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productive activity
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 395-428
Mayany Soares Salgado ◽  
Maria Antonia Soares Salgado

O presente artigo discute os aspectos da territorialidade ribeirinha de Abaetetuba, no estado do Pará, com foco na produção do açaí (Euterpe oleracea) no município de Abaetetuba, considerando a importân­cia do açaí como base alimentar dos ribeirinhos do município, assim como o consumo em várias escalas. A pesquisa objetiva analisar a territorialidade ribeirinha na inserção do açaí na lógica de reprimarização da economia no município. Foram realizadas quinze entrevistas com pessoas que atuam diariamente nos elos da cadeia produtiva do açaí, realizadas nos meses de julho e agosto de 2021, com intuito de identificar a realidade atual produtiva do produto, frente o aumento da demanda e consequentemente a pressão exercida na várzea para garantir a oferta. A pesquisa mostra que a conscientização ambiental não alcança de maneira homogênea os agentes que atuam nos elos das cadeias, mas sim que há um distanciamento significativo por parte de quem não mora nas ilhas. Já os ribeirinhos em si possuem esta consciência, porém há uma apropriação das relações de ancestralidade que existem entorno do açaí, pelo neoextrati­vismo e que mantém a tendência monucultural do açaí, considerando que essa estratégia tende minimi­zar as possibilidades de conflito pelo uso do território ribeirinho, em função de ter sido implantado por meio de uma atividade produtiva de cunho ancestral, com isso se mantém as relações desiguais que a reprimarização necessita para se consolidar na várzea de Abaetetuba. Palavras-chave: Território; ribeirinho; açaí; reprimarização da economia; Abaetetuba.   Abstract This paper discusses the aspects of ribeirinho territoriality of Abaetetuba in the Brazilian state of Pará, focusing on the production of açaí (Euterpe oleracea) in Abaetetuba municipality, considering the importance of açaí as the food base of the ribeirinho dwellers, as well as its consumption at various scale levels. The research aims to analyze the municipality’s ribeirinho territoriality in terms of the insertion of açaí in the logic of reprimarization of the local economy. Fifteen interviews were conducted with people who work daily in the links of the açaí production chain in the months of July and August 2021, in order to identify the current productive reality of the fruit, in face of the trend of incrementing both the demand and the pressure exerted on the floodplain to guarantee supply. The research shows that the environmental awareness does not reach homogeneously the agents that act in the links of the chains, but that there is a significant distancing on the part of those who do not live on the local space. The ribeirinho dwellers themselves show this awareness, but there is an appropriation of açaí’s ancestral relations by neoextractivism, and this maintains the monocultural trend of the fruit, considering that this strategy tends to minimize the possibilities of conflict for the use of ribeirinho territory, because it was implemented through a productive activity of ancestral nature, thus maintaining the unequal relations that reprimarization needs to consolidate itself in the floodplain of Abaetetuba. Keywords: Territory; ribeirinhos; açaí; reprimarization of the economy; Abaetetuba.   El territorio ribereño y la reprimarización del açaí: El caso de la llanura de inundación de Abaetetuba (PA)   Resumen Este trabajo discute los aspectos de la territorialidad ribereña de Abaetetuba, en el estado brasileño de Pará, centrándose en la producción delaçaí (Euterpe oleracea) en el municipio de Abaetetuba, conside­rando la importancia del açaí como base alimenticia de los ribereños delaciudad, así como el consumo de ello en diversas escalas. La investigaciónpretendeanalizar la territorialidad ribereña en la inserción del açaí en la lógica de reprimarización de la economía en el municipio. Se realizaron 15 entrevistas a personas que trabajan diariamente en posiciones de la cadena productiva del açaí, realizadas en los meses de julio y agosto de 2021, con el fin de identificar la realidad productiva actual del fruto, frente al aumento de la demanda y, en consecuencia, de la presión ejercida sobre la llanura de inundación para garantizar el su­ministro. La investigación muestra que la concienciación medioambiental no llega de forma homogénea a los agentes que actúan en los anillos de la cadena, sino que hay un distanciamiento significativo por parte de los que no viven en el espacio. Los propios ribereños tienen esta conciencia, pero hay una apro­piación de las relaciones ancestrales que existen en torno al açaí, por parte del neoextractivismo,lo que mantiene la tendencia monocultural del açaí, considerando que esta estrategia tiende a minimizar las po­sibilidades de conflicto por el uso del territorio ribereño, debido a que se han desplegado a través de una actividad productiva de carácter ancestral, con esto se mantienen las relaciones desiguales que la repri­marización necesita para consolidarse en la llanura de inundación de Abaetetuba. Palabras clave: Territorio; Ribereño; Açaí; Reprimarización de la economía; Abaetetuba.  

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Antonio De Lucas Ancillo ◽  
Sorin Gavrila Gavrila ◽  
José Raúl Fernández del Castillo Díez ◽  
Juan Corro Beseler

PurposeExisting studies are scarce, especially on the Industry 4.0 application to firms' innovation and competitiveness, and even more on the application to LATAM and Spanish SMEs. This paper tries to fill this gap by explaining the results of applying a systematic model, to understand which are the SMEs' strengths and weaknesses in relation to the Industry 4.0 transformation.Design/methodology/approachA systematic methodology involving documentation analysis, visits to the companies, interviews with employees and managers, making a preliminary diagnosis, crossing their needs with the enablers that can apply. The fieldwork was carried out during a two month period (2019), on a target sample of 22 SMEs operating under industrial productive activity already exporting or planning their internationalization toward LATAM regions.FindingsThere are relevant barriers that need to be overcome in order to enter Industry 4.0 and, in this specific analysis, the following major classification was obtained: (1) Technological barrier, (2) Training barrier, (3) Economic barrier and (4) Contextual barrier.Originality/valueThis paper provides new insights and sets a starting point regarding LATAM and Spanish’ Industry 4.0 situation, while contributing to the SMEs competitiveness by providing deeper understanding of the barriers and limitations in adopting Industry 4.0, pointing out some implications and suggestions for organizations to implement.

2021 ◽  
pp. 168-180
Lada Yakovytska

The article is devoted to the analysis and empirical study of the most promising developmental tasks of the modern educational environment for the development of new approaches to the organization and psychological support of the development of a person's productive activity. These tasks clearly demonstrate the relationship between the motivational sphere of the individual and the social environment, the effectiveness of the influence of social factors on the development of the individual, the importance of studying their hierarchization according to the degree of influence. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that the study of the possibility of a targeted impact through social factors, norms, requirements on the motivational-need sphere of a developing personality will allow to determine to a large extent, the direction of its development. Our research is based on the assumption that the analysis of the motivational profile will allow us to understand how student youth comes to the realization of the need to coordinate the goals, requirements, wishes of the external environment with their own motivation. The aim of the study was to study the influence of the individual's objective attitudes on the structure of professional activity motives. To solve the set tasks, the following methods were used: the motivational profile of S. Ritchie and P. Martin, the test "20 statements". The results obtained by the method of S. Ritchie and P. Martin confirmed our hypothetical assumption, the respondents predominantly chose the objective components of the motivational structure, which were substantively related to the social expectations of the subjects (from society to themselves). The results obtained confirmed the prospects of studying the influence of social factors on the development of the motivational-need-related sphere of the individual. The analysis of social factors makes it possible to study and model the conditions that contribute to the rethinking of the actual situation by the individual and the creation of new meanings of activity that provide for a wider non-utilitarian social context that goes beyond the current situation.

Globus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6(63)) ◽  
pp. 6-9
Chacon Anchondo Leonel

To achieve sustainability, superfluous and negative economic activities must be made productive and positive. From the point of view of Anthropoecology, the army belongs to the superfluous economically active population and the purpose is to make it more sustainable; as well as the common criminals who can be classified in the negative workforce, directing them to a positive activity. Vast majority of soldiers receive training to operate their weapons, maintain great discipline and physical condition. The complex equipment that is currently used (2021 AD.), It is a minority who receive high-level technical instructions for normal army operations, perhaps that training allows them to work in any company or carry out some productive activity for themselves. There is the option of training privates that would like it, in a productive occupation of their choice, before finishing their service in the army, so they don’t leave empty-handed and not just like another retiree.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7(61)) ◽  
pp. 18-21
Chacon Anchondo Leonel

To achieve sustainability, superfluous and negative economic activities must be made productive and positive. From the point of view of Anthropoecology, the army belongs to the superfluous economically active population and the purpose is to make it more sustainable; as well as the common criminals who can be classified in the negative workforce, directing them to a positive activity. Vast majority of soldiers receive training to operate their weapons, maintain great discipline and physical condition. The complex equipment that is currently used (2021 AD.), It is a minority who receive high-level technical instructions for normal army operations, perhaps that training allows them to work in any company or carry out some productive activity for themselves. There is the option of training privates that would like it, in a productive occupation of their choice, before finishing their service in the army, so they don't leave empty-handed and not just like another retiree.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (9(59)) ◽  
pp. 15-18
Chacon Anchondo Leonel

To achieve sustainability, superfluous and negative economic activities must be made productive and positive. From the point of view of Anthropoecology, the army belongs to the superfluous economically active population and the purpose is to make it more sustainable; as well as the common criminals who can be classified in the negative workforce, directing them to a positive activity. Vast majority of soldiers receive training to operate their weapons, maintain great discipline and physical condition. The complex equipment that is currently used (2021 AD.), It is a minority who receive high-level technical instructions for normal army operations, perhaps that training allows them to work in any company or carry out some productive activity for themselves. There is the option of training privates that would like it, in a productive occupation of their choice, before finishing their service in the army, so they don’t leave empty-handed and not just like another retiree.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
Sergey Struganov ◽  
Viktor Polunin ◽  
Sergey Barkalov

Currently, much attention is paid to the prevention of recidivism in the modern society in the whole world. This problem is the most topical and relevant, because the process of criminalization of our society has been developed widely in the world, which, together with the process of preventing recidivism, takes a key place in the productive activity of decriminalization. The need for preventive work in the sphere of recidivism allows us to stable the general situation in the society, carry out various economic reforms, increase moral and psychological values and other factors that help influence positively the criminological situation. The article considers possible ways to solve this issue at the legislative level, as well as the practical activities of foreign countries to solve this problem. The results of the study allow us to show that the prevention of recidivism nowadays plays an important role in the decriminalization of the entire world community, which needs a comprehensive system of social rehabilitation of released persons from prisons in order to keep them from committing a repeated crime.

2021 ◽  
pp. 97-105
Polina Biryukova

This work analyzes English neologisms of cinematic discourse that characterize a film recipient – they name the viewers, describe the process of their perception of TV content, denote acceptance or rejection of its content, the incentive nature of cinema. Based on the semantic components contained in the definitions and/or the contextual field of the neologisms at hand, a conclusion was drawn on the ever-growing role of cinematography in a personal life of a 21st century person, its ubiquity in daily life both in the form of a moving image and in other incarnations. The neologisms under consideration indicate that viewers analyze TV content, discuss it, engage in productive activity while watching a movie, visit filming locations, and see images of famous characters in their natural habitat. A certain range of neologisms in English cinematic discourse speaks of the tendency of a significant number of modern film recipients to popularize negative characters, to justify their immoral acts. However, this work also emphasizes that this is not the first time this trend is taking place.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Laura J. Connolly ◽  
Shantha M. W. Rajaratnam ◽  
Gershon Spitz ◽  
Steven W. Lockley ◽  
Jennie L. Ponsford

Background: Fatigue and sleep disturbance are common and debilitating problems after brain injury. Light therapy shows promise as a potential treatment. We conducted a trial of in-home light therapy to alleviate fatigue and sleep disturbance. The aim of the current study was to identify factors moderating treatment response.Methods: Participants were 24 individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) (n = 19) or stroke (n = 5) reporting clinically significant fatigue. Outcomes included fatigue on Brief Fatigue Inventory (primary outcome), sleep disturbance on Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, reaction time (RT) on Psychomotor Vigilance Task and time spent in productive activity. Interactions of demographic and clinical variables with these outcomes were examined in linear mixed-model analyses.Results: Whilst there were no variables found to be significantly associated with change in our primary outcome of fatigue, some variables revealed medium or large effect sizes, including chronotype, eye color, injury severity as measured by PTA, and baseline depressive symptoms. Chronotype significantly moderated sleep quality, with evening chronotype being associated with greater improvement during treatment. Injury type significantly predicted mean RT, with stroke participants exhibiting greater post-treatment reduction than TBI. Age significantly predicted productive activity during Treatment, with younger participants showing stronger Treatment effect.Conclusion: Light therapy may have a greater impact on sleep in younger individuals and those with an evening chronotype. Older individuals may need higher treatment dose to achieve benefit.Clinical Trial Registration:www.anzctr.org.au, identifier: ACTRN12617000866303.

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