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educational policy
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Nusrat Jahan Arefin ◽  

Education is one of the essential components in developing a scholarly society capable of facing the demands and challenges of the twenty-first century. Education policy refers to the principles of government policymaking in the educational sector and the set of laws and norms that govern the operation of the educational system. It focuses on the effects of educational policy decisions and alternatives in the real world. It investigates the link between educational policy and practice. Even though our educational system has shortcomings, we are improving daily. Bangladesh is fully committed to the EFA goals, the Millennium Development Goals, and universal declarations. Every child between the ages of six and eighteen is entitled to free education under Article seventeen of the Bangladesh Constitution. As a result, the "National Education Policy 2010" was created using the incremental model of one of the most used public policy frameworks. The government makes incremental public policy decisions based on earlier actions. All of the model's functions are divided into distinct groups. Our educational system underwent significant changes over a long period. The incremental model's important aspects are time progression and social demand.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Lady Sthefany Bastías-Bastías ◽  
Carolina Iturra-Herrera

Introducción. En Chile, durante las últimas décadas se han implementado diversas políticas educativas orientadas a mejorar la formación inicial docente, con el propósito de impactar en la calidad del sistema educativo. Han sido varias las investigaciones que han descrito el resultado en la implementación de tales políticas. Objetivo. Se espera describir los hitos más importantes para la formación inicial del profesorado en Chile y analizar, con base en las investigaciones, los resultados de estas políticas. Análisis. Se efectúa una búsqueda de textos académicos publicados entre los años 2010 y 2019 presentes en las bases de datos Google Scholar, Web of Science y Scopus que contengan los conceptos: initial teacher training, educational policy y Chile. Resultados. Las políticas promovidas por el Estado han sido implementadas por las universidades que forman docentes. Asimismo, los resultados de la Prueba inicia, que evalúa los conocimientos disciplinarios y pedagógicos de estudiantes de la carrera de pedagogía que se encuentran en el último año de formación, demuestra que el profesorado no alcanza los estándares de desempeño esperados, cuyas debilidades son percibidas por las personas egresadas de las carreras. Conclusiones. Las políticas implementadas no lograron mantener un alza en el acceso a las carreras de pedagogía. Tampoco acortaron la distancia entre la formación universitaria con la formación práctica en los establecimientos educacionales, y existe una débil correlación entre los mecanismos de control instaurados. Como recomendaciones se propone ampliar los criterios de búsqueda integrando la política de gratuidad y década de los años noventa.

2022 ◽  
pp. 113-133
Sulaiman Olusegun Atiku ◽  
Richmond Anane-Simon

The gap between expected and actual skillsets to drive workforce creativity and developing innovative products and services in recent times suggests the need for a thorough review of educational policy. The required level of creativity and innovation could be stimulated through educational policy review and effective implementation of action plans to meet expectations in the fourth industrial revolution. A literature review approach was adopted to examine the issues in current education system, as well as the emerging trends within the system to promote creative learning. The findings show that discipline-specific instructional strategies propelled by technological innovations (educational virtual reality games) are essential in stimulating creativity and innovation. Gamification in learning pedagogies not only promotes important academic learning but also builds the skills required for success in the 21st century.

2022 ◽  
pp. 52-74
Silvia Matúšová

The chapter will explore some aspects of online education such as digital skills, digital competences, and innovations in education, which the COVID-19 pandemic put into the foreground of the processes of learning and education at universities. The ability to apply digital skills and develop them into digital competencies is a basic prerequisite for learners and educators. The author analyses and evaluates the current state and challenges posed by online education, especially at colleges and universities. The concepts and terminology in the field of education in cyberspace, models of digital competencies of educators, scientific and educational policy documents defining the requirements for university teachers in online education were considered. The investigation was supported by the results of a questionnaire survey. The author points out the possibilities and ultimate requirements of online education at universities in terms of students, teachers, innovations, evaluation, advantages, and barriers in online education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 41-45
Hilal Ayan Karabatman

The importance of vocational and technical education (VTE) is increasing in response to the rapidly changing information, technology, production methods, and developments in every aspect of life. The only way to survive in this age and to compete with this challenge is to continuously develop comprehensive educational policies that relate to each other (MoNE, 2018). In this sense, VTE has a very central role in providing societies with the knowledge and skills that the 21st century requires (Çınar, Döngel, & Söğütlü, 2009). For this reason, in educational policy discussions, an area that requires as much attention as other areas of education is VTE. This paper aims to review the current problematic states of VTE in Turkey and make recommendations for improving it.

2021 ◽  
pp. 149-161
Anna Igorevna Suvorova ◽  
Adel Andreevna Dymshakova

The trends of the state's educational policy are reflected in the set of state educational services and the social educational order. In a small town, educational institutions have the largest range of educational services. The purpose of the study is to consider the peculiarities of the formation of the market of educational services of a small city and the analysis of the factors that influence this. The results of the study, based on regulatory documents, observations and questionnaires of consumers of educational services, allow us to conclude about the problems in the field of maintenance and provision of educational services by small-town institutions, to identify in-demand educational services.

2021 ◽  
pp. 232200582110659
Sanjit Kumar Chakraborty ◽  
Tushar Krishna

Legal education serves as a means of social regulation and a tool for social transformation. In 2020, the Indian government released India’s third educational policy, considered the most ambitious educational policy ever. However, legal scholars fostered several misgivings about the efficacy of the drafted policy in addressing underlying shortcomings in legal education in India. Serious concerns have been raised, especially in light of the nation’s recent loss of prospects in the global economy that could have been achieved otherwise. As a result, addressing the debate that arose due to the NEP’s introduction and its impact upon legal education, which is still subjugated by multiple regulatory frameworks, has become critical. Against this background, the present research explores legal education and its history to better grasp the problems at hand. Following that, the article attempts to analyse the quotidian adversities faced by the institutions and regulators in meeting the demands of the new world order. While doing so, this article takes a critical approach to identify the concerns and inhibitions that exist under the draft policy and remains unresolved by the NEP in view of aimed ‘radical reconstruction of education’. Finally, the authors conclude the article with findings and recommendations.

Johannes Westberg

Why should educational researchers study the history of education? This article suggests that this research is of immediate relevance to current issues of education and may therefore serve a wide variety of purposes. The main argument is that history of education offers four vital contributions: a unique methodological expertise that in turn enables historians of education to provide educational research with vital explanations, comparisons, and the ability to analyse the use and abuse of history in contemporary educational policy and debate. In short, history of education is vital to educational research, not despite its historical orientation, but because of it. Consequently, this paper poses a challenge, both for the field of educational research to promote educational historical research, and for historians of education to explore the untapped potential of this sub-discipline.

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