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technological method
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2021 ◽  
Vol 939 (1) ◽  
pp. 012013
N T Tashpulatov ◽  
R A Zakhidov

Abstract The article presents the results of research on the use of electric discharges of current for the destruction of worms, larvae and galls of pathogenic nematodes. Nematodes consisting of round worms in the process of their vital activity penetrates the roots, stems and leaves of the plant, disrupting the integrity of tissues, cells and cellular structures, feeding on plant sap leads to lagging behind growth and development, contributes to the spread of various diseases, causes rot and infection. They can be found even in fruits and seeds of plants. Most often, worms form a kind of swelling growth in the roots, in the stems in the leaves and in the fruits, the growths of which are called galls. When unfavorable conditions arise, they move at an accelerated rate in the soil, maintaining their vitality. Therefore, their destruction using well-known methods such as agro technical, thermal biological, chemical, etc. is laborious and ineffective. The article describes an alternative electro technological method for the destruction of nematodes using electric current discharges, which provides the required destruction effect at the lowest cost.

2021 ◽  
Vol 209 (06) ◽  
pp. 61-70
Larisa Pashkova

Abstract. The purpose of the research was to develop a method for increasing the meat productivity of sheep under various housing systems. Methods. All studies were conducted according to generally accepted methods. The experimental population of rams of the control and experimental groups was kept until the age of 3 months together with ewes on the pasture (suckling period) with further weaning at the age of 3 months. Further, the rams were divided according to the technologies of keeping: the control group – pasture (graziery), and the experimental group – indoor maintenance (fattening) up to 4 months of age, followed by control slaughter. Monthly weighing of the experimental young rams livestock was carried out. Results. The research work showed that the use of this technological method significantly contributed in increasing average gain and live weight, respectively, by 6.6 % (20 g) and 5.7 % (2.3 kg) and as a result, slaughter weight – by 9.2 % (1.6 kg) in young rams from the experimental group in comparison with analogues of the control group. Chemical, amino acid and microstructural analyses of samples of the longissimus of the livestock showed that the specimens of the young rams of the experimental group had the best food and market advantages. The efficiency of using this technological method is also confirmed by the calculated economic indicators – the difference in the level of profitability was 7.9 % in favor of the rams of the experimental group. The scientific novelty of the research work is a detailed study of the indicators of meat productivity under the influence of this technological method with the justification of its application and the introduction of both scientific and practical contributions to the development of sheep farming.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 518-526
Ch. Beksultanova ◽  
N. Tentigul kyzy

This article reflects the importance of wool in the life of traditional Kyrgyz society. The nomadic way of life provided them with everything they needed for daily life. Livestock, the main economic activity of the Kyrgyz, provided raw materials for livestock: wool, skins, horns, sheep skins and bones. The article describes the various characteristics and features of sheep’s wool. As a traditional knowledge of the Kyrgyz, its use in the treatment of fractures through wool, i. e. The importance of the medical aspect is established. Sheep’s wool is widely used in the manufacture of various household items, in the exterior and interior decoration of traditional yurts, and in the making of hats, clothes, and shoes. The technological method of shearing sheep to obtain high-quality wool, as well as the features of its preparation in the manufacture of Kyrgyz felt carpets (ala kiiz and shyrdak) are described in detail.

2021 ◽  
pp. 101-104
Anatoliy A. Ustroev ◽  
Evgeniy A. Murzaev

Relevance. The formation of the potato yield, along with a balanced diet, is significantly influenced by the physical condition of the soil, namely the hardness of the soil. As a basic option for soil decompaction, a technological method of soil cultivation to a depth of up to 40 cm using chiselless tools is currently used. As an alternative, biological means of soil decompaction can be used by introducing fields occupied by green manure crops into the crop rotation during the entire field season. The purpose of the research is to assess the effectiveness of a new technological method of soil decompaction, which consists in the use of green manure crops in potato crop rotation.Materials and methods. Experimental studies were carried out from June to August 2019 on the experimental field of the IAEP in the crop rotation of growing organic potatoes. The previous cultivation was autumn plowing of the field from under perennial grasses. Yellow mustard was used as a green manure — a fast-growing one-year green manure crop.Results. The results of experimental studies of the influence of sowing green manure (yellow mustard) on the change in soil hardness in a fallow field in a potato crop rotation are presented. The high efficiency of the studied biological method of soil decompaction was established, providing a decrease in hardness in the zone where the “plow sole” was previously noted from 4.8 to 2.5 MPa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-35
Oleg Gorlenko

A technological method for parts electro-mechanical treatment is considered. There are presented investigation results of electro-mechanical treatment impact upon quality parameters of parts surface layer, physical-mechanical and operation properties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 4-12
R.V. Amelin ◽  
S.E. Channov ◽  

The application of a new technological method of law and recommendations for its effective use are considered. In particular, authors conclude that the establishment of new rights and obligations of information interaction subjects should be carried out at the level of federal law, and not arise as a by-product of the implementation of the information system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
pp. 129-141
Sergey F. Tataurov

Purpose. The basis of the research is the collection of horseshoes accumulated over the course of archaeological research of the historical center of the city of Tara in the Omsk region between 2007–2019. Currently, the collection contains 50 items. It is the largest collection among the studied Russian cities of Siberia. The aim of the study is to determine the level of development of certain technologies, transport and military affairs among the population on the basis of this category of items – from their manufacture to maintenance. The emergence of horseshoes became a step in the development of the economy, as it significantly increased the efficiency of the use of horses – the main driving force before the emergence of mechanical engines. Results. The collection items obtained over the course of archaeological research in Russian Siberian cities allow us to study the process of distribution of these devices in this region and the development of technical maintenance of horseshoe horses – production and replacement of horseshoes. The Tara collection, together with the context of their location, made it possible to study the ‘life’ of these items in detail – from manufacture to wear-breakage and their replacement. The main result of the study was the understanding of the need for constant ‘technical’ maintenance of putting horseshoes on horses, which was very significant in the military and economic aspect of the Russian Siberian city in the 17th – early 20th centuries. Conclusion. Study of appearance and distribution of such a technological method as putting horseshoes on horses in Russian Siberian cities allows to show the development of metalworking technologies and the appearance of innovations in other sectors of the economy – construction, trade, and so on.

Nadija Smirnova

The statement that the technological progress of civilization began only at the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century is not quite true. Technologies have penetrated into all spheres of society in the modern world, radically changing our worldview, thinking and consciousness. This contributes to the emergence of new needs, which, in turn, necessitate the search for new ways to solve the Company with the necessary inventive material values. The reason contributes to the search for new technical means as a method for implementing an arising problem in this situation. It gradually changes the lifestyle and consciousness of individuals and becomes the reason for the search for new needs, which arise on their basis in the future. This relationship can be traced from the period of the formation of protomarketing relations, which arose in the Archaic Epoch of the Company's Development. Technological means of production were improved with a parallel evolution of human consciousness and needs as social and production relations were developed. This contributed to the emergence of public division of labor and the variety of financial relations that are inherent in modern economic systems. At this time, human needs are not limited to the diversity of commodity and material values that are available in the presence of modern civilization, and contribute to the search for new and new technical solutions. The latter are introduced into production and change the consciousness of people as they use, increasing the practicality and functionality of their application, contribute to the emergence of new ideas and new needs as a result. This causal process can last indefinitely, but with different intensity, which is determined by the degree of progress of human consciousness and factors, which determine its development at this stage. The transition between the stages of the public division of labor occurred is not hoping but smooth, as the evolution of human consciousness and needs. Therefore, the composition of the technological method of production is a continuous circuit of causal bonds, in which the cause becomes a consequence, and the consequence is the cause.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 228-235
V. N. Nesterov ◽  
A. R. Li

The article notes the advantages of the method of constructing absolutely invariant measuring transducers for working in conditions with disturbing influences. However, this method is not universal. Its limitations are due to the impossibility of "symmetric" transmission of all disturbing influences into parallel measuring channels. A broader interpretation of the two-channel principle is proposed to overcome these limitations. The aim of the study was to substantiate and implement a method for constructing quasi-invariant measuring transducers and systems that retain their metrological characteristics under external disturbances of unknown physical nature.The theory that develops the two-channel principle to a full-fledged technological method is presented in the article. The theory includes the necessary and sufficient conditions for physical feasibility this method. Two fundamental tasks have been solved in the work. The first task is to identify signs that reflect the essence of the technological method in to specific cases and the second is to implement a methodology that allows these signs to be effectively applied in practice.In the examples, a complex of technologies is defined for groups of elements of quasi-invariant transducers that provide compensation of the influencing factors acting on them with acceptable accuracy.There are significant advantages in discussed method. It gives hope for acceptable measurement results under conditions when character and even physical principle of influencing a priori are unknown.

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