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regional language
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Kinesik ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 314-320
Hasrinando Saputra Laronga ◽  
Citra Dewi ◽  

Language is present as a medium to understand each other. However, for the Cia-Cia Laporo community, language is not only a means of communication but also as a medium to gain strength in asserting ethnic identity and as citizens of Laporo descent. This essay aims to describe and to know the position of language as a form of Cia-Cia Laporo's identity. Awareness of the importance of the regional language is then applied in daily life through formal learning methods in schools as well as various traditions and rituals such as sindighao.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 1153-1160
Mayanda Mega Santoni ◽  
Nurul Chamidah ◽  
Desta Sandya Prasvita ◽  
Helena Nurramdhani Irmanda ◽  
Ria Astriratma ◽  

One of efforts by the Indonesian people to defend the country is to preserve and to maintain the regional languages. The current era of modernity makes the regional language image become old-fashioned, so that most them are no longer spoken.  If it is ignored, then there will be a cultural identity crisis that causes regional languages to be vulnerable to extinction. Technological developments can be used as a way to preserve regional languages. Digital image-based artificial intelligence technology using machine learning methods such as machine translation can be used to answer the problems. This research will use Deep Learning method, namely Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Data of this research were 1300 alphabetic images, 5000 text images and 200 vocabularies of Minangkabau regional language. Alphabetic image data is used for the formation of the CNN classification model. This model is used for text image recognition, the results of which will be translated into regional languages. The accuracy of the CNN model is 98.97%, while the accuracy for text image recognition (OCR) is 50.72%. This low accuracy is due to the failure of segmentation on the letters i and j. However, the translation accuracy increases after the implementation of the Leveinstan Distance algorithm which can correct text classification errors, with an accuracy value of 75.78%. Therefore, this research has succeeded in implementing the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) method in identifying text in text images and the Leveinstan Distance method in translating Indonesian text into regional language texts.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-132
Hardianti Hasyim ◽  
Ery Iswary ◽  
Ilham Ilham ◽  
Firman Saleh

This study is a quantitative descriptive study that describes the ability to read blanks of eighth-grade students of SMPN 1 Bulupoddo, Sinjai Regency. Based on the presentation of the results of the data analysis above, it can be described in detail about the osong reading ability of the eighth-grade students of SMPN 1 Bulupoddo, Sinjai Regency. Students' test results in reading blanks are then analyzed based on predetermined criteria or assessment indicators, namely the pronunciation aspect with a score of 1 to 1, intonation aspect with a score of 1 to 3, gesture aspect with a score of 1 to 3, expression aspect with a score of 1 up to 3, the aspect of appreciation with a score of 1 to 3, the aspect of appearance with a score of 1 to 3. Of the six aspects of the assessment of reading blanks, the maximum score is 18. In the contents of elong osong itself, the theme contained in it is the figure of a Bugis human who is brave and does not stand still and becomes a coward towards the nation and homeland. The tones used are generally satirical and patronizing. The atmosphere or state of the reader's soul after reading or listening to the osong can be a booster or an incendiary. While the results of the current study emphasize the ability of students to read blanks. This is what distinguishes previous research from the results of the present study. Keywords: Osong, Value Transformation, Learning, Regional Language, Sinjai  

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 37-48
Nithin Varghese ◽  
Suman Sigroha

Acclaimed Kannada and English playwright, Girish Karnad’s play Broken Images focuses on human relationships and their intricacies, as well as on the relationship between languages. Outwardly, it addresses the sibling relationship and focuses on its destructive side. However, on a close reading, this monologue unfolds a series of diverse human relationships, viz., the relationship of the two sisters, Manjula and Malini; the husband-wife relationship between Manjula and Pramod; the camaraderie of Pramod and Malini; the friendship between Pramod and Lucy; and the amity between Lucy and Manjula. Besides these personal relationships, the play deals with and explores at length another important relationship, the one between two languages, one regional and one global, the legacy of the erstwhile colonizers. The relationship between Manjula and Malini acts as a metaphor for the mismatch and the hierarchy between regional language writers and Indian English writers on the Indian literary scene. This paper, therefore, examines the aforementioned human relationships in the play to reveal the motives behind the enmity and the causes which lead to sinful actions that remain invisible at all times, and in the process comments upon the relationship between different language writers, as well as what leads to the formation of existing hierarchies. First, the paper investigates the sororal bond between Manjula and Malini; second, it examines the tripartite relationships and how the third party is perceived as a rival in the relationships of Manjula-Lucy-Pramod and Manjula-Malini-Pramod; and finally, it looks at the relationship that exists between the Bhasha writers and Indian English writers, and exposes the enmity in these relationships and its various causes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-59
Amelia Yuli Astuti ◽  
Silvia Ningsih Zebua

This research aims to find out the factors that influence the pronunciation of Nias people when using Indonesian as a second language, to find out the rules of language change. The theory used in this research is the theory of behaviorism and neutral theory. This research used qualitative research methods and observation techniques to collect data. Data were taken based on interviews with respondents, video recordings of interviews and field notes found in the form of words. The collected data were analyzed using inductive methods and using error analysis techniques to analyze research data. This research interviewed forty five years old man and forty two years woman who are living in Gunung Sitoli. The data collected is related to basic swadesh vocabulary and vocabulary that is not included in swadesh which changes when spoken into Indonesian. The results of the collected data describe and represent the wrong pronunciation when pronouncing Indonesian. The results of this research indicate four factors that influence the change in Nias language in Indonesian. These factors occur because of the differences in the language system of Nias and Indonesian. The use of the Nias language is more dominant than the Indonesian language, the Nias people always use the regional language (Nias) in a formal atmosphere.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 546-568
Maria Yelenevskaya ◽  
Ekaterina Protassova

The purpose of this article is to help language teachers at all levels of education to understand in depth problems posed by linguistic superdiversity. Based on the study of scholarly literature, documents of educational bodies and the authors experience in language teaching in different countries, the article answers the question of how the teaching of world languages such as English and Russian is changing due to the recognition that their functions and status differ in various countries. We explore why, despite gradual changes in curricula, there is still pervasiveness of pedagogies attempting to achieve a perfect command of the studied languages, without considering students needs and language repertoires, the local sociolinguistic situation and labor market requirements. We focus on methods of teaching English and Russian, taking into account various aspects of language ideologies related to mono- and pluricentricity. To show the dependence of language teaching on the socio-cultural situation, we apply the concept of Critical Language Awareness covering aspects of language variation and changes in attitudes to normativity, prescriptivism and regional language varieties. We also show that innovative pedagogies put new demands on teachers requiring that they have to adjust to new teaching formats, acquire skills of using educational technologies and teaching diverse student populations. The focus of the review on teaching English and Russian proves that despite different histories of their pedagogies, the interplay of language, ethnicity, identity, culture and education systems is significant for both, and without taking all these elements into account, the goal of educating effective multilinguals is elusive.

Romilda Arivina Da Costa

Abstrak Perkembangan dan perubahan bahasa secara masif telah menyentuh teritorial tradisional termasuk di Negeri Waraka yang terletak di pesisir Teluk Elpaputih Maluku Tengah, yang masyarakatnya menuturkan bahasa Wemale atau bahasa Waraka. Hanya generasi usia lanjut yang berkomunikasi dalam bahasa tersebut. Untuk itu, diinisiasi penyuluhan kepada generasi muda tentang pentingnya bahasa daerah melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) kepada para siswa di SMA Negeri 55 Teluk Elpaputih. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode ceramah singkat disertai tanya-jawab, diskusi dan mendata kosakata, serta permainan acak pasangan kartu. Hasilnya memperlihatkan bahwa kosakata bahasa daerah yang dimiliki para siswa memang sangat minim karena transmisi antara orang tua kepada anak terhambat. Namun, potensi para siswa cukup besar untuk mulai men-input kosakata sehari-hari, dan dibiasakan melalui kalimat-kalimat sederhana dari dalam keluarga. Dengan demikian, bahasa daerah memang harus diprioritaskan di rumah.   Kata kunci: pengayaan, kosakata, bahasa daerah, strategi, keluarga   Abstract   Massive language developments and changes have touched traditional territories, including in the Waraka State located on the coast of Elpaputih Bay, Central Maluku, where the people speak the Wemale language or the Waraka language. Only the older generation communicates in this language. For this reason, counseling was initiated to the younger generation about the importance of regional languages ​​through community service activities (PkM) to students at SMA Negeri 55 Teluk Elpaputih. The method used is a short lecture method with questions and answers, discussion and vocabulary collection, as well as a random game of card pairs. The results show that the local language vocabulary owned by the students is indeed very minimal because the transmission between parents to children is hampered. However, the potential of the students is big enough to start inputting everyday vocabulary, and get used to it through simple sentences from within the family. Thus, regional languages ​​should be prioritized at home.   Keywords: enrichment, vocabulary, regional language, strategy, family

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 72-82
Yu.V. Shchurina ◽  
M.V. Vyrupaeva ◽  

The article presents the results of a linguistic associative chain experiment to identify the associative field of the basic concept of Russian culture – “Native Land”. Residents of the Trans-Baikal Territory participated in the experiment. The study is of interest because of the border location of the region, its polyenticity, and polyconfessional nature. In addition to general cognitive meanings and their proportions, the results of the experiment allow us to identify language representatives and reactions to them, certain regional peculiarities of the world modeling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Ingvar Svanberg ◽  
Sabira Ståhlberg

AbstractEuropean dewberry, Rubus caesius L. (fam. Rosaceae), played an insignificant role as local food in Sweden before the twentieth century. It is known as salmbär ‘Solomon berries’ in the severely endangered regional language Gutnish, spoken in the Baltic Sea islands Gotland and Fårö. From a largely ignored food product with limited regional use, European dewberry has made a quick culinary journey to the top. Today dewberry jam is popular throughout Sweden, and it is usually served during festive occasions with a local Gotland specialty, oven-baked saffron pancake. This dish symbolizes the food culture of the island, and the demand for dewberries has increased together with the development of local tourism, the search for exciting heritage food, and the regional identity building efforts. Berries are harvested by foreign seasonal workers for commercial purposes, and dewberry jam is now also available in specialized shops in mainland Sweden. Inspired by the New Nordic Cuisine movement in the 2000s, several chefs, especially from fine dining restaurants, have created innovative dishes with dewberry jam; it was even served at the Nobel Prize banquet in December 2014. This article discusses the change of status and ascent of a locally used berry to a fashionable dessert in Sweden.

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