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International Journal of Social Science and Human Research
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Published By Everant Journals

2644-0679, 2644-0695

Nusrat Jahan Arefin ◽  

Education is one of the essential components in developing a scholarly society capable of facing the demands and challenges of the twenty-first century. Education policy refers to the principles of government policymaking in the educational sector and the set of laws and norms that govern the operation of the educational system. It focuses on the effects of educational policy decisions and alternatives in the real world. It investigates the link between educational policy and practice. Even though our educational system has shortcomings, we are improving daily. Bangladesh is fully committed to the EFA goals, the Millennium Development Goals, and universal declarations. Every child between the ages of six and eighteen is entitled to free education under Article seventeen of the Bangladesh Constitution. As a result, the "National Education Policy 2010" was created using the incremental model of one of the most used public policy frameworks. The government makes incremental public policy decisions based on earlier actions. All of the model's functions are divided into distinct groups. Our educational system underwent significant changes over a long period. The incremental model's important aspects are time progression and social demand.

La Aso ◽  

This study discusses the factors that caused the Muna ethnic society to elope (dopofileighoo) at Muna Barat regency of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. This research needs to be carried out because of several reasons, such as: First, the tradition of elopement (dopofileighoo) at Muna Barat regency of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia has attracted the attention of many people, including the Muna ethnic society itself. Second, the factors that cause the Muna ethnic society to elope seem to be a very important and interesting topic to discuss. This study uses a qualitative description through the technique of interviews, observations, and document studies. The research data were analyzed descriptively, qualitatively, and interpretively. The results of the research showed that several factors that caused the Muna ethnic society to elope (dopofileighoo) tradition are as follows: (1) male's parents wanted a big party, (2) one of the male’s or the female’s parents did not approve their marriage, and (3) the female has been pregnant before the marriage party.

Himoyatkhon A. Ismoilova ◽  

After gaining independence, the Republic of Uzbekistan has implemented a number of articles and laws to enhance the status of women. These laws are of course aimed at protecting the rights of women. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men” was adopted by the Legislative Chamber on August 17, 2017, and approved by the Senate on August 23, 2019.

Jefri Hardi ◽  

The Constitutional Court (MK) issued Decision Number 25/PUU-XIV/2016 on January 25, 2017. This decision states clearly that the word "can" in Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 of Law Number 31 Year 1999 jo. Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption (UU Tipikor) is unconstitutional and lacks legal force. With the elimination of the word "can," a person can only be said to have violated Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 of the Anti-Corruption Law if the person's actions resulted in real state losses, or losses of the nature of actual loss, and not to accommodate state losses that are still potential, or potential losses.

Roque Indalecio ◽  

At a Western Pacific Region school district with six public high schools, district administrators implemented an educational technology training program (ETTP) to improve technology integration in the classroom as measured by the Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool, but there was no follow-up to determine how the teachers perceived the ETTP and to identify the experiences of teachers related to instructional technology after taking the district training. This basic qualitative study, guided by the technology acceptance model, addressed this problem in the district by exploring how the teachers perceived the technology professional development program provided by the district and the teachers’ experiences related to instructional technology after taking the district training. The purposeful sample included 13 Western Pacific Region high school teachers who were interviewed via Zoom. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis to create codes, categories, and themes. The participants perceived the ETTP as helpful because they learned new tools and increased their confidence in using technology in their classrooms. Results showed that after completing the ETTP, teachers still needed content-specific technology training and continuous professional development. High school teachers expressed the need for these trainings to continue integrating technology using up-to-date technology tools. Rethinking science professional development is one potential form of social change.

BAWA, Nura ◽  

The paper investigated the students’ perceptions of the use of CBT for the conduct of General Studies (GST) examinations in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. The study employed a descriptive survey design. All the 5600 undergraduate students who sat for GST examinations during the 2019/2020 academic session formed the population of the study. The Israel Model (2013) was used to determine 372 students as the sample size for the study. An instrument titled "Students’ Perceptions of Writing CBT Examination" (SPWCBTE) was used for the data collection. The instrument was validated, a pilot study was conducted, and a reliability index of 0.95 was obtained. Results from the study revealed that the students have positive views on the CBT examinations. Some of the problems confronted by students during the examinations, as indicated by the results, include system errors, login issues, and the slow nature of the systems during submission. The study concluded that the students have positive views of the CBT examinations in the university. It was recommended that the university management should be organizing presentations and workshops to promote the CBT system. Majors should be taken to ensure quality assurance and control of the ICT facilities during and after the conduct of examinations.

Eirini Argiriadou ◽  

The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of an online live group program with Greek traditional dances on the self-esteem and anxiety of the participants. The research involved 147 people, 43 men and 104 women, aged 49,73±8,141 years old, members of Cultural Clubs. The participants were randomly divided into the experimental group (N=75) and the control group (N=72). The experimental group participated in online live group lessons of Greek traditional dances, through the online platform ZOOM, twice a week. Each lesson had a 45-minute duration and the program lasted 12 weeks, during the quarantine imposed due to COVID-19. During the same period of 12 weeks, the control group continued its daily life in quarantine. The participants in both groups completed the Heatherton and Polivy (1991) State Self-Esteem Scale to measure performance self-esteem, social self-esteem and appearance self-esteem, as well as the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-FORM X-1 by Spielberger et al. (1970) for the measurement of state anxiety, before and after the 12-week period. The processing of the data showed that after participating in the online live group program of Greek traditional dances, the participants in the experimental group significantly increased their performance self-esteem (t=-7,75, p<0,001), social self-esteem (t=-5,23, p<0,001), and appearance self-esteem (t=-5,67, p<0,001), but they significantly reduced their state anxiety (t=7,33, p<0,001). Regarding the participants in the control group, after the 12-week period, the studied variables moved in the undesirable direction, as evidenced by the reduction in self-esteem factors and the increase in state anxiety. The results show that participating in Greek traditional dance group programs, which are conducted live online, affects positively the self-esteem and state anxiety of the participants. Consequently, during these difficult health times that the whole world is experiencing, participating in online live group programs of Greek traditional dance may improve the participants’ psychological state, offering at the same time the solution on the one hand to distance oneself from other people and on the other hand to come in contact with people.

Satya Wirawan ◽  

One of the state apparatuses that are given the task and authority to carry out law enforcement is the Prosecutor. In carrying out its duties and functions, the prosecutor is organized in an Institution called the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia or can be called the Prosecutor's Office. The main task of the Prosecutor's Office carried out by the Prosecutor is to prosecute criminal cases. In carrying out the task of prosecution, the Prosecutor is authorized to determine whether or not a case can be brought to court and what article will becharged. The authority of the Prosecutor in resolving criminal cases outside the court that makes the author more tendentious to conduct research. The problem with this research is 1). Bhow are the obstacles to solving criminal cases outside the court by the Prosecutor's Office? 2). Is the settlement of cases outside the Court conducted by the Prosecutor's Office in accordance with the values of justice? By using the type of normative juridical research it is known that: The Authority of the Prosecutor in the settlement of criminal cases outside the Court can realize the goal of law enforcement, namely justice, legal certainty and usefulness for the community. The settlement of criminal cases outside the court can also realize the ideals of a fast, simple and cheap judiciary and optimize the participation of the community in law enforcement.

Rohannisa Naja Rachma Savitri ◽  

Myanmar is currently faced with conflicts mainly considered as crimes against humanity that require resolution sooner or later. The conflict in Myanmar is closely linked to ethnicity, creating a cycle of violence that continues to escalate without any possibility of diminishing. The inability of the state to address ethnic minority grievances or provide adequate security to communities has created a literal arms race among minority groups. More action needs to be taken to finally resolve the situation and crisis unfolding in Myanmar, and that is where countries in Southeast Asia play a very important role for conflict resolution. This research was carried out using qualitative method with descriptive analysis regarding to the situation that occurred in Myanmar, especially regarding the Rohingya crisis and the Myanmar Military Coup which was the focus of the research. The escalation of the humanitarian conflict and the deprivation of democracy by the Myanmar people, requires joint handling in order to avoid further expansion of the conflict. In this case, neighboring countries such as Indonesia have an important role as a driver of mediation in regional forums to resolve conflicts in Myanmar. ASEAN, as a diplomatic platform in the Southeast Asian region, must be put forward and reach a consensus for finally intervening in the Myanmar conflict, which is taking more and more lives. The United Nations with the principle of responsibility to protect can also play a role in overcoming the conflict, considering that the conflict has resulted in crimes against humanity that cannot be tolerated.

Ari Nurhayati ◽  

The Covid-19 outbreak has affected changes in various sectors of life. With this change, of course, every organization needs new strategies, scenarios and leadership and management patterns to overcome all the uncertainties that occur in the Covid-19 pandemic. Government agencies are required to adapt according to dynamic conditions, and must be sensitive to the dynamics of changes that occur including how the implementation of work from home is carried out. For this reason, this research was carried out with the aim to find out how the implementation of work from home of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) institution in the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic. The research approach used in this research is qualitative methods. The data was obtained through interviews, observations and documentation.

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