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growth regulator
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2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Hay V. Duong ◽  
Thanh C. Nguyen ◽  
Xuan T. Nguyen ◽  
Minh Q. Nguyen ◽  
Phuoc H. Nguyen ◽  

The presence of pesticide residues was investigated in the organic rice production model in An Giang province, Vietnam. A total number of sixteen pesticide residues was been recorded during the investigation. Based on their contamination rate, they are classified as follows. The high-risk group includes tricyclazole (80%). The medium-risk group includes chlorpyrifos (47%), isoprothiolane (47%), difenoconazole (40%), propiconazole (40%), hexaconazole (40%), chlorfenapyr (33%), azoxystrobin (20%), and cypermethrin (20%). The low-risk group includes metalaxyl & metalaxyl-M, paclobutazol, niclosamide, chlorfenson, fipronil, fipronil-desulfinyl, and fenoxanil, which were detected with a contamination rate of 7%. There were seven insecticides, seven fungicides, one snail killer, and one growth regulator.

K.P. Aiswarya V. Dev ◽  
M. Rafeekher ◽  
S. Sarada

Background: Commercial cultivation of bitter gourd is affected by biotic stresses like mosaic disease, fusarium wilt and root-knot nematode as well as abiotic stress like drought. Grafting with resistant rootstocks can be a tool to control these problems. In vegetable production, grafting is exploited commercially in many parts of the world. The cultivated area of grafted solanaceae and cucubitaceae plants has increased tremendously in recent years because of the advantages of grafted plants. Commercial use of vegetable grafting is a relatively recent innovation in India and scientific information on grafting in bittergourd is meager. In this context, identification of suitable rootstocks and standardization of grafting techniques that do not have adverse effect on yield and fruit quality not only lay foundation for further evaluation on tolerance to different biotic and abiotic stresses but also enhance the area and production of bitter gourd especially in sustainable production systems. Methods: Grafting in bitter gourd was carried out with three grafting methods such as hole insertion grafting, one cotyledon grafting and cleft grafting using growth regulators viz., alar and CCC to control height of rootstocks in order to identify suitable method, growth regulator and its concentration. The grafting experiment was done independently to four cucurbitaceous rootstocks viz., sponge gourd, pumpkin, bottle gourd and bitter gourd using bittergourd var. Preethi as scion. Height and diameter of the rootstocks before grafting were recorded and then the growth regulators alar and CCC each at 10 mgL-1 and 50 mgL-1 along with distilled water as control were sprayed on rootstocks in order to prevent the lodging of the root stocks and then grafted using different methods. Days taken for graft union and percentage success were also evaluated after grafting. Result: Our study of grafting bitter gourd scion into four cucurbitaceous rootstocks utilizing three methods and two growth regulators at two different concentration along with control exhibited significant difference in graft success among the methods as well as concentration of growth regulator in all four experiments. This work can be further utilized for imparting resistance against abiotic and biotic stresses in bitter gourd by selecting suitable rootstocks.

Chong Wang ◽  
Fei Gao ◽  
Changjiao Sun ◽  
Yue Shen ◽  
Shenshan Zhan ◽  

1-triacontanol has attracted considerable research interest in plant growth regulator field, owing to its physiological effect in seed germination, root growth and photosynthesis enhancement. In this work, a 1-triacontanol modified...

Jurnal Wasian ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-120
Febryani Febryani ◽  
Faisal Tuheteru ◽  
Asrianti Arif ◽  
Husna Husna

Kalapi (Kalappia celebica Kosterm.) is endemic in Sulawesi and Endangered species. Plant propagation needs to be done but is constrained by limited seeds. Vegetative propagation of plants can be an alternative method such as using the root cutting technique that has been done previously on other types of species. This study aims to determine the success of vegetative propagation of kalapi (K. celebica), an endangered tree species by root cuttings using Rootone F. as root growth regulator. The research took place from March to June 2019 conducted at the plastic house of the Indonesian Mycorrhizal Association (AMI) Southeast Sulawesi Branch, Kendari. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of 6 treatments of Rootone-F concentration : (a) 0 ppm, (b) 100 ppm, (c) 200 ppm, (d) 300 ppm, (e) 400 ppm and (f) 500 ppm. Each treatment was repeated three times and three units of the plant so that the total experimental unit used was 54 units. The results showed that the provision of Rootone-F could increase the success of the growth of kalapi root cuttings. Rootone-F concentration of 500 ppm gives the best results on the percentage of cuttings, percentage of sprouts, percentage of roots, number of shoots and shoot dry weight. The results showed that kalapi can be propagated by root cuttings.

P. V. Lykhovyd ◽  
S. O. Lavrenko ◽  
I. M. Biliaieva ◽  
O. O. Piliarska ◽  
K. I. Boitseniuk

M. P. Baida

Purpose. Determine the efficiency of photosynthesis of soybean varieties ‘Ustia’, ‘Kordoba’, ‘Estafeta’ as affected by the use of microfertilizers and growth regulators. Methods. Field, laboratory. Results. The article presents the results of research to study the effectiveness of photosynthesis in the cultivation of different varieties of soybean. It was found that the treatment of plants with microfertilizer Yara Vita Mono Molitrak in the budding phase (0.25 l/ha) + in the flowering phase (0.25 l/ha) in combination with the growth regulator Radostym ensured a leaf area (1000 m2/ha) increase of 7.2 m2/ha in variety ‘Ustia’, 7.6 in ‘Kordoba’ and 5.2 in ‘Estafeta’, compared to control. At the same time, the efficiency of using the growth regulator Biosil against the background of double treatment with the microfertilizer was at the level of the treatments with single treatments with Yara Vita Mono Molitrak in the budding phase (0.25 l/ha) in combination with appropriate growth regulators. Conclusions. It was investigated that the leaf surface area of ‘Ustia’ variety with foliar fertilization using Yara Vita Mono Molitrak microfertilizer in the budding phase (0.25 l/ha) in combination with growth regulators Biosil and Radostym was 38.8 and 39.2 thousand m2/ha. The use of microfertilizers twice in combination with the above-mentioned growth regulators contributed to the increase of leaf area to the level of 38.9 and 39.5 thousand m2/ha, respectively. Similarly, in ‘Kordoba’ soybean variety, the best option was the use of Yara Vita Mono Molitrak in the budding phase (0.25 l/ha) + in the flowering phase (0.25 l/ha) in combination with the growth regulator Radostym, which helped to increase the leaf area to 39.5 thousand m2/ha. Foliar fertilization with microfertilizers combined with the use of growth regulators provides the formation of maximum NPP. Thus, in ‘Ustia’ variety, it was 1.47 and 1.45 g/m2, in ‘Estafeta’ 1.82 and 1.82 g/m2 of dry matter per day.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Zulfa Rahmadita Nur Azizah ◽  
Etik Wukir Tini ◽  
Joko Maryanto

<p>Perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetatif menggunakan teknik sambung pucuk dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk menghasilkan benih yang bermutu. Namun, masalah yang sering terjadi pada sambung pucuk adalah kegagalan sambung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jenis zat pengatur tumbuh, jumlah daun entres, dan kombinasi perlakuan yang memberikan hasil terbaik terhadap keberhasilan sambung pucuk durian. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2018 sampai Januari 2019 di Desa Alasmalang, Kemranjen, Banyumas. Percobaan yang dilakukan merupakan percobaan pot dengan rancangan faktorial. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini adalah kombinasi antara zat pengatur tumbuh (kontrol, ekstrak tauge, air kelapa, IBA, dan BAP) dan jumlah daun entres (2, 4, dan 6 helai). Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap dengan 15 perlakuan dan diulang tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan ZPT IBA dan BAP memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah tunas sambung pucuk tanaman durian, yaitu sebesar 2,711 dan 2,822 dan perlakuan jumlah daun entres dua helai memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap waktu pecah tunas, jumlah tunas, dan pertambahan jumlah daun sambung pucuk tanaman durian, yaitu sebesar 2,3 helai.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p>Sambung pucuk durian; Daun entres; Zat pengatur tumbuh</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Vegetative propagation of plants using shoot grafting can be used as an alternative to produce quality seeds. The problem that often occours in top grafting is the failure to graft. This experiment aims to obtain the type of plant growth regulator, the number of scion’s leaves, and the combination that give the best results for growth of top grafting in durian. The research was conducted in November 2018 to January 2019 in Alasmalang Village, Kemranjen, Banyumas. The experiment was a pot experiment with a factorial design. The treatment was a combination of growth regulator (control, bean extract, coconut water, IBA, and BAP) and number of scion leaves (2, 4, and 6 strands). The research design used was a RCBD with 15 treatments and three replications. The results showed that the treatment of PGR IBA and BAP had a significant effect on the number of grafted shoots of durian plants, namely 2.711 and 2.822 and the treatment of the number of leaves of two leaves had a significant effect on shoot break time, the number of shoots and the increase in the number of grafted leaves of durian plants, namely amounting to 2.3 strands.</p>

M. M. Sidorovich ◽  
O. P. Kundelchuk ◽  

Determining the environmental safety of new synthetic plant growth regulators is an urgent problem. Spirocarbon derivatives were subjected to such determination by means of a specially developed system based on phytotests "germinated seeds". This system allows the values of biometric, cytological and biochemical parameters of the phytotest to determine the toxic, cytotoxic, genotoxic (mutagenic) effects and induction of molecular stress by the synthetic chemical substance being tested. This system was used to establish the biological properties of a new drug - a complex of spirocarbon with boric acid - in relation to five phytotests monocotyledons and dicotyledons plants. Phytotesting was performed in the spectrum of concentrations (10-7-10-2 mol/dm3) of this drug. It demonstrated either the absence or presence of a weak toxic effect on phytotests, which did not exceed 30%. The study showed that the plant growth regulator spirocarbon in combination with boric acid has growthregulating properties, the manifestation of which depends on the concentration of the drug and the species characteristics of plants. Only the maximum concentration (10-2 моль/дм3) of the tested drug is slightly toxic to plants. The obtained results testify to the biological efficiency and ecological safety of the synthesized drug. This allows us to recommend it for use in agricultural practice.

I. I. Palamarchuk ◽  

In the results conducted between studies, the studied regulators affect the biometrics and yield of table carrot plants. The greatest influence on the interphase period "root formation - technical maturity" was performed by the regulator Phytocid-r, which helped reduce the growth of the interphase period Shantane KL by 3 days, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 by 4 days. With the use of the growth regulator Phytocid-r of the vegetation period of the population in the variety Shantane KL – 117 days, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 118 days, respectively 6 and 7 days shorter with control. The highest weight of root crops during the growing season was observed using the growth regulator Phytocid-p, in the variety Shantane KL the increase relative to control was 15.5 – 23.7 g, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 18.5 and 25.5 g. root crops were also characterized by variants using growth regulators Ivin and Emistym C, where the increase relative to the control at the end of the growing season was: in the variety Shantane KL – 4.1-8.3 g, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 4.9 and 6.0 g respectively. The growing season of table carrots was characterized by slightly higher temperatures and low rainfall, with a long dry period, which negatively affected the formation of roots of table carrots. However, the highest yield was obtained from the option using the growth regulator Phytocid-p, which provided an increase in yield at the level: in the variety Shantane KL – 8.5 t / ha, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 13.3 t / ha. The highest percentage of marketable yield was obtained using the growth regulator Phytocid-p in both varieties and hybrids – 94.8 and 95.2 %, which is more than the control by 11.2 and 11.0 %. The largest mass of root crop was formed by plants using the growth regulator Phytocid-r: in the variety Shantane KL – 112 g, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 118 g, which is 23.8 and 25.6 g more than the control. The diameter of the root was in the range of 5.8-7.0 cm and varied slightly from the growth regulator. The hybrid Brilliance F1 was characterized by a longer root length. However, taking into account the applied growth regulator, it was found that the highest figure was for the use of Phytocid-r: in the variety Shantane KL – 17.6 cm, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 18.3 cm, which is more than the option without treatment 1.2 and 1.0 cm.

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