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value of time
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-162
Bhismoadi Tri Wahyu Faizal

Sistem ekonomi merupakan sistem yang digunakan dalam sebuah negara untuk mengatur dan mengelola semua bentuk aktivitas ekonomi, sehingga dengan berlakunya sebuah sistem ekonmi ini, negara dapat memaksimalkan perannya dalam mengelola dan meningkatkan segala sumber daya yang dimiliki. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk membandingkan sebuah sistem ekonomi Islam dengan sistem ekonomi kapitalis yang keduanya memiliki perbedaan yang sangat mencolok ketika diaplikasikan dalam aktivitas bisnis. Hasil kajian menyimpulkan bahwa sistem ekonomi Islam mengemban visi homo Islamicus yang memandang manusia sebagai kholifah di muka bumi yang diberi kemampuan oleh Allah untuk mengelola bumi beserta isinya dengan baik dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya sendiri dan orang di sekitarnya dengan tujuan memberikan keseimbangan antara individu, masyarakat dan negara, sehingga pengaplikasiannya dalam aktivitas bisnis adalah economic value of time atau nilai ekonomi adalah waktu. Sedangkan sistem ekonomi kapitalis mengemban visi homo economicus yang memandang manusia sebagai makhluk ekonomi dengan sistem yang bertujuan untuk meraih keuntungan sebesar-besarnya dengan modal yang kecil, sehingga pengaplikasiannya dalam aktivitas bisnis adalah time value of money atau nilai waktu adalah uang. (An economic system is a system used in a country to organize and manage all forms of economic activity, so that with the enactment of an economic system, the state can maximize its role in managing and improving all resources at its disposal. This paper attempts to compare an Islamic economic system with a capitalist economic system, both of which have very striking differences when applied in business activities. The results of the study concluded that the Islamic economic system carries a vision of homo Islamicus who views humans as kholifah on earth who is given the ability by Allah to manage the earth and its contents well in meeting its own needs and those around it with the aim of providing balance between individuals, communities and the state, so that its application in business activities is economic value of time or economic value is time. While the capitalist economic system carries a homo economicus vision that views humans as economic creatures with a system that aims to achieve maximum profits with small capital, so that its application in business activities is time value of money or time value is money).

2021 ◽  
Vol 948 (1) ◽  
pp. 012010
M A Akbar ◽  
D Perwitasari-Farajallah ◽  
Rizaldi ◽  
A Mardiastuti ◽  
Y Tsuji

Abstract Primate’s time budgets are the important aspect to investigate their ecological influences in their habitat. This study collected data on daily activities in a group of silvery lutung (Trachypithecus cristatus) in coastal forest habitat at Gunung Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia from August 2018 – July 2019, using instantaneous scan sampling method with 10-min intervals. This study analyzed the activity of wild silvery lutungs in study site, with emphasis on the age-sex differences and montly changes in their activity budget. This group spent most of time resting in their daily activity (average 47.50% of the total daytime resting), then followed by moving, feeding, grooming and other activities (conflict, nursing, urinating-defecating, playing, etc.). Resting peaked simultaneously in the morning and peaked back in the afternoon while moving and feeding decreased in this period. Their time budgets showed significant monthly variation: they spent a higher value of time feeding from September - Oktober 2018. They also differed among different sex-age classes: nursing females spent more time for actively moving, whereas adult male and single females devoted more time to resting, feeding, and grooming. These differences in their time budgets may reflect fundamental differences in reproductive biology, parental investment and development among the different age-sex classes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003802612110623
Yao-Tai Li

The impact temporary visa status has on the lives of migrants and their experience of time has been widely discussed. Fewer studies, however, focus discussion on the competing interpretations of the value of Working Holiday Makers’ (WHMs) time and the complexities of disruption and (un)certainties: more specifically the contrast between the value the Australian government places on time spent doing agricultural work in rural areas to become eligible for a second visa, and how this time is perceived by WHMs. This article seeks to fill this gap by comparing data drawn from the government’s rhetoric and interviews with Taiwanese WHMs who had worked in regional areas of Australia for three months. I argue that the government selectively highlights to prospective WHMs the value of cultural exchange and tourism (life-value) while downplaying the labor value (money-value) to WHMs’ time. Furthermore, the government and WHMs are not always talking about the same ‘time units’ (working time and holiday time) when applying these values. This article demonstrates that WHMs are conscious of how their time is spent and perceive the three months of specified work as being ‘suspended’, ‘immobile’, and ‘disrupted’, which undermines their life-values and migration flow in Australia.

2021 ◽  
Thomas S. Pettit

<p>This paper explores the New Zealand Transport Agency Economic Evaluation Manual from the perspective of best practices in international literature. Drawing upon research from the international community and policy-focused bodies like the OECD, the paper seeks to improve the NZTA EEM’s quality by employing hedonic and revealed-preference methods to create a more accurate tool to derive the value of certain transport investments. The paper finds that the value of time in New Zealand is far too low, the discount regime improperly reflects the nature of such investments, cycling benefits are undervalued, and property values are not accounted for as well as they could be. The paper then applies these findings to the recently-completed Public Transport Spine Study in Wellington, New Zealand to illustrate the importance of accurate economic evaluation of transport investments.</p>

2021 ◽  
Thomas S. Pettit

<p>This paper explores the New Zealand Transport Agency Economic Evaluation Manual from the perspective of best practices in international literature. Drawing upon research from the international community and policy-focused bodies like the OECD, the paper seeks to improve the NZTA EEM’s quality by employing hedonic and revealed-preference methods to create a more accurate tool to derive the value of certain transport investments. The paper finds that the value of time in New Zealand is far too low, the discount regime improperly reflects the nature of such investments, cycling benefits are undervalued, and property values are not accounted for as well as they could be. The paper then applies these findings to the recently-completed Public Transport Spine Study in Wellington, New Zealand to illustrate the importance of accurate economic evaluation of transport investments.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Philipp ‘Phil’ Klaus ◽  
JungKun Park ◽  
Annalisa Tarquini-Poli

PurposeTraditionally, international luxury marketing highlights possible disparities of cultural and value perception. The context-specific nature of traditional international luxury marketing, which ranges from educational and cultural to financial and offering-based variations, delivers little guidance to managers in the field regarding how to cater best to their highest target segment. The study aims to exemplify the relevance of global consumer culture (GCC) theory for the ultra-high-net-worth-individual (UHNWI) context. The authors' research on UHNWIs maps the DNA, so to speak, of the UHNWI customer experience (CX) by determining what drives UHNWI purchasing behavior independent of background – in other words, what matters most to this exclusive consumer segment.Design/methodology/approachInterviewing 15 UHNWIs using a means-end approach and incorporating the emerging consensus technique (ECT), the authors explored the CX of UHNWIs leading to their purchasing decisions.FindingsThe authors' analysis reveals the three main constituents of the UHNWI CX: the value of time, expectation mismanagement and the utilitarian nature of luxury. The findings highlight that UHNWIs see traditional luxury as a necessity rather than a luxury and value different factors, such as time, much more highly. The findings highlight the UHNWI homogenous nature, connecting GCC to purchasing behavior.Practical implicationsThe authors' study delivers empirical evidence of what matters most to the UHNWI segment and drives their purchasing behavior. The authors are questioning existing luxury segmentation strategies and lay out a clear guidance on how to design and deliver effective and efficient marketing, sales and communications strategies for the elusive UHNWI segment. The research highlights that it is the experience and the three main dimensions, namely expectation mismanagement, luxury as a utility and the value of time. Following UHNWI CX DNA framework will allow luxury companies to build their marketing and client acquisition efforts on a solid understanding of what matters most to the UHNWI target segment.Originality/valueThe study highlights the commonalities of UHNWIs in terms of what matters most to them. Based on this, the authors develop a UHNWI CX DNA. The authors propose that traditional context-specific differences upheld by international marketing researchers might not apply to the UHNWI segment. The authors deliver evidence that UHNWI are an excellent example of the applicability of GCC theory. The only difference in perception the authors noticed was between CX evaluations of self-made UHNWIs and those who inherited their wealth in an otherwise homogenous segment.

Ye Tian ◽  
Yi-Chang Chiu

The value of time (VOT) attribute is usually utilized to represent the trade-off between time and monetary expenses in transportation problems. A good representation of VOT is essential for evaluation of any road pricing scheme. Conventionally, in dynamic traffic assignment models, VOT is considered as either constant or finite discrete among travelers because of memory and computational limitations, which in turn could introduce bias in the results. This research explicitly models the individual bi-criteria dynamic user equilibrium (IBDUE) problem and presents a distinct simulation-based solution algorithm that enables individual-based traffic assignment within reasonable run time with a successful implementation of variable and continuously distributed VOT in a simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment package. Numerical analysis reveals that the constant and discrete VOT models tend to overestimate toll road usage compared with the continuous VOT model when the toll charge is low, and underestimate it when the toll charge is high, which reflects previous studies. In the meantime, an experiment on a real-world congestion pricing scheme demonstrates the capability of the proposed algorithm on evaluating flow-dependent pricing schemes.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 41-50
Р.Р. Шанаева ◽  
Т.Р. Туаева

В данной статье приводится теоретическаяинформация, на основании которой может быть произведен лингвистический анализ фразеологических единиц (ФЕ), служащих для выражения категории времени в осетинском языке. Основная функция фразеологизмов, образно выражающих значение времени, не столько информативная, объяснительная, мотивирующая, сколько экспрессивная, оценочная. Данное явление лингвистически представлено в формировании компонентов фразеологического значения образных единиц с временным значением. Структурно-семантические модели рассматриваемых фразеологизмов отражают взаимодействие грамматических и семантических факторов. Весьма значимым представляется проведенное в данной статье структурно-семантическое исследование элементов фразеологических единиц, а также произведенный в рамках исследования структурно-семантический анализ компонентов, реализующих временные отношения в составе рассматриваемых устойчивых единиц. Авторами основной акцент сделан на рассмотрении национально-культурных особенностей в устойчивых словосочетаниях. Принципиально новым в работе представляется установление авторами основных способов выявления концептуализации времени в рамках изменения и взаимо­действия фразеологизмов как целостных структур и ментальных образований, выражающих временные отношения. Авторынацелены на установление спецификивоплощения реального и ирреального времени в осетинских фразеологических единицах. В основе исследования рассматриваемого вопроса лежит лингвокультурологический подход к изучениюобразования и динамики лексическо-грамматической характеристики фразеологических единиц, имеющих значение времени. Подобный подход позволяет обнаружить идентичные и отличающиеся структурно-семантические и синтаксические модели фразеологических единицв осетинском языке. В данном исследовании языковые универсалии находят воплощение в средствах усиления образности, экспрессивности, эмоциональности, в так называемых мотивационных моделях, способствующих не только обобщению и систематизации языкового материала, но и выявлению источника и основы фразеологического образа. Исследованиеданных фразеологизмов в современном осетинском языке способствует возможности выявить сходные и различные синтаксические, мотивационные и структурно-семантические модели фразеологизмов. This article provides theoretical information on the basis of which a linguistic analysis of phraseological units can be made, which serve to express the category of time in the Ossetian language. The main function of phraseological units, figuratively expressing the meaning of time, is more expressive, evaluative than informative, explanatory, motivating. This phenomenon is linguistically represented in the formation of the components of the phraseological meaning of figurative units with a temporal meaning. Structural and semantic models of the phraseological units under consideration reflect the interaction of grammatical and semantic factors. The structural-semantic study of the elements of phraseological units carried out in this article, as well as the structural-semantic analysis of the components that implement temporal relations in the structure of the stable units under consideration, seem to be very significant. The authors place the main emphasis on the consideration of national and cultural characteristics in set phrases. Fundamentally new in the work is the establishment by the authors of the main ways of identifying the conceptualization of time within the framework of the change and interaction of phraseological units as integral structures and mental formations expressing temporal relationships. The authors aim at establishing the specifics of the embodiment of real and surreal time in Ossetian phraseological units. The study of the issue under consideration is based on a linguoculturological approach to the study of the formation and dynamics of the lexical and grammatical characteristics of phraseological units that have the meaning of time. This approach allows one to find identical and different structural-semantic and syntactic models of phraseological units in the Ossetian language. In this study, linguistic universals are embodied in the means of enhancing imagery, expressiveness, emotionality, in the so-called motivational models that contribute not only to the generalization and systematization of linguistic material, but also to identify the source and basis of the phraseological image. The study of these phraseological units in the modern Ossetian language contributes to the ability to identify similar and different syntactic, motivational and structural-semantic models of phraseological units.

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