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competency development
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 76-82
Thomas V Chacko

The new competency based medical education represents a paradigm shift from a teacher centered to a student centered learning of outcome competencies paradigm and so both the students and the teachers are unfamiliar with it. Giving and receiving feedback is central to the competency development framework. Only through frequent, timely and appropriate feedback there will be effective development of cognitive competence in its lead up to performance of competence. These concepts are illustrated to convey the importance of giving feedback to students. As the teachers are expected to practice giving feedback to students, they were opportunistically asked prior to a faculty development workshop what their priority learning needs about giving feedback are. Based on this a focused review of literature was done to collect the information on the various models of giving feedback, the principles for giving feedback, the possible situations in curriculum delivery where teachers can and should give feedback to students.The literature revealed some good practice models for giving feedback to the naïve as well as the mature students in ambulatory and clinical teaching settings as well as on their performance as revealed by their test results. Models of counseling which has strong element of feedback on the learner’s performance and helping them choose the way forward after identifying the problem is also shared.

Isabelle Savard ◽  
Luc Côté ◽  
Abdelhamid Kadhi ◽  
Caroline Simard ◽  
Christian Rheault ◽  

AbstractIn recent decades, a number of training environments have moved toward program approaches targeting the development of competencies. Because of their complexity, monitoring the development of those competencies is a considerable challenge. Our hypothesis is that a computerized system could help overcome this challenge if it is well accepted by its users. We first summarize the context surrounding the implementation of such approaches. Next, we present a computerized assessment system established in the Family Medicine Residency Program of Laval University (Québec, Canada) that we have developed for tracking the development of residents’ competencies. We then present the analysis of interactions between the system and users and the various proposals that were made to improve the system and longitudinal tracking of the development of the targeted competencies. We consider that this research provides useful guidelines for the computerized monitoring of learners' competencies development and for the design of such systems.

2022 ◽  
pp. 119-138
Ping Wang ◽  
Hubert D'Cruze

The workforce demand for cybersecurity professionals has been substantial and fast growing. Qualified cybersecurity professionals with appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities for various tasks and job roles are needed to perform the challenging work of defending the cyber space. The certified information systems security professional (CISSP) certification is a globally recognized premier cybersecurity credential and validation of qualifications. This case study analyzes the CISSP certification requirements, domains and objectives and attempts to map them to the cybersecurity industry competencies and the US national cybersecurity workforce framework (NCWF). This research is an extended study with full mapping of all CISSP domain areas to the knowledge, skills, and abilities in NCWF. The extended study aims to discover the in-depth value and role of reputable certifications such as CISSP in competency development for cybersecurity workforce. This article also discusses the value and implications of the CISSP certification on cybersecurity education and training.

Sukron Ma'mun ◽  
Abdurahman Abdurahman ◽  
Abubakar Basyarahil

Many salt-farmers in Pademawu lived in the middle to lower economic class because they still produced bad raw-salt. This study aimed to arrange a new model of developing salt-farmers skill to produce a high amount of salt in better quality. Qualitative method was used in this study. The data presented were the result of interview and observation. The researher acted as a research intrument that went directly to the fielt to obtain accurate data. The data analysis technique used was domain analysis, which sought to analyze general descriptions of research object at surface level but relatively intact about the object of research. The result analysis of this study was targetted to obtain complete description of the object without mentioned detail elements of the object research. This research only discusses the development of salt farmer skills competency. This research was expected to give valuable contribution of model of developing salt-farmers skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-120
Mindy Syailah Nurthoyyibah ◽  
Susanti Agustina

The pandemic Covid-19 has impact most  of human activities, one of them is education. The implementation of distance learning has influence for the parents, teachers, and students who are the main subjects in education, as though increased stress, less of competency development,  or technical learning problems related to fulfill information needs. In case the  problems abandoned, it will hinder the students-development, the development of sustainable education, and the progress of the nation. This research aims to determine the information behavior of students of SMAN 1 Cicalengka in overcome learning constraints during the pandemic  Covid-19. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques is using triangulation data, through observation/surveys, interviews, and literature study. The population were all students of SMAN 1 Cicalengka with 5 informants. It uses the Ohotshi-Gottschalg-Duque information-behavior model as conceptual framework. The results showed that: First, students information needs were at the concious, visceral, and adapted levels; Second, information needs are mostly related with learning materials, motivation, health, hobbies, college even job vacancies; Third, students information behavior based on habits and intuitions, most of students do not understand the process of extracting because they do not recognize the domain of the information need. The implication that learning based on library is necessity at the level of educational unit that collaborates between teachers and school librarians.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
Ján Kaliský ◽  
Lada Kaliská

The ecological values or environmental competency development is currently an important topic. Attitude, relationship, love or respect for nature can be identified within several theories by various diagnostic tools, though they might be so general covering a man´s true attitude towards animals. The study discusses the characteristics of the author's questionnaire of human-animal relationship AniRe-Que (15) based on the ecological theory of biocentric egalitarianism covering extraterrestrial beings´ respect and consideration. The Questionnaire of Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Attitudes Towards the Environment (Thompson and Barton 1994) adapted by Siegrist (1996) was used to determine the construct validity of the author's questionnaire. Both tools were used to search for respondents' attitudes towards animals (N=937) in the context of their gender, age, residence, eating habits and worldview. The research study is of correlation-differential study design. The most important findings were that the attitude towards nature expressed in general does not completely coincide with the attitude towards animals leading to the hypothesis not all natural being are treated with equal respect by a man. The self-reported respect for animals was significantly lower than the respect for nature assessed by the ecocentric environmental attitude. The diagnostic tools thematizing only nature in its general (complex, synthesizing) context seem to be not sufficient to determine a respondent's attitude towards animals. A man might protect nature, but s/he can care less about the animals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 351-364
Rati Sumanti ◽  
Ervina Yunita ◽  
Henri Prianto Sinurat

The mandate of government policy is to flatten bureaucracy structure through transferring administrative positions to professional ones. Such policy has caused many issues. Thus, it is necessary to develop professional positions. This research analyses three strategic aspects of professional position development that include legal, technical, and welfare aspects using a systematic literature review method. It shows that the legal aspect requires certain policies to accelerate the implementation of flat bureaucracy and problem-solving in organizational structure as well as in personnel management. The government's commitment is required by the planning system related to the development of professional positions both at the central and regional levels. In the technical aspect, the analysis shows competency development become mandatory for agencies to solve the competency gap between administrative positions and professional positions. Then on the welfare aspect, there is an income gap between administrative positions and several professional positions. The government has to make a regulation about allowance to resolve the income gap.

Paweł Żebryk ◽  
Piotr Przymuszała ◽  
Jan Krzysztof Nowak ◽  
Magdalena Cerbin-Koczorowska ◽  
Ryszard Marciniak ◽  

The ERASMUS program is one of the most popular student exchange projects, particularly among the students of Central and Eastern European countries. However, limited research is available with regard to its influence on the professional and personal development of its participants. The study aimed at investigating the experiences and impact of the ERASMUS program on different domains of the personal and professional life of medical students. A questionnaire containing closed and open-ended questions was distributed among 269 former participants of the ERASMUS program from the Poznan University of Medical Sciences to collect qualitative and quantitative data regarding the topic. The response rate was 41%. Mastering professional foreign language skills was the most frequently reported benefit of ERASMUS (94%), followed by a change of approach towards learning by exposure to innovative teaching techniques, character, professionalism and cultural competency development, impact on the migration decisions of the students, as well as the opportunity to compare healthcare and educational systems across countries. Additionally, 57% of respondents stated that ERASMUS impacted their career plans, and few indicated that it had affected their specialty choice. Approximately 28% of respondents have worked abroad in healthcare or research since graduating. Participation in the ERASMUS program proved to be a unique opportunity for professional and personal development.

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