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Tri Wahyu Retno Ningsih ◽  

Parents who have children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are challenging because these children are special and need special treatment. Because they are challenging, parents need support from their inner or outer circle. One of the strategies to get a support is by expressing what they feel. Feelings can be expressed in various ways, verbal and non-verbal. It can be in a non-formal situation like having a conversation in a community or a home environment. Thus, this research aims to describe the verbal expressions and desperation of the mothers to raise their children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This research uses phenomenological method called Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) because this study focuses on interpretive processes in understanding participants’ experiences ideographically. 25 participants are observed and interviewed in-depth regarding their experiences in raising their children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The participants’ verbal expression of desperation are classified into seven themes: Repeating the same instruction or warning over and over, Being different and isolated, Mess things up in the house, Could not stay still and unpredictable, Aggressiveness, irritation and tantrums, Extra effort for visual learner, Child lacks of motivation. The results show that the feeling of desperation persistently happened because it is difficult to understand the characteristics of a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The also admit that it is difficult to make normal children and mothers to accept their circumstances. Meanwhile, other participants state that they seek more information and knowledge about ADHD by joining a community to get help or support psychologically and medically, practice and more practice at home in order to help their children grow better.

Children ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Sarah E. Wawrzynski ◽  
Melissa A. Alderfer ◽  
Whitney Kvistad ◽  
Lauri Linder ◽  
Maija Reblin ◽  

Siblings of children with cancer need support to ameliorate the challenges they encounter; however, little is known about what types and sources of support exist for siblings. This study addresses this gap in our understanding of the social networks and sources of support for adolescents with a brother or sister who has cancer. Additionally, we describe how the support siblings receive addresses what they feel are the hardest aspects of being a sibling of a child with cancer. During semi-structured interviews, siblings (ages 12–17) constructed ecomaps describing their support networks. Data were coded for support type (emotional, instrumental, informational, validation, companionship) and support provider (e.g., mother, teacher, friend). Network characteristics and patterns of support were explored. Support network size ranged from 3 to 10 individuals (M = 6 ± 1.9); siblings most frequently reported mothers as sources of support (n = 22, 91.7%), followed by fathers (n = 19, 79.2%), close friends (n = 19, 79.2%) and siblings (with or without cancer) (n = 17, 70.8%). Friends and brothers or sisters most often provided validation and companionship while instrumental and informational supports came from parents. This study provides foundational knowledge about siblings’ support networks, which can be utilized to design interventions that improve support for siblings of children with cancer.

2022 ◽  
pp. 113-129
Smita Guha

Food insecurity occurs when there is no consistent access to enough food. There are different reasons for food shortage leading to food insecurity. As per Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, food is a basic need and must be met. Lack of availability of food develops food insecurity among adults and children. Food insecurity results in physical and mental health issues. Food insecurity is evident among some of the homeless people. To overcome food insecurity, literacy learning plays a major role. Families and children suffering from food insecurity need support and education.

2022 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 56-74
Bahia El Oddi ◽  
Carin-Isabel Knoop

The world is focused on countering climate change to guarantee our survival. But as our planet burns up, we are burning out. The costs of mental health disorders dwarf those of climate change and yet do not get commensurate attention from global leaders. Health care providers and organizations have acted first but need support of the financial markets and public decision-makers. In this paper, we argue that the economic and social toll of mental health and wellbeing issues deserve equal attention from business and public leaders because Human Sustainability is as important as Environmental Sustainability for our ability to endure and thrive as a species in harmony with others.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Lukas Wohofsky ◽  
Philip Scharf ◽  
Sandra Lattacher ◽  
Daniela Krainer

BACKGROUND: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong developmental disorder with increasing prevalence rates. People affected by ASD do often need support in various activities of daily living mainly provided by formal or informal caregivers. Assistive technology can help to increase autonomy and safety of people on the autism spectrum and thus decrease the burden of care. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the state of the art of assistive technology (AT) that supports autonomy, self-reliance comfort and wellbeing of people with ASD or aiming to prevent dangerous situations or shutdowns, caused by stressful (environmental) situations. Another aim is to analyze the fields of application and type of the proposed technologies and to explore the evaluations conducted. METHODS: A scoping review was carried out where the databases MEDLINE, IEEE and ACM Digital Library were searched. The identified articles were grouped according to the objective of the technology – the supported area of life that is assisted by the proposed systems. Furthermore, the conducted evaluations of the ATs in the papers were analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 40 articles were included in this review with a balanced distribution in the different fields of application (Communication & Social Life; Daily Living Assistants; Safety & Security). Eighteen studies conducted an evaluation of the proposed technology with people with ASD, mainly testing the functionality of the systems. CONCLUSION: The proposed technologies support people in the autism spectrum according to the main outcomes and symptoms of ASD. Further research is needed to determine the usefulness and acceptance of the ATs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 523
Samuel Pires Melo ◽  
Ruth Sousa Batista ◽  
Millena Araújo de Souza

A educação do/no campo tem se diferenciado da educação rural em seus processos socioeducativos. Os movimentos sociais têm reivindicado a educação preocupada com o desenvolvimento de seus territórios rurais, e não para o interesse estrito do Capital. Entende-se, assim, que as práticas pedagógicas dos professores se distinguem diante de seus espaços de atuação, como tem sido na Educação de Pessoas Jovens e Adultas (EPJA) em territórios rurais com turmas multisseriadas. Observam-se diferentes demandas ao educador, além da compreensão de que a escola, no seu papel de formação de sujeitos socioculturais, deve estar firmada no objetivo de desenvolver práticas pedagógicas que contribuam para o desenvolvimento de educandos autônomos. Diante disso, busca-se analisar as práticas pedagógicas dos educadores que atuam na educação de pessoas jovens e adultas no campo, por meio das teses e dissertações dos programas de pós-graduação do Brasil. Optou-se por uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo Estado da Arte, e pela técnica de Análise Conteúdo, de Bardin (2004). Por meio dos filtros de seleção (descritores e recorte temporal), foram encontrados seis trabalhos na Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações, nos quais se observou que as práticas pedagógicas dos docentes da EPJA territórios rurais são marcadas por influências econômicas, culturais, políticas e sociais, que necessitam de apoio na Formação Continuada e de recursos para atuação do educador na Educação do/no campo, portanto, a partir de práticas críticas, reflexivas e integrantes das realidades que ensejam transformadoras nas salas da Educação de Pessoas Jovens e Adultas do Campo.Palavras-chave: Educação do campo; Educação de pessoas jovens e adultas; Práticas pedagógicas.Pedagogical practices of youth and adult education teachers in the field: what do theses and dissertations say in Brazil (2010-2019)ABSTRACTAbstract: The education of/in the countryside has been different from rural education in its socio-educational processes. Social movements have demanded education concerned with the development of their rural territories, and not for the strict interest of Capital. It is understood, therefore, that the pedagogical practices of teachers are distinguished in relation to their spaces of action, as it has been in the Education of Young and Adult People (EPJA) in rural territories with multigrade classes. There are different demands on the educator, in addition to the understanding that the school, in its role of training sociocultural subjects, must be based on the objective of developing pedagogical practices that contribute to the development of autonomous students. Therefore, we seek to analyze the pedagogical practices of educators who work in the education of young and adult people in the countryside, through thesis and dissertations of postgraduate programs in Brazil. We opted for qualitative research of the State-of-the-Art type, and for the Content Analysis technique, by Bardin (2004). Through selection filters (descriptors and time frame), six works were found in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, in which it was observed that the pedagogical practices of EPJA teachers in rural territories are marked by economic, cultural, political and social, which need support in Continuing Education and resources for the educator's performance in Education of/in the countryside, therefore, from critical, reflective practices that are part of the transformative realities in the Education of Young and Adult People in the countryside.Keywords: Rural education; Youth and adult education; Pedagogical practices.Prácticas pedagógicas de profesores de educación de jóvenes y adultos en el ámbito: qué dicen las tesis y disertaciones en Brasil (2010-2019)RESUMENLa educación del / en el campo ha sido diferente a la educación rural en sus procesos socioeducativos. Los movimientos sociales han reclamado una educación preocupada por el desarrollo de sus territorios rurales, y no por el estricto interés del Capital. Se entiende, por tanto, que las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes se distinguen en relación a sus espacios de acción, como ha sido en la Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos (EPJA) en territorios rurales con clases multigrado. Existen diferentes demandas al educador, además de entender que la escuela, en su rol de formación de sujetos socioculturales, debe basarse en el objetivo de desarrollar prácticas pedagógicas que contribuyan al desarrollo de estudiantes autónomos. Por lo tanto, buscamos analizar las prácticas pedagógicas de los educadores que trabajan en la educación de jóvenes y adultos en el campo, a través de tesis y disertaciones de programas de posgrado en Brasil. Se optó por una investigación cualitativa del tipo State of the Art, y por la técnica de Análisis de Contenidos, de Bardin (2004). A través de filtros de selección (descriptores y marco temporal), se encontraron seis trabajos en la Biblioteca Digital Brasileña de Tesis y Disertaciones, en los cuales se observó que las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes de EPJA en territorios rurales están marcadas por factores económicos, culturales, políticos y sociales, que necesitan apoyo en Educación Continuada y recursos para el desempeño del educador en Educación del / en el campo, por tanto, a partir de prácticas críticas y reflexivas que son parte de las realidades transformadoras en la Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos en el campo.  Palabras clave: Educación rural; Educación de jóvenes y adultos; Prácticas pedagógicas.

Svenja Damberg ◽  
Lena Frömbling

AbstractThe social distancing required during Covid-19 times tended to make people feel lonelier than usual. Those with pets might, however, have experienced this less, because pets are known for fostering their owners’ subjective well-being. Building on a recently published structural equation model, our study enhances the understanding of subjective well-being by including the construct social distancing during Covid-19 times. In order to answer our research question—How does human-pet relationship need support influence subjective well-being by considering social isolation during Covid-19 times?—we build on the basic needs theory, assuming that humans as well as their pets have an inherent need of autonomy, relatedness, and competence. Using a multivariate data analysis method, namely partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), we establish a path model and examine the relationship between human-pet relationship need support and subjective well-being by including psychological distress and social isolation during Covid-19 times as mediators. We operationalize subjective well-being as a three-dimensional construct consisting of positive affect, happiness, and life satisfaction. In a sample of 215 pet owners in the USA, supporting their need increases subjective well-being, and decreases the psychological distress and loneliness caused by social isolation during Covid-19 times. Furthermore, psychological distress decreases subjective well-being, whereas perceived loneliness during Covid-19 times does not. Our main contributions are to not only enhance our knowledge on the importance of human-pet relationships in critical times, but also to provide policy makers with insights into what influences people’s subjective well-being, which is closely related to their psychological health.

2021 ◽  

This time of year can be particularly difficult for some people, especially given the year we have experienced. Whilst ACAMH cannot offer personal advice, we do urge you to reach out if you are concerned about yourself or a loved one, these helplines and support groups can offer expert advice. Do not suffer in silence, reach out. Wishing you a safe and peaceful time.

2021 ◽  
Charlene Sagad ◽  
Michelle Honey

Healthcare is challenged by providing high-quality, equitable and timely access to care for older adults. Telehealth can address these challenges, however, a level of eHealth literacy is required. This integrative literature review sought to understand the experiences of older adult patients with poor eHealth literacy who use telehealth. Results include that older adults with less eHealth literacy have many concerns engaging with telehealth and irrespective of their eHealth literacy, most need support to use telehealth.

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