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Yeray Nóvoa-Medina ◽  
Svetlana Pavlovic-Nesic ◽  
Jesús Ma González-Martín ◽  
Araceli Hernández-Betancor ◽  
Sara López ◽  

Abstract Objectives It has been hypothesized that SARS-CoV-2 may play a role in the development of different forms of diabetes mellitus (DM). The Canary Islands have the highest incidence of type 1 DM (T1DM) reported in Spain (30–35/100,000 children under 14 years/year). In 2020–2021 we observed the highest incidence so far on the island of Gran Canaria, as a result of which we decided to evaluate the possible role of COVID-19 in the increased number of onsets. Methods We examined the presence of IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in children with new onset T1DM between October 2020 and August 2021. We compared recent T1DM incidence with that of the previous 10 years. Results Forty-two patients were diagnosed with T1DM (48.1/100,000 patients/year), representing a nonsignificant 25.7% increase from the expected incidence. Of the 33 patients who consented to the study, 32 presented negative IgG values, with only one patient reflecting undiagnosed past infection. Forty-four percent of patients presented with ketoacidosis at onset, which was similar to previous years. Conclusions We conclude that there is no direct relationship between the increased incidence of T1DM and SARS-CoV-2 in the region. The COVID-19 pandemic did not result in an increased severity of T1DM presentation.

2022 ◽  
Florin Nichifor ◽  
Petruț-Florin Trofin ◽  
Florentina-Petruța Martinaș ◽  

In team sports, the essential factors in achieving performance are represented by speed and agility, expressed in conditions of high intensity and high volume. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships between speed, agility and effort in women's soccer, rugby and handball. At the same time, we want to compare these parameters in order to determine the profile for each discipline. The research analyzed 49 performance women athletes from the first leagues of Romania, divided into 3 groups: soccer, rugby and handball. To evaluate the speed we applied the 10 m test. Agility was assessed using samples 505 and 1001. Anaerobic effort capacity was assessed by the 8x10 + 10m and aerobic effort capacity by the VAM-Eval test. The Pearson correlation showed a direct relationship between 505 and 1001, for all groups. Significant correlations were shown between speed and agility, the effort capacity being also involved in the detected interferences.

2022 ◽  
Thomas Rhys Evans ◽  
isabelle roskam ◽  
Florence Stinglhamber ◽  
Moïra Mikolajczak

Burnout, while historically considered a work-related condition, can be associated with parenting where it can have direct impacts upon parental outcomes and one’s personal resources such as mental health. However, little is known about the domain-incongruent effects of burnout and thus whether parental burnout can manifest within the workplace. The current study uses longitudinal data collected from 499 parents over three intervals across an 8-month period to explore two possible mechanisms. Firstly, a direct relationship is explored by considering whether parental burnout provides incremental validity above job burnout in the prediction of three work outcomes: job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and counterproductive work behaviors. Secondly, it is explored whether depression mediates the relationship between parental burnout and work outcomes. Findings suggest parental burnout may have limited impacts upon work outcomes, providing the impetus for a new direction of research to better understand whether or how burnout in one domain of life can influence the outcomes in other life domains.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2163 (1) ◽  
pp. 012006
N A fanador García ◽  
G Guerrero Gómez ◽  
C Nolasco Serna

Abstract In buildings, each component contributes to resisting seismic forces and an important part in this activity are the masonry walls composed of: fired clay solid brick of 120 mm width and horizontally perforated clay blocks of 100 mm and 150 mm width. The main focus of this research is to determine the flexural strength of the horizontally perforated clay block-mortar joint, using different types of mortar as established in the “Reglamento Colombiano de Construcion Sismo Resistente” for four suppliers used in the municipality of Ocaña, Colombia. A semi-automatic machine that takes into account the physics in the application of loads was designed to carry out the flexural test in mortar-block joints. The average flexural strength in mortar-block joints was determined for three types of mortar corresponding to 0.219 MPa, 0.232 MPa, and 0.291 MPa respectively, for the municipality of Ocaña, Colombia. This research established a direct relationship between the compressive strength of the mortar and the flexural strength of the 100 mm wide horizontally perforated clay mortar-block joint. A physical comparison was made in terms of the compressive strength of the prism and the flexural strength of the clay mortar-block joint with that obtained by other researchers in India and found quite similar results.

CoDAS ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
Karina Carlesso Pagliarin ◽  
Marileda Barichello Gubiani ◽  
Rafaela Rossini Rosa ◽  
Márcia Keske-Soares

ABSTRACT Difficult in literacy skills are often seen in children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). This occurs because oral language has direct relationship with reading and writing learning. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance in the accuracy task of an integrated phonoarticulatory awareness, motor skills and literacy intervention of three children with CAS. Three boys between 5;3 and 5;8 years of age, with CAS, were offered 2 hours per week of therapy sessions based on literacy and motor skills. The children were assessed before and after therapy and at a maintenance assessment 1 month after the treatment ceased. The children improved on the accuracy task considering their deficits level. Improvement was maintained at the maintenance assessment. Therapy based on literacy considering phonoarticulatory awareness and motor skills can help children with CAS, but the severity of the children’s communication problems must be taken into consideration.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1436-1450
Veronica Membrive ◽  
Madalina Armie

The educational use of gamification in class has been widely explored by research. Theorizations establish a direct relationship between gamification and higher levels of motivation and engagement of students regardless of their educational levels. When teaching English as a second language, gamification becomes a key factor to provide dynamism to lessons and to foster the consolidation of the content taught in class. Moreover, gamification not only promotes the assimilation of vocabulary and grammar, but also the improvement of oral and written comprehension and production. The extensive use of new technologies in class has proved to be very useful for the implementation of the methodology on gamification. One of the tools that has attracted the attention of educators recently is Classcraft, an online virtual game based on digital storytelling. This chapter aims at explaining and assessing the use of Classcraft as a successful technology-based collaborative learning tool in a course on English as a second language at the university level.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1593-1611
Mohammad Al-Ma'aitah

This study investigated the impact of drivers of e-government, particularly social CRM, citizen trust, and quality of electronic services, on citizen satisfaction with e-government services in the Jordanian environment. In addition to measuring the impact of social CRM on citizen trust and service quality respectively and its impact on citizen satisfaction. A convenience sample was used to achieve the study purpose consisting of 386 questionnaires collected online. The resulting data was analyzed using PLS.2 software. The study findings reveal that social CRM has a significant impact on citizen trust and quality of electronic services, and furthermore that citizen trust and quality of electronic services have significant impacts on citizen satisfaction with e-government services. The study found no direct relationship between the use of social CRM and citizen-government satisfaction but showed a significant indirect impact via customer trust and service quality.

П.А. Поливанов ◽  
А.А. Сидоренко

An experimental study of pulsations characteristics of the zone of flow separation arising at a small airplane-type UAV with a pushing two-blade propeller were carried out. The measurements were done in wind tunnel by unsteady pressure sensors and microphones built into the skin of the UAV for the test cases with and without a rotating propeller. A significant effect of the propeller on the level of pulsations was found. An increase of the incoming flow velocity led to a weakening of this effect. Analysis of the spectral data of the disturbances did not reveal a direct relationship between the propeller noise and the unsteady characteristics of the separation zone.

2022 ◽  
pp. 54-88
Maria Pressentin

The purpose of this study is to explore the followers' perspective of genuine servant leadership (GSL)'s impact on them and its direct relationship to work intentions in Asian high-power distance and collectivist cultures. The study found six follower manifestations when experiencing genuine servant leader behaviors from their leader, three towards the organization and three towards the leaders. Followers are more willing to 1) voice-out ideas and concerns, 2) develop others, 3) recognize their choice in decision making (manifestation towards the organization). As followers respect their leader-follower relations, they tend to 4) voluntarily emulate their leader, 5) trust their leader, and 6) determine to follow their leader willingly (manifestation towards the leader). The six manifestations contribute to followers' intent to perform, endorse, provide discretionary effort, stay, and contribute to OCB. The research sought to understand the leader-follower interactions and intricacies contributing to the manifestations of follower intentions in Asia.

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