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2022 ◽  
Vol 151 ◽  
pp. 105759
Mirjam Hazenbosch ◽  
Shen Sui ◽  
Brus Isua ◽  
E.J. Milner-Gulland ◽  
Rebecca J. Morris ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 71 (4) ◽  
Lourdes Márquez Morfin


2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-20
N. H. Rachmani ◽  
A. Apriantini ◽  
L. Cyrilla E. N. S. D

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people are started to consume foods that are highly nutritious to increased their immunity, one of them is by consuming milk and its processed products like kefir, yogurt. Milk is one of the foods favored by the community because it is rich in health benefits. The demand for this product is also increased every year. Consumer behavior was always changing along with consumer needs that follow the conditions and developments of the times. Consumers will choose products with good quality and ful fill what their needs, as well as dairy products. This study aims to analyze consumer decisions in consuming milk and its processed products in the Bogor city area during the covid 19 pandemic. The research was carried out with the stages of determining respondents, identify factors that influence consumer behavior, collecting and analyzing data. Respondents are people who live in Bogor City with an age range of 20 to 30 years purposively as many as 108 respondents. Data processing and analysis was carried out using the Spearman rank correlation test to determine the relationship between knowledge and situational variables on the decision to consume milk and its processed products. The results showed that the level of knowledge and situational had a significant and direct relationship with consumer decisions (P<0.01). This shows that the higher level of consumer knowledge of products with supportive conditions, the consumer’s decision to consume milk and its processed products is also getting stronger.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-224
Robby Satria ◽  
Nurma Dhona Handayani ◽  
Ellbert Hutabri

English is an international language which is very important for smooth bilingual interaction. Along with the times, the ability to speak English is required in all aspects of life to develop. One that is experiencing rapid development is the air transportation industry, which has a similar impact on the development of the airport aspect as a facility for providing aircraft transportation services. One of the important airports in the Riau Archipelago is Batam's Hang Nadim Airport. The airport was officially opened to the public on January 1, 1995 under the name "Hang Nadim International Airport. Since then until today, Hang Nadim airport has grown rapidly and has become one of the largest and busiest airports in Sumatra. With the rapid development of Hang Nadim Airport This, of course requires the use of an international language, namely English as the most commonly used communication medium. It has become a must for airport staff to be able to master English for the smooth operation of the technical process of aircraft and air flight systems. All airport workers are required to have good English language skills. it is appropriate to create conducive working conditions, but in reality on the ground, not all staff who work at airports have basic English skills, especially regarding the basic conversation part in English at the airport. If they are not equipped with basic English skills then they will not be able to speak English. can work optimally. Therefore, it is very important to initiate a dedication to provide a basic introduction to English for staff at Hang Nadim Airport, Batam City, Riau Islands.

В.В. Хутарев-Гарнишевский

Публикуемый источник является отрывком из дневника депутата Московской городской Думы Н.П. Вишнякова (1844-1927). Автор лично не принимал участия в боевых действиях, но находился в самом эпицентре боевых действий между «красными» и «белыми», так как проживал с семьей в центре города. Именно эти события часто называют началом полноценной Гражданской войны. Его дневник отражает психологическое состояние мирного горожанина, оказавшегося заложником гражданского противостояния на улицах Москвы.Особый интерес представляют описания особенностей быта москвичей, циркулирующие среди них слухи, домыслы, их надежды и страхи, а также поведенческие стратегии различных социальных слоев. Особую ценность представляет то, что автор делал свои записи два-три раза в день, подробно фиксируя происходящее. Подобного рода источники крайне немногочисленны.Мемуарное и эпистолярное наследие Н.П. Вишнякова давно признано уникальным источником по истории общественно-политической, культурной и экономической жизни Москвы, но никогда не было опубликовано полностью. Лишь дважды публиковались небольшие отрывки.Данная публикация является частью работы по подготовке полного издания эпистолярного наследия Н.П. Вишнякова, который был вовлечен почти во все политические и экономические процессы Москвы времен правления императора Николая II. Он был депутатом (гласным) Московской Думы с 1873 по 1917 гг. с пятилетним перерывом в 1892--1897 гг., мировым судьей, известным ученым-геологом и краеведом.Для публикации были раскрыты многочисленные сокращения топонимов, а также расшифрованы индивидуальные, характерные для автора сокращения.Особую трудность представляет почерк Н.П. Вишнякова, подчас очень сложный для понимания и в отдельных случаях не поддающийся расшифровке.Эпистолярное наследия Н.П. Вишнякова весьма обширно, а сам дневник охватывает события с 1872 по 1918 гг. Published is an excerpt from a diary of N.P. Vishnyakov (1844–1927), a Moscow Duma deputy. Nikolay Petrovich has never personally participated in the events, but was in the epicenter of the October battles between the Red and the White movements, as he and his family lived in the centre of Moscow. Those events in particular are often referred to as the beginning of the real Civil War. His diary shows us the mental state of a peaceful citizen caught as a hostage during the civil confrontation on Moscow streets. Depicted are certain peculiarities of everyday life, rumors and doubts, hopes and fears of Moscovites, as well as behavioral strategies of different social groups.Most valuable is that the author made 2–3 diary entries a day, registering the events in details. Such sources are very few in number.N.P. Vishnyakov's memoirs and epistolary heritage have never before were fully published and were marked as a unique source on the history of political, cultural and economic life in Moscow between 1873--1918.This is a part of an upcoming publication of the complete texts of N.P. Vishnyakov's epistolary heritage. Nukolay Petrovich was fully engaged into almost every political and economical process in Moscow during the times of Nicholas II. He was a deputy of the Moscow Duma from 1873 to 1917, with a short break in 1892--1897, a magistrate judge, a well-known geology scientist and ethnographer.For this publication shorten forms of toponymies and some personalized abbreviations have been deciphered. It is sometimes very difficult to follow and understand N.P. Veshnyakov’s handwriting.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Xin Liu ◽  
Hua Pan

The purpose is to provide a more reliable human-computer interaction (HCI) guarantee for animation works under virtual reality (VR) technology. Inspired by artificial intelligence (AI) technology and based on the convolutional neural network—support vector machine (CNN-SVM), the differences between animation works under VR technology and traditional animation works are analyzed through a comprehensive analysis of VR technology. The CNN-SVM gesture recognition algorithm using the error correction strategy is designed based on HCI recognition. To have better recognition performance, the advantages of depth image and color image are combined, and the collected information is preprocessed including the relations between the times of image training iterations and the accuracy of different methods in the direction of the test set. After experiments, the maximum accuracy of the preprocessed image can reach 0.86 showing the necessity of image preprocessing. The recognition accuracy of the optimized CNN-SVM is compared with other algorithm models. Experiments show that the accuracy of the optimized CNN-SVM has an upward trend compared with the previous CNN-SVM, and the accuracy reaches 0.97. It proves that the designed algorithm can provide good technical support for VR animation, so that VR animation works can interact well with the audience. It is of great significance for the development of VR animation and the improvement of people’s artistic life quality.

Moneer Nabwani ◽  
Michael Suleymanov ◽  
Yosef Pinhasi ◽  
Asher Yahalom

A new method for short circuit fault location is proposed based on instantaneous signal measurement and its derivatives, and is based on the retardation phenomena. The difference between the times in which a signal is registered in two detectors is used to locate the fault. Although a description of faults in terms of a lumped circuit is useful for elucidating the methods for detecting the fault. This description will not suffice to describe the fault signal propagation hence a distributed models is needed which is given in terms of the telegraph equations. Those equations are used to derive a transmission line transfer function, and an exact analytical description of the short circuit signal propagating in the transmission line is obtained. The analytical solution was verified both by numerical simulations and experimentally.

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