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Laldingngheta Ralte

Abstract: In order to identify the distribution of radon mass exhalation soil samples from fault regions of Kolasib District were obtained. These were measured and analysed using scintillation based smart RnDuo device. The soil samples were collected from three different points in each selected fault. The exhalation rates from different locations ranges from 2.3 mBq/kg/hr – 54.19 mBq/kg/hr with an average of 20.42 mBq/kg/hr. Gamma survey measurement was also carried out which ranges between 89 nSv/hr – 157 nSv/hr with an average of 117.13 nSv/hr. The correlation graph between mass exhalation and gamma survey was plotted and a very weak correlation was obtained. Keywords: Radon, mass exhalation, soil samples, RnDuo, fault

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Mehdi Ramezani ◽  
Ehsan Pourghayoomi ◽  
Ghorban Taghizadeh

Abstract Background Biomechanical risk factors have been identified as the main predisposing factor of chronic low back pain (CLBP), especially in Army personnel. The Job Requirements and Physical Demands (JRPD) questionnaire has been developed to assess the biomechanical exposures related to CLBP. Examining the biomechanical risk factors could prevent CLBP. This study aimed to translate and cross-culturally adapt the JRPD into Persian and assess its psychometric properties among Iranian male Army personnel with CLBP. Methods In this cross-sectional study, the content validation of the JRPD was assessed after translating to Persian. The Persian JRPD was administered to 198 male Army personnel with CLBP, with an interval of 7 days, to assess test-retest reliability, including Cronbach’s α, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), standard error of measurement (SEM), and minimal detectable change at 95% confidence interval (MDC95%). Scores of the Persian JRPD were correlated with the scores of visual analog scale (VAS), Borg’s category-ratio (CR10) scale, general health questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28), and physical functioning (PF1 and PF2) subscale of the 12-item short-form health survey (SF-12) to assess convergent validity using Spearman correlation for a priori hypotheses. Results The Persian JRPD had good content validity evidenced by the higher content validity index (> 0.70). The questionnaire had a significant positive negligible to weak correlation with the VAS (rho = 0.27; p < 0.001), Borg’s CR10 scale (rho = 0.19; p = 0.009), and the total score of GHQ-28 and its domains (rho ≤0.34; p < 0.05); and significant negative weak correlation with PF2 (rho = − 0.27; p < 0.001) and significant negative moderate correlation with PF1 (rho = − 0.35; p < 0.001), thus confirming the priori hypotheses (89%, 8/9). The internal consistency and ICC (α = 0.91; ICC = 0.80) were highly adequate, with SEM and MDC95% of 7.91 and 21.3 respectively. Conclusions The JRPD was successfully adapted into Persian and had adequate psychometric properties in terms of content and convergent validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. The questionnaire is found useable to assess the CLBP-related biomechanical exposures in Iranian male Army personnel.

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 01012
O. A. Shchuklina ◽  
R. A. Afanasiev

The article discusses a method for diagnosing nitrogen nutrition of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in different phases of the growing season using a photometric device (N-tester) Yara. The studies were carried out in the conditions of the Moscow region (Russia) on the Mikhailovsky spring barley variety on sod-podzolic medium loamy soils with a high and medium content of phosphorus and potassium and a low content of humus (1.9). The agrometeorological conditions of the growing season of spring barley were characterized by sharp fluctuations in air temperature and the amount of precipitation over decades of the month and in comparison with average long-term observations. Abundant and prolonged precipitation during the grain ripening phase led to lodging in most of the experiments, which affected the yield. To diagnose crops, a model experiment was laid with the introduction of increasing doses of nitrogen fertilizers into pre-sowing cultivation with a step of 30, at which the dose of nitrogen ranged from 30 to 150 kg/ha. Diagnostics was carried out in three phases of vegetation: tube emergence ((Z42), earing (Z55), milk ripeness of grain (Z73) with the Yara N-tester and with the help of stem diagnostics according to the modified method of V. Zerling. The results of photometric diagnostics in the stemming phase (Z42) have a strong correlation with the yield of spring barley grain and with the results of stem diagnostics (R = 0.85). Wherein, the N-tester readings in the earing phase (Z55) and milk ripeness of grain (Z73) with yield R = 0.23 and R = 0.17, respectively, have a weak correlation. This is possibly due to lodging of crops and a change in yield, not as a result of poor plant nutrition, but with difficult mechanized harvesting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 3542
Jéssica Mazutti Penso-Campos ◽  
Eliane Fraga da Silveira ◽  
Eduardo Périco

A pandemia causada pelo coronavírus disparou a possibilidade da crise em diversos segmentos, sobretudo com a adoção do isolamento social, principal ação para o controle da doença infectocontagiosa. O presente estudo justifica-se pela preocupação em relação às tendências do desenvolvimento sustentável no pós-pandemia da COVID-19, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A mensuração do grau de sustentabilidade dos municípios segue a tese de que, quanto maior for o grau de sustentabilidade dos municípios, menor o impacto da pandemia, e maiores os recursos para restabelecer o equilíbrio. O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar a distribuição espacial do potencial para a sustentabilidade no pós-pandemia do COVID-19, nos municípios do Rio Grande do Sul, a fim de gerar um mapa de risco sobre os municípios com menor e maior potencial para a sustentabilidade no pós-pandemia. Foi realizada uma análise ecológica, aplicado o instrumento Barômetro da Sustentabilidade, realizada a distribuição e análise espacial, utilizando o cálculo do Índice de Moran. Os resultados apresentam a distribuição e análise espacial do número de casos confirmados, coeficiente de incidência e quantitativo de óbitos pela COVID-19 no Estado. A espacialidade pode explicar o coeficiente de incidência da doença. Foi estimado o potencial para a sustentabilidade e gerado o mapa de risco do potencial para a sustentabilidade, no pós-pandemia do COVID-19, para os municípios do Rio Grande do Sul.   Spatial analysis and distribution of the potential for sustainability in the post-pandemic of COVID-19 in the municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul A B S T R A C TThe pandemic caused by the coronavirus triggered the possibility of the crisis in several segments, especially with the adoption of social isolation, the main action for the control of the infectious disease, therefore, the present study is justified by the concern in relation to the trends of sustainable development in the post-pandemic of COVID-19, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Measuring the degree of sustainability of the municipalities follows the thesis that the greater the degree of sustainability of the municipalities, the less the impact of the pandemic, and the greater the resources to restore balance. The objective of the research is to analyze the spatial distribution of the potential for sustainability in the post-pandemic of COVID-19, in the municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul, in order to generate a risk map with less and greater potential for sustainability in the post- pandemic. This study was carried out by means of an ecological analysis and application of the Barometer of sustainability, later the distribution and spatial analysis was carried out by means of the Moran Index. The spatial analysis, performed by calculating the Moran Index, showed significant spatial independence for confirmed cases (I = 0.058; p = 0.024) and deaths (I = 0.032; p = 0.039), and a significant, albeit weak, correlation. for the incidence coefficient (I = 0.234; p = 0.001) of COVID-19. Spatiality does not explain the distribution of cases and deaths. However, when taking into account the population size of the municipalities, in relation to the number of cases, expressed by the incidence coefficient, the spatial aggregation gains merit. The potential for sustainability was estimated and the risk map of the potential for sustainability was generated, in the post-pandemic of COVID-19, for the municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul.Keywords: Moran index; Sustainability Barometer; Sustainability Index; coronavirus; Pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 437-443
hülya tuna

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between physiotherapy and rehabilitation students’ self-esteem and their demographic characteristics, events participation, and satisfaction. In this cross-sectional study, 421 students (68.2% female, 31.6% male) who were accessible and volunteer among 673 students studying in different classes of Dokuz Eylül University School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation were included. The demographic characteristics of the students were written. Their participation in social and scientific events, and student clubs was determined. Students’ satisfaction in terms of academic success, choice of profession, education and studying in the department were asked. The self-esteem of the students was determined with the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Scale-Short Form. Students were aged between 18 and 32 years old (median = 20 years, interquartile range 19/21). 86.5% of students had high self-esteem. There was no difference in terms of self-esteem between the groups according to gender (p=0.361) and classes (p=0.655). It was seen that there was a positive significant weak correlation between the economic status reported by the students and their self-esteem (Kendall’s tau-b r = 0.080, p=0.044). Social events (Kendall’s tau-b r=0.132, p=0.001), scientific events (Kendall’s tau-b r=0.132, p=0.019) and student club participation (Kendall’s tau-b r=0.136, p=0.001) were found to have a statistically significant positive weak correlation with self-esteem. The students who were satisfied with their education (p=0.001), academic success (p=0.000), career choice (p=0.001), and studying in School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation (p=0.000) were found to have significantly higher self-esteem than the students who weren’t satisfied. In this study, it was concluded that choosing the profession that students would be satisfied with, keeping students’ satisfaction high, and organizing the ideal variety of activities and club activities that they can participate in may be important for the development of self-esteem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
Kitty To ◽  
Ryan Lange

The understanding of shyness and social withdrawal has been built over the past half century with research looking into factors that cause this in children. However, not many mention the natural phenomenon of if children mimic social confidence from their adult figure. This study used correlation analyses to investigate the relations between parents’ behaviors and attitudes and their children’s social confidence and ability. Data were from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1986 Child and Young Adult Survey Mother Supplement. Results showed weak correlation between social confidence and outings frequency, either with family and friends or not. However, children who were spanked more frequently positively correlated with their mothers rating them to be more high strung. Furthermore, all hypotheses showed results that follow the direction of the prediction, so further investigation into the topic may show more significant correlation or a causation relationship of the variables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (6) ◽  
Fatima Zahra Boualili ◽  
Messaoud Nemouchi ◽  
Michel Godefroid ◽  
Per Jönsson

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Meng-Ting Cai ◽  
Yang Zheng ◽  
Sa Wang ◽  
Qi-Lun Lai ◽  
Gao-Li Fang ◽  

Anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis is the most common autoimmune encephalitis. To date, there has been no study on the relationship between antibody (Ab) titers and clinical phenotype. This study aims to clarify the relationship between cerebrospinal fluid Ab titers and clinical manifestations of anti-NMDAR encephalitis at onset. Seventy-six consecutive patients with a definite diagnosis were enrolled. The relationship between Ab titers and different onset symptoms including psychiatric symptoms, seizures, and memory deficits were analyzed. We further investigated the correlation between Ab titers and clinical severity as assessed by the modified Rankin scale (mRS) and the clinical assessment scale for autoimmune encephalitis (CASE), respectively. The Ab titers had a median value of 1:10 (range 1:1–1:100). There was no significant difference in titers among various clinical factors including gender and combination of tumor and other diseases (each p > 0.05). Patients presenting with psychiatric symptoms at onset had higher titers than those with seizures (p = 0.008) and memory deficits (p = 0.003). The mRS scores revealed a significant but weak correlation with Ab titers (r = 0.243, p = 0.034), while CASE scores did not correlate with the titers (p = 0.125). Our findings indicated that the Ab titers were associated with the type of onset symptoms, with a higher level of patients with psychiatric symptoms. Regarding the clinical severity, the titers showed a weak correlation with the mRS, but no correlation with the CASE.

2021 ◽  
Ashraf Maleki

AbstractScholarly books are important outputs in some fields and their many publishing formats seem to introduce opportunities to scrutinize their impact. As there is a growing interest in the publisher-enforced massive collection of ebooks in libraries in the past decade, this study examined how this influences the relationship that library print holdings (LPH), library electronic holdings (LEH) and total library holdings (TLH) have with other metrics. As a follow up study to a previous research on OCLC library holdings, the relationship between library holdings and twelve other metrics including Scopus Citations, Google Books (GB) Citations, Goodreads engagements, and Altmetric indicators were examined for 119,794 Scopus-indexed book titles across 26 fields. Present study confirms the weak correlation levels observed between TLH and other indicators in previous studies and contributes additional evidence that print holdings can moderately reflect research, educational and online impact of books consistently more efficient than eholdings and total holdings across fields and over time, except for Mendeley for which eholdings slightly prevailed. Regression models indicated that along with other dimensions, Google Books Citations frequently best explained LPH (in 14 out of 26 fields), whereas Goodreads User counts were weak, but the best predictor of both LEH and TLH (in 15 fields out of 26), suggesting significant association of eholdings with online uptake of books. Overall, findings suggest that inclusion of eholdings overrides the more impactful counts of print holdings in Total Library Holdings metric and therefore undermines the statistical results, whilst print holdings has both statistically and theoretically promising underlying assumptions for prediction of impact of books and shows greater promise than the general Library Holding metric for book impact assessment. Thus, there is a need for a distinction between print and electronic holding counts to be made, otherwise total library holding data need to be interpreted with caution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-158
Yana Hendriana

This study aims to analyze the correlation between the inflation rate by expenditure group and the level of community mobility based on the location of visits in West Java during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is the quantitative method through descriptive analysis and correlation analysis. This study uses secondary data from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Google Mobility Report. The results of this study explain that the total inflation rate has a strong correlation with people's mobility to the central location of the economy. Inflation of primary commodities found in the Food, Beverage, and Tobacco group and the Housing, Electricity, and Fuel group has a weak correlation with the level of community mobility. The results of this study can be used as a basis for policymakers in the context of controlling inflation and capturing phenomena that occur related to restrictions on mobility during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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