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euterpe oleracea
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2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Karen Renata Herculano Matos Oliveira ◽  
Marjorie Lujan Marques Torres ◽  
Nayara Kauffmann ◽  
Brenda Jaqueline de Azevedo Ataíde ◽  
Nívia de Souza Franco Mendes ◽  

Abstract Background Cerebral malaria is one of the most severe complications attributed to protozoal infection by Plasmodium falciparum, gaining prominence in children mortality rates in endemic areas. This condition has a complex pathogenesis associated with behavioral, cognitive and motor sequels in humans and current antimalarial therapies have shown little effect in those aspects. Natural products with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have become a valuable alternative therapeutic option in the treatment of distinct conditions. In this context, this study investigated the neuroprotective effect of Euterpe oleracea (açai) enriched diet during the development of experimental cerebral malaria induced by the inoculation of Swiss albino mice with Plasmodium berghei ANKA strain. Methods After Plasmodium infection, animals were maintained on a feeding with Euterpe oleracea enriched ration and parameters such as survival curve, parasitemia and body weight were routinely monitored. The present study has also evaluated the effect of açai-enriched diet on the blood-brain barrier leakage, histological alterations and neurocognitive impairments in mice developing cerebral malaria. Results Our results demonstrate that between 7th–19th day post infection the survival rate of the group treated with açai enriched ration was higher when compared with Plasmodium-infected mice in which 100% of mice died until the 11th days post-infection, demonstrating that açai diet has a protective effect on the survival of infected treated animals. The same was observed in the brain vascular extravasation, where Evans blue dye assays showed significantly less dye extravasation in the brains of Plasmodium-infected mice treated with açai enriched ration, demonstrating more preserved blood-brain barrier integrity. Açai-enriched diet also attenuate the histopathological alterations elicited by Plasmodium berghei infection. We also showed a decrease of the neurological impairments arising from the exposure of cerebral parenchyma in the group treated with açai diet, ameliorating motor and neuropsychiatric changes, analyzed through the SHIRPA protocol. Conclusion With these results, we conclude that the treatment with açai enriched ration decreased the mortality of infected animals, as well as protected the blood-brain barrier and the neurocognitive deficits in Plasmodium-infected animals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (17) ◽  
pp. e76101724345
Amanda da Silva Reis ◽  
Nayara Martins Alencar ◽  
João Batista Fernandes da Cruz ◽  
Maria Luara Aragão Silva ◽  
Flavia Barreira Gonçalves ◽  

Forest restoration has the premise of restoring degraded native vegetation to conditions prior to degradation. The objective of this work was to evaluate the production of seedlings of a native species from the Amazon biome (Euterpe oleracea) under different substrates. The experiment was carried out at the Federal University of Tocantins, using a completely randomized design, and a 5x 4 factorial scheme, with five substrates (babassu stem + soil, babassu stem + rice husk + soil, coconut fiber + soil, babassu stem + fiber coconut + rice husk + soil, commercial substrate + soil - control), four trial periods (50, 100, 150 and 200 days). The evaluated variables: plant height, stem diameter, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, total dry matter, seedling quality index, leaf area and absolute growth rate. The growth of assai seedlings was influenced by the different substrates, until the 150 days after transplanting the quality and development of the seedlings were the same, both for the treatments that used commercial substrate and for the treatments that used renewable materials in their composition. The treatment using babassu stem (T1) obtained better shoot dry matter, total dry matter and seedling quality index values, in addition to being a material found in abundance in the regions, making this treatment the most viable and recommended for the production of assai seedlings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 395-428
Mayany Soares Salgado ◽  
Maria Antonia Soares Salgado

O presente artigo discute os aspectos da territorialidade ribeirinha de Abaetetuba, no estado do Pará, com foco na produção do açaí (Euterpe oleracea) no município de Abaetetuba, considerando a importân­cia do açaí como base alimentar dos ribeirinhos do município, assim como o consumo em várias escalas. A pesquisa objetiva analisar a territorialidade ribeirinha na inserção do açaí na lógica de reprimarização da economia no município. Foram realizadas quinze entrevistas com pessoas que atuam diariamente nos elos da cadeia produtiva do açaí, realizadas nos meses de julho e agosto de 2021, com intuito de identificar a realidade atual produtiva do produto, frente o aumento da demanda e consequentemente a pressão exercida na várzea para garantir a oferta. A pesquisa mostra que a conscientização ambiental não alcança de maneira homogênea os agentes que atuam nos elos das cadeias, mas sim que há um distanciamento significativo por parte de quem não mora nas ilhas. Já os ribeirinhos em si possuem esta consciência, porém há uma apropriação das relações de ancestralidade que existem entorno do açaí, pelo neoextrati­vismo e que mantém a tendência monucultural do açaí, considerando que essa estratégia tende minimi­zar as possibilidades de conflito pelo uso do território ribeirinho, em função de ter sido implantado por meio de uma atividade produtiva de cunho ancestral, com isso se mantém as relações desiguais que a reprimarização necessita para se consolidar na várzea de Abaetetuba. Palavras-chave: Território; ribeirinho; açaí; reprimarização da economia; Abaetetuba.   Abstract This paper discusses the aspects of ribeirinho territoriality of Abaetetuba in the Brazilian state of Pará, focusing on the production of açaí (Euterpe oleracea) in Abaetetuba municipality, considering the importance of açaí as the food base of the ribeirinho dwellers, as well as its consumption at various scale levels. The research aims to analyze the municipality’s ribeirinho territoriality in terms of the insertion of açaí in the logic of reprimarization of the local economy. Fifteen interviews were conducted with people who work daily in the links of the açaí production chain in the months of July and August 2021, in order to identify the current productive reality of the fruit, in face of the trend of incrementing both the demand and the pressure exerted on the floodplain to guarantee supply. The research shows that the environmental awareness does not reach homogeneously the agents that act in the links of the chains, but that there is a significant distancing on the part of those who do not live on the local space. The ribeirinho dwellers themselves show this awareness, but there is an appropriation of açaí’s ancestral relations by neoextractivism, and this maintains the monocultural trend of the fruit, considering that this strategy tends to minimize the possibilities of conflict for the use of ribeirinho territory, because it was implemented through a productive activity of ancestral nature, thus maintaining the unequal relations that reprimarization needs to consolidate itself in the floodplain of Abaetetuba. Keywords: Territory; ribeirinhos; açaí; reprimarization of the economy; Abaetetuba.   El territorio ribereño y la reprimarización del açaí: El caso de la llanura de inundación de Abaetetuba (PA)   Resumen Este trabajo discute los aspectos de la territorialidad ribereña de Abaetetuba, en el estado brasileño de Pará, centrándose en la producción delaçaí (Euterpe oleracea) en el municipio de Abaetetuba, conside­rando la importancia del açaí como base alimenticia de los ribereños delaciudad, así como el consumo de ello en diversas escalas. La investigaciónpretendeanalizar la territorialidad ribereña en la inserción del açaí en la lógica de reprimarización de la economía en el municipio. Se realizaron 15 entrevistas a personas que trabajan diariamente en posiciones de la cadena productiva del açaí, realizadas en los meses de julio y agosto de 2021, con el fin de identificar la realidad productiva actual del fruto, frente al aumento de la demanda y, en consecuencia, de la presión ejercida sobre la llanura de inundación para garantizar el su­ministro. La investigación muestra que la concienciación medioambiental no llega de forma homogénea a los agentes que actúan en los anillos de la cadena, sino que hay un distanciamiento significativo por parte de los que no viven en el espacio. Los propios ribereños tienen esta conciencia, pero hay una apro­piación de las relaciones ancestrales que existen en torno al açaí, por parte del neoextractivismo,lo que mantiene la tendencia monocultural del açaí, considerando que esta estrategia tiende a minimizar las po­sibilidades de conflicto por el uso del territorio ribereño, debido a que se han desplegado a través de una actividad productiva de carácter ancestral, con esto se mantienen las relaciones desiguales que la repri­marización necesita para consolidarse en la llanura de inundación de Abaetetuba. Palabras clave: Territorio; Ribereño; Açaí; Reprimarización de la economía; Abaetetuba.  

DAT Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 99-118
Ana Carolina Garcia Ribeiro ◽  
Letícia Maria Muniz ◽  
Maria Isabelle S. da Silva ◽  
Nicole Kareen Conceição Mendes ◽  
Lucas Cardoso Marinho ◽  

O presente artigo busca apresentar a proposta de criação de estampas para o vestuário infantil a partir da construção de rapports usando elementos da flora nativa maranhense, no intuito de tornar as espécies locais mais familiares às crianças. Foram elaborados dois rapports inspirados no bacuri (Platonia insignis Mart.) e na juçara (ou açaí, Euterpe oleracea Mart.). Os resultados contemplam o processo de criação, desde os elementos gráficos que constituem o motivo, apresentando os módulos, até os rapports finais e mockups para visualização da aplicação em roupas para meninos e meninas.

2021 ◽  
pp. 225-229
Evgeniy Evgen'yevich Kurdyukov ◽  
Ольга Александровна Vodop'yanova ◽  
Natalia Victorovna Antropova ◽  
Aleksandr Vladimirovich Mitishev ◽  
Natal'ya Evgen'yevna Evgrashkina

Fruits of Euterpe oleracea are widely used in foreign medical practice as an antioxidant. The fruits of Euterpe contain tannins. The most common method of quantitative determination of tannins is spectrophotometry. The purpose of this work is to determine the content of the sum of tannins in the fruits of Euterpe by spectrophotometry Quantitative determination of the amount of tannins in the fruits of Euterpe by direct spectrophotometry was carried out. To confirm the presence of tannins in the fruits of Euterpe, qualitative reactions were used (1% solution of iron-ammonium alum, 1% solution of vanillin in concentrated hydrochloric acid). The presence of tannins was confirmed by direct spectrophotometry in extracts from euterpe fruits, the analytical maxima of the studied compounds were determined at about 282±2 nm, which corresponds to the maximum absorption of catechin. The optimal conditions for the extraction of tannins from the raw materials of this plant (extractant – ethyl alcohol 40%; the ratio of "raw material – extractant" – 1 : 100; extraction time – 60 minutes; the degree of grinding of raw materials – 1.0 mm) are justified. It was determined that the average error in determining the content of tannins in the fruits of euterpe with a confidence probability of 95% is ±1.59%. It was revealed that the content of tannins in the fruits of euterpe is 8.90%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. e58099
Rayane da Mota Rios ◽  
Silas Mochiutti ◽  
Wardsson Lustrino Borges ◽  
Lúcio André Viana Dias

Açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) - a common tropical palm has high social, economic, and environmental importance in the Amazon region. In the light of increasing exploration to obtain the fruit and heart of this palms, comprehensive studies are warranted for conservation and genetic improvement. Here, we characterized açaí accessions using phenological, morphological, and agronomic descriptors and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular markers for joint selection of accessions with greater productivity. Hundred accessions were analyzed using 18 morphoagronomic descriptors and 13 RAPD markers. The spathe and inflorescence emission phases during flowering and fruiting showed seasonality. Based on the coefficient of variation and mean squared error, the accessions exhibited high variability in the tested morphoagronomic descriptors and were distributed into seven groups. Fruit, seed, and pulp weights were important descriptors for the distinction of accessions and identification of those with greater productivity. The accessions presented >85% similarity, and 85 accessions, distributed in nine subgroups, could not be differentiated using RAPD markers. There was no correlation between grouping based on morphometric descriptors and RAPD markers. Panicle weight was 3.9-9.0 kg in 15 accessions and 100-fruit pulp weight was 35-50 g in six accessions. Therefore, accessions with high productivity could be selected.

2021 ◽  
Braulio Fernandes de Carvalho ◽  
Gustavo Nogueira Barreto

Introdução: A região do baixo Longá, no seu encontro com o baixo Parnaíba, localiza-se próximo a Unidades de Conservação e contém Áreas de Preservação Permanente que constituem um mosaico de fitofisionomias de Cerrado e Caatinga. Há uma variedade de paisagens que, por sua vez, se relaciona com uma ampla biodiversidade. Conhecer as espécies nativas da fauna e da flora é importante para planejamento urbano, econômico e socioambiental, principalmente em áreas com alto potencial para extrativismo sustentável e ecoturismo. Objetivo: realizar levantamentos iniciais da biodiversidade no baixo Rio Longá para produção de informação voltada ao planejamento de atividades econômicas sustentáveis e de educação e de recuperação ambiental. Materiais e métodos: identificou-se espécies nativas da fauna e flora no sul de Buriti dos Lopes e no norte de Caxingó e Murici dos Portelas, em propriedade rural privada e no entorno de vias públicas, por meio de 5 visitas de campo, entre junho e setembro de 2021. Resultados: a avifauna avistada foi Alma-de-gato (Piaya cayana), Anu-branco (Guira guira), Anu-preto (Crotophaga ani), Ariramba-de-cauda-ruiva (Galbula ruficauda), Beija-flor-vermelho (Chrysolampis mosquitus), Bem-te-vi (Pitangus sulphuratus), Coruja-buraqueira (Athene cunicularia), Garça-branca-pequena (Egretta thula), Gralha-do-campo (Cyanocorax cristatellus), Quero-quero (Vanellus chilensis), Recongo (Psarocolius decumanus), Rolinha-fogo-apagou (Columbina squammata), Tesourinha (Tyrannus savana), Urubu-da-cabeça-amarela (Cathartes burrovianus), Urubu-preto (Coragyps atratus). Abelhas identificadas: Arapuá (Trigona spinipes) e Mamangaba (Bombus sp.). Flora avistada: Açaizeiro (Euterpe oleracea), Angico-branco (Albizia niopoides), Angico-vermelho (Anadenanthera colubrina), Babaçu (Attalea sp.), Buritizeiro (Mauritia flexuosa), Carnaúba (Copernicia prunifera), Caroba (Jacaranda sp.), Catingueira (Cenostigma pyramidale), Chichá-do-cerrado (Sterculia striata), Copaíba (Copaifera sp.), Embaúba (Cecropia sp.), Espinheira (Fabaceae), Fava D’anta (Dimorphandra mollis), Faveira (Parkia platycephala), Ingazeiro (Inga sp.), Ipê-amarelo (Tabebuia sp.), Janaguba (Himatanthus drasticus) , Jatobá (Hymenaea sp.), Leiteira (Calotropis procera), Lixeira (Curatella americana), Mandacaru (Cereus jamacaru), Munguba (Pachira aquatica), Pata-de-bode (Fabaceae), Pata-de-vaca (Bauhinia sp.), Pau-marfim (Agonandra brasiliensis), Sucupira-preta (Bowdichia virgilioides), Tamboril (Enterolobium contortisiliquum), Tingui (Magonia pubescens), Umburana (Amburana cearenses) e outras 3 espécies de Fabaceae. A distribuição das espécies relacionou-se com as condições edáficas, de umidade e de estágio sucessional. Conclusões: a identificação de biodiversidade aqui apresentada fornece dados iniciais para guiar ações envolvendo o meio ambiente do baixo Longá, como pesquisa, extrativismo, planejamento urbano e ecoturismo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 334-346
Tatiani Yuriko Pinheiro KIKUCHI ◽  
Cátia Henriques CALLADO

ABSTRACT Palms may be an important source of renewable raw material to replace wood, however, the uses of the stems of native species of the Brazil are known only at the local or regional level. We carried out a literature review on the traditional knowledge of the uses of the stems of palm species native to the Amazon biome in Brazil, and related the types of uses with morphological characteristics of the stems. The review resulted in information on 45 species with solitary or cespitose stems, and six stem-size types: tall (15 species), medium-short (3), medium (5), small (17), acaulescent (1) and climbing (4). We found 80 indications of stem use in seven categories and 14 subcategories. A similarity analysis showed that, in general, tall, medium-short, medium, small (≥ 10 cm in diameter) and climbing stem types, solitary or cespitous, are used for construction, furniture, handicrafts, utensils, tools and musical instruments. Only small stems (< 10 cm diameter) are used to manufacture weapons for hunting and fishing, and climbing stems are used in the manufacture of ropes. Stems of Socratea exorrhiza, Euterpe oleracea and Desmoncus polyacanthos are the most frequently used to meet subsistence needs in traditional communities in the Brazilian Amazon. Our findings indicate that there is a potential for use of several native palm stems as sources for alternative materials in the manufacture industry and as sustainable income sources for Amazonian communities.

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