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aesthetic perception
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Ю. А. Абсалямова

В статье анализируются особенности восприятия лесного пространства башкирами. На основе языковых, фольклорных материалов сделана попытка раскрыть различные аспекты взаимоотношений лес - человек, образ леса в картине мира башкир. Как и в большинстве традиционных культур, в целом мифологический образ леса носит отрицательный характер. В фольклоре он часто описывается как тёмный, мрачный, неизвестный, таящий опасности, противопоставляясь обжитому и освоенному пространству селений. Лесной пандемониум также представлен в основном отрицательными персонажами. В целом образ леса в традиционной картине мира башкир предстаёт довольно неоднозначным. С одной стороны - это категория, связанная с потусторонним миром, неизведанная, «чужая» территория. С другой - лес издавна являлся источником различных благ - в виде строительного материала, пушнины, различных продуктов питания, укрывал от врагов. The article analyzes the features of Bashkirs' perception of the forest space. On the basis of the materials of the epos, folklore, folk ideas, an attempt was made to reveal the various aspects of the relationship between forest and man, the image of the forest in Bashkirs' world view. As in most traditional cultures, the mythological image of the forest as a whole is negative. In folklore, it is often described as dark, gloomy, unknown, fraught with danger, being contrasted with the inhabited and developed space of the villages. The forest pandemonium is also represented mainly by negative characters. On the other hand, in the domestic perception forest is valued for the benefits derived from it: shelter, food, protection from enemies. In addition, Bashkirs, distinguished by a developed aesthetic perception and contemplative thinking, appreciated its beauty, which is also reflected in folklore. In general, the image of forest in the Bashkirs' traditional view of the world appears rather ambiguous. On the one hand, it is the category associated with the other world, unknown, «foreign» territory. On the other hand, the forest has long been a source of various benefits - in the form of construction materials, furs, various food products, and it sheltered them from enemies.

Ю. А. Абсалямова

В статье анализируются особенности восприятия лесного пространства башкирами. На основе языковых, фольклорных материалов сделана попытка раскрыть различные аспекты взаимоотношений лес - человек, образ леса в картине мира башкир. Как и в большинстве традиционных культур, в целом мифологический образ леса носит отрицательный характер. В фольклоре он часто описывается как тёмный, мрачный, неизвестный, таящий опасности, противопоставляясь обжитому и освоенному пространству селений. Лесной пандемониум также представлен в основном отрицательными персонажами. В целом образ леса в традиционной картине мира башкир предстаёт довольно неоднозначным. С одной стороны - это категория, связанная с потусторонним миром, неизведанная, «чужая» территория. С другой - лес издавна являлся источником различных благ - в виде строительного материала, пушнины, различных продуктов питания, укрывал от врагов. The article analyzes the features of Bashkirs' perception of the forest space. On the basis of the materials of the epos, folklore, folk ideas, an attempt was made to reveal the various aspects of the relationship between forest and man, the image of the forest in Bashkirs' world view. As in most traditional cultures, the mythological image of the forest as a whole is negative. In folklore, it is often described as dark, gloomy, unknown, fraught with danger, being contrasted with the inhabited and developed space of the villages. The forest pandemonium is also represented mainly by negative characters. On the other hand, in the domestic perception forest is valued for the benefits derived from it: shelter, food, protection from enemies. In addition, Bashkirs, distinguished by a developed aesthetic perception and contemplative thinking, appreciated its beauty, which is also reflected in folklore. In general, the image of forest in the Bashkirs' traditional view of the world appears rather ambiguous. On the one hand, it is the category associated with the other world, unknown, «foreign» territory. On the other hand, the forest has long been a source of various benefits - in the form of construction materials, furs, various food products, and it sheltered them from enemies.

Nicola Vitale

Aesthetic perception is today a confused and controversial experience. In common sense relativistic conception of beauty, coexists with the consideration of the so-called “masterpieces” as works in which there is a stable aesthetic value. Philosophical and scientific relativism seems to have definitively set aside the conception of beauty not only as a universal value, but also as the essence of art, as it is counted among those universal metaphysical values, which have long been questioned. But some philosophers, such as Severino, say the opposite. Today seems to be a tendency to rediscover beauty above all in art, as a contemplative perception. Would the eventual return of art to beauty mean a return to universal metaphysical values? The difference between Kantian adherent beauty and free beauty is analyzed. The first is linked to metaphysical values, as an expression of an idea. The second, free beauty, on the other hand, has no metaphysical characteristics because it is not linked to a concept, therefore an expression of empirical harmonies. But also with regard to free beauty, the Kantian idea that sentiment can perceive its universality as an intersubjective value, is today difficult to accept both theoretically and empirically. This happens because today sentiment is no longer cultivated in the perception of beauty through canons, which are also disqualified for the pretense of universality in determined forms. Here, too, a distinction must be made between classical anthropometric canons and archaic non-naturalistic canons. We discover that the former are affected by a metaphysical foundation, while the latter reveal a different structure with other functions. According to Florenskij, the canon is not oppressive but liberating. On these suggestions and on empirical evidence we theorize that the (non-naturalistic) canon constitutes a guide for the recognition of a polyvalence of expressive language in which feeling coordinates with the other functions of consciousness, leading to transcend language itself in a non-metaphysical dimension. This suggests that this polyvalent structure that emerges from the canons is associated with beauty, as aimed at its realization.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 102-110
E. A. Shesterina

The article is devoted to the aesthtic assessment of the sound of Russian speech as reflected in German Internet forums. Segmental and suprasegmental features of Russian pronunciation which evoke in native speakers of German empathy and / or antipathy towards Russian sounding speech, are described. The ordinary Germans' naive assessment of Russian souding speech differs from that by professional linguists. Germans who are not familiar with the theoretical basis of the phonetic structure of the Russian language pay attention, first of all, to those pronunciation features that are not characteristic of the phonetic basis of the German language. Among them on segmental level are the following: trembling sonant [r̥], vowel [ᵻ] and back-lingual slit [ɣ] after vowels [e], [i] and consonants [lʲ], [nʲ], [j], the pronunciation of which in German in this position is pronounced as ich-Laut [ç]. The Germans also seem to dislike clusters of consonants that are absent in the German language, for example, -рск-, -здр- etc. The presence of these sounds in the Russian language allows ordinary Germans to characterize Russian sounding speech as rude, despite the remarks of the Germans that there are many “soft” sounds i.e. palatalized consonants in the Russian language. The main difference at the suprasegmental level, which in the scientific literature is designated as the opposition of the German “staccato” and Russian “legato”, finds its confirmation in the statements of German members of the forum. The rhythmic organization of Russian speech is assessed by common Germans as discordant and indistinct, since, unlike German speech, Russian speech is characterized by relaxed articulation, non-forced vocalization, an extended melodic range and an irregular rhythmic patterns. In addition, the use of different pitch movements in friendly and aggressive communication encourages Germans to qualify the speech of Russian speakers in obvious situations of friendly communication as confrontational.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-128
Moritz Schweiger ◽  
Jeffrey Wimmer ◽  
Gregor Nagler ◽  
Ruben Schlagowski ◽  

Augmented Reality (AR), defined as the holographic overlay of physical space with virtual objects in real time (Azuma, 1997), can be considered a prime example of mediatization. This development is particularly evident in the public space of the “mediatised city” (Hepp, Simon & Sowinska, 2018), being a focal point of the latest media technologies already overlaid with a multitude of AR content. But how does AR change the perception and meaning of urban space? And how can researchers capture methodically the appropriation of complex, large-scaled AR content experienced via high-tech AR glasses? To answer these questions, a historical building, that had been destroyed during the Second World War, was reconstructed as a holographic animation on a public city square. In order to resurrect this building in AR, old photographs, paintings and postcards were evaluated and used to create a virtual model in the original size and place it at its original location. The test subjects were then able to view the hologram from various different angles using AR glasses (Microsoft HoloLens 2), move freely around the square and even enter it. Combining quantitative, before-and-after questionnaires and qualitative thinking-aloud protocols, our results show that the holographic animation of a historical building can influence both the sensual-aesthetic perception and the personal meaning of a public square for city dwellers. Specifically, our test subjects perceived differences in its accessibility, coherence and aesthetics, simplicity, atmosphere and legibility. The meaning of the square was altered with regard to personal memories (= the self), typical groups of people (= others) and certain opportunities (= environment) associated with it by city dwellers.

R. Galdin ◽  
N. Aleinikova ◽  
T. Yarmosh

The article is devoted to the problems of disturbed lands that are part of urban territories, the need for reclamation and the creation of recreational spaces based on them. There are a large number of quarries on the territory of the Belgorod region, many of which are no longer functioning and they need to be transformed. The work in this direction entails an improvement in the environmental situation, increases the quality of the urban environment and makes these objects attractive for investment. The authors consider the main factors affecting the reclamation of the territory, analyze the types of soil and identify the relationship of geodesy with the architectural component of reclamation, present foreign and domestic experience in solving problems related to disturbed lands, comply a table of the main quarries of the Belgorod region in order to identify features characteristic of this region. As a result of the research, proposals and methods are put forward, taking into account regional peculiarities, for the reclamation of a chalk quarry in order to create a recreational space and then integrate it into the forest park framework in Belgorod, which will lead to an improvement in the environmental situation and aesthetic perception of the city as a whole.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Marcus C. G. Friedrich ◽  
Veronika Drößler ◽  
Nicole Oberlehberg ◽  
Elke Heise

Recently, the gender asterisk (“Gendersternchen”) has become more widespread in grammatical gender languages in order to represent all genders. Such gender-fair language is intended to help better address women and other genders and make their interests and achievements more visible. Critics often argue this would make the language less comprehensible and less aesthetically appealing. Two experiments examined the effects of the gender asterisk on text comprehensibility, aesthetic perception, and interest. N = 159 and N = 127 participants were randomly provided with a text in either masculine-only form or alternatively in gender-fair language with the gender asterisk. The results of the first experiment showed no impairment of comprehensibility and aesthetic evaluation of the texts by the gender asterisk and no effect on interest in the game, while the second experiment showed significant impairments of comprehensibility, aesthetic evaluation, and interest in the game by the gender asterisk. The proportion of singular forms is discussed as a possible explanation for the different results. Experiment 1 predominantly used plural forms like die Spieler*innen (∼“the fe*male players”) and did not include forms such as der*die Spieler*in (∼“the*the fe*male player”), whereas Experiment 2 included many such more complex singular forms. We argue that this issue might be crucial, and that it deserves full attention in future studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-253
Kateryna Pokhodenko

The concept of sustainability in fashion, having been developed on the basis of ecodesign concepts, takes an important place in scientific research all over the world. The aim of study is to analize and summarise foreign scientific researches about sustainability in fashion. The results were achieved by using methods of sources analysis, which refer to different research fields, in the context of sustainable fashion and their further synthesis according to areas. The main directions of research in each area were identified and summarized in the conclusions. There were considered basic concept definitions – sustainable fashion and the principles of sustainable design, which are used in modern scientific works of foreign researchers. The analysis of foreign scientific sources in the context of sustainable fashion was provided in areas of: economics, marketing, management; sociology and psychology of consumer behavior; ecology; technologies based on the principles of sustainable design; design; aesthetics and art history; education; legislation; information technology. The scientific value of study. For the first time the systematization of foreign research in the context of sustainable fashion was carried out. The conclusions are given after the analysis of each area, underlining the main directions of foreign scientists` research. Conclusions. Researchers from all over the world pay attention to the issues of sustainable fashion and explore problems of the integration of sustainable fashion into everyday life. Sustainable fashion sets up new values that actualize the issues of aesthetics of sustainable fashion in the theory of art history and design practice. However, it should be noted that the analized scientific works concerning fashion design in the context of sustainable fashion, do not reveal aspects of design related to the creative process and aesthetic perception. Sustainable fashion needs changes of existing design tools in the context of sustainable design principles. Therefore, there is a need for their further study.

Oksana Pylypchuk ◽  
Andrii Polubok ◽  
Olha Krivenko

The article examines the properties of the colored surface of the Art object as a means of creating a harmonious architectural environment. The question was raised about the relevance of increasing the comfort, functionality, ergonomics, environmental friendliness and aesthetics of the design of the architectural environment, which is associated with global problems caused by the deterioration of the environment and unprecedented measures in connection with the pandemic. Taking into account the fact that the introduction of elements of fine art into the architectural space is always accompanied by only positive emotions, the necessary design of various types of Art objects in the modern architectural space has been determined. It is indicated that the artistic material is the main factor in the objects of fine art, capable of participating in the formation of the aesthetic perception of the environment. The analysis of the existing sources of theoretical and practical experience has shown the relevance of this problem. Based on the results of the analysis, the main properties of the colored surface were systematized, identified and determined, which affect the perception of the texture of colored surfaces of different types of art forms of Art objects, depending on the following factors: 1) color saturation and lighting; 2) distance from observer; 3) property of the surface of the material and the nature of its processing; 4) the color tone of the material surface, its saturation and lightness. Methods of its use in different types of Art objects are proposed. Typical examples of the practical implementation of the use of Art objects using the possibilities of a colored surface in a modern architectural space, made by the authors of the study and modern examples of world art, are presented in a visual table. Based on the results of the study, the main tools were identified that may be necessary in the design practice of architects, designers, artists to create a harmonious architectural environment.

Oksana M. Shyian ◽  
Larysa F. Foster ◽  
Tatiana M. Kuzmenko ◽  
Larysa V. Yeremenko ◽  
Nina P. Liesnichenko

The article considers the socio-psychological criteria for the formation of gender stereotypes of appearance. The priority of the study is implementing a system of criteria for gender stereotypes of appearance, taking into account the system of socio-psychological factors and gender-oriented forms of prevention of overcoming sexism and discrimination on the grounds of personality attractiveness. It is substantiated that social evaluation through physical criteria creates several psychological problems because the "physical self" is an essential component of the "self-concept" and one of the criteria of self-esteem. It is proved that the properties of gender stereotypes coincide with the social ones. They are the bearer of emotional and evaluative characteristics, taking into account the group of values associated with the ambivalence of ideas about another. A methodical approach to the assessment of gender stereotypes of appearance and personality is proposed, which allows determining the criteria of human well-being, taking into account discrimination factors, intrapersonal parameters of affective-negative perception of one's appearance and self-concept, as well as the aesthetic perception of identity. An assessment of socio-psychological factors of gender stereotypes of appearance, which is based on the methodological provisions of psychoanalysis and humanism, cognitive paradigm, dispositional theory, cross-cultural approach, and some sociological studies, is carried out. As an experiment on empirical verification of the stereotypes of appearance, their gender differences, and socio-psychological factors, a set of methods of psychological diagnosis is used, which allow determining indicators of stereotypes of appearance, self-esteem, and attitude to beauty; socio-psychological criteria for the formation of gender stereotypes of appearance. A methodology for assessing the criteria for improving the attitude of respondents to their own appearance by determining the level of self-esteem, satisfaction with appearance, awareness of gender differences in appearance, and the desire to improve their own appearance in case of discrimination has been developed and implemented.

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