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electrical system
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Dr. T Murali Mohan

Abstract: For many years, the electrical power requirements in Automotive Electrical System (AES) have been quickly increasing and are predicted to continue to climb. This trend is being pushed by the introduction of a slew of new vehicle features. The constant growth in power needs is stretching the limitations of current automotive power generation and control technologies, stimulating the development of higher-power and higher-voltage electrical systems and components. Electrical power on a vehicle is not free. It comes as a direct result of consuming fuel within the engine to drive the alternator. With a typical engine efficiency of 44% and with present fuel costs this leads to onboard electrical power costs 4 times more than a typical household utility rate. Global oil and gas resource depletion, as well as environmental concerns, have prompted the automobile industry to build more efficient and eco-friendly cars in order to minimize fuel use and safeguard the environment. In our proposed Automotive Electrical system configuration, we have an AES system which is powered by an automotive alternator and battery combination where the alternator is driven by an IC engine and we have a hybrid energy system using a Rooftop PV array with a battery management system (BMS). We discovered that during the off state, the whole load of the automobile is dependent on the 12Vlead acid battery for power, which causes the SOC to drop dramatically. As a result, the suggested model will include a flexible thin-film solar PV module positioned on the rooftop, which will be supported by a Maximum Power Point (MPPT) Tracking charge controller and will deliver energy to recharge the extra battery and meet the electrical requirements when the vehicle is stationary. When the vehicle is in motion, the existing alternator in the car's electrical system takes over the battery charging requirements, by this way, we can meet the electrical requirements of AES without running the engine for a long time by consuming fuel. The proposed model specialty is investigated using MATLAB/Simulink and compared with existing methods. Keywords: Automotive Electrical System (AES), Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), Hybrid Energy System, Rooftop PV array, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT).

2022 ◽  
Joseph Haglage ◽  
Timothy Dever ◽  
Ralph Jansen ◽  
Maxwell Lewis

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Alessandro Medeiros ◽  
Andreza Sartori ◽  
Stfano Frizzo Stefenon ◽  
Luiz Henrique Meyer ◽  
Ademir Nied

Contamination in insulators results in an increase in surface conductivity. With higher surface conductivity, insulators are more vulnerable to discharges that can damage them, thus reducing the reliability of the electrical system. One of the indications that the insulator is losing its insulating properties is its increase in leakage current. By varying the leakage current over time, it is possible to determine whether the insulator will develop an irreversible failure. In this way, by predicting the increase in leakage current, it is possible to carry out maintenance to avoid system failures. For forecasting time series, there are many models that have been studied and the definition of which model is suitable for evaluation depends on the characteristics of the data associated with the analysis. Thus, this work aims to identify the most suitable model to predict the increase in leakage current in relation to the time the insulator is outdoors, exposed to environmental variations using the same database to compare the methods. In this paper, the models based on linear regression, support vector regression (SVR), multilayer Perceptron (MLP), deep neural network (DNN), and recurrent neural network (RNN) will be analyzed comparatively. The best accuracy results for prediction were found using the RNN models, resulting in an accuracy of up to 97.25%.

Ferry Setiawan ◽  
Yustina Titin Purwantiningsih ◽  
Dhimas Wicaksono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan jadwal dan aktifitas maintenance yang yangefektif pada sistem auxiliary power unit sehingga tidak terjadi lagi kegagalan ataupun kerusakan yang tidak di rencanakan atau terjadi secara tiba – tiba. Kegagalan pada peralatan auxiliary power unit ada sering terjadi pada beberapa sistem kerja yaitu electrical system, Lubrication System dan Ignition System, di mana hal ini menimbulkan kerugian yang cukup besar bagi perusahaan penerbangan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif, analisis kualitatif menggunakan metode Failure Mode Effect and Critically Analysis (FMECA) dengan menganalisis faktor – faktor penyebab kegagalan dan efek terjadinya kegagalan, dengan hasil penyebab kegagalan pada beberapa sitem kerja auxiliary power unit (APU) adalah sebagai berikut electrical system adalah pada komponen start Relay, Lubrication System adalah pada komponen Oil Filter, Ignition System adalah pada igniter plug. Dari hasil analisis FMECA tersebut di lakukan analisis kuantitatif dengan analisis dilakukan menggunakan metode reliability, parameter kehandalan dihitung dengan probabilitas distribusi Weibull, untuk menentukan batas kritis waktu operasional komponen ataupun part sistem yang merupakan batas kehandalan suatu sistem auxiliary power unit. Batas kritis operasional electrical system adalah sebesar 434 jam terbang, lubrication system adalah 1186 jam terbang, dan Ignition system adalah sebesar 1610 jam terbang, selanjutnya hasil tersebut di gunakan untuk menentukan jadwal maintenance yang efektif di dukung dengan perencanaan aktifitas maintenance yang tepat untuk menghilangkan penyebab – penyebab kegagalan pada peralalatan auxiliary power unit.

Yuan Liu ◽  
Li Jiang ◽  
Hong Liu ◽  
Dong Ming

Abstract The postural synergies have great potentials to replicate human grasp characteristics, simplify grasp control and reduce the number of hardware needed actuators. However, due to the complex mapping relationship and jagged transmission ratio, the implemented mechanisms are always too bulky and loose which greatly limits its application. For current solutions, the replicating accuracy of motion characteristics or control intuition are compromised, and hitherto no work reports the replicating errors in literatures. To overcome these limitations, we present a novel design framework to determine the actuation configuration, implemented scheme and physical parameters. In this way, the mechanism is miniaturized and can be compactly embedded in hand palm, a self-contained synergy robot hand that integrated with mechanism, sensors and suited electrical system is built. The experiments demonstrate that the robot hand can accurately replicate the motion characteristics of two primary synergies, keep the control intuition to simplify grasp control, perform a better anthropomorphic motion capability and grasp different objects with versatile grasp functionality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2136 (1) ◽  
pp. 012047
Tao Zhu ◽  
JinHua Xiang

Abstract At present, the artificial fruit picking cost is high, the fruit damage rate is high, and the efficiency is low, so the greenhouse picking robot emerges as the times’ demand. Therefore, this paper designs a kind of a chassis system of greenhouse picking robots. This paper mainly designed and simulates the chassis mechanical system, electrical system, and basic motion control algorithm from three aspects. Finally, the prototype of the chassis system of the picking robot in the greenhouse is completed and the chassis system is debugged, which proves that it has the characteristics of adaptability to the greenhouse environment, strong universality, and strong expansibility.

Ali Abdul Razzaq Altahir ◽  
Marwa M. Marei

<span lang="EN-US">Recently, the expansion process of electrical networks has become crucial with the development of electrical systems. One of the active solutions to progress the performance of an electrical system is the usage of flexible AC transmission system (FACTS). As a new generation of telecommunications and power electronics technology, FACTS has provided a new viewpoint to increase the bearing capacity, better control the grid, and reduce costs. The unified power flow controller had a multi-purpose unit that could command the scenario of providing or consuming the power components and maintaining the bus voltage. The study's novelty resided in presenting a modified particle swarm optimization algorithm-based software system and applied a Newton-Raphson load flow solution to get the best solutions for optimal allocation of unified power flow controllers (UPFC). This study has focused on the functions of the UPFC electrical system with corresponding effects on transient stability. MATLAB software (Simulink/code) and excel sheet were performed on IEEE 30 buses as a case study. It has been shown the effectiveness of UPFC with fast response and autonomous command on the flow of power components. The dynamic response for stability improvement for some network buses had been verified to ensure the robustness of UPFC during a sudden disturbance in electrical load. The case study results illustrate that the number of UPFC increased with load increased by (14% and 21%).</span>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2129 (1) ◽  
pp. 012065
I A Zunnurain ◽  
M F Hariz ◽  
S M Ilham ◽  
N Kimpol ◽  
M N K Anuar ◽  

Abstract Investigation interests on many scientific aspects of photovoltaic (PV) trans-former-less inverter system has improved over the past decade. Using step-up transformer or high frequency transformer in electrical system has made the entire system expensive and voluminous. There is alternative topology to replace the transformer by implementing DC/DC quadratic boost converter to expand the voltage from 12VDC to 325VDC from the photovoltaic (PV) solar and convert it to AC applying H-bridge inverter circuit. This method will replace the conventional method of bulky transformer into a lighter converter with the same performance. The circuit is simulated using Power Sim (PSIM) software to initiate the design and study the circuit capability. The experimental result will project the exact voltage in the range of 230VACrms . The harmonic profile of the inverter is studies and compared with the normal inverter configuration.

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