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parental work
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2021 ◽  
Jianghong Li ◽  
Hannah Kenyon Lair ◽  
Jakob Schäfer ◽  
Garth Kendall

Increasing evidence shows that parents’ work schedules in evenings/nights have a negative impact on children's physical and mental health. Few studies examine adolescents and joint parental work schedules. We investigate the association between joint parental work schedules and adolescent mental health and test parental time spent with adolescents and parenting style as potential mediators. We analysed one wave of the Raine Study data, focusing on adolescents who were followed up at ages 16-17 and lived in dual-earner households (N=607). Adolescent mental health is measured in the Child Behavioural Checklist (morbidity, internalising behaviour, externalising behaviour, anxiety/depression). Parental work schedules were defined as: both parents work standard daytime schedules (reference), both parents work evening/night/irregular shifts, fathers work evening/night/irregular shifts - mother daytime schedule, mothers work evening/night/irregular shifts - father daytime schedule. Compared to the reference group, when one or both parents worked evening/night/irregular schedules, there was a significant increase in total morbidity, externalising behaviour and anxiety/depression in adolescents. Fathers' evening/night/irregular schedule was associated with a significant increase in total morbidity and externalising behaviour. Inconsistent parenting partially mediated this association. Mothers' evening/night/irregular schedule was not associated with adolescent CBCL scores. Our findings underscore the importance of fathers' work-family balance for adolescent mental health.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147490412110300
Romain Delès

The period of confinement in the spring of 2020 is of great interest in highlighting the parental work of educational support. While parental support is usually more diffuse, and is secondary in relation to what is done at school, occurring at different moments of daily life, home schooling during lockdown revealed new ways of helping and framing schoolwork. This article looks at parenting practices in higher socio-economic status (SES) families in France. Based on a massive questionnaire ( N = 31,764) and a series of additional interviews ( N = 15) conducted during lockdown, the aim is to investigate what makes parental assistance specific in high SES environments. Our findings show that such families have less difficulty carrying out schooling at home. What makes them consider this experience as ‘not a big deal’, as they say, is that they have organisational and pedagogical (i.e. objective) resources that enable them to respond to its challenges. In addition, however, we show that home schooling is experienced in these families as less contrived. In effect, they use schoolwork techniques that help to obscure (from others, but also from themselves) the effort that schoolwork requires.

Refani Ilham ◽  
Yulianto Yulianto ◽  
Rahayu Sulistyowati ◽  

BOSDA is a program of lampung provincial government in the form of direct funding to the Secondary Education Unit both public and private in the city of Bandar Lampung where the amount of grants received in schools is calculated based on the number of students unable to each school and the unit cost (Unit Cost) assistance. According to Lampung Governor Regulation Number 29 Year 2017 concerning Technical Guidelines for Operational Assistance of Lampung Provincial Schools in 2017. Schools that received Bosda Assistance in Lampung Province are Bandar Lampung City, West Lampung Regency, North Lampung Regency and Way Kanan Regency. Researchers want to find out the implementation of BOSDA policy in SMA Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung, because in the pre-survey stage there is some disagreement between the residence and the income of parents of BOSDA recipient students. The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of BOSDA policy and to know the factors that hinder BOSDA in SMA Negeri 16 Bandar Lampung. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques derived from observation, documentation and based on the results of in-depth interviews. The results of this study were described using Charles O. jones toeri namely 1). The organization has an organizational structure issued in accordance with the Decree of the Provincial Education Office ranging from supervisors, persons in charge, chief executives, secretaries, treasurers and survey teams, 2) Inteprertasi the school conducts socialization of the implementation of BOSDA with the announcement and dissemination of information to the community directly, so that the implementation and implementation of BOSDA can be heard by the community directly, 3) Application that the implementation of BOSDA in accordance with technical guidelines and verify prospective BOSDA students with home surveys , facilities owned, parental work, ownership of KIP cards, as well as information from neighbors around the house, BOSDA funds expenditure is also issued according to the RKS submitted to the Provincial Education Office. Bosda implementation is in response by students is very good but needs to be added again quota while the inhibition factor is the disbursement of funds at the end of the semester makes the school have to find loan funds to finance students BOSDA

Laurensia Agustin Manik ◽  
Yani Maulita ◽  
Indah Ambarita

Regarding assistance from the recipients of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) because there are so many prospective recipients of PIP assistance who volunteered to get the assistance, the process of delivering aid is sometimes not on target. Invalid data causes errors in the distribution of PIPs given to recipients who are entitled to receive them. Special Decision Support System (SPK) was built to support the solution of a problem or for an opportunity, one of the PIP aid recipient's approval in the Binjai City Education Office so that it is right on target for students who will get PIP assistance. The role of decision support systems is needed to improve the efficiency of decision making in determining students who are eligible for PIP assistance. The method used in this system uses the Multi-Objective Optimization method on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) and by using 7 (seven) criteria, namely family conditions, report card scores, parental work, number of dependents, number of dependents of children who attend school, home conditions and parents' income as well as 10 (ten) alternatives that are student data. Based on the results of calculations using the MOORA method, students on behalf of MM (A9) are the best alternative to be given PIP assistance with a value of 0.2843

2021 ◽  
Wen-Jui Han ◽  
Liwei Zhang

Using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Birth Cohort in the United States, this paper examines the relationship between changes in parental work status and schedules and changes in families’ poverty status during early childhood years. We focus on three dimensions of familial poverty: poverty depth, volatility in family income, and poverty duration. Regression results suggest that for both the mother and the father, repeated changes in work status between standard daytime hours, nonstandard hours, or not working significantly increased the probabilities of families experiencing 1) not only near-poor conditions, but also falling into poverty, if not deep poverty, 2) volatility in family income, and 3) longer durations of poverty. Working nonstandard hours brought another layer of instability and insecurity. Results in this paper shed new light on whether families’ poverty or economic status change when parents move into or out of employment and into or out of nonstandard work schedules.

2021 ◽  
pp. 150-167
Anna Bagirova ◽  
Natalia Blednova

The article considers the problem of combining two types of labor activity — professional and parental labor. The aim of the research is to identify objective and subjective barriers for combination of these two labor spheres. We focus on specific elements of the organization of labor of working mothers (length of the working week and working day, time of the start and the end of work, alternation of work and days off, leave period, form of work organization) and on identifying subjective barriers that prevent the effective combination of professional and parental labor. We conducted an online survey of 265 women aged 18 to 45 working in various organizations in the Sverdlovsk region. We analyzed the data using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and group comparison based on nonparametric criteria. The results of the study are as follows: the length of the working day, as well as the time of its beginning and end, act as objective barriers to combining professional and parental work for Ural women. The subjective barriers preventing the effective combination of professional and parental work for Ural women are stereotypes of employers and colleagues who do not have children, based on the perception of the low efficiency of professional activities of workers with children, the negative impact of children on the implementation of professional work and the professional career of parents, misunderstanding of the advantages that children give to workers with children in the process of their professional work. The presence of such subjective barriers often entails refusals in employment of subjects of parental labor, a deterioration in the attitude of the employers towards them, and increases the likelihood of going on unpaid leave.

2020 ◽  
Siracusano Martina ◽  
Segatori Eugenia ◽  
Riccioni Assia ◽  
Gialloreti Emberti Leonardo ◽  
Curatolo Paolo ◽  

Abstract This study investigated the impact of lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic on the adaptive functioning, problematic and repetitive behaviors of an Italian sample of preschoolers and schoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. We evaluated whether after the compulsory home confinement, in comparison to a baseline evaluation performed during the months preceding COVID-19, any improvement or worsening was reported by parents of ASD individuals using standardized instruments.No significant worsening in the areas explored emerged after the lockdown. Within the older participants, a clinical stability was found concerning both adaptive skills and behavioral aspects. Whereas, within preschoolers a significant improvement in adaptive skills emerged and was related to the subsistence of web delivered intervention, parental work persistency and online support during lockdown.

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