Georgia and other southern states have far lower gross vehicle weight (GVW) limits for log trucks than other US regions and other countries. Low GVW limits result in high hauling costs and truck traffic. In 2020, including tolerances, five-axle log tractor-trailers were allowed 38,102 kg (84,000 lb) GVW in Georgia. Telephone surveys of 30 loggers and 32 forest industry representatives from the state of Georgia were conducted to measure perceptions of weight regulations and assess support for alternative weights and configurations. The four alternatives included five axles, 39,916 kg (88,000 lb); six axles, 41,277 kg (91,000 lb); six axles, 45,359 kg (100,000 lb); and seven axles, 45,359 kg (100,000 lb) GVW. The majority of loggers and forest industry representatives stated that GVW limits for log trucks were too low. The average preferred GVW limits were 39,621 kg (87,350 lb) and 40,545 kg (89,387 lb) for loggers and forest industry, respectively. Loggers and forest industry supported the five-axle 39,916 kg (88,000 lb) configuration whereas many loggers opposed both 45,359 kg (100,000 lb) configurations. Loggers, forest industry, and policymakers should work to modernize weight laws to reduce hauling costs, maintain or improve safety, and protect public infrastructure.
Study Implications
Increasing gross vehicle weight (GVW) limits in combination with adding axles to tractor-trailers has been demonstrated to reduce both timber transportation costs and damage to public roads. This study found that loggers and forest industry supported additional GVW but were hesitant to support configurations that would necessitate upgrading log truck fleets. If Georgia is to make its weight limits competitive regionally and internationally, it will be necessary to clearly communicate the benefits of heavier trucks with more axles to skeptical loggers.