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structure of production
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2021 ◽  
pp. 104-108
S. NOVIK ◽  

The modern view on formation of readiness of future trainers for professional activity in the course of passing of industrial practice is characterized. The structure of the coach’s readiness for future professional activity as a set of motivational, cognitive, activity, creative and reflective components is substantiated. Emphasis is placed on the fact that from today’s standpoint it is important to develop new approaches to the content and organization of industrial practice, which stimulate student activity to master professionally oriented knowledge, skills and abilities.It is shown that there is a need for theoretical justification of the form, content (diagnostic, organizational, communicative and motivational functions) and structure of production practice, as a necessary condition for the formation of readiness of future coaches for professional activity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0094582X2110613
Fabio Luis Barbosa dos Santos ◽  
Daniel Feldmann

The recent evolution of capitalism has shifted the ground on which developmentalism stood as a civilizing utopia in Latin America, making the neodevelopmentalism that inspired different nuances of progressivism in the twenty-first century an idea “out of place.” Starting from this premise, the notions of progressivism as regression and containment as accelerating desocialization form the foundations of an interpretation of the Pink Tide that emphasizes the contradictions inherent in its own dynamics, which reinforced the neoliberal rationale. The attempt to govern social tensions through containment of the ongoing dissociative movement did not stop the regression of the structure of production and the intensification of a self-destructive social dynamic. Progressivism is revealed as a political rationale that is different from but not contradictory to its opponents in a reality in which capital governs as a totalizing extraparliamentary force. A evolução recente do capitalismo modificou as bases materiais que davam sentido ao desenvolvimentismo como utopia civilizatória na América Latina, tornando o neodesenvolvimentismo que inspirou diferentes nuances de progressismo no século XXI, uma ideia fora do lugar. A partir desta premissa, são discutidas as noções de progressismo como regressão e de contenção como aceleracion de dissocializacion, como alicerces de uma interpretação da onda progressista que enfatiza as contradições inerentes à sua própria dinâmica que reforçou a razão neoliberal. A pretensão de governar as tensões sociais por meio de políticas de contenção do movimento dissocializante em curso não evitou a regressão da estrutura produtiva e o aprofundamento de uma dinâmica social autofágica. O progressismo revela-se como uma racionalidade política diferente, mas não contraditória em relação aos seus opositores em uma realidade em que o capital se impõe como uma força extra-parlamentar totalizante.

Tadeusz Filipiak ◽  
Ludwik Wicki

An increase in productivity in agriculture is achieved thanks to technological progress and changing the structure of production factors into more economically effective ones. The observed directions of changes include: production intensification and an increase in the capital-labour ratio. The aim of the presented research is to determine whether the level of production efficiency in vegetable farms depends on the structure of production factors involved in the farm. In this study, data from the Polish FADN for 2010-2017 were used. It was found that the productivity of inputs and profitability of production were at a similar level in each group of farms, while the profitability of work was the highest in farms with capital-intensive production techniques. It was 60% and 100% more, respectively, than in farms with land-intensive and labour-intensive techniques. On the basis of the obtained results, it can be concluded that an increase in the capital-labour ratio leads to a significant increase in labour productivity. In future, rational support for investments on farms may lead to an increase in the competitiveness of agriculture, as well as an increase in the scale of production and changes in the structure of agriculture.

2021 ◽  
pp. 13-39
William Barnett II ◽  
Walter E. Block

The new sheriff in town is Gross (Domestic) Output, or GO. This is a measure that attempts to measure not merely investment, nor final goods, nor consumption, but the quantity and value of intermediate goods. From the vantage point of its proponents, inclusion of this statistic in national income accounts is long overdue. From the perspective of its critics, such as the present authors, it is an invalid statistic, which will create more error and misunderstanding as it is incorporated into official accounts. Keywords: Gross (Domestic) Output (GO); Gross Domestic Product (GDP); Structure of production. JEL Code: E2. Resumen: El nuevo sheriff de la ciudad es la renta (doméstica) bruta. Se trata de una variable que intenta medir no sólo la inversión, los bienes finales, y el consumo, sino la cantidad y el valor de los bienes intermedios. Desde el punto de vista de sus defensores,se debería haber incluido esta estadística en la contabilidad nacional desde hace mucho tiempo. Desde la perspectiva de sus críticos, como los autores del presente trabajo, es una estadística inválida, que creará más errores y malentendidos conforme se incorpore en las cuentas oficiales. Palabras clave: Producción (doméstica) bruta, Producto interior bruto, estructura de la producción. Clasificación JEL: E2

Vera Shumilina ◽  
Ksenia Klimina

The digital economy in the modern world is one of the vulnerabilities of an organization. The introduction and development of new technologies leads to the fact that there is an urgent need to change the structure of production, markets, as well as the socio-economic structure. This process is called digital transformation. For any organization, in order to successfully and progressively operate, it is necessary to increase the turnover and simplify the work being done.

Olga Girina ◽  
Svetlana Zhigalovskaya ◽  

The article discusses the issues of determining the production capacity of a shipyard and modeling the production process of ship repair using a systematic approach. The production capacity of the plant is understood as the maximum possible annual output in terms of the indicators and nomenclature established for the shipyard, with the full use of equipment and areas.The maximum volume of production is achieved when the structure of products is fully consistent with the structure of production resources and the structure of production assets. Improvement of management at the ship repair enterprise can be carried out in directions, including by creation of the model of production based on allocation of its most essential characteristics, used of mathematical methods of optimization. A static model is proposed to optimize the use of the shipyard production capacity, whenperforming scheduled preventive maintenance of shipping company ships in market conditions and a dynamic model of the annual plan in order to maximize the shipyard load and uniform use of its production capacity. In the performed calculations of the test case on the basis of the static model, four optimal plans with different optimization conditions were obtained: a plan for using the production capacity of theshipyard with the given initial data; plan with maximum production capacity with full use of shipyard resources; a plan for changing the solvency of the shipping company; plan for changing the terms and standards of ship repair. In all plans, the volume of repairs and the availability of resources limiting the production process are analyzed.Based on the proposed models, the following groups of factors on which the use of the production capacity of the shipyard depends have been identified:1) technical and operational parameters of shipyard units;2) demand for shipyard services in the form of volumes of planned work by type of production activity;3) standards for the use of shipyard capacities;4) the solvency of customers;5) the way of organizing the production process.The method of organizing ship repair is understood as fixing of certain resources of the shipyard units for the fulfillment of planned or additional customer orders. All factors of the first four groups affect the volume of ship repair and other indicators of the production program in termsthe actual or optimal way of organizing production.Key words: shipyard, production capacity, economic and mathematical models, analysis, grouping of factors


The article substantiates the relevance of the problem under study, which consists in maintaining the general contradictions in the development of small and large forms of business. The study of the economic effects of transformation processes over three decades has shown that: firstly, large farms prevail in the structure of production and the dynamics of output. Secondly, these trends remain sustainable. Scenario forecasts of the main trends in the further development of small and large forms of business have been determined: conservative; basic and optimistic. The influence of the phenomenon of a global pandemic is considered.

2021 ◽  
H.-Ch. Brauweiler ◽  
V. V. Kurchenkov ◽  
O. V. Fetisova ◽  
L. V. Ponomareva ◽  
E. A. Kurchenkova

Tatiana Porudeyeva ◽  
Kateryna Glubochenko ◽  
Tetiana Ivanenko ◽  

The paper analyzes the features of agri-food market functioning in Ukraine. Taking into account the importance of the agri-food sector in Ukraine, the authors develop the model for determining the optimal structure of production, processing and export of agricultural products. The purpose of the study was to define the optimal relation of agri-food industries in Ukraine that would provide a balance of production, processing, and export in Odessa, Mykolaiv, and Kherson regions of Ukraine while maintaining the maximum economic productivity of the regional agricultural system. The multi variant model based on the methodology of mathematical modelling in economics was developed to define the optimal structure of production, processing, and export of agricultural products. The model was developed based on the statistical data of Mykolaiv, Odessa, and Kherson regions of Ukraine. Using the model matrix, the authors analyze the statistical information as the input data to forecast the trends for the domestic agri-food market in Ukraine. The authors develop the system of variables and constraints indices that includes the sets of regions; agricultural and processed industries; planted areas in a corresponding region; numbers of cattle in the regions; processing and distribution of agricultural products; production of processed outcomes; agricultural and processed products sales in the domestic market; agricultural and processed products export; general needs in different kinds of resources; additional feed; production capacity; raw materials; general expenses on production and processing of agri-food products; general expenses of labor resources; general cost of final agri-food products in the domestic market; processed products costs in the domestic market; export agri-food products costs. Considering the developed system of 9 structural groups of constrains, the model deals with such coefficients and parameters as planted area, raw materials, production and sales volumes of agri-food products, and export volumes of these products. The paper allows to conclude that optimization of the parameters reflected in the model will allow to increase the productivity and export potential of agri-food industries in Ukraine. Although these industries are influenced by climate and political risks, the model can be used to optimize the relation of important components of Ukrainian agri-food market in order to improve its competitiveness and productivity. Thus, by optimizing the relation of planted area for growing cereals, industrial crops, vegetable crops and melon fields, the raw material base for processing industry and feed, numbers of cattle for regional needs, and the export potential for agricultural and processing industries higher productivity of Ukrainian agri-food industries can be achieved.

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