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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 135-148
Rachmat Hidayat ◽  
Joko Marwoto ◽  
Lusia Hayati

All body functions depend on cell integrity. Therefore, understanding cell biology is intrinsically important for understanding disease. A vast amount of information reveals how the cell behaves like an organism with many social cells. At the heart of cell biology is cell communication—how messages originate and are transmitted, received, interpreted, and used by cells. This efficient communication between, and within the cell maintains the function of the cell and its specialization. Intercellular signals enable each cell to determine its position and specific role. Cells must demonstrate a "chemical preference" for other cells and the environment that surrounds them to maintain the integrity of the whole organism. When they no longer tolerate this preference, the conversation ends and the cell adapts (sometimes changes in function) or becomes vulnerable to isolation, injury, illness, or even death. This review explains the function of each component in the cell and its role in life.

2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-118
Mervat Mahdy ◽  
Dina S. Eltelbany ◽  
Hoda Mohammed ◽  

Entropy measures the amount of uncertainty and dispersion of an unknown or random quantity, this concept introduced at first by Shannon (1948), it is important for studies in many areas. Like, information theory: entropy measures the amount of information in each message received, physics: entropy is the basic concept that measures the disorder of the thermodynamical system, and others. Then, in this paper, we introduce an alternative measure of entropy, called 𝐻𝑁- entropy, unlike Shannon entropy, this proposed measure of order α and β is more flexible than Shannon. Then, the cumulative residual 𝐻𝑁- entropy, cumulative 𝐻𝑁- entropy, and weighted version have been introduced. Finally, comparison between Shannon entropy and 𝐻𝑁- entropy and numerical results have been introduced.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 72-82
Yu.V. Shchurina ◽  
M.V. Vyrupaeva ◽  

The article presents the results of a linguistic associative chain experiment to identify the associative field of the basic concept of Russian culture – “Native Land”. Residents of the Trans-Baikal Territory participated in the experiment. The study is of interest because of the border location of the region, its polyenticity, and polyconfessional nature. In addition to general cognitive meanings and their proportions, the results of the experiment allow us to identify language representatives and reactions to them, certain regional peculiarities of the world modeling.


The article examines the list of the latest scientific sources devoted directly to the definition of the economic category “labor potential of the enterprise”. Their analysis allowed us to note that in their works scientists and scholars rationalize the need to clarify the essence of the concept “labor potential of the enterprise”, especially given the transformations and constantly emerging new requirements in the modern market environment of enterprises. At the same time, there is a lack of unity of their views on the revealing of the meaning of this term, and their variety is very diverse. The existing developments of scientists to establish the essence of the economic category “labor potential of the enterprise” really need further consideration and refinement. The main purpose of the article is to provide an essence and content characteristic and to formulate a definition of “labor potential of the enterprise” on the basis of isolation and systematization of its key (essential) features.   As a result of a comprehensive analysis of the studied existing interpretations of the essence of labor potential of the enterprise, their list is systematized into four main approaches to the specification of the semantic basis of this term. On the ground of the application of basic logical methods of concept generation (analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization), the essential features of this term are identified in terms of content of actions and essential certainty: a set of existing and potential capabilities and abilities of employees; self-realization, effective use, increase and development of opportunities for employees in employment; promoting the achievement of strategic goals of enterprise development. To formulate the definition of “labor potential of the enterprise” the following is suggested: first, a combination of the above three essential features of the labor potential of the enterprise; second, the inclusion of a sign of the possibility of manifestation in the latest changing conditions of the socio-economic environment of enterprises; third, grounding at the same time on the interpretation of the basic concept of “potential”; fourth, taking into account the peculiarities of the four main approaches to the specification of the semantic basis of the term. Based on the above provisions, the essence of the labor potential of the enterprise is formulated, whose difference from the existing ones is a comprehensive consideration of its essential features in terms of essential definition and content of actions, as well as taking into account the possibility of manifestation in the latest changing socio-economic environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5(41)) ◽  
pp. 23-25
Daba Nimaevich Radnaev ◽  
Mikhail Mikhailovich Shadrin ◽  
Aina Innokentievna Neustroeva

The basic concept of system analysis is a system, that is, an object that interacts with the external environment and has a complex internal structure, a large number of components and elements. Interacting elements with a certain integrity are allocated into functional subsystems. The technique of choosing the most efficient machines depending on the conditions of use and assessing their technical level is stated. The block diagram of the variant technology of cultivation of grain crops is presented, which allows you to choose alternative options for technical means based on their effectiveness.

Anandakumar N

This monograph guides you to understand the basic concept of Ancient Indian Philosophy of Education. It depicts scriptural, sculpture and inscription information based on the author’s observation and experiences. It contains an introduction to philosophy of education, Vedic philosophy of education, Buddhism philosophy of education and Jainism philosophy of education. The book primarily prepared for B.Ed., M.Ed., and B.Sc. B.Ed., students.

Al-Ahkam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-222
Muhamad Fajar Pramono ◽  
Amir Sahidin

This article aims to reveal the values of maqāṣid al-sharī'ah in al-Māwardī's concept of the caliphate. He emphasizes the relationship between politics and maqāṣid al-sharī'ah, both of which aim to realize the benefit. Through literature study using the descriptive-analytical method, this paper finds that his basic concept of the caliphate is influenced by his understanding of maqāṣid al-sharī'ah, including maqāṣid al-imāmah, wasīlah legal status, and maṣlaḥah rules. All three are criteria and conditions that a leader meets. He succeeded in formulating a series of prerequisites for a leader to realize the benefit of the people. These prerequisites are in line with the substance of maqāṣid al-sharī'ah.

М. Talavyrya ◽  
B. Dorosh ◽  

The article analyzes the formation, spread and development of behavioral economics in microeconomic research, as well as its development in macroeconomic research over the past two decades. The key shortcomings of neoclassical macroeconomic models and their critique based on existing research and practical application by central bankers are highlighted. The key stages in the formation of behavioral macroeconomics, elements of which began to appear in the works of neoclassical macroeconomists, have been identified. The main arguments in favor of replacing neoclassical macroeconomic models with new behavioral macroeconomic models are presented, as well as key issues of behavioral macroeconomics and prospects for its further adoption as a basic concept for decision-making for governments. Key studies of behavioral economists on behavioral macroeconomic models, most of which are agents-based (microfoundations-based), have been identified and systematized. Based on the results of testing various behavioral models by world-renowned scientists, as well as our analysis, it is proposed to focus further macroeconomic research on behavioral models based on the activities of agents (microfoundations).

Tawalare Kiran ◽  
Chavan Sucheta ◽  
Tawalare Kalpana ◽  
Meshram Sumedh

Ayurveda, the native healthcare system of India, is a rich resource of well-documented ancient medical knowledge. Although the roots of this knowledge date back to the Vedic and post-Vedic eras, it is generally believed that a dedicated branch for healthcare was gradually established approximately between 400 BC and 200 AD. Objective of this review is to hint at preliminary understanding of ancient concept of simulation and to record the Ayurveda as trailblazer when reviewing the mile stone in the history of simulation. Literature regading simulation were collected through various search engeens like as PubMed, Medline, Google scholar. Classical text of Ayurveda Charak, Sushrut, Vagbhat and Chakrapani, Dalhan commentary were reffered to collect ancient view of simulation. Literature available was analysed critically. It was found that preliminary concept of simulation hinted in Ayurveda as imblaze in establishing the basic concept of simulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-56
Ahmad Syahid Zakaria ◽  
Billy Muhammad Iqbal ◽  
Danu Hadi Syaifullah

In many cases, the concept of design thinking (DT) is only taught as an instance method without deep understanding of its basic concepts. The characteristic of DT itself is abstract and practical so difficult to be articulated. On the other side, serious game (SG) comes as a proven solution that can bring a positive impact on the learning process because it can provide an immersive and enjoyable experience. In general, this research will discuss how to design the most appropriate SG to embed the basic concept of DT and how its influence on DT learning process at the participant`s reaction and learning level. This study discusses comprehensively the design process of SG starting from game model, game framework, design sketch, to final prototype. The output of this design is a series of educative games composed of several aspects of meaning and play to teach the basic concept/mindsets of DT.

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