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production practice
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2021 ◽  
pp. 104-108
S. NOVIK ◽  

The modern view on formation of readiness of future trainers for professional activity in the course of passing of industrial practice is characterized. The structure of the coach’s readiness for future professional activity as a set of motivational, cognitive, activity, creative and reflective components is substantiated. Emphasis is placed on the fact that from today’s standpoint it is important to develop new approaches to the content and organization of industrial practice, which stimulate student activity to master professionally oriented knowledge, skills and abilities.It is shown that there is a need for theoretical justification of the form, content (diagnostic, organizational, communicative and motivational functions) and structure of production practice, as a necessary condition for the formation of readiness of future coaches for professional activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (12) ◽  
pp. 83
Oleksandra G. Keehl ◽  
Edward F. Melcer

Millions of people worldwide are taking up foreign languages with logographic writing systems, such as Japanese or Chinese. Learning thousands of characters necessary for literacy in those languages is a unique challenge to those coming from alphabetic backgrounds, and sustaining motivation in the face of such a momentous task is a struggle for many students. Many games exist for this purpose, but few offer production memory practice such as writing, and the vast majority are thinly veiled flashcards. To address this gap, we created Radical Tunes—a musical kanji-writing game—which combines production practice with musical mnemonic by assigning a melody to each element of a character. We chose to utilize music as it is a powerful tool that can be employed to enhance learning and memory. In this article, we explore whether incorporating melodies into a kanji learning game can positively affect the memorization of the stroke order/direction and overall shape of several Japanese characters, similar to the mnemonic effect of adding music to text. Specifically, we conducted two experimental studies, finding that (1) music improved immersion—an important factor related to learning; and (2) there was a positive correlation between melody presence and character production, particularly for more complex characters.

Д. Ван

With the more application of machine vision technology in production practice, most machine vision systems are based on passive vision to measure the target, which has some limitations. Based on the requirements of machine vision platform, a three-dimensional servo movement scheme based on active positioning vision is proposed in this paper. In this paper, the parts of the servo drive system of the platform are selected, calculated and checked, the three-dimensional modeling of the machine vision platform is completed in SolidWorks, and the motion simulation of the servo control system is carried out.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2650
Jana Šic Žlabur ◽  
Sanja Radman ◽  
Sanja Fabek Uher ◽  
Nevena Opačić ◽  
Božidar Benko ◽  

Plants have evolved various adaptive mechanisms to environmental stresses, such as sensory mechanisms to detect mechanical stimuli. This plant adaptation has been successfully used in the production practice of leafy vegetables, called mechanical conditioning, for many years, but there is still a lack of research on the effects of mechanically-induced stress on the content of specialized metabolites, or phytochemicals with significant antioxidant activity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the content of specialized metabolites and antioxidant capacity of lettuce and green chicory under the influence of mechanical stimulation by brushing. Mechanically-induced stress had a positive effect on the content of major antioxidants in plant cells, specifically vitamin C, total phenols, and flavonoids. In contrast, no effect of mechanical stimulation was found on the content of pigments, total chlorophylls, and carotenoids. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that induced mechanical stress is a good practice in the cultivation of leafy vegetables, the application of which provides high quality plant material with high nutritional potential and significantly higher content of antioxidants and phytochemicals important for human health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-86 ◽  
Alessandra Fazio ◽  
Claudia Cremasco

Based on data from the GRAAL group's questionnaire on remote teaching, caused by the Covid-19 emergency as reported in Conti (2021, this issue), it emerges that oral production practice was neglected by both high school and college students. Aim of this paper is to reflect on how to promote and sustain speaking from the beginning of the language learning process, during in-person, remote and/or hybrid teaching. The framework presented indicates task-based language teaching (TBLT) as an effective approach to help learners participate in successful communication. The paper provides: 1. an overview of current literature on the subject; 2. applicable examples integrated with Flipgrid; 3. data analysis of students’ performance. Key words: REMOTE TEACHING; HYBRID TEACHING; TASK-BASED LANGUAGE TEACHING; SPEAKING SKILLS; TECHNOLOGY-SUPPORTED LEARNING De los datos del cuestionario del grupo GRAAL sobre la enseñanza virtual, causada por la emergencia Covid-19, como se informa en Conti (2021, este número), surge que la práctica de la producción oral fue descuidada tanto por los estudiantes de secundaria como por los universitarios. El objetivo de este trabajo es reflexionar sobre cómo promover y sostener el habla desde el inicio del proceso de aprendizaje del idioma, durante la enseñanza presencial, virtual y / o híbrida. El marco presentado indica que la enseñanza de idiomas basada en tareas (TBLT) es un enfoque eficaz para ayudar a los alumnos a participar en una comunicación exitosa. Este presente artículo ofrece: 1. una descripción general de la literatura actual sobre el tema; 2. ejemplos aplicables integrados con Flipgrid; 3. análisis de datos del rendimiento de los estudiantes. Palabras clave: ENSEÑANZA VIRTUAL; ENSEÑANZA HIBRIDA; ENSEÑANZA DE IDIOMAS BASADO BASADA EN TAREAS; APRENDIZAJE CON TICS Dai dati del questionario realizzato dal gruppo GRAAL sulla didattica a distanza dovuta dall'emergenza da Covid-19, riportati in Conti (2021, in questo numero), emerge che l’abilità di produzione orale è stata trascurata sia dagli studenti delle scuole superiori che nei corsi universitari. Il presente contributo si prefigge di riflettere su come promuovere e supportare la produzione orale fin dall'inizio del processo di apprendimento della lingua durante l'insegnamento in presenza, a distanza e/o ibrido. Il quadro proposto definisce il task-based language teaching (TBLT) quale approccio ideale per favorire strategie e pratiche efficaci al fine dello sviluppo del parlato. Il presente contributo fornisce: 1. una revisione della letteratura sull'argomento; 2. esempi applicativi integrati attraverso l’uso di un opportuno strumento digitale Flipgrid; 3. un’analisi dei dati sulle prestazioni degli studenti. Parole chiave: DIDATTICA A DISTANZA; DID; TBLT; ABILITÀ DI PRODUZIONE ORALE; TIC PER L’APPRENDIMENTO LINGUISTICO A

2021 ◽  
Jeane Wrigley

<p>The effects of an increasingly global and mass produced marketplace has led to a change in consumer values. In an attempt to mediate the current marketplace where consumers are beginning to experience exhaustion as their choices continue to increase, the consumer is employing new means of determining value. Value is increasingly being sough by the new consumer beyond the product itself, and includes the consideration of product customisation and honest production practice and promotion. Despite the development of techniques to mediate the current state of the consumption environment, there is a lack of research into how this could be explored through architecture. This thesis argues that architecture can be used to support the changing nature of the consumption environment, through a physical interpretation of the social needs of the new consumer. A reassessment of the environment designed for consumption is necessary, in order to physically facilitate the increase of consumer awareness of consumption habits and the effects of their given choices.  The layout of this research is broken into two main bodies of work. Part one focuses on the architectural proposition through an analysis of literature, whilst part two explores the fundamental facets of the design solution. The new consumer addressed within the literature and alongside the case study and site analysis is translated spatially, throughout this design led research. The architectural application of new consumer ideals within a consumption program has resulted in the design - The Urban Brewery. The brewery program showcases the potentials for social values to be transformed into a spatial dialogue. Successful facilitation of the new consumer is sought through increased engagement between people, product and program. This thesis concludes that architectural integration of social values and spatial organisation is important to the construction of the future consumption environment.</p>

2021 ◽  
Jeane Wrigley

<p>The effects of an increasingly global and mass produced marketplace has led to a change in consumer values. In an attempt to mediate the current marketplace where consumers are beginning to experience exhaustion as their choices continue to increase, the consumer is employing new means of determining value. Value is increasingly being sough by the new consumer beyond the product itself, and includes the consideration of product customisation and honest production practice and promotion. Despite the development of techniques to mediate the current state of the consumption environment, there is a lack of research into how this could be explored through architecture. This thesis argues that architecture can be used to support the changing nature of the consumption environment, through a physical interpretation of the social needs of the new consumer. A reassessment of the environment designed for consumption is necessary, in order to physically facilitate the increase of consumer awareness of consumption habits and the effects of their given choices.  The layout of this research is broken into two main bodies of work. Part one focuses on the architectural proposition through an analysis of literature, whilst part two explores the fundamental facets of the design solution. The new consumer addressed within the literature and alongside the case study and site analysis is translated spatially, throughout this design led research. The architectural application of new consumer ideals within a consumption program has resulted in the design - The Urban Brewery. The brewery program showcases the potentials for social values to be transformed into a spatial dialogue. Successful facilitation of the new consumer is sought through increased engagement between people, product and program. This thesis concludes that architectural integration of social values and spatial organisation is important to the construction of the future consumption environment.</p>

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (21) ◽  
pp. 6562
Krzysztof J. Kaliński ◽  
Marek A. Galewski ◽  
Michał R. Mazur ◽  
Natalia Stawicka-Morawska

The paper presents an original method concerning the problem of vibration reduction in the general case while milling large-size and geometrically complex details with the use of an innovative approach to the selection of spindle speed. A computational model is obtained by applying the so-called operational approach to identify the parameters of the workpiece modal model. Thanks to the experimental modal analysis results, modal subsystem identification was performed and reliable process data for simulation studies were obtained. Next, simulations of the milling process, for successive values of the spindle speed, are repeated until the best vibration state of the workpiece is obtained. For this purpose, the root mean square values of the time plots of vibration displacements are examined. The effectiveness of the approach proposed for reducing vibrations in the process of face milling is verified on the basis of the results of appropriate experimental investigations. The economic profitability of the implementation of the operational technique in the production practice of enterprises dealing with mechanical processing is demonstrated as well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2076 (1) ◽  
pp. 012017
Shuxin Zhang ◽  
Weibin Wang ◽  
Yufeng Yang ◽  
Qiang Zhang ◽  
Gang Wu ◽  

Abstract The acoustic emission testing standards ASTM E1930, BS EN 15856, JB/T 10764 and Q/SY GD 0211 for atmospheric storage tank are compared and analysed. Combined with production practice, the revision direction and reference suggestions of acoustic emission testing standards for atmospheric tank were proposed.

2021 ◽  
Helen J J. Smith ◽  
Luke Budworth ◽  
Chloe Grindey ◽  
Isabel Hague ◽  
Natalie Hamer ◽  

Background Interest in and use of co-production in healthcare services and research is growing. Previous reviews have summarised co-production approaches in use, collated outcomes and effects of co-production and focused on replicability and reporting, but none have critically reflected on how co-production in applied health research might be evolving and the implications of this for future research. We aim to conduct a scoping review to systematically map recent literature on co-production in applied health research in the UK to inform co-production practice and guide future methodological research. Methods Scoping review using established methods. We will created an evidence map to show the extent and nature of the literature on co-production and applied health research, based on this we described the characteristics of the articles and scope of the literature and summarised conceptualisations of co-production and how it was implemented. We will extract implications for co-production practice or future research and conduct a content analysis of this information to identify lessons for the practice of co-production and themes for future methodological research. Results We will report on lessons for the practice of co-production and themes for future research on co-production.

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