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М. С. Дедина

В статье анализируется прозаическое наследие Чалчика Анчиновича Чунижекова, одного из ярких представителей соцреалистической литературы Горного Алтая. Выдвигается гипотеза о том, что профессия журналиста наложила своеобразный отпечаток на творчество писателя - в его очерках присутствуют имена реальных людей, называются факты, цифры, что позволяет говорить о документальной основе прозы Ч. А. Чунижекова. Основное внимание в работе уделено автобиографической повести «Мундузак», ставшей своеобразной рефлексией писателя на факты его собственной биографии. Главный герой повести, с одной стороны, близкий автору, с другой - типичный представитель поколения новой интеллигенции, рожденной советской властью. Доказано, что произведения писателя - это художественное отражение исторической эпохи с опорой на факты, события, истории реальных людей, в том числе и на собственную биографию. The articl analyzes the prosaic heritage of Chalchik Anchinovich Chunizhekov, one of the brilliant representatives of socialist realist literature of Gorny Altai. It is hypothesized that the profession of a journalist left a peculiar imprint on the writer's work, influencing the fact that the basis of his prose is essays, which contain names of real people, facts, figures, which allows us to talk about the documentary basis of his prose. The main attention is paid to autobiographical story "Munduzak" which became a kind of reflection of the writer on the facts of his own biography. The main character of the story, on the one hand, is close to the author, on the other - a typical representative of the generation of new intelligentsia, born by the Soviet government. It is proved that the writer's works are an artistic reflection of a historical epoch based on facts, events and stories of real people, including the writer's own biography.

М. С. Дедина

В статье анализируется прозаическое наследие Чалчика Анчиновича Чунижекова, одного из ярких представителей соцреалистической литературы Горного Алтая. Выдвигается гипотеза о том, что профессия журналиста наложила своеобразный отпечаток на творчество писателя - в его очерках присутствуют имена реальных людей, называются факты, цифры, что позволяет говорить о документальной основе прозы Ч. А. Чунижекова. Основное внимание в работе уделено автобиографической повести «Мундузак», ставшей своеобразной рефлексией писателя на факты его собственной биографии. Главный герой повести, с одной стороны, близкий автору, с другой - типичный представитель поколения новой интеллигенции, рожденной советской властью. Доказано, что произведения писателя - это художественное отражение исторической эпохи с опорой на факты, события, истории реальных людей, в том числе и на собственную биографию. The articl analyzes the prosaic heritage of Chalchik Anchinovich Chunizhekov, one of the brilliant representatives of socialist realist literature of Gorny Altai. It is hypothesized that the profession of a journalist left a peculiar imprint on the writer's work, influencing the fact that the basis of his prose is essays, which contain names of real people, facts, figures, which allows us to talk about the documentary basis of his prose. The main attention is paid to autobiographical story "Munduzak" which became a kind of reflection of the writer on the facts of his own biography. The main character of the story, on the one hand, is close to the author, on the other - a typical representative of the generation of new intelligentsia, born by the Soviet government. It is proved that the writer's works are an artistic reflection of a historical epoch based on facts, events and stories of real people, including the writer's own biography.

Feruza Rakhmanovna Isakova

The article describes the changes that took place in the social structure of the village of Turkestan at the beginning of the establishment of Soviet power, the dominance in agriculture of still individual small peasant farms. Formation of new social strata - collective farms and state farm workers, associated with new economic sectors of the economy - collective farms and state farms. KEY WORDS: village, farmer, farm, livestock, Turkestan, alienation, population, government, industry, poor, middle peasant, rich, religion, apparatus, individual farmer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-126
Olha Vasylenko ◽  
Lilіia Mudretska ◽  
Irene Okner

The Great Famine (Holodomor) is man-made famine that convulsed the Soviet republic of Ukraine in the 1930s. Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized as a genocide of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government. The article aims to highlight specific historical, cultural and social conditions that contributed to the dynamics of the Holodomor theme in music. It focuses especially on the musical compositions of this historical tragedy performed at the Kyiv Music Fest Competition. We can observe the linguistic and musical semantics of the opus of tragic imagery, along with the ethnic motifs of the Ukrainian cultural space, including musical rhetorical figures of the Baroque period, Christian symbolism of suffering and salvation, infernal stylistics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 ◽  
pp. 70-88
Darius Indrišionis

This research focuses on plunder from variuos co-operative or state institutions (mostly those which had belonged to the Ministry of Internal Trading or the Unity of Co-operatives of Lithuanian SSR) in the first post-war years (1945–1947) in the Lithuanian SSR. The primary source for this article is comprised by 54 criminal cases from the archive of the Supreme Court of the Lithuanian SSR. Cases used in this study were chosen based on one important criteria: that there were not only acts of plunder but also the realization of stolen goods. This would most likely be achieved by selling the goods through various marketplaces (looking from the Soviet point of view, the plundered items belonged to the black market anyway – even if the market activities were not forbidden). Also, the practices of punishment applied in the cases of plunderers and speculators are analyzed. The research shows that even in the very first years of the post-war period, illegal economic processes were widespread in Soviet Lithuania. Plunderers were hitting the Soviet economy hard – despite the harsh practice of punishment, the Soviet government would lose tens of millions of rubles in the Lithuanian SSR each year.

Skhid ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 5-11

The article examines the peculiarities of the formation of the image of the enemy in the textbook of Andrei Shestakov "A Short Course in the History of the USSR." Also, the historiography of the issue is analyzed. It applies to both the Soviet era and the present. Despite the modest attention to this topic by foreign experts, the works that directly affect the issue are highlighted. The main changes in the then system of school education, which led to its unification and formed the requirements for the history lesson in general and the need to develop a textbook in particular, are outlined. The role of Andrei Shestakov, who was one of the first to develop an "ideal" history textbook for the Soviet government, is revealed. His career growth and work with Marxist-Leninist ideology are shown, which in turn helped to achieve this goal.The process of modification of negative connotations concerning those forces against which the Bolsheviks fought is traced. Thus considering the period of ancient history, the author criticized rich people. The negative image deepened when it came to religion in the Middle Ages. Priests and monks, compared to the wealthy, were perceived not as something "foreign" but more negative as something "hostile." Wealthy peasants received a special color, the term "kulaks" was used for them. The closer A. Shestakov approached the twentieth century in his presentation of historical material, the clearer the formation of the image of the enemy, not only internal but also external. Thus, the first was personified by all the forces against which the Bolsheviks fought. To define such "enemies" used the definition - "counter-revolutionary". The second category was represented by the Entente and the Nazis, who came to power primarily in Germany and Italy.

Elena K. Mineeva ◽  
Alevtina P. Zykina

The national question was one of the most painful in the multi-ethnic Russian Empire, it sounded especially acute at the beginning of the XX century. In order to attract representatives of different ethnic groups to its side, the new Soviet state pursued a purposeful policy of implementing national-state construction. It should be emphasized that in the historical realities of 1918-1920s such a solution to the national question, which was implemented by the Soviet government, was unique. In no other country in the world at such a level (granting nations the right for self-determination up to separation and formation of their own state), the issue has not been raised or resolved. That is why the Bolsheviks did not have the opportunity to adopt anyone’s experience in this area, which should be attributed to one of the objective reasons for the mistakes made by Moscow in implementing this process. The article is devoted to the study of the experience in national-state building in the RSFSR, which was conducted under the leadership of the People’s Commissariat for Nationalities. The current work on preparing conditions to form autonomies in specific regions of the country (strengthening the Soviet authorities, conducting the policy of education and indigenization, publishing textbooks and organizing education in schools in national languages, etc.) was implemented by special not only functional, but also territorial Narkomnats departments such as, for example, Chuvash, Mari, Votsky ones, etc. Based on the analysis of materials from archival funds and generalization of research literature, the article shows the role of Narkomnats and its national departments in creating national-territorial autonomies in the RSFSR. In the opinion of the authors, it is necessary to continue the work on further studying the history of establishing individual autonomous associations that have not received proper coverage in the historiography of the problem to date. These, for example, include the autonomy of the Crimea and the Volga Germans. In this article, the authors dwell in more detail upon the activities of the Chuvash Department of Narkomnats, the choice of which is due to several reasons. Firstly, the work experience of this department turned out to be quite successful (it was established in May 1918, abolished after autonomy proclamation in June 1920), since in a relatively short period of time it was able to prepare the necessary prerequisites for autonomy establishment. Secondly, in 2020, the Chuvash people celebrated the 100th anniversary of statehood, in connection with which the interest in this page of the history of Chuvashia began to attract the attention of modern scientists again. The study makes no claims to be exhaustive, but makes a certain contribution to the coverage of the issue.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105-120
Natalia Kuzovova

Purpose: to analyze a set of documents stored in the funds of the State Archives of Kherson region – cases of repressed refugees from Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1938-1941. Based on historiographical and source studies on this topic, to outline the general grounds for arrest and persecution of refugees by Soviet authorities and to find out why Jews – former citizens of Poland and Czechoslovakia – found themselves in the focus of repression. Research methodology. The main research methods were general and special-historical, as well as methods of archival heuristics and scientific criticism of sources. Scientific novelty. Previously unpublished documents are introduced into scientific circulation: cases of repressed refugees from Poland and Czechoslovakia, analysis of the Soviet government's policy towards Jews who tried to escape from the Nazis in the USSR and the Union Republics in southern Ukraine, including Kherson. The forms of repression applied by the NKVD to refugee Jews are analyzed, and the consequences of such a policy for the German government's policy of genocide in the occupied territories are examined. Conclusions. The study found that the formal reason for the persecution of Jewish refugees was the illegal crossing of the border with the USSR, since the Soviet Union, like many countries in the world, refused to accept Jews fleeing the Nazi persecution. The Soviet government motivated this by the fact that refugee Jews spread mood of defeat and panic, spied for Germany, Britain, and Poland, had anti-Soviet views, and conducted anti-Soviet campaigning. As a result of the arrests and deportations of Jewish refugees, the Jewish population, particularly in southern Ukraine, was unaware of the persecution of Jews in lands occupied by Nazi Germany. In fact, the Jewish refugees sent to the concentration camps, along with the Germans of Ukraine and the Volga region, were the only groups of people thus "evacuated" by the Soviet authorities on ethnic grounds. However, due to the enemy's rapid offensive, refugees who did not fall into the hands of the NKVD shared the tragic fate of Ukrainian Jews during the Holocaust.

Almaz R. Gapsalamov

In modern scientific literature there are quite a lot of critical assessments of the processes and phenomena that took place in the Soviet times. However, there is still insufficient research on the regional component. Certain issues concerning the development of the region’s industry in the period under review were dealt with in the Soviet times by Kh.G. Gimadi, M.K. Mukharyamov, Kh.Kh. Khasanov, N.A. Andrianov, in the modern period – I.A. Gataullina, O.G. Kolomyts and others. The task of the presented study is to eliminate the gap in describing formation of the Soviet economy of the Tatar ASSR (until 1920 – part of the territory belonged to Kazan governorate). In this regard, the purpose of this article is to study the indicators of industrial development in the Tatar Republic in the post-October period, including the new economic policy. The methodology of the article is based on the problem-chronological approach and scientific knowledge. The analysis of scientific literature and archival information was the basis to form a general picture of the problem under consideration. The events of the post-October period became a real tragedy for the new Soviet economy. Crisis of under-production was observed in the industrial sector, when the economy could not meet even the minimum demands of the population, the indicators of industrial production, starting from the post-October period, decreased annually. Using the example of the region, general economic problems typical for all the territories of Soviet Russia are shown, but problems peculiar only to the republic are also highlighted. This situation could not but cause anxiety of the Soviet authorities. Prolongation of crisis phenomena in the industrial sector of the economy threatened by the development of not only economic, but also political problems associated with the growth of social discontent. Further measures taken by the Soviet government made it possible to reverse the negative trend in the development of the republican industry. From the perspective of the past time, it can be noted that in fact this period was a turning point in modernization processes of the country and the region. It seems to us that the economy, which was fluctuating between downward and upward development trends for a long time, chose the second option. The stage of the still slow, but gaining momentum process of activating the country’s industrial potential began.

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