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heritage discourse
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2021 ◽  
pp. 107-126
Gabriela Eljuri

Con argumentos de recuperar o rehabilitar los espacios públicos, se han realizado numerosas intervenciones en las plazas de los centros históricos de Latinoamérica. En el caso del Centro Histórico de Cuenca, en Ecuador, entre 2006 y 2016, se efectuaron varios proyectos en plazas y plazoletas del casco antiguo. En este contexto, este artículo es producto de una investigación que tuvo por objeto analizar las prácticas y discursos que han predominado en la gestión del patrimonio cultural en dichos espacios de la ciudad. Para el efecto, se realizó una investigación cualitativa, sustentada en revisión documental, entrevistas a profundidad y análisis del discurso. Como resultado, se desprende que ha predominado un enfoque material del patrimonio, una escasa atención a los usos sociales, politización de los proyectos, ausencia de procesos de participación y una mirada fragmentada de la ciudad. El discurso patrimonial oficial ha olvidado las apropiaciones y las re significaciones en el presente, no ha problematizado la noción de espacio público y, en más de una ocasión, ha estigmatizado los usos sociales. Se concluye que la gestión de los centros históricos requiere incluir miradas inter y transdisciplinarias, repensar el patrimonio como constructo, y direccionarse, más que a la conservación de las plazas per se, al cuidado de lo urbano. Palabras clave: Centro histórico, conservación, espacio público, patrimonio cultural, plazas. AbstractArguments of recovering or rehabilitating public spaces have guided interventions on squares (plazas) throughout the Latin American historic centres. In the case of the Historic Centre of Cuenca, Ecuador, from 2006 to 2016, several projects were carried out in the traditional plazas. In this context, this research aimed to analyze the practices and discourses that have predominated in cultural heritage management and the so-called public spaces of the city. For this purpose, a qualitative research, supported by documentary review, in-depth interviews, and discourse analysis was carried out. As a result, it is clear that a material approach to heritage is predominant, as well as little attention to social uses, the politicization of projects, an absence of participatory processes, and a fragmented approach to the city. The heritage discourse has forgotten the appropriations and resignifications in the present, it has not problematized the notion of public space and, in most cases, it has stigmatized social uses. Conclusions showed that historic places management requires including inter and transdisciplinary studies, rethinking heritage as a construct, and addressing, rather than the conservation of plazas, the care for urban life. Keywords Conservation, Historic centre, cultural heritage, public space, squares.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-26
Irina Manea

As a variant of alternative spirituality derived from postmodern fluidity and fragmentation of large narratives, Nordic Heathenry has gone through a revival for the past decades. Due to the common ground of potentially völkish/ethnicist views shared by far-right milieus, it has been confronted with the risk of the extremist framework dominating the reception of Norse symbols and myths. While many strains of heathenry might present similarities in their neo-romantic nativist revival, some have been attempting to focus on a heritage discourse that can become acceptable and normalized in society, reflecting an open and inclusive attitude. The Asatru Association in Iceland and The Old Way in Sweden, through their public message and stated mission, underline the need for the freedom to reinvent myth and ritual while remaining anchored in the present, thus distancing themselves from other cultural appropriations and proclaiming their own role in society. The very flexible view on myth and ritual constitutes a defining aspect for the identity of these movements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-120
Trinidad Rico

AbstractThis article examines the ways in which global heritage discourse has operated across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, from an ideological and historical perspective. Ideologically, I consider tensions between heritage preservation practice and religious traditions that share the same landscape or material culture. This discussion, which is relatively marginalized in the heritage literature, has an adverse effect on many attempts by heritage preservationists to mediate or resolve conflicts and contradictions surrounding this type of historic resource. Historically, I revisit the presence and inclusion of experts from the MENA region in the formative years of a global heritage ideology. In this discussion, I juxtapose the relative marginalization of the Middle East and North Africa in global heritage debates against the frequency with which sites and communities across this region are put in the spotlight of religion-driven heritage conflict. Addressing these two forms of (mis)representation, I aim to bring to the foreground the way in which heritage studies is implicated in the constructions of narratives about – not from or by – the MENA region.

2021 ◽  
Alexander Gordon

<p>Through a specific historical case study, Another Elderly Lady to be Knocked Down applies discourse theory and the Authorised Heritage Discourse (AHD) to the context of urban built heritage in Aotearoa New Zealand. Previously, only limited work had been done in this area. By examining an underexplored event this dissertation fills two gaps in present literature: the history of the event itself and identification of the heritage discourses in the country at the time. Examination of these discourses in context also allows conclusions about the use of the AHD in similar studies to be critically examined.  In 1986 the Missions to Seamen building in Wellington, New Zealand, was threatened with demolition by its government owners. In a remarkable display of popular sentiment, individuals, organisations, the Wellington City Council (WCC) and the New Zealand Historic Places Trust (NZHPT) worked together to oppose this unpopular decision. This protest was a seminal event in the history of heritage in New Zealand.  This study relies upon documentary sources, especially the archival records of the Historic Places Trust and the State Services Commission, who owned the building, to provide the history of this watershed moment in New Zealand’s preservation movement. The prevalent attitudes of different groups in Wellington are examined through the letters of protest they wrote at the time. When analysed in context, these discourses reveal the ways in which heritage was articulated and constructed.  The course of this dissertation has revealed the difficulty of identifying an AHD in this context. The level of collaboration between ‘official’ and ‘unofficial’ heritage perspectives, and the extent to which they shaped each other’s language, creates considerable difficulty in distinguishing between discreet discourses. To better explore the ways that heritage meaning is constructed and articulated, heritage must be recognised as a complex dynamic process.</p>

2021 ◽  
Susette Goldsmith

<p>The twenty-first century is imposing significant challenges on nature in general with the arrival of climate change, and on arboreal heritage in particular through pressures for building expansion. This thesis examines the notion of tree heritage in Aotearoa New Zealand at this current point in time and questions what it is, how it comes about, and what values, meanings and understandings and human and non-human forces are at its heart. While the acknowledgement of arboreal heritage can be regarded as the duty of all New Zealanders, its maintenance and protection are most often perceived to be the responsibility of local authorities and heritage practitioners. This study questions the validity of the evaluation methods currently employed in the tree heritage listing process, tree listing itself, and the efficacy of tree protection provisions. The thesis presents a multiple case study of discrete sites of arboreal heritage that are all associated with a single native tree species—karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus). The focus of the case studies is not on the trees themselves, however, but on the ways in which the tree sites fill the heritage roles required of them entailing an examination of the complicated networks of trees, people, events, organisations, policies and politics situated within the case studies, and within arboreal heritage itself. Accordingly, the thesis adopts a critical theoretical perspective, informed by various interpretations of Actor Network Theory and Assemblage Theory, and takes a ‘counter-’approach to the authorised heritage discourse introducing a new notion of an ‘unauthorised arboreal heritage discourse’. The thesis introduces alternative examples of arboreal heritage to the contemporary heritage canon paving the way for other forms of heritage that may remain mired in the expectations of the twentieth century’s authorised heritage discourse. In doing so it elevates arboreal heritage as a valid part of physical heritage and a worthy topic for further critical heritage study. The research findings show that in contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand trees have been active in forging links between the past, the present and the future in new and powerful ways transcending the received evaluation methods and establishing a new rhetoric of arboreal indigeneity. Through the lens of tree registers, the research contributes to a better understanding of both natural heritage and heritage in general and, while firmly placed in the New Zealand context, provides a basis for critical heritage studies of related subjects elsewhere. 2 Little has been written about arboreal heritage in Aotearoa New Zealand. As the first academic study of the topic, the thesis fills gaps in academic and professional knowledge of the tree heritage process. It introduces interdisciplinary ideas, from both the sciences and the humanities, and draws attention to tree heritage as a significant historical, social, economic, cultural and environmental contributor to the well-being of New Zealanders. The case studies demonstrate that effective, contemporary stewardship requires a revised ‘tree sense’ that acknowledges that arboreal heritage is founded on complex and various values, meanings and understandings, and is manifest in many different forms. Drawing on the archival, documentary and empirical research undertaken, the thesis proposes a democratisation of arboreal heritage decision-making, and contributes a set of principles to facilitate the negotiation of arboreal heritage acknowledgement and protection by communities, local authorities and heritage practitioners.</p>

2021 ◽  
Alexander Gordon

<p>Through a specific historical case study, Another Elderly Lady to be Knocked Down applies discourse theory and the Authorised Heritage Discourse (AHD) to the context of urban built heritage in Aotearoa New Zealand. Previously, only limited work had been done in this area. By examining an underexplored event this dissertation fills two gaps in present literature: the history of the event itself and identification of the heritage discourses in the country at the time. Examination of these discourses in context also allows conclusions about the use of the AHD in similar studies to be critically examined.  In 1986 the Missions to Seamen building in Wellington, New Zealand, was threatened with demolition by its government owners. In a remarkable display of popular sentiment, individuals, organisations, the Wellington City Council (WCC) and the New Zealand Historic Places Trust (NZHPT) worked together to oppose this unpopular decision. This protest was a seminal event in the history of heritage in New Zealand.  This study relies upon documentary sources, especially the archival records of the Historic Places Trust and the State Services Commission, who owned the building, to provide the history of this watershed moment in New Zealand’s preservation movement. The prevalent attitudes of different groups in Wellington are examined through the letters of protest they wrote at the time. When analysed in context, these discourses reveal the ways in which heritage was articulated and constructed.  The course of this dissertation has revealed the difficulty of identifying an AHD in this context. The level of collaboration between ‘official’ and ‘unofficial’ heritage perspectives, and the extent to which they shaped each other’s language, creates considerable difficulty in distinguishing between discreet discourses. To better explore the ways that heritage meaning is constructed and articulated, heritage must be recognised as a complex dynamic process.</p>

2021 ◽  
Susette Goldsmith

<p>The twenty-first century is imposing significant challenges on nature in general with the arrival of climate change, and on arboreal heritage in particular through pressures for building expansion. This thesis examines the notion of tree heritage in Aotearoa New Zealand at this current point in time and questions what it is, how it comes about, and what values, meanings and understandings and human and non-human forces are at its heart. While the acknowledgement of arboreal heritage can be regarded as the duty of all New Zealanders, its maintenance and protection are most often perceived to be the responsibility of local authorities and heritage practitioners. This study questions the validity of the evaluation methods currently employed in the tree heritage listing process, tree listing itself, and the efficacy of tree protection provisions. The thesis presents a multiple case study of discrete sites of arboreal heritage that are all associated with a single native tree species—karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus). The focus of the case studies is not on the trees themselves, however, but on the ways in which the tree sites fill the heritage roles required of them entailing an examination of the complicated networks of trees, people, events, organisations, policies and politics situated within the case studies, and within arboreal heritage itself. Accordingly, the thesis adopts a critical theoretical perspective, informed by various interpretations of Actor Network Theory and Assemblage Theory, and takes a ‘counter-’approach to the authorised heritage discourse introducing a new notion of an ‘unauthorised arboreal heritage discourse’. The thesis introduces alternative examples of arboreal heritage to the contemporary heritage canon paving the way for other forms of heritage that may remain mired in the expectations of the twentieth century’s authorised heritage discourse. In doing so it elevates arboreal heritage as a valid part of physical heritage and a worthy topic for further critical heritage study. The research findings show that in contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand trees have been active in forging links between the past, the present and the future in new and powerful ways transcending the received evaluation methods and establishing a new rhetoric of arboreal indigeneity. Through the lens of tree registers, the research contributes to a better understanding of both natural heritage and heritage in general and, while firmly placed in the New Zealand context, provides a basis for critical heritage studies of related subjects elsewhere. 2 Little has been written about arboreal heritage in Aotearoa New Zealand. As the first academic study of the topic, the thesis fills gaps in academic and professional knowledge of the tree heritage process. It introduces interdisciplinary ideas, from both the sciences and the humanities, and draws attention to tree heritage as a significant historical, social, economic, cultural and environmental contributor to the well-being of New Zealanders. The case studies demonstrate that effective, contemporary stewardship requires a revised ‘tree sense’ that acknowledges that arboreal heritage is founded on complex and various values, meanings and understandings, and is manifest in many different forms. Drawing on the archival, documentary and empirical research undertaken, the thesis proposes a democratisation of arboreal heritage decision-making, and contributes a set of principles to facilitate the negotiation of arboreal heritage acknowledgement and protection by communities, local authorities and heritage practitioners.</p>

2021 ◽  
Kendra Manning

<p>This thesis aims to understand how indigenous heritage values might be represented in post-colonial urban environments. Using an urban design and landscape architecture lens, this paper builds on an emerging body of heritage knowledge in an attempt to recognize the contrasts between western and indigenous heritage values.  Through the study of a selection of indigenous landscape precedents from America, Canada, South Africa and New Zealand, common representational trends of heritage design are identified. These examples illustrate some of the issues that arise when landscapes of indigenous significance are presented within a western heritage framework.  The documents, Tapuwae and Te Aranga: Māori Cultural Landscape Strategy are introduced as guides to Māori intangible heritage. These guides are discussed in relation to the New Zealand urban design and heritage discourse. Contemporary outcomes of this current heritage climate include Waitangi Park and Pipitea pa. These are discussed and found to possess a number of values contributing to a positive approach to indigenous heritage design within Wellington’s challenging urban environment.  To continue this discussion, 39 Taranaki Street becomes the site of a design exploration. In 2005, three ponga (silver tree fern) whare (houses) of Te Aro pa, were unearthed on this site. The whare are the only known physical trace of the Taranaki whānui’s pa (village), which stood from 1835 to 1902. The whare are currently preserved in-situ as part of an apartment complex. The design concept is to link the past layers to the current and future development of the site and its precinct in order to celebrate the close connection between the past and the present that intangible heritage practices facilitate.</p>

2021 ◽  
Kendra Manning

<p>This thesis aims to understand how indigenous heritage values might be represented in post-colonial urban environments. Using an urban design and landscape architecture lens, this paper builds on an emerging body of heritage knowledge in an attempt to recognize the contrasts between western and indigenous heritage values.  Through the study of a selection of indigenous landscape precedents from America, Canada, South Africa and New Zealand, common representational trends of heritage design are identified. These examples illustrate some of the issues that arise when landscapes of indigenous significance are presented within a western heritage framework.  The documents, Tapuwae and Te Aranga: Māori Cultural Landscape Strategy are introduced as guides to Māori intangible heritage. These guides are discussed in relation to the New Zealand urban design and heritage discourse. Contemporary outcomes of this current heritage climate include Waitangi Park and Pipitea pa. These are discussed and found to possess a number of values contributing to a positive approach to indigenous heritage design within Wellington’s challenging urban environment.  To continue this discussion, 39 Taranaki Street becomes the site of a design exploration. In 2005, three ponga (silver tree fern) whare (houses) of Te Aro pa, were unearthed on this site. The whare are the only known physical trace of the Taranaki whānui’s pa (village), which stood from 1835 to 1902. The whare are currently preserved in-situ as part of an apartment complex. The design concept is to link the past layers to the current and future development of the site and its precinct in order to celebrate the close connection between the past and the present that intangible heritage practices facilitate.</p>

2021 ◽  
David Batchelor

<p><b>Local governments are innovatively applying smart city technology to resolve challenges in their jurisdictions. These challenges commonly relate to environmental sustainability, infrastructure, and transportation, and result in novel discourses within local government strategies and operations, such as Smart Environment, Smart Infrastructure, and Smart Mobility. Driven by the success of these discourses, local governments seek further solutions through converging the smart city technology with other disciplines. The next likely convergence is with the heritage discipline, subsequently producing the Smart Heritage discourse. Academic literature records that Smart Heritage is an emergent yet unformed discourse that is on the verge of application within local government. Smart Heritage presents opportunities to converge historical narratives with the automated and autonomous capabilities of smart technology. However, due to its novelty, the local government sector has no guidance on delivering Smart Heritage within strategies and operations. Therefore, this thesis comprehensively explores and defines the Smart Heritage discourse and addresses Smart Heritage's delivery within local government strategies and operations.</b></p> <p>The original contributions to knowledge in this thesis are the first thorough definition of Smart Heritage in academic literature and the production of Smart Heritage Principles, which direct the delivery of Smart Heritage within local government. This thesis firstly defines Smart Heritage through an investigation into the nascent patchwork of academic literature at the intersection of the smart city and heritage disciplines. This definition establishes the discursive framework for the subsequent inquiry into how to deliver Smart Heritage in local government organisations. In this inquiry, the researcher conducts three case studies on local governments in Australia: Broken Hill City Council, the City of Melbourne, and the City of Newcastle. In each case study, the researcher analyses strategic smart city and heritage documents and then interviews their smart city and heritage advisors regarding strategic and operational convergences between the disciplines. The researcher then synthesises the resulting data into cross-case key considerations that contextualise a base understanding of how local governments deliver Smart Heritage. Using this understanding, the researcher conducts a second round of interviews and synthesis that, in turn, produces the refined Smart Heritage Principles. The researcher validates the principles’ relevancy and applicability through an additional case study with Wellington City Council in New Zealand.</p> <p>The research finds that Smart Heritage in the academic literature is nascent yet organically forming around a shared discourse between the smart city and heritage disciplines. As a result, there are numerous understandings of Smart Heritage. Nevertheless, these understandings agree that Smart Heritage convergences historical contextual narratives with automatic and autonomous technologies and advances from the passive Digital Heritage discourse. The case studies find that there is a foundation for Smart Heritage within local government through strategic documents that share similar focuses and advisors who seek multi-disciplinary convergences. However, the disciplines’ overlapping is not explicitly recognised in strategic documents and operational models, leading to inadequate financial and staff resourcing of Smart Heritage and inefficient cross-disciplinary initiatives in local government. The research identifies four thematic key considerations that address delivering Smart Heritage within local government; recognition, delivery, resourcing, and innovation; and proposes four Smart Heritage Principles for local governments to follow in order to deliver the discourse. The researcher presents the principles in an industry-ready document at the end of the thesis.</p> <p>The implications of this research are the increased visibility of Smart Heritage as an academic discourse and support for the delivery of Smart Heritage within local government strategies and operations. Smart Heritage becomes more visible as this research solidifies then illuminates a discursive pathway that researchers can engage with. Importantly, this research presents evidence that Smart Heritage is extant within academic literature and local governments, supporting its position as a constructive academic and practical discourse. The Smart Heritage Principles support the delivery of Smart Heritage within local government strategies and operations through the applied guidance they offer the organisations. As the industry-ready document is the first publication with this focus, the influence on the delivery of Smart Heritage is significant. The researcher aspires to share the Smart Heritage Principles document beyond this research context through its distribution to other councils globally.</p>

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