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environmental attitude
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 544
Marcin Pasek ◽  
Elena Bendíková ◽  
Michalina Kuska ◽  
Hanna Żukowska ◽  
Remigiusz Dróżdż ◽  

(1) Background: The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of physical activity outdoors in nature as part of physical education in schools on the level of knowledge and ecological attitudes. (2) Material and methods: A total of 220 students took part in the study, with 103 of them in the treatment group, which usually practiced outdoor physical education classes, and 117 in the control group, which practiced mainly indoor. The project lasted 21 months, covering the last two years of primary school. The authors used the Children’s Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale CHEAKS in this study. The authors sought for an answer to the question of whether bringing a young person closer to nature by participating in a greater number of outdoor physical education lessons results in in-depth environmental knowledge. (3) Results: The appearance of seven statistically significant differences in ecological knowledge in the final study in favor of the group having outdoor physical education lessons proves the cognitively and visually stimulating role of a natural environment for physically active people. The location of physical education lessons turned out to be a much stronger condition for in-depth knowledge than gender, place of residence, parents’ education level, and subjective assessment of the financial satisfaction level. (4) Conclusion: These results are an incentive to further developing the young generation’s contact with nature through outdoor physical education lessons.

Aksara ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-228
Resti - Nurfaidah

Abstrak Makalah berjudul “PSK dalam Framing Tiga Monolog” ditulis untuk membahas tokoh PSK dalam ketiga monolog yang bertemakan kehidupan PSK, yaitu Monolog Tanda Tanya (Anggi Eka Putri), Monolog Pelacur (Putu Wijaya), danMonolog Cahaya (Lenny Koroh dan Silvester Hurit). Penelitian dalam makalah tersebut dibatasi pada penampilan tokoh PSK dalam ketiga monolog, pembahasan PSK berdasarkan konsep framingdan representasi, serta sikap lingkungan terhadap tokoh PSK. Penelitian ini merupakan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif komparatif pada ketiga monolog. Konsep teoretis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah framing Pan Konscki, serta representasi Hall. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil berikut: (1) PSK yang ditampilkan dalam ketiga monolog ditunjukkan sebagai perempuan yang terjerumus. Tokoh PSK mudah terjerumus ke dalam dunia hitam, tetapi sulit keluar dari dunia tersebut; (2) Berdasarkan hasil framing dan representasi, tokoh PSK merupakan korban yang tidak mampu mengatasi dampak pelecehan seksual atau pemerkosaan. Kekecewaan berkepanjangan tidak pernah teratasi karena tokoh PSK dipertemukan dengan lingkungan atau pihak yang berkompeten menjerumuskan perempuan itu di dunia hitam, misalnya teman atau kekasih. Konflik dengan sosok ayah juga dianggap sebagai pencetus utama tercetusnya seorang perempuan ke dunia hitam; serta (3) sikap lingkungan terhadap tokoh PSK menunjukkan bahwa dunia hitam para PSK bukan dunia yang ramah. PSK tidak dapat ke luar dari dunia tersebut dengan mudah sementara ia harus bertanggung jawab untuk kehidupan anggota keluarganya.  Selain itu, ia harus menanggung risiko besar selama menjalani profesinya, tanpa perlindungan apa pun. PSK bukan saja mengalami kesulitan di dunianya sendiri, melainkan pula di dunia luar. Lingkungan sosial sulit menerima eksistensi mereka, bahkan cenderung merendahkan. Tidak jarang lingkungan sosial dapat menjadi pencetus atau pendukung terjerumusnya seorang perempuan menjadi PSK. Kata kunci: PSK, framing, pelecehan, korban Abstract"PSK in Framing of Three Monologues" discussed prostitute figures on the three prostitute themed monologues:  Monolog Tanda Tanya (Anggi Eka Putri), Monolog Pelacur (Putu Wijaya), dan Monolog Cahaya (Lenny Koroh dan Silvester Hurit). The research was limited to (1) the appearance of prostitute figures in all three monologues, (2) prostitute discussions based on the result of framing and representation, also (3) environmental reactions towards prostitutes. This research is qualitative with a comparative descriptive analysis method on all three monologues. The theoretical concept used in this research was Pan Konscki’s framing, as well as Hall representation of the. The result was below. First, PSK displayed in all three monologues was shown as women who were extremely trapped. PSK figures easily fell into the site, but were difficult to get out from. Second, based on the framing and representation, prostitute figures were victims who were unable to cope with the effects of sexual harassment or rape. Prolonged disappointment had never been resolved because they met with the environment or the competent party plunged them into such world, such as friends or lovers. Conflict with a father figure was also considered as the main originator of the emergence of a woman into the sit. Three, the environmental attitude towards the prostitute shew that the surroundings of prostitutes were not a friendly world. They won’t let to be out of it easily while, on the other hand, they had to be responsible for the lives of their family members. In addition, they were close to high-risks of their profession, without any protection. Prostitutes were not only experience difficulties in their own world, but also in the outside world. The social environment also hardly accepted their existence, even tends to be condescending. Sometimes, it could be the originator or supporter of a woman becoming a prostitute. Keywords: prostitute, framing, harrashment, victims

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 204
Ronald Héctor Révolo Acevedo ◽  
Bimael Justo Quispe Reymundo ◽  
Cirilo Walter Huamán Huamán ◽  
Julio Cesar Álvarez Orellana ◽  
Emilio Osorio Berrocal ◽  

The attitude is based on the self-concept or degree to which an individual perceives an integral part of the natural environment and situations with which it is related. Knowledge includes obtaining, analyzing and systematizing an individual from their natural environment, which is an important step for personal understanding and development. The objective of the research was to analyze and relate the environmental knowledge and attitude of 382 people towards urban-sustainable eco-efficiency in the inhabitants of the Chilca district. Two questionnaires [knowledge and attitude] of 23 questions were designed, the interview was personal to 382 people between the ages of 20 and 50 years. The questionnaire presented 5 responses using the Likert scale, the relationship was corroborated by hiring Rho Spearman and t-student statistical hypotheses. Result: The Environmental Knowledge towards Eco-efficiency (267, 290 and 225 has an idea totally in agreement in air and soil, biological diversity and climate change, respectively). The Environmental Attitude towards Eco-efficiency (200, 192 and 191 have an idea that is totally in agreement in their cognitive, affective and conative aspects, respectively). The relationship between K. and A. presents a rho=0.47 being a good relationship, with con t-student=10.35 and α=2.2e-16; affirming that there is a relationship between the environmental attitude and environmental knowledge towards eco-efficiency. The inhabitants of Chilca affirm that knowledge and attitude are important and agree to mitigate, reduce and conserve biodiversity, air, soil and water, climate change from a cognitive, affective and conative perspective, forming an eco-efficient polymathic and environmental psychology for sustainable urban.   Received: 3 October 2021 / Accepted: 26 November 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

2022 ◽  
pp. 987-1007
Semra Benzer ◽  
Recep Benzer ◽  
Şule Bozkurt

This study was conducted to evaluate the attitudes of the students in a secondary school in Aksaray towards the environment according to some variables. The research group of the study was constituted of 426 students who were attending in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade at a secondary school in the academic year of 2015-2016. The research done by using environmental attitude scale concluded that the secondary students have a positive attitude towards the environment. It was found that there was a meaningful difference according to gender, age group, father profession status, mother profession status. It was also concluded that students did not differ according to mother education level, father education level, grade level, family income level, and number of siblings variables. Similar evaluations were made with artificial neural networks. In this study, it has been shown that artificial neural networks can be used in the studies conducted in the field of education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
Ján Kaliský ◽  
Lada Kaliská

The ecological values or environmental competency development is currently an important topic. Attitude, relationship, love or respect for nature can be identified within several theories by various diagnostic tools, though they might be so general covering a man´s true attitude towards animals. The study discusses the characteristics of the author's questionnaire of human-animal relationship AniRe-Que (15) based on the ecological theory of biocentric egalitarianism covering extraterrestrial beings´ respect and consideration. The Questionnaire of Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Attitudes Towards the Environment (Thompson and Barton 1994) adapted by Siegrist (1996) was used to determine the construct validity of the author's questionnaire. Both tools were used to search for respondents' attitudes towards animals (N=937) in the context of their gender, age, residence, eating habits and worldview. The research study is of correlation-differential study design. The most important findings were that the attitude towards nature expressed in general does not completely coincide with the attitude towards animals leading to the hypothesis not all natural being are treated with equal respect by a man. The self-reported respect for animals was significantly lower than the respect for nature assessed by the ecocentric environmental attitude. The diagnostic tools thematizing only nature in its general (complex, synthesizing) context seem to be not sufficient to determine a respondent's attitude towards animals. A man might protect nature, but s/he can care less about the animals.

Anushia Chelvarayan ◽  
S. Thayalan Sandrasegaran ◽  
Yeo Sook Fern

Objective - In recent years, rapid economic growth coupled with overconsumption of products and services contributed to environmental degradation, prompting escalated consumptionrelated environmental concerns. As such, this study aims to explore the factors influencing green purchase behaviour among students in higher learning institutions in Malaysia – a setting where the market is experiencing expansion and changes in consumption patterns. Methodology/Technique - Specifically, this study employs the Theory of Planned Behaviour by integrating relevant variables such as environmental attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, environmental knowledge and willingness to pay a premium into the model to investigate their effects on green purchase behaviour. This study specifically looks into the green purchasing behaviour among University students in Malaysia. Finding - The research used multiple linear regression analysis to evaluate the online questionnaire gathered from various university students in Malaysia. Overall, the findings indicate that subjective norm and perceived behavioural control have significant relationships with green purchase behaviour, while environmental attitude, willingness to pay a premium and environmental knowledge have insignificant relationships with green purchase behaviour. Novelty - This study concludes with implications for marketers, as well as limitations and suggestions for future research in green consumption. Type of Paper - Empirical Keywords: Green Purchase Behaviour, Green Marketing, Green Products and Services, Students

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
L. Baldi ◽  
T. Mancuso ◽  
M. Peri ◽  
L. Gasco ◽  
M.T. Trentinaglia

Since global demand for aquaculture products is expected to increase dramatically in the near future, policymakers and companies are considering the adoption of insect-based feed, which is more economically viable and environmentally sustainable than fish or vegetable-based meals currently used. Nonetheless, fish farmed with insects are still perceived as innovative products by consumers, and further studies exploring these demand-side concerns must be conducted to make sure a market for such products exists. This study focuses on the factors that can favour the acceptance of farmed fish fed with insects of a sample of young Italians. In particular, within the theoretical framework adopted in this analysis, we let acceptance be expressed by different dimensions, each potentially influenced by individual factors, such as socio-economic characteristics, as the provision of information on the nutritional and environmental benefits of insect-based feed for aquaculture, and as consumer psychometric indicators. In this respect, we use the by-dimensional definition of environmental attitude proposed by environmental psychologists, that considers attitude toward environmental protection and toward nature. In this survey, we reached 482 consumers, aged less than 40, using social networks. A Factor Analysis was performed to identify the different dimensions of the acceptance process. We then applied the Rasch model on consumers’ reported behaviours toward environmental protection or nature to retrieve their environmental attitudes. We performed a Seemingly Unrelated Regression to assess the importance of socio-demographic, information, and psychometric variables on the different dimensions of acceptance. Results indicate that the use of psychometric variables to study the acceptability of an innovative food product seems particularly appropriate. In addition to the role of environmental attitude, acceptance is also explained by some socio-demographic variables, with men and younger consumers being more inclined to accept the product. Acceptance is also higher among informed respondents, confirming the importance of reducing information asymmetries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-177
Alfonsius Alfonsius ◽  
Gilbert Gilbert

Lately, consumers are increasingly aware of their purchase behaviors in modern times. They are cognizant of the fact that their consumption habits may have a detrimental effect on environmental sustainability. Marketers have made numerous efforts to develop environmentally friendly products for their customers. This, however, results in a boomerang effect, where customers develop a negative attitude towards the process and label it as greenwashing. Aimed to fill in the knowledge and research object gaps regarding this issue, specifically in Medan, this research assessed how environmental attitude toward green purchasing behavior is influenced by numerous antecedents, including interpersonal influence, altruism, and environmental knowledge. Structural Equation Modelling analysis is employed to assess the relationship between variables. This research indicates that altruism and environmental knowledge have a positive effect on environmental attitude, and that environmental attitude has a positive effect on green purchasing behavior. However, interpersonal influence has a negative effect on environmental attitudes. This shows that marketers should consider these variables when developing an effective campaign capable of eliciting a positive attitude about the environment among the population.

2021 ◽  
Zahra Balador

<p>This study investigated the perceptions of stakeholders in the building construction industry regarding the use of reused and recycled building materials (RRBMs) as a sustainable action in terms of using fewer natural resources and generating less waste. The aim was to find challenges to and opportunities for using RRBMs and provide recommendations for the relevant actors. Different occupations participated in this study including architects and designers, builders, manufacturers and suppliers, environmentalists, regulators and consumers. An explanatory-sequential, mixed-method approach was used to collect quantitative data and explore these more deeply with qualitative data to answer the research questions. The involvement of many different stakeholders was helpful in creating a multidimensional conceptualisation towards reaching sustainable construction goals. The roles, expectations, interrelationships, and demands of stakeholders were identified. The architect was perceived to be most influential construction industry stakeholder in the building project team on the uptake of RRBMs. The aim of this study was to create a big picture of the situation to show to decision-makers and other relevant audiences and give suggestions that could help to increase the use of RRBMs and ultimately lower the environmental impacts of buildings in New Zealand. The groups of stakeholders had different levels of environmental attitudes, although the mean score was in the pro-ecological range. Education level, occupation and ownership of property also influenced environmental attitudes. Of the stakeholders not directly associated with environmental activism, the architects had more environmentally friendly attitudes. Analysing the behaviour of stakeholders in terms of socio-demographic data and occupation indicated that women and people with tertiary education were more likely to engage in reuse and recycling activities and occupation also had an influence on this. Consumers had the least and architects the most knowledge of regulations and certification in this area. Examining the Theory of Planned Behaviour showed that architects with higher environmental attitude scores had stronger intentions to do more recycling or buy more recycled materials; however, their intentions were also influenced by factors affecting green purchase behaviour. Knowledge of related regulations and certificates also influenced their behaviour. Although the behavioural models differed for the other stakeholder groups, environmental attitudes and perceived behavioural control were strong predictors of behaviour involving reuse and recycling and particularly the use of RRBMs for all groups.  Price and self-satisfaction were the most influential factors on green purchasing in this study, although age, gender, and income were also influential. The results of the quantitative and qualitative studies were different in the evaluation of material characteristics. In the qualitative results it was felt cost was most important whereas, in the quantitative results, it was felt performance and durability were most important. Architects and regulators emerged as the two most important stakeholder groups who could both lead and influence other stakeholders regarding the increased use of RRBMs in projects. In this situation, architects could have a leading role as decision-makers in the process of choosing a material, and could both inform and encourage the client to use RRBMs. Architects were also in a position to do the necessary research about such materials, and ask for supporting documents and certifications from manufacturers and suppliers.</p>

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