out. Active, emerging and potential clusters are considered. Their models are built. Conclusions about cluster processes in the Republic of Belarus are made. Clustering directions in the context of digitalization of the economy of the Republic of Belarus are proposed. These are the following directions: education and training for public sector and business representatives; creation of a cluster infrastructure to manage the clustering process; providing cluster initiatives and cooperation through organizational and economic methods; digitalization of training for cluster members; communication support for cooperation; digitalization of communications between the subjects of the cluster; digitalization of production in the subjects of the cluster.

M. Borovyk ◽  
M. Novikova ◽  
O. Kozyrieva ◽  
O. Krasnonosova ◽  
M. Volkova

Abstract. The article examines the impact of information and communication support on the process of making quality management decisions aimed at achieving sustainable development of higher education institutions in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the European educational space. The essence of sustainable development of higher education institutions and the specifics of its achievement within competition of educational services in the market, which is especially acute in the conditions of European integration, are considered. The necessity of using effective information and communication support in the development of high-quality management decisions aimed at achieving sustainable development of higher education institutions is determined. The process of making managerial decisions is considered and the quality of making managerial decisions is characterized. The organizational aspects of making quality management decisions are determined. The sequence of actions on the decision of the problems arising in the course of activities of the higher education institutions is offered. The approaches to be considered in the course of accepting qualitative administrative decisions directed on the achievement of sustainable development of higher education institutions on the basis of management of information and communication maintenance of their activity are considered. The influence of people who make management decisions on their quality and effectiveness is determined. The requirements to the quality criteria of managerial decision-making, which are put forward in the development of economic and mathematical models of managerial decision-making aimed at achieving sustainable development of higher education institutions, are studied. The principles of optimization of management decisions are considered. Keywords: management, management decisions, high-quality management decisions, information and communication support. JEL Classification C44, D8, I25 Formulas: 0; fig.: 0; tabl.: 1; bibl.: 16.

2021 ◽  
pp. 83-88
Evgenia Roussou

Working practices of professional accompanists in the solo–accompaniment medium were analyzed as reported by professional musicians, both piano accompanist practitioners and instrumental and vocal soloists. The data collected from two empirical studies, in conjunction with material drawn from pre-existing literature, resulted in the formulation of a conceptual framework of professional piano accompaniment practice. The framework provides a foundation for understanding the working practices of professional accompanists, in terms of the specific and general skills exemplified in their practice. The working practices outlined in this chapter are concerned with four themes central to the framework: interaction, communication, support, and expectations and assumptions. Each theme is illustrated using sample scenarios, providing scope for understanding their application by accompanists, in practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 298 (5 Part 1) ◽  
pp. 298-303
Serhii Kasian ◽  

The creation of regional centers of standardization in the field of distribution and use of energy flows of an alternative type contributes to the consistency of the quality of energy supply and logistics services of high-tech enterprises (HTP) and housing and communal services (housing). The integrated combination of the latest forms of marketing communications and logistics service is based on the interaction and interpenetration of important types of marketing activities of industrial enterprises during the movement of resource flows in global and regional value chains focused on sustainable development. Logistics service contributes to a fuller adaptation of the vector of goods supply of enterprises to the demands of potential segments of the target market. Innovative and technological development encourages the constant improvement of means and methods of communication support of logistics services. The implementation of a set of business opportunities aimed at creating joint high-tech projects in the areas of technology transfer and commercialization of innovations is possible through the comprehensive integration of education, science and business. Theoretical and methodological components of marketing strategic planning, pricing, organization of marketing of energy saving events at high-tech enterprises were investigated. It is determined that the budgeting of marketing communications, taking into account the integrated application of unconventional marketing communications tools, pricing methods that focus on demand and competition, contributes to good training and clarification to social and economic agents, authorities, and the public. The feasibility of using innovative energy-saving technologies based on alternative energy sources is explained. It has been established that marketing energy-saving values of high-tech enterprises lie in the formation of marketing values for consumers, which creates competitive advantages in faster and more complete satisfaction of consumer needs. The concept of “marketing value” is developed, which reflects the impact of relational tools of cholistic marketing on communication support and logistical support for interaction with economic agents, stakeholders, consumers, which leads to the intensive formation of marketing values among noted interaction entities. Marketing communication motivational and behavioral components of high-tech enterprises are highlighted. The marketing activity of “BIZON-TEH 2006” enterprise was analyzed, which has many years of experience in the agricultural market of Ukraine, is included in the TOP-3 of the largest distribution of seeds and fertilizers.

2021 ◽  
Afonso Guimaraes ◽  
Ana Patricia Rocha ◽  
Luis Santana ◽  
Ilidio C. Oliveira ◽  
Jose Maria Fernandes ◽  

Yulia S. Seriapina ◽  
Irina O. Kotlyarova ◽  
Ksenia N. Volchenkova ◽  
Yana V. Semenova

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 147
Rose Emmaria Tarigan

The Covid-19 pandemic originating from Wuhan has caused a lot of problems in people’s life aside from the economic costs. The Covid-19 has also taken its toll in almost every country in the world. Millions have died. Families need communication supports to face Covid-19. Group communication support has a very important role in sustaining the Covid-19 survivors and their families. To understand how it can sustain the Covid-19 survivors and their families, the researcher used the case-study approach and collected data through in-depth interviews with three respondents and analyzed them. This study aims to find out how the role of group communication support for survivors in supporting their resilience against Covid-19. The result shows that group communication supports link with five skills in designing supportive messages, i.e.: clarifying supportive intentions, buffering face threats, using other-centered messages, framing messages, and giving advice. These five skills provide a positive influence to the survivors and their families. The support messages have helped them go through difficult times caused by Covid-19. The research also found other sustaining aspects: the ability of the three respondents to see the calamities positively according to their religions and their strong personalities. Their personalities have enabled them to show positive attitudes to their children. In turn, their children also have the same resolute, strong, and resilient attitude in facing their calamities. Pandemi Covid-19 yang berasal dari Wuhan, telah menimbulkan banyak masalah bagi kehidupan manusia, tidak hanya kerugian secara ekonomi saja. Covid-19 juga telah merenggut banyak nyawa manusia hampir di semua belahan dunia. Jutaan nyawa melayang dan jutaan keluarga membutuhkan adanya dukungan komunikasi sebagai akibat serangan Covid-19 ini. Dukungan komunikasi kelompok memiliki peranan yang sangat penting guna menunjang ketahanan dari keluarga dan juga penyintas Covid-19 ini. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana dukungan komunikasi kelompok bisa menunjang ketahanan keluarga dan penyintas Covid-19, maka dilakukan penelitian dengan pendekatan studi kasus, yakni mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara mendalam kepada tiga informan dan selanjutnya menganalisisnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bagaimana peranan dukungan komunikasi kelompok terhadap penyintas dalam menunjang ketahanan mereka menghadapi Covid-19. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, dukungan komunikasi dari kelompok terkait dengan lima kemampuan mengemas pesan yang mendukung (support message), antara lain; clarify supportive intentions, buffering face threats, other centered message, framing, giving advice. Kelima keterampilan ini memberi pengaruh yang positif, kepada keluarga dan korban Covid-19. Adanya support message ini, membuat keluarga dan penyintas Covid-19 mampu melewati masa sulit sebagai akibat dari Covid-19 ini. Penelitian ini juga menemukan, bahwa terdapat aspek lainnya yakni, kemampuan yang dimiliki ketiga informan untuk melihat musibah yang mereka alami secara positif sesuai dengan ajaran agama yang mereka yakini, dan juga kekuatan kepribadian mereka yang tangguh. Kepribadian yang kuat, yang mereka miliki membuat mereka berhasil menunjukkan sikap positif kepada anak-anak mereka. Sebagai akibatnya, anak-anak merekapun memiliki sikap yang sama yakni tegar, kuat, tabah menjalani musibah yang mereka alami.

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