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public administration reform
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2022 ◽  
pp. 107-124
Tanzer Celikturk

PA education is closely related to the public administration understanding of the relevant country and the public administration reform process. In this context, the structure of the Italian public administration, its historical roots, traditions, and public administration reform processes are discussed in order to understand the PA education in Italy. Since Italy is from the Continental European school of public administration, its effects on public administration reforms and PA education in Europe have been examined. Factors such as the spread of the new public management approach and the Bologna process initiated by the European Union, the convergence process in PA education and its effects on Italy are discussed. It is aimed to shed light on the PA education studies in Turkey by considering the PA education in Italy, one of the important representatives of the Continental European public administration understanding, which constitutes the intellectual foundation of the Turkish administrative system.

2022 ◽  
pp. 297-313
Igor Vidačak

The level of openness of policymaking has gradually become an important indicator of the progress of public administration reform in countries aspiring for EU membership. Based on lessons learned from previous enlargement rounds, the EU has gradually reformed its pre-accession assistance strategy by putting more emphasis on building capacities of government bodies for implementing more open and inclusive styles of democratic governance. Nevertheless, the countries of the region are still facing substantial challenges in this area. This chapter seeks to identify main factors that affect the quality of openness of Western Balkans' governments with particular emphasis on their ability to ensure adequate access to information, transparent and predictable decision-making, and timely public participation as key components of a wider concept of government openness. It is claimed that the specific design of the EU accession negotiations favours and often legitimizes the dominance of executive while at the same time weakening the position of legislative bodies and civil society actors.

Dejan Vučinić ◽  

Public policies as a means by which public action is directed and common goals are achieved have long been the subject of study of foreign legal science. In Serbia, public policies have gained more significant affirmation in recent years, especially in the context of public administration and public administration reform. Public policies are studied from the aspect of different sciences, political, organizational, but having in mind that public policies are especially related to the activities of the administration, it is the subject of interest of legal sciences, more precisely the science of administration. The state ensures the implementation of public policies in various areas of social life (health, education, environmental protection, etc.), bearing in mind that it has the necessary capacities and organization, through its administrative apparatus. The aim of this paper is a deeper understanding of the policy-making process, their role in achieving the public interest, the process of implementation and evaluation of public policy effects, as well as the relationship and relations that public policies have with government and public administration, both from the perspective of policy makers and and from the aspect of directing the work of public administration.

S. Chernetsky ◽  
A. Chechel ◽  
N. Didenko ◽  
D. Grytsyshen ◽  
K. Malyshev

Abstract. The article identifies that an important area of sustainable development and public administration reform is an effective e-government process, which should be provided with appropriate funding. The purpose of the article is to determine further opportunities for financing e-government of Ukraine in the framework of projects and public administration reform, taking into account the experience of the European Union to achieve the goals of sustainable development and digitalization of the country. The methodological basis of the study is the analytical data of UNDP Ukraine, the National Agency for Civil Service Affairs of Ukraine, the European Commission, the study of the digital government of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The key factors of the state in the direction of digital society and sustainable democratic governance are identified (human rights, transparency and integrity, parliamentary reform, civil society and youth work, health care reform and public procurement support, digital transformation). Peculiarities of financing the Public Administration Reform Strategy of Ukraine are analyzed, the largest share of financing of which is the budget program «Support to the implementation of comprehensive public administration reform» and EU budget support. The peculiarities of e-government financing in the EU countries are determined. The necessity of external sources of financing of digital projects in Ukraine due to their insufficient financing is substantiated. The largest donor countries for financing e-government projects in Ukraine (Denmark, Estonia, Great Britain, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany and Poland) have been identified. Based on the study of European experience in financing models of e-government development projects, existing funding instruments for Ukraine (funds of the joint interstate development strategy, grants, charity, public-private partnership) and promising funding instruments have been identified, the use of which will increase openness, transparency and efficiency and ensure the development of open data. Keywords: e-government, project financing, digital transformation, public administration reform. JEL Classification G38 Formulas: 0; fig.: 2; tabl.: 2; bibl.: 14.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-79
Eva Urbanová

Changes in society are also changing approaches to education. Over the past two decades, governments in many countries have addressed the need for effective education reform to improve student achievement. School leaders have a crucial role to play as they face high expectations for educational outcomes, particularly in the context of technological progress, innovation, migration and globalisation. Leadership in education is becoming increasingly necessary at the beginning of the 21st century. There is a need to rethink school management and leadership models and to introduce innovative ideas. The core work activities and competencies of a leader in education consist of their experience, knowledge, character traits, attitudes and skills. An example of this is the situation in the Czech Republic, where the public administration reform in 2000 led to the decentralisation of education, which gave schools the right to decide on matters in all areas. This paper summarises an example of leadership in secondary schools in the Czech Republic in the context of reforms that are taking place not only in education. The results show that the role of a leader and innovator in a school is mostly performed by the school principal himself and most often as needed, which is related to his responsibility for the school's operation and especially its direction, i.e. the implementation of the school's development concept. The research question is: Which of the work activities related to the secondary school principal as a leader and innovator are done by him/herself or delegated to other staff members and how often are they performed?

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (3) ◽  
pp. 59-79
Dastan Sekenov ◽  

The article deals with the features of conducting a functional analysis of the activities of state bodies in some countries. Over the past decade, functional analysis has been tested and applied as a tool for public administration reform in many foreign countries. The authors have studied various aspects of functional analysis, their historical development, including modern attempts to implement and reform them. Economic problems in many countries in the mid-and late-1990s led to a growing awareness of the link between weak economic activity and weak government systems. The change in the perception of the role of public administration in reform processes occurred at a time when many countries were operating "ascetic" programs. One of the elements of such programs was to reduce the number and role of management structures. Carrying out functional analysis in state bodies is one of the ways to optimize the quantitative and qualitative composition of civil servants, to increase the efficiency of the activities of state bodies. This is a research activity that studies the goals and activities of a public authority, strategy, management structure, and management processes. The authors conducted a functional analysis as a tool for public administration reform. The most important factors that should be taken into account when developing a functional analysis are examined: what goals should be achieved through functional analysis, what type of analysis can be performed, how the analysis process can be managed, and finally, what steps should be taken immediately after the analysis. The article examines and analyzes the international experience of conducting a functional analysis of the activities of a public authority in such countries as Latvia, Moldova, and Singapore.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-30
Andon Kume ◽  
Olta Qejvani ◽  

European integration is a very important process in Albania being accompanied with many requests that asks for implementing the right answers. One of these requests, in order to reach out the European values, is the fair recruitment in public administration Even though, the profile of employees in public administration is strongly related to the inside power of government and national framework, the public administration performance as a whole is a key dimension of being dressed with EU standards. The public administration reform, which started in 2013 is still a prolong process, which keeps improving also the recruitment in public administration. Basically, the most crucial changes are referred to civil service system. This paper aims to: analyze some issues of the approximation level of Albanian legislation towards recruitment according to EU standards; presenting some alternatives on how this process can be improved by strengthening institutional cooperation; giving some practical issues for recruitment in local governance, too.

O.P. Svitlichny

In order to ensure the full realization of rights and freedoms, legitimate interests of citizens, to meet public needs in Ukraine, public authorities (mainly executive) and local governments, as well as other authorized public administration entities provide more than 130 items of various services. The application of laws in the field of service provision is primarily defined by part three of Art. 42 of the Constitution of Ukraine, according to which the state protects the rights of consumers, controls the quality and safety of products and all types of services and works, promotes the activities of public consumer organizations. The article analyzes various types of services provided to individuals and legal entities on the basis of the analysis of the norms of the current legislation of normative-legal acts and scientific views. It is determined that the development of democratic principles in the activities of executive bodies, local governments, their officials is closely linked with the efficiency and quality of services that must meet European principles and standards. It is established that in the current laws and regulations and in domestic legal science there are different approaches to understanding the concept of «service», features of the procedural part of service provision, as well as the fact that current legislation does not contain a definition of «service procedure» and a clear procedure services by public administration. Attention is drawn to certain shortcomings in the regulation of the procedure for providing services by executive authorities and local governments, and it is emphasized that despite certain legal and political difficulties in implementing the Law of Ukraine «On Administrative Procedure», a number of comments were made by the Chief Scientific Expert. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted this law, which is an important step towards systemic public administration reform and bringing it closer to European principles and standards, and the shortcomings of the public administration's relations with citizens can be eliminated by making a number of changes and additions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 139-145
Sorin Bradu ◽  

The local public administration is the one that plays the most important role in the organization and management of public services, given the fact that it knows the needs of the citizens most closely. The important scientific problem consists in the scientific substantiation of the responsibilities of the public administration in the organization and modernization of the public services. This fact may lead to the clarification of the role of public administration provider in the conditions of more and more intense involvement of the private sector in the management of public services. This clarification is necessary in order to identify ways to apply modern methods of development and efficiency of public services in Botosani.

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