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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 7-12
V. V. Lupachev ◽  
R. V. Kubasov ◽  
I. M. Boyko ◽  
A. I. Khokhrina ◽  
E. D. Kubasova

The prolonged availability of seafarers on board of water vehicle during voyages forms the features of professional labor activity. When assessing the medical and sanitary situation of life and vital activity of the crew on board a ship, it is necessary to take into account a set of conditions that are integrated into a single notion — «ship environment ». The ship’s environment affects the personnel’s body for the entire period while people are on the voyage. It can cause changes in the state of health. The article presents a review of the literature devoted to the study of the influence of climatic and geographical factors accompanying maritime labor. Natural factors occupy a significant share among the large effects of the ship’s environment that affect the health of seafarers and, accordingly, their ability to work. Among them, the greatest contribution is made by temperature, physico-chemical properties of air, photoperiodic fluctuations. The homeostatic systems of the seafarers ‘ body are very closely dependent on the natural situation of the seas. These conditions impose high requirements and can cause the development of premorbid and pathological conditions. To ensure the protection of the health and working capacity of the crew, it is necessary to study the influence of external factors. The main directions for ensuring the safety and strengthening of the health of seafarers are: forecasting and prevention of health disorders, prenosological diagnostics and timely medical support, rehabilitation measures in the post-voyage period.


Raising of problem. Microbiological corrosion, which occurs as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms in wastewater, causes the destruction of the vaulted part and significantly reduces the service life of reinforced concrete and concrete drainage pipelines. Partially destroyed pipelines of sewerage networks, operating in various hydrogeological conditions, often at great depths, must be restored using materials that can ensure the reliability of further operation in conditions of microbiological corrosion, cost-effectiveness and ease of repair. These are primarily polymer-based materials. The open method of repair and restoration work on sewer pipelines has significant advantages over trenchless, if their depth is insignificant and urban transport and pedestrian arteries do not interfere with the work. Thus, the development of a technology for repair and restoration of reinforced concrete and concrete collectors destroyed by microbiological corrosion using modern materials based on polymers is an urgent task. Purpose. Development of technology and sequence of repair and restoration work for the restoration of the destroyed vaulted part of sewer reinforced concrete and concrete pipelines by an open method using pneumatic formwork and protective anchor polyethylene sheets. Conclusion. As a result of the research, a technology and sequence of repair and restoration work was developed to restore sewer reinforced concrete and concrete collectors from 5 stages, including the stage of cleaning the collector from corrosion products and destroyed parts, installation of a pneumatic formwork and an anchor polyethylene sheet in the surviving chute part of the collector, installation of metal inventory formwork, restoration by concreting the arch on top of the anchor polyethylene sheet and dismantling of the pneumatic and metal inventory formwork.

2021 ◽  
L.L. Smirnova ◽  

The monograph is devoted to methodological approaches in the study of fouling of various anthropogenic surfaces in the coastal waters of the southwestern shelf of the Crimean Peninsula. Attention is paid to the study of the effectiveness of various antifouling compositions with the complex use of physical, chemical and microbiological methods. The processes of biodegradation in seawater of organic components of various paint and varnish materials as a result of the vital activity of a community of peripheral microorganisms are considered. The possibilities of studying the fouling of various shipbuilding materials and structures in oceanic expedition conditions.

V. L. Poliakov

A mathematical problem of the action of a representative biofilm in the absence of oxygen is formulated. The anaerobic process of decomposition of a dissolved organic matter is considered as a two-stage process, proceeding due to the vital activity of two groups of microorganisms. An approximate analytic solution allowing one to calculate the concentration and consumption of primary and secondary organic substrates with minimal errors has been obtained. On test examples, their rates of transfer through the biofilm surface are determined, and the possibility of the movement of volatile fatty acids in both directions is discussed.

V. M. Bilyi ◽  
V. V. Knysh

The results of research on the study of the impact of agents of biochemical and microbiological origin of production LLP R&D Enterprise "5 Element" on the production process, the structure of yield and yield of corn under drip irrigation are highlighted. It is determined, that the highest yield of corn can be obtained by holding the pre-sowing treatment of seeds with nanobiostimulator of plant growth "V-Agro. Seeds" and the double treatment of vegetative plants with a solution of concentrate of products of vital activity of nitrogen-fixing soil algae. The combined use of the agent "V-Agro. Seeds" and the solution of concentrate of products of vital activity nitrogen-fixing soil algae provides a corn yield of 16,1 t/ha, which is by 5,5 t/ha, or 51,9 % more than in the absolute control (without seed treatment and foliar treatment of plants).  It is also established that the separate use of agents both for seed treatment and plant treatment during the growing season is also an effective measure. The single seed treatment with nanobiostimulator of plant growth "V-Agro. "Seeds" helps to increase the yield of corn by 1,6 t/ha, or by 15,1 %. A similar effect was obtained using for processing seeds of the biological product Soil Algae (live culture in powder form), where the increase in yield was 14,1 % (1,5 t/ha). It is determined that the use of agents for foliar application is more effective than pre-sowing seed treatment. The double spraying of corn plants, with respectively, 2 % and 4 % solution of concentrate of products of vital activity of nitrogen-fixing soil algae provides crop yields by 3,2 t/ha, or 30,2 % compared to the control. The use of nanobiostimulator of growth plants "V-Agro. Leaf processing" for foliar application provides the yield increase up to 2,8 t/ha, or 26,4 %. The biggest average weight of one cob corn was obtained due to the agricultural measure, which involves pre-sowing seed treatment nanobiostimulator of plant growth "V-Agro. Seeds" and the double treatment of vegetative plants with a solution of concentrate of  products of vital activity of nitrogen-fixing soil algae made it possible to get a cob with an average weight of 248,4 g, whereas in absolute control (without seed treatment and foliar treatment of plants) – 174,5 g.

Olexandr Romanovskiy ◽  
Olha Ihnatiuk ◽  
Svitlana Reznik ◽  
Tetіana Solodovnyk

the article is devoted to the problem of rising up the level of quality of training of future military specialists of various specialties of the security, protection and defense sector under the conditions of educational transformations. The analysis of literary sources allows to establish, that the processes of Euro-Atlantic integration cover more and more spheres of vital activity of our state and relate to the educational sphere. During the process of the study it was found that modernization of educational activity takes place in the context of European requirements, principles and standards of NATO member states. The article states a number of factors, which determine the need of solving the problem of rising up the quality of training of military specialists of different specialties. The analysis of scientific research devoted to different issues of organization of military education and training of military staff to professional activity. The positions of the concept of innovative-strategic direction of training of future military specialists of various specialties of the security protection and defense sector are revealed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 7-11
A. E. Babich ◽  
E. V. Luchinina ◽  
O. G. Kompaniets ◽  
N. A. Zubareva

The aim of the study was to assess the tolerability and impact on the quality of life of pharmacotherapy for gastric ulcer, erosive gastritis using regimens including rebamipide. The quality of life of patients was assessed using the SF-36 questionnaire. Pharmacotherapy of gastric ulcer with the inclusion of rebamipide as part of the conventional treatment regimen provides data comparable to the healthy group on the scales of physical functioning, role functioning due to physical condition, pain intensity, general health, and vital activity. The results of our own research and data from literary sources indicate that rebamipide is a drug with a confident evidence base, good tolerance and safety of use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-87
Irina V. Lidzhieva ◽  
Daniyal S. Kidirniyazov

Based on an analysis of archival documents and periodical press materials, the present paper studies the impact of the liberal reforms of Alexander II on the policies of the imperial authorities for the nomadic peoples of the steppe of Ciscaucasia: the Kalmyks, Nogais and Turkmens. The liberal reforms of the 1860s and 1870s had a direct impact on the formation of the national intelligentsia, which during the revolutionary events of the early 20th century led to the rise of the national movement in the empires peripheries and to the struggle for self-determination of the non-Russian populations during the Russian Revolution of 1917. The article reconstructs individual facts and events from the life of the nomadic population under specific socio-economic and political-legal conditions. Using the historical-genetic method, the influence of liberal reforms on the vital activity of the nomadic peoples of the Stavropol province is revealed. The authors focus on the activities of regional authorities during the period under review, which were liberal in nature and carried out in the context of the reforms of Alexander II. The authors conclude that the pre-Caucasus steppe, the territory of the nomadic Kalmyks, Nogais and Turkmens, being the national edge of the Russian Empire and falling under a special system of governance related to the ethnic and religious characteristics of the populations, was not drawn into the orbit of liberal reforms. Meanwhile, a number of measures were approved by the regional executive authorities on the ground, of course, first of all, aimed at satisfying the needs of the imperial policy for incorporating the region into the common imperial space, but at the same time improving the lives of the nomadic peoples of the Stavropol province, in particular in the field of education and legal procedures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 939 (1) ◽  
pp. 012058
B Gafurdjanov ◽  
E Berdiev ◽  
U Xoliyorov

Abstract This article presents the results of research on the biochemical composition of green and yellowing leaves of 64-year-old bipedal ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) seed and pollen trees growing in the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, introduced to Uzbekistan in the last century. Biochemical analyzes recorded the presence of 6 types of vitamins and 44 macro- and micronutrients in the leaves of the ginkgo tree. Vitamin C levels were found to be lower in the seed tree than in the pollen tree. The amount was 35.8 mg/% in the green leaves of the seed tree and 34.4 mg/% in the yellowed leaves. Ginkgo leaves contain important macro-and micronutrients such as Ca, Mg, K, Al, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, Co, I, Se, which are necessary for the vital activity of the human body and normal metabolism. The green leaves of the two-leafed ginkgo pollen tree contained 27577.288 mg/l of calcium, 11562.299 mg/l of potassium, the leaves of the seed tree 13912.903 mg/l of calcium and 7491.462 mg/l of potassium. At the same time, the green leaves of ginkgo contain 3073.807 mg/l – 7977.459 mg/l magnesium, 4353.72-5003.88 mg/l phosphorus, 501.073-515.343 mg/l sodium, 779.750 mg/l– the presence of silicon in the amount of 844.039 mg/l and iron in the amount of 373.023 mg/l – 655.148 mg/l was determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 939 (1) ◽  
pp. 012013
N T Tashpulatov ◽  
R A Zakhidov

Abstract The article presents the results of research on the use of electric discharges of current for the destruction of worms, larvae and galls of pathogenic nematodes. Nematodes consisting of round worms in the process of their vital activity penetrates the roots, stems and leaves of the plant, disrupting the integrity of tissues, cells and cellular structures, feeding on plant sap leads to lagging behind growth and development, contributes to the spread of various diseases, causes rot and infection. They can be found even in fruits and seeds of plants. Most often, worms form a kind of swelling growth in the roots, in the stems in the leaves and in the fruits, the growths of which are called galls. When unfavorable conditions arise, they move at an accelerated rate in the soil, maintaining their vitality. Therefore, their destruction using well-known methods such as agro technical, thermal biological, chemical, etc. is laborious and ineffective. The article describes an alternative electro technological method for the destruction of nematodes using electric current discharges, which provides the required destruction effect at the lowest cost.

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