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classical result
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-16
André G. Oliveira

Abstract Given any topological group G, the topological classification of principal G-bundles over a finite CW-complex X is long known to be given by the set of free homotopy classes of maps from X to the corresponding classifying space BG. This classical result has been long-used to provide such classification in terms of explicit characteristic classes. However, even when X has dimension 2, there is a case in which such explicit classification has not been explicitly considered. This is the case where G is a Lie group, whose group of components acts nontrivially on its fundamental group $\pi_1G$ . Here, we deal with this case and obtain the classification, in terms of characteristic classes, of principal G-bundles over a finite CW-complex of dimension 2, with G is a Lie group such that $\pi_0G$ is abelian.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
pp. 769-781
Sihem Smata ◽  
Nemira Lebri ◽  

We consider a mathematical model which describes the dynamic pro- cess of contact between a piezoelectric body and an electrically conductive foun- dation. We model the material's behavior with a nonlinear electro-viscoelastic constitutive law with thermal e ects. Contact is described with the Signorini condition, a version of Coulomb's law of dry friction. A variational formulation of the model is derived, and the existence of a unique weak solution is proved. The proofs are based on the classical result of nonlinear rst order evolution inequali- ties, the equations with monotone operators, and the xed point arguments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Serik Sagitov

Abstract A properly scaled critical Galton–Watson process converges to a continuous state critical branching process ξ ⁢ ( ⋅ ) \xi(\,{\cdot}\,) as the number of initial individuals tends to infinity. We extend this classical result by allowing for overlapping generations and considering a wide class of population counts. The main result of the paper establishes a convergence of the finite-dimensional distributions for a scaled vector of multiple population counts. The set of the limiting distributions is conveniently represented in terms of integrals ( ∫ 0 y ξ ⁢ ( y - u ) ⁢ d u γ \int_{0}^{y}\xi(y-u)\,du^{\gamma} , y ≥ 0 y\geq 0 ) with a pertinent γ ≥ 0 \gamma\geq 0 .

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
Victor Campos ◽  
Raul Lopes ◽  
Andrea Marino ◽  
Ana Silva

A temporal digraph ${\cal G}$ is a triple $(G, \gamma, \lambda)$ where $G$ is a digraph, $\gamma$ is a function on $V(G)$ that tells us the time stamps when a vertex is active, and $\lambda$ is a function on $E(G)$ that tells for each $uv\in E(G)$ when $u$ and $v$ are linked. Given a static digraph $G$, and a subset $R\subseteq V(G)$, a spanning branching with root $R$ is a subdigraph of $G$ that has exactly one path from $R$ to each $v\in V(G)$. In this paper, we consider the temporal version of Edmonds' classical result about the problem of finding $k$ edge-disjoint spanning branchings respectively rooted in given $R_1,\cdots,R_k$. We introduce and investigate different definitions of spanning branchings, and of edge-disjointness in the context of temporal digraphs. A branching ${\cal B}$ is vertex-spanning if the root is able to reach each vertex $v$ of $G$ at some time where $v$ is active, while it is temporal-spanning if each $v$ can be reached from the root at every time where $v$ is active. On the other hand, two branchings ${\cal B}_1$ and ${\cal B}_2$ are edge-disjoint if they do not use the same edge of $G$, and are temporal-edge-disjoint if they can use the same edge of $G$ but at different times. This lead us to four definitions of disjoint spanning branchings and we prove that, unlike the static case, only one of these can be computed in polynomial time, namely the temporal-edge-disjoint temporal-spanning branchings problem, while the other versions are $\mathsf{NP}$-complete, even under very strict assumptions. 

Maria Axenovich ◽  
António Girão ◽  
Richard Snyder ◽  
Lea Weber

Abstract Kostochka and Thomason independently showed that any graph with average degree $\Omega(r\sqrt{\log r})$ contains a $K_r$ minor. In particular, any graph with chromatic number $\Omega(r\sqrt{\log r})$ contains a $K_r$ minor, a partial result towards Hadwiger’s famous conjecture. In this paper, we investigate analogues of these results in the directed setting. There are several ways to define a minor in a digraph. One natural way is as follows. A strong $\overrightarrow{K}_{\!\!r}$ minor is a digraph whose vertex set is partitioned into r parts such that each part induces a strongly connected subdigraph, and there is at least one edge in each direction between any two distinct parts. We investigate bounds on the dichromatic number and minimum out-degree of a digraph that force the existence of strong $\overrightarrow{K}_{\!\!r}$ minors as subdigraphs. In particular, we show that any tournament with dichromatic number at least 2r contains a strong $\overrightarrow{K}_{\!\!r}$ minor, and any tournament with minimum out-degree $\Omega(r\sqrt{\log r})$ also contains a strong $\overrightarrow{K}_{\!\!r}$ minor. The latter result is tight up to the implied constant and may be viewed as a strong-minor analogue to the classical result of Kostochka and Thomason. Lastly, we show that there is no function $f\;:\;\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ such that any digraph with minimum out-degree at least f(r) contains a strong $\overrightarrow{K}_{\!\!r}$ minor, but such a function exists when considering dichromatic number.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Waldemar Hołubowski ◽  
Martyna Maciaszczyk ◽  
Sebastian Zurek

Abstract The classical result, due to Jordan, Burnside, Dickson, says that every normal subgroup of GL ⁢ ( n , K ) \mathrm{GL}(n,K) , where 𝐾 is a field and n ≥ 3 n\geq 3 , which is not contained in the center contains SL ⁢ ( n , K ) \mathrm{SL}(n,K) . Rosenberg described the normal subgroups of GL ⁢ ( V ) \mathrm{GL}(V) , where 𝑉 is a vector space of any infinite cardinality dimension over a division ring. However, when he considers subgroups of the direct product of the center and the group of linear transformations 𝑔 such that g - id V g-\mathrm{id}_{V} has finite-dimensional range, the proof is incomplete. We fill this gap for countably dimensional 𝑉 giving description of the lattice of normal subgroups in the group of infinite column-finite matrices indexed by positive integers over any field.

Synthese ◽  
2021 ◽  
Patryk Dziurosz-Serafinowicz ◽  
Dominika Dziurosz-Serafinowicz

AbstractWe explore the question of whether cost-free uncertain evidence is worth waiting for in advance of making a decision. A classical result in Bayesian decision theory, known as the value of evidence theorem, says that, under certain conditions, when you update your credences by conditionalizing on some cost-free and certain evidence, the subjective expected utility of obtaining this evidence is never less than the subjective expected utility of not obtaining it. We extend this result to a type of update method, a variant of Judea Pearl’s virtual conditionalization, where uncertain evidence is represented as a set of likelihood ratios. Moreover, we argue that focusing on this method rather than on the widely accepted Jeffrey conditionalization enables us to show that, under a fairly plausible assumption, gathering uncertain evidence not only maximizes expected pragmatic utility, but also minimizes expected epistemic disutility (inaccuracy).

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 1174-1183
Marco Mpimbo

This paper discusses the convergence of orbits for diagonal operators defined on . In particular, the basis elements of  are obtained using the linear combinations of the elements of the orbit. Furthermore, via the classical result of the determinant of the Vandermonde matrix, it is shown that, the more the elements of the orbit are used, the faster the convergence of the orbit to the basis elements of . Keywords: Diagonal operators; Convergence of Orbits of operators; Vandermonde matrix; Norm topology

Peter V. Danchev ◽  
Tsiu-Kwen Lee

Let [Formula: see text] be an associative ring. Given a positive integer [Formula: see text], for [Formula: see text] we define [Formula: see text], the [Formula: see text]-generalized commutator of [Formula: see text]. By an [Formula: see text]-generalized Lie ideal of [Formula: see text] (at the [Formula: see text]th position with [Formula: see text]) we mean an additive subgroup [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text] satisfying [Formula: see text] for all [Formula: see text] and all [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text]. In the paper, we study [Formula: see text]-generalized commutators of rings and prove that if [Formula: see text] is a noncommutative prime ring and [Formula: see text], then every nonzero [Formula: see text]-generalized Lie ideal of [Formula: see text] contains a nonzero ideal. Therefore, if [Formula: see text] is a noncommutative simple ring, then [Formula: see text]. This extends a classical result due to Herstein [Generalized commutators in rings, Portugal. Math. 13 (1954) 137–139]. Some generalizations and related questions on [Formula: see text]-generalized commutators and their relationship with noncommutative polynomials are also discussed.

Renzo Caddeo ◽  
Irene I. Onnis ◽  
Paola Piu

AbstractIn this paper, we generalize a classical result of Bour concerning helicoidal surfaces in the three-dimensional Euclidean space $${\mathbb {R}}^3$$ R 3 to the case of helicoidal surfaces in the Bianchi–Cartan–Vranceanu (BCV) spaces, i.e., in the Riemannian 3-manifolds whose metrics have groups of isometries of dimension 4 or 6, except the hyperbolic one. In particular, we prove that in a BCV-space there exists a two-parameter family of helicoidal surfaces isometric to a given helicoidal surface; then, by making use of this two-parameter representation, we characterize helicoidal surfaces which have constant mean curvature, including the minimal ones.

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