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human relationships
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V.E. Mandrij

This article brings the 17th-century Dutch painter Otto Marseus van Schrieck and the contemporary German artist Maximilian Prüfer into dialogue. It investigates in particular Marseus’ and Prüfer’s use of butterfly scales as materials and motifs in their works of art. Both artists developed a similar technique of butterfly imprints (lepidochromy), which consists of transferring the scales of real butterflies onto another surface. The imprints thus combine medium with representation and the object being represented. The artists used a variety of animal substances to make their artworks, some still visible, some not, and gathered living animals to depict after life or to work with in other ways. Knowledge of and interest in natural history inform the work of both artists but their reflections on human relationships with other animals and with ‘nature’ differ.

2022 ◽  
Benjamin Grant Purzycki ◽  
Ryan McKay

A cluster of persistent and contentious questions in the scientific study of religion concern when and why so-called “moralistic traditions” developed and how they have shaped human relationships. Is there an association between moralistic gods and the size and/or complexity of the society that might worship them? How cross-culturally ubiquitous are such traditions? Are people more willing to engage in cooperative behavior when they believe their god cares about morality? This chapter focuses on how these questions have arisen and how generations of researchers have struggled to address them. We first briefly examine the intellectual history of the problem, pointing to some of the troubling aspects of early observations of traditional societies and subsequent anthropological positions. We then address how early observations of small-scale peoples have populated cross-cultural resources that have informed and driven contemporary empirical projects. We finish by pointing to ways in which we might go about ensuring that the conversation continues with clarity and consistency.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  

Purpose This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings This research paper concentrates on three design dimensions surrounding the formation of robust platform ecosystems like Uber and Udemy, namely: governance decentralization, shared context, and engagement. All these contribute to embedding trust and connection to a platform, by facilitating human relationships forming through them. Knowledge sharing and collaboration are core facets of building-in ever-increasing layers of innovation, and at one extreme platform governance could be completely decentralized, although this risks destabilizing the benefits of the other facets. Managers can gain plenty of commitment by involving many actors in decisions, without leaving the platform like a ship without a rudder… directionless. Originality/value The briefing saves busy executives, strategists and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.


La pandemia generada por la COVID-19 está teniendo una incidencia global inusitada, y se puede suponer que nada después de ella va a seguir siendo exactamente igual. La lengua está acogiendo nuevos términos para designarla, y revitalizando otros que estaban en desuso. Y en el lenguaje de los políticos se introducen términos bélicos inconfundibles para referirse a esta nueva peste. Las prácticas sociales utilizadas para expresar las relaciones humanas se están viendo extremadamente condicionadas. Y como emblema de la situación emerge la máscara, cuyos orígenes materiales están en el teatro griego y a partir de esta lengua dio lugar al concepto semióticamente muy interesante de persona. En cuanto a las bellas artes, la literatura no sufre el condicionamiento pandémico de la distancia social que perjudica la realización de las actividades teatrales y musicales. Si bien, lo que Benjamin denominaba “la época de la reproductibilidad técnica” ofrece algunas soluciones al respecto. Abstract: The pandemic generated by COVID-19 is having an unusual global incidence, and it can be assumed that nothing after it will remain exactly the same. The language is accepting new terms to designate it, and revitalizing others that were in disuse. And in the language of politicians, unmistakable warlike terms are introduced to refer to this new plague. The social practices used to express human relationships are being extremely conditioned. And as an emblem of the situation emerges the mask, whose material origins are in the Greek theater and from this language gave rise to the semiotically very interesting concept of person. As for the fine arts, literature does not suffer from the pandemic conditioning of social distance that impairs the performance of theatrical and musical activities. But what Benjamin called “the era of technical reproducibility” offers some solutions in this regard.

2022 ◽  
pp. 026377582110685
Heather Dorries

What is planning without property? This question was recently posed to me following a conference presentation. In this paper, I argue that taking this question seriously reveals unchallenged assumptions about the relationship between planning and property. Focusing on Canada as a settler colonial liberal democracy, I respond to this question by looking at the Indian Act which has supported colonial dispossession and assimilation in Canada for almost 200 years and rely on Brenna Bhandar’s conceptualization of “racial regimes of property” as a means of examining how racial subjects and private property are co-produced. I then look to the practices reflected in the creation of Nadia Myre's artwork Indian Act to show how Indigenous epistemologies can aid in the conceptualization of planning without property. I argue that planning without property would be an approach to planning that would be focused on identifying, making, and strengthening the human and more-than-human relationships the flourishing of life requires. Thus, planning without property would support practices of being and belonging rather than practices of exclusion and domination.

2022 ◽  
Marsha Almira ◽  
Dea Hernawati Yuniar ◽  
Angga Ferry Ferdian ◽  
Matthew Robert Antonis ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

Over time, the history of Indonesia began to be ignored and forgotten by the youngsters who wanted to inherit the country. Currently, mankind is in the technological revolution era that will gradually change our thinking styles, attitudes, and human relationships. The rapid growth and development of globalization, which continues to enter Indonesia, is increasingly difficult to contain. With the discovery of increasingly sophisticated technology, the world has now entered the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, which is also known as the era of the digital revolution. One of them is social media, with the most popular content today being memes. Memes, which were originally only a form of humor transmission, are now developing into a medium for delivering information to critical media. Memes also develop their own themes, one of which is history. History subjects are very interesting because meme lovers can find historical information through memes. This can prove that memes can be used as a learning medium to help the learning process. The purpose of this study is to determine the ways and effects of applying memes as a means of learning history. The method used to find data in this activity is a qualitative method with a literature review method. The results show that the power of memes is used as a stimulus so that readers can find information that is humorous or joking, which is easier to read. Teachers/lecturers can intersperse the history learning process by using memes as a medium of learning while still providing historical facts about an event so that history learning can take place well and interestingly.

2022 ◽  
pp. 178-196
Andriyana Andreeva ◽  
Galina Yolova

The chapter addresses the problem of humanization of labour in the digital age. With technological advancement worldwide, notwithstanding economic and political differences among individual states, digitalisation has invariably put its mark on human relationships. And it is about to transform both individual and social relations also in the labour law. Тhe purpose of the present study is to examine the acts and documents at European level and offer an up-to-date analysis on applicable aspects of introducing AI in the labour process, its role in facilitating employees work alongside potential threats and negatives. Based on said analysis, the authors offer their views on the challenges to be faced and outline ongoing trends in the doctrine, the European community and legislation, to put in place a regulatory framework towards humanization of work in the digital age.

2022 ◽  
pp. 419-437
Marija J. Karačić

As helper professions, social pedagogical professions relate to working with behavioral problems, emotions, and working on interpersonal human relationships in order to provide assistance to others, people who are in crisis, distress, and who need it. The goal is to achieve changes in the behavior and activities of the individual, which requires interdisciplinarity and teamwork. In order to successfully perform work in institutions where they find their place social pedagogues and be successful members of the team that works with its members, all engaged professionals need to know the essence, reasons, prerequisites, criteria that the working group needs to meet in order to act as a team. The study will contribute to improving the quality of life of all categories of educators with whom they work, all of which will contribute to faster, more efficient, and rational resolution of practical problems in the field of education and educational work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Bobby Daniel Nalle

Secularization and digital culture are the influencing aspects that define the characteristics of religious societies in the 21st century. As a formation of the history of social change, these two elements greatly determine the efforts of religion, in doing theology and church services at the present, in the term of digital theology. Indeed, It is determined by the surprising rise of the COVID-19 pandemic which forces religious efforts to deal with digital things. As a new experience, digital theology seeks a form as to how the social change made it. Elements such as secularization,  digital culture, and church formation become the important aspects to determine the direction of doing theology. Based on these new experiences, this paper will describe a sketch of how to doing digital theology in Indonesia, especially in the case of GMIT. With the theology of incarnation as the frame, digital theology puts the relational substance (God-human, among human relationships and between the real and digital world. As the digital world as a locus, digital theology therefore over a liquid digital church and the presensia-accompaniment model of a church mission to be the sketch of doing theology in the digital context in Indonesia.AbstrakSekularisasi dan kultur digital adalah dua elemen yang berpengaruh dalam ciri keberagamaan masyarakat religius di abad ke 21. Sebagai bentukan dari sejarah perubahan sosial, kedua hal ini sangat menentukan upaya  beragama, berteologi dan bergereja  dalam konteks kekinian.  Salah satu istilah yang dikedepankan adalah teologi digital. Bentuk berteologi digital saat ini justru didorong oleh situasi pandemi COVID-19. Sebagai sebuah pengalaman dadakan dan baru berteologi secara digital menjadi upaya mencari bentuk mengikuti perubahan sosial` Elemen seperti sekularisasi dan kultur digital dan geliat beragama menjadi aspek yang menentukan arah berteologi. Dengan berpatokan pada pengalaman baru inilah tulisan ini berkenan memberikan gambaran sketsa berteologi digital di Indonesia melalui pengalaman bergereja di GMIT. Payung teologi inkarnasi yang dipakai sebagai usulan berteologi, mendasari keterkaitan relasional baik antara Allah dan manusia, antar-manusia maupun antara  dunia real dan digital. Dalam memaknai ruang digital menjadi locus berteologi, maka sketsa gereja cair digital, dan model kehadiran digital presensia dan accompaniment menjadi sebuah tawaran bergereja dan bermisi dalam konteks digital di Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 37-48
Nithin Varghese ◽  
Suman Sigroha

Acclaimed Kannada and English playwright, Girish Karnad’s play Broken Images focuses on human relationships and their intricacies, as well as on the relationship between languages. Outwardly, it addresses the sibling relationship and focuses on its destructive side. However, on a close reading, this monologue unfolds a series of diverse human relationships, viz., the relationship of the two sisters, Manjula and Malini; the husband-wife relationship between Manjula and Pramod; the camaraderie of Pramod and Malini; the friendship between Pramod and Lucy; and the amity between Lucy and Manjula. Besides these personal relationships, the play deals with and explores at length another important relationship, the one between two languages, one regional and one global, the legacy of the erstwhile colonizers. The relationship between Manjula and Malini acts as a metaphor for the mismatch and the hierarchy between regional language writers and Indian English writers on the Indian literary scene. This paper, therefore, examines the aforementioned human relationships in the play to reveal the motives behind the enmity and the causes which lead to sinful actions that remain invisible at all times, and in the process comments upon the relationship between different language writers, as well as what leads to the formation of existing hierarchies. First, the paper investigates the sororal bond between Manjula and Malini; second, it examines the tripartite relationships and how the third party is perceived as a rival in the relationships of Manjula-Lucy-Pramod and Manjula-Malini-Pramod; and finally, it looks at the relationship that exists between the Bhasha writers and Indian English writers, and exposes the enmity in these relationships and its various causes.

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