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ceramic vessels
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О.В. Ковалева ◽  
П.Б. Амзараков ◽  
П. М. Леус

Статья посвящена итогам исследований археологического памятника «Курганный могильник Абакан-7», проведенным в 2018 г. в рамках охранно - спасательных работ в центре г. Абакан. Несмотря на разрушение большей части культурного слоя, произошедшего в результате разновременного освоения городской территории, под техногенными напластованиями удалось обнаружить нетронутый участок, включавший частично сохранившийся курган раннего железного века с более поздним впускным погребением. В результате раскопок выявлены конструкции четырех погребений, содержавших 18 изделий из бронзы и кости (ножи, шилья, вток чекана, наконечник стрелы, украшения) и 8 фрагментарно сохранившихся керамических сосудов. Выявленный курган относится к подгороновскому этапу тагарской археологической культуры (8-9 вв. до н. э.), а впускное погребение - к тесинской археологической культуре (2-1 вв. до н. э.). The article is devoted to the results of the research of archaeological site “Abakan-7 burial ground”, which was conducted in 2018 within the rescue operations in the center of Abakan. Despite the destruction of most of the cultural layer, caused by the development of the urban area at diff erent times, under technogenic layers, researchers could fi nd an intact deposit, which included a partially preserved barrow of the Early Iron Age with a later inlet burial. As a result of the excavation, the structures of four burials were revealed, which contained 18 items made of bronze and bone (knives, awls, a handle spike of a pickaxe, arrowheads, jewelry) and 8 fragmentary preserved ceramic vessels. The discovered barrow belongs to the Podgornovo stage of the Tagar archaeological culture (8th-6th centuries BC), and the inlet burial belongs to the Tes archaeological culture (2nd-1st centuries BC).

М. Е. Килуновская ◽  
П. М. Леус

Статья посвящена вопросам датировки могильников эпохи хунну Ала - Тей 1 и Терезин в Туве. В ходе раскопок получен значительный материал, включая непотревоженные захоронения с разнообразным погребальным обрядом и богатым инвентарём. Помимо широко распространённых в это время баночных керамических сосудов, железных ножей, шильев и других бытовых предметов, здесь найдены многочисленные, в том числе уникальные образцы декоративно - прикладного искусства древних кочевников - большие ажурные пряжки с зооморфным или геометрическим орнаментом, инкрустированные и гравированные пряжки - пластины из сибирского гагата, китайские бронзовые зеркала и монеты у - шу, хуннские вазовидные сосуды и пр. Для некоторых погребений получены радиоуглеродные даты. Исходя из анализа погребального инвентаря и результатов радиоуглеродного датирования, время существования этих могильников можно отнести ко 2 - 1 вв. до н. э. The article is devoted to the dating of burial grounds of the Xiongnu Epoch Ala - Tey 1 and Terezin in Tuva. During the excavations, signifi cant material was obtained, including undisturbed burials with a variety of funeral rites and rich inventory. In addition to the widely used ceramic vessels, iron knives, awls and other household items, archaeologists found here numerous and unique samples of ancient nomads’ decorative and applied art - big openwork buckles with zoomorphic or geometric ornaments, inlaid and engraved buckles - plates made of Siberian jet coal, Chinese bronze mirrors and Wu - shu coins, Xiongnu vase - shaped vessels, etc. Radiocarbon dates were defi ned for some burials. Based on the analysis of the burial inventory and the results of radiocarbon dating, the time of existence of these burial grounds can be related to the 2nd - 1st centuries BC.

Azizkhan Zh. Toreniyazov ◽  

The Akshakhan-kala is located on the right bank of the Amu Darya, in the Biruni district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Over the years of archaeological study of the site, a large ceramic material was collected, dating back to the 3rd cent. BCE - 5th cent. AC. In the archaeological collection of the site, a group of finds is distinguished, attributed to the category of building ceramics. The article is devoted to the analysis of this collection and an attempt to determine the field of application of certain types of building ceramics. Among the building ceramics of the Akshakhan settlement stand out spillway pipes and ceramic tiles. The use of fragments of ceramic vessels in the construction was also recorded. The obtained analysis results suggest that in ancient Khwarezm, ceramic building materials were used to solve such problems as protecting structures from atmospheric precipitation, improving settlements and increasing the strength of adobe structures.

Archaeology ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 35-48
Alla Buiskykh ◽  
Tetiana Shevchenko ◽  

From Olbia’s excavations comes a series of ceramic and stone, mostly marble, large open vessels in the shape of shallow bowls, which were installed on high pedestals. On ceramic vessels the stamped decor on the outside of the edge; it usually consisted of several relief belts – Ionic cymatium (ovolos), one or two pearl cords; in the case of marble vessels, only profiling was marked on the outer side of the edge. Such vessels in the modern literature are interpreted as perirantheria. According to the conditions of the finds and the style of the ornament, the earliest of the known vessels belong to the late Archaic period. The peak of their usage falls on the 5th century BCE. In Olbia, perirantheria have been found in two cult sites, the Western and Southern temenoi, the botroses, and the cultural strata. Their belonging to the cult inventory is unconditional. A wide range of analogies, known from the monuments of the Mediterranean, indicate that the perirantheria were intended for sacred water, which was used for ritual ablutions before and after the sacrifices. Traces of burning on a ceramic vessel originating from the Western Temenos suggest that at some stage of its operation it could be used as an altar for burning offerings. In the late Classical and Hellenistic periods, louteria became a part of everyday life – identical in shape water vessels, also made of ceramics and stone, mostly marble, but smaller in size. These vessels stood on high pedestals, often designed as fluted columns. The context of such finds is mainly related to residential buildings in both the Mediterranean and Olbia, which suggests a change in their functional usage. In addition, the study of the Olbian collection of ritual vessels opens another unknown page in the nomenclature of goods brought to Olbia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-267
Tanya Stoylkova ◽  
Kristina Kostova ◽  
Philip Machev

The application of geological methods of investigation to archeological objects gives the necessary information about the source of materials (rocks, clays, etc.) for preparation of different tools during the Prehistoric time. Using XRF analyses of clays from natural outcrops along the valley of the Tundzha River and of ceramic vessels from the area of the towns of Yambol and Elhovo we found out that these vessels were prepared from clays from this region.

Mikhail Krivosheev ◽  
Vladimir Moiseev

In 2018, Kurgan 2 of Gvardeyskiye 3 Kurgany (the 3rd Gvardeiskiy Kurgans) in the Nadterechny District of the Chechen Republic was studied. In the result, nine burials were found in the Kurgan which was created during the Early Bronze Age and continued to be used in the course of the Middle and Late Bronze Age. However, the three most recent burials date back to the Early Iron Age period. The burials were localized inside the existing embankment and formed a compact group. In two cases, the burial type was not identified; nevertheless in one case, the burial was constructed in a catacomb. The grave goods are mainly presented by ceramic vessels from the workshops of the sedentary population from the foothill area of Central and Eastern North Caucasus regions. The conclusion was made that the investigated Kurgans were left by the nomadic North Caucasian steppes population of the 3rd–1st centuries BC due to the feature analysis of the Early Iron Age burial complexes.

Е. В. Чернышева ◽  
А. В. Борисов ◽  
В. Ю. Малашев

В статье представлены результаты определения липазной активности в образцах грунта из заполнений керамических сосудов из погребений в целях выявления исходного присутствия жира в составе ритуальной пищи. Уровень липазной активности в почве прямо зависит от количества поступающего субстрата (жира). После разложения органических остатков в почве формируется ферментный пул, который может сохраняться на протяжении неопределенно длительного периода времени. Предлагаемый нами новый методический подход позволил достоверно выявить сосуды, содержащие жир растительного и/или животного происхождения, что в первую очередь было характерно для образцов грунта из кружек. The article presents the results of determining lipase activity in soil samples from the filling of ceramic vessels from burials in order to identify the initial presence of fat as component of ritual food. The level of lipase activity in the soil directly depends on the amount of incoming materials (fats). After decomposition of organic residues in the soil, an enzyme pool is formed, which can be preserved for an indefinitely long period of time. Our new methodological approach made it possible to reliably identify vessels containing fat of vegetable and/or animal origin, which was primarily characteristic of soil samples from small jugs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 550-564
Demetra Papanikola-Bakirtzi

During the Early Byzantine period, ceramic vessels evolved from Roman pottery; red-slip tableware produced by Asia Minor and North African workshops dominated the market. Christian motifs enriched the decorative repertoire. From the seventh century onward, glazing signaled a major change in the appearance of vessels during the Middle and Late Byzantine periods. Glazed White Ware from Constantinople monopolized the tableware market until the eleventh century. From this time onward a light-colored slip layer on red fabric ensured a surface suitable for decoration and allowed for the development of sgraffito decoration, the Byzantine pottery decorative technique par excellence. It also made the production of glazed decorated ceramics possible in parts of the empire without white clay. During the Late Byzantine period, decentralization of pottery workshops allowed the development of local characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Astrid Storgaard Roborg ◽  
Mette Løvschal

In southern Scandinavia, the Early Iron Age transition is characterised by radical ideological and organisational changes involving new material practices of sorting, delimiting, depositing and discarding artefacts, humans and nonhumans, in both wetlands and drylands. However, settlements and wetland areas are mostly excavated separately, and the deeper relationship between these practices and associated spheres remains somewhat inconclusive. Aldersro, Eastern Jutland, provides an exceptional opportunity to revisit this relationship. A juxtaposed settlement and wetland activity area spanning more than 1.4 hectares were excavated in 2002-2003. The excavations exposed the structural remains of houses, fences, storage buildings, pits and peat graves. Moreover, they disclosed extensive archaeological remains of more than 800 ceramic vessels, processed wood, stones, burnt organic material, human and animal bones subject to 14C, pollen, archaeobotany, zooarchaeology, osteology, and ceramic analyses. The site has provided vital new insights into the diachronic dynamics of depositional and mortuary practices in the Early Iron Age. The highly fragmented remains of more than eight human individuals were mixed and deposited together with typical settlement debris, and would have been exposed right next to a settlement area.

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