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masking level difference
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2022 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 233121652110661
Jennifer J. Lentz ◽  
Larry E. Humes ◽  
Gary R. Kidd

This study was designed to examine age effects on various auditory perceptual skills using a large group of listeners (155 adults, 121 aged 60–88 years and 34 aged 18–30 years), while controlling for the factors of hearing loss and working memory (WM). All subjects completed 3 measures of WM, 7 psychoacoustic tasks (24 conditions) and a hearing assessment. Psychophysical measures were selected to tap phenomena thought to be mediated by higher-level auditory function and included modulation detection, modulation detection interference, informational masking (IM), masking level difference (MLD), anisochrony detection, harmonic mistuning, and stream segregation. Principal-components analysis (PCA) was applied to each psychoacoustic test. For 6 of the 7 tasks, a single component represented performance across the multiple stimulus conditions well, whereas the modulation-detection interference (MDI) task required two components to do so. The effect of age was analyzed using a general linear model applied to each psychoacoustic component. Once hearing loss and WM were accounted for as covariates in the analyses, estimated marginal mean thresholds were lower for older adults on tasks based on temporal processing. When evaluated separately, hearing loss led to poorer performance on roughly 1/2 the tasks and declines in WM accounted for poorer performance on 6 of the 8 psychoacoustic components. These results make clear the need to interpret age-group differences in performance on psychoacoustic tasks in light of cognitive declines commonly associated with aging, and point to hearing loss and cognitive declines as negatively influencing auditory perceptual skills.

CoDAS ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
Silvana Maria Monte Coelho Frota ◽  
Carlos Alberto Leite Filho ◽  
Carolina Salomone Bruno ◽  
Lanna Borges Carvalho ◽  
Natalia Almeida Riegel ◽  

RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a confiabilidade teste-reteste do Masking Level Difference em estudantes universitárias normo-ouvintes. Método Estudo prospectivo descritivo com 78 adultos jovens do gênero feminino sem queixas auditivas, submetidas à versão, em compact disc, do Masking Level Difference da Auditec of Saint Louis. O Masking Level Difference foi determinado por meio da diferença entre as relações sinal-ruído nos limiares auditivos encontrados nas condições antifásica e homofásica. O teste foi aplicado pelo mesmo examinador em dois momentos (teste e reteste) com intervalo de sete a 14 dias entre eles. A análise estatística inferencial incluiu comparação das situações teste e reteste por meio do teste t de Student para amostras pareadas, cálculo do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse e dos intervalos de confiança de 95% para as relações sinal/ruído nos limiares auditivos nas condições antifásica e homofásica e para o cálculo do Masking Level Difference. Resultados A média da relação sinal-ruído no limiar auditivo na condição homofásica foi -12,59 dB e -12,46 dB nas situações teste e reteste, respectivamente, e -21,54 dB e -21,08 dB na condição antifásica. A média do Masking Level Difference foi 8,95 dB no teste e 8,74 dB no reteste. Os coeficientes de correlação intraclasse obtidos foram 0,436, 0,625 e 0,577 para as condições homofásica, antifásica e Masking Level Difference, respectivamente. Conclusão O teste Masking Level Difference mostrou grau moderado de confiabilidade teste-reteste em estudantes universitárias normo-ouvintes.

2021 ◽  
Hyojin Kim ◽  
Viktorija Ratkute ◽  
Bastian Epp

Comodulated masking noise and binaural cues can facilitate detecting a target sound from noise. These cues can induce a decrease in detection thresholds, quantified as comodulation masking release (CMR) and binaural masking level difference (BMLD), respectively. However, their relevance to speech perception is unclear as most studies have used artificial stimuli different from speech. Here, we investigated their ecological validity using sounds with speech-like spectro-temporal dynamics. We evaluated the ecological validity of such grouping effect with stimuli reflecting formant changes in speech. We set three masker bands at formant frequencies F1, F2, and F3 based on CV combination: /gu/, /fu/, and /pu/. We found that the CMR was little (< 3 dB) while BMLD was comparable to previous findings (~ 9 dB). In conclusion, we suggest that other features may play a role in facilitating frequency grouping by comodulation such as the spectral proximity and the number of masker bands.

2021 ◽  
Hyojin Kim ◽  
Viktorija Ratkute ◽  
Bastian Epp

Hearing thresholds can be used to quantify one's hearing ability. In various masking conditions, hearing thresholds can vary depending on the auditory cues. With comodulated masking noise and interaural phase disparity (IPD), target detection can be facilitated, lowering detection thresholds. This perceptual phenomenon is quantified as masking release: comodulation masking release (CMR) and binaural masking level difference (BMLD). As these measures only reflect the low limit of hearing, the relevance of masking release at supra-threshold levels is still unclear. Here, we used both psychoacoustic and electro-physiological measures to investigate the effect of masking release at supra-threshold levels. We investigated whether the difference in the amount of masking release will affect listening at supra-threshold levels. We used intensity just-noticeable difference (JND) to quantify an increase in the salience of the tone. As a physiological correlate of JND, we investigated late auditory evoked potentials (LAEPs) with electroencephalography (EEG). The results showed that the intensity JNDs were equal at the same intensity of the tone regardless of masking release conditions. For LAEP measures, the slope of the P2 amplitudes with a function of the level was inversely correlated with the intensity JND. In addition, the P2 amplitudes were higher in dichotic conditions compared to diotic conditions. Estimated the salience of the target tone from both experiments suggested that the salience of masked tone at supra-threshold levels may only be beneficial with BMLD.

2021 ◽  
Hyojin Kim ◽  
Viktorija Ratkute ◽  
Bastian Epp

When a target tone is preceded by a noise, the threshold for target detection can be increased or decreased depending on the type of a preceding masker. The effect of preceding masker to the following sound can be interpreted as either the result of adaptation at the periphery or at the system level. To disentangle these, we investigated the time constant of adaptation by varying the length of the preceding masker. For inducing various masking conditions, we designed stimuli that can induce masking release. Comodulated masking noise and binaural cues can facilitate detecting a target sound from noise. These cues induce a decrease in detection thresholds, quantified as comodulation masking release (CMR) and binaural masking level difference (BMLD), respectively. We hypothesized that if the adaptation results from the top-down processing, both CMR and BMLD will be affected with increased length of the preceding masker. We measured CMR and BMLD when the length of preceding maskers varied from 0 (no preceding masker) to 500 ms. Results showed that CMR was more affected with longer preceding masker from 100 ms to 500 ms while the preceding masker did not affect BMLD. In this study, we suggest that the adaptation to preceding masking sound may arise from low level (e.g. cochlear nucleus, CN) rather than the temporal integration by the higher-level processing.

Nádia Giulian de Carvalho ◽  
Maria Isabel Ramos do Amaral ◽  
Vinicius Zuffo de Barros ◽  
Maria Francisca Colella dos Santos

Acta Acustica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 43
Felix Dymel ◽  
Monika Kordus ◽  
Ifat Yasin ◽  
Jesko L. Verhey

The present study investigates how diotic and dichotic masked thresholds, in a notched-noise masking paradigm, are affected by activation of the Medial OlivoCochlear (MOC) reflex. Thresholds were obtained for a 500-Hz pure tone diotic or a dichotic signal, S (S0 or Sπ respectively), in the presence of a simultaneous or forward diotic masker (bandpass noise with no notch or a 400-Hz notch). A diotic precursor sound (bandpass noise with a 400- or 800-Hz notch) was presented prior to the signal and masker to activate the MOC reflex. For simultaneous- and forward-masking conditions, the decrease in masked thresholds as a notch was introduced in the masker was larger for the diotic than for the dichotic condition. This resulted in a reduced binaural masking level difference (BMLD) for the masker with a notch. The precursor augmented these two effects. The results indicate that the effect of the precursor, eliciting the MOC reflex, is less pronounced when binaural cues are processed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 585-591
Ahsen KARTAL ◽  
Barış YAMAN ◽  
Müjde KAYA ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 148 (4) ◽  
pp. 2619-2619
Samuel S. Smith ◽  
Michael A. Akeroyd

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