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Animals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Eva Mainau ◽  
Pol Llonch ◽  
Déborah Temple ◽  
Laurent Goby ◽  
Xavier Manteca

The main conditions and diseases considered painful in dairy cows are mastitis, lameness, calving (including dystocia and caesarean section) and metritis. The cattle literature reports that deviation from normal daily activity patterns (both increased and/or reduced daily lying time) can be indicative of painful conditions and diseases in cows. This narrative review discusses on how pain due to several health conditions in dairy cows modifies its activity pattern and explores if non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are capable of restoring it. Divergent outcomes may differ depending upon the painful cause, the severity and the moment, and consequently its interpretation should be properly explained. For instance, cows with clinical mastitis reduced their time lying and increased the number of lying bouts and stepping due to pain caused by the swollen udder when cows are lying. However, lame cows show longer lying times, with a lower number of lying bouts and longer and more variable lying bouts duration, as compared to non-lame cows. When the relationship between painful disorders and daily activity patterns is studied, factors such as parity, bedding type and severity of disease are important factors to take into consideration. The potential benefits of the NSAIDs treatment in painful health disorders depend upon the type of drug administered, its dosage and administration mode, and the time of administration relative to the painful health disorder. This narrative review can be used as a tool to properly interpret and grade pain in cows through behavioural activity patterns and proposes directions for future investigations.

Salvatore Martellucci ◽  
Andrea Stolfa ◽  
Andrea Castellucci ◽  
Giulio Pagliuca ◽  
Veronica Clemenzi ◽  

Objective: Residual dizziness is a disorder of unknown pathophysiology, which may occur after repositioning procedures for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. This study evaluates the relationship between regular daily physical activity and the development of residual dizziness after treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Study Design: Prospective observational cohort study. Setting: Academic university hospital. Methods: Seventy-one patients admitted with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo involving the posterior semicircular canal were managed with Epley’s procedure. Three days after successful treatment, the patients underwent a telephone interview to investigate vertigo relapse. If the patients no longer complained of vertigo, they were asked about symptoms consistent with residual dizziness. Subsequently, they were asked about the recovery of physical activities they regularly performed prior to the onset of vertigo. Results: Sixty-nine patients (age: 57.79 ± 15.05) were enrolled: five (7.24%) reported vertigo relapse whereas twenty-one of sixty-four non-relapsed patients (32.81%) reported residual dizziness. A significant difference in the incidence of residual dizziness was observed considering the patients’ age (p = 0.0003). Of the non-relapsed patients, 46 (71.88%) recovered their regular dynamic daily activities after treatment and 9 (19.57%) reported residual dizziness, while 12 of the 18 patients (66.67%) who did not resume daily activity reported residual symptoms (p = 0.0003). A logistic regression analysis showed a significant association between daily activity resumption and lack of residual dizziness (OR: 14.01, 95% CI limits 3.14–62.47; p = 0.001). Conclusions: Regardless of age, the resumption of regular daily physical activities is associated with a lack of residual dizziness.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-48
Sunarsih Sunarsih ◽  
Aryati Sumarlinda ◽  
Fijri Rachmawati

ABSTRAK Dismenore adalah nyeri ringan yang dapat ditolerir tanpa obat, namun dalam kondisi berat bisa mengganggu aktivitas sehari – hari atau absen sekolah. Pemicu utama dismenore primer adalah prostaglandin yang berperan penting menyebabkan kram dan kontraksi serta gejala lainnya. Mengatasi dismenore dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan jus wortel yang kaya akan karotin, pectin, aspargin, serat, lemak, hidrat arang, kalsium, fosfor, besi, sodium, asam amino, minyak esensial dan beta karote serta vitamin A,B,C,D,E dan K. Vitamin E membantu block formasi prostaglandin dan membantu mengatasi efek dari peningkatan prostaglandin, sehingga efektif menurunkan nyeri. Kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mulya Asri tanggal 15 maret 2021. Kegiatan diawali dengan melakukan pertest lalu penyampaian materi, demonstrasi pembuatan jus dan diakhiri dengan evalusi dalam bentuk post test. Terdapat  peningkatan pengetahuan remaja putri tentang dismenore serta cara mengatasi dismenorea menggunakan jus wortel yaitu sebesar 55%. Kata Kunci: Edukasi, Jus Wortel, Remaja, Dismenore ABSTRACTDysmenorrhea is mild pain that can be tolerated without medicine, however, severe conditions can disturb daily activity or be absent in school. The main trigger of primer dysmenorrhea is a prostaglandin that has an important role in causing cramps, contraction, and other symptoms. The way to overcome dysmenorrhea can be done by using carrot juice in which very rich in carotene, pectin, asparagine, fiber, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, amino acids, essential oil, beta carotene, and A, B, C, D, E, K vitamin. Vitamin E helps block the formation of prostaglandin and helps in overcoming the effects of increased prostaglandin so that it is very effective in decreasing pain.  Counseling activity was done in the worked area of Mulya Asri’s Public Health Center on 15th March 2021.  This activity was started by doing a pretest, delivering the material, demonstrating in making juice, and ended by evaluating in the form of the posttest. The results were that teenage girls have had increased their knowledge about dysmenorrhea and they have had known in overcoming dysmenorrhea by using carrot juice totally 55%. Keywords : Education, Carrot Juice, teenage, Dysmenorrhea

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 152-158
Chia Pei Chen ◽  
Heng Hsin Tung

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1021
Asrul Hamid ◽  
Dedisyah Putra

Islam, as a complete religion, regulates all human life. It regulates vertical ritual worship to Allah Almighty and regulates horizontal worship, namely the relationship between humans, so balance is needed in life. Humans as social creatures created by Allah need each other and cannot be separated from muamalah affairs such as buying and selling to fulfill their needs. Buying and selling is also a daily activity for everyone to meet the needs of their lives. Everyone who does buying and selling must know the law of buying and selling so that no one is harmed, especially the practice of buying and selling when Friday prayer are performed. Thus, the practice works under the provisions of Islamic law. Hablum minannas in the practice of muamalah towards fellow human beings must be in line with hablum minallah based on the guidance of Islamic law. Broadly speaking, Islamic law itself is divided into two; worship and muamalah. Muamalah is the rules (laws) of Allah Swt, intended to regulate human life in worldly affairs of a social nature. In this discussion, the author will explain the law of buying and selling during Friday prayer in Mandailing Natal Regency: a study with a maqashid al-syari'ah approach. This research is descriptive-analytical with the field study research through a normative, empirical approach. The results of this study is that the law of buying and selling that reaches the degree of urgency during Friday prayer is permissible with the aim of more significant benefit, namely protecting the soul (hifdzun an-Nafs) and (hifdzun al-Aql). This law applies in buying and selling medical drugs at pharmacies, hospitals, and other vital objects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 5849-5857
Mirna Febriani ◽  
Herlin Amelia ◽  
Tuti Alawiyah ◽  
Emma Rachmawati

Dental hypersensitivity is a communal problem that we may often encounter in the daily life of both men and women, especially in the elderly who can unconsciously affect every daily activity. Dentin hypersensitivity is defined as sharp pain caused by stimulation of exposed dentin and unprotected dentin by enamel which can be caused by attrition, abrasion, crown fracture, gingival recession, and orthodontic trauma. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse the potential of hydroxyapatite toothpaste towards the hypersensitive tooth through literature review. Method: This study analyzed 35 journals from each database PubMed, Ebsco, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Wiley Online Library, and other international journal websites with keywords hydroxyapatite, hypersensitive dentin, remineralization. Conclusion: Toothpaste containing hydroxyapatite was more effective than toothpaste without hydroxyapatite in inducing tooth remineralization process. The use of toothpaste containing hydroxyapatite in the long term and routine for 15 days is more effective in reducing dental hypersensitivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 111-116
V. A. Golovacheva ◽  
A. A. Golovacheva ◽  
L. M. Antonenko

Migraine is a nervous system disorder that affects 7.7% of children and can debut before the age of 3 years. As they get older, the incidence of migraine increases, and among adolescents, its prevalence reaches 15%. The disease can significantly reduce the child's daily activity, school performance. Migraine is the most common cause of headache in children and adolescents, but it is not always diagnosed; it is not uncommon for patients with migraine to be misdiagnosed and given ineffective treatment. An effective approach to the diagnosis of migraine in children is presented, diagnostic criteria for migraine according to the 3rd edition of International Classification of Headache Disorders are described. Special disorders in childhood are described – episodic syndromes in children associated with migraine. Migraine treatment in children includes four main approaches: 1) lifestyle recommendations; 2) migraine attack treatment; 3) nonpharmacological treatment; 4) migraine preventive pharmacotherapy. All of the listed approaches for the treatment of migraine in childhood are discussed in detail.

Nina L. Chulkina

The paper represents lingvo-cultural and semiotic description of the vocabulary, which introduces the everyday life of the poor characters of the F. Dostoevskys novels. In this case the procedure of the construction of text associative fields and the concept of idiogloss are used. Associative text fields are built, from one side, around the base concepts of daily activity - HOUSE/DWELLING; CLOTHING; FOOD; MONEY, DEBTS, LOAN; DISEASE, DEATH; WORK, BUSINESS; and idioglosses POVERTY; SHAME; FEAR; PRIDE, THE PINCHED PRIDE; GENTLENESS - on the other hand. These two measurements - semantic and pragmatic - make it possible to reconstruct on the texts of Dostoevsky the everyday world of poor characters, to reveal those specific idiosenses, which are concluded in the lexical items being investigated. Besides, the author hopes that such description can become additional material for the creation of the corresponding articles of the Dostoevskys Language Dictionary, which is making now in the V.V. Vinigradov Russian Language University (Russian Science Academy). At the V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language University University of Russian Science Academy in the sector of experimental lexicography under the guidance of Corresponding Member of the Russian Science Academy, Professor Y.N. Karaulov, work on creation of the F.M. Dostoevskys Language Dictionary has been conducted for many years. At the same time, collections of articles are published - The Word of Dostoevsky, viewed as a kind of extension of Dostoevskys Language Dictionary. The authors of the collection should implement the overall thrust of the research results as a guide - the solution of interpretational, hermeneutic tasks. Meanwhile it is also important to identify and describe the vocabulary that is significant for interpretation of Dostoevskys texts and idioglosses in particular, i.e. such lexical units that are important for understanding, for deciphering and interpreting of the meaning of his literary works, for characterizing his authors style (idiostyle), for recreating his picture of the world, his universal and national ideals .

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 266-267
Tiffany Driesse ◽  
Robert Roth ◽  
Xiaohui Liang ◽  
David Kotz ◽  
John Batsis ◽  

Abstract Voice Assistant Systems (VAS) are software platforms that complete various tasks using voice commands (e.g., Amazon Alexa), with increasing usage by older adults. It is unknown whether older adults have significant privacy concerns with VAS. 55 participants were evaluated from ambulatory practice sites for a study on VAS detection of early cognitive decline. The mean age was 73.3±5.6 years, 58% female, 93% white, and 53% had mild cognitive impairment. Privacy concerns were assessed via Likert-based surveys. Participants believed data was used with consent (71%) and stored properly (67%); however, 71% wanted new privacy regulations, 43% were comfortable with daily activity monitoring, and 85% thought the data needs to be highly protected. Qualitative themes included “listening-in”, “tracking”, and unwanted sharing of information. Findings suggest that older adults do not have significant privacy concerns for VAS use, but requested additional regulations. Future research can compare VAS privacy concerns between age groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 948 (1) ◽  
pp. 012035
E Dwijayanti ◽  
Mahyana ◽  
U Nurlaily ◽  
T H Widarto

Abstract The Scaly-breasted Munia (Lonchura punctulata) is known as a common pest in the Indonesian rice field. However, there is no study on the daily activity of this species. This study aims to determine the daily activity of L. punctulata in rice field habitat. The research was conducted on April-May 2021 in Aceh Besar (Sumatera), Wonogiri (Central Java) and Tulungagung (East Java). Sixty-three hours of observations were carried out in seven days using scan sampling and data recorded using the continuous method. Observation time was divided into morning, afternoon, and evening for three hours each time. Data variation was analyzed with ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis, then the correlation between behavior and temperature was analyzed using Pearson and Spearman Correlation Test. Our results show that moving (35.9 – 65.2%) and feeding (16.9–44.69%) are the most frequently observed behaviors. Only sunbathing behavior in the afternoon was significantly different in three locations (p-value < 0.001). Correlation analysis shows that feeding and sunbathing behavior have an inverse correlation with temperature. However, resting behaviors increases with increasing temperature. Temperature affects daily activities due to the bird’s thermoregulatory system. The other factors also influence L. punctulata behavior, such as other bird species presence and bird scaring activities.

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