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macro and micronutrients
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2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 03002
Nikolay Nikolaevich Berezhnov ◽  
Marina Gennadievna Kurbanova ◽  
Anastasia Yurievna Kolbina

The article presents substantiation for expanding the market for functional food products, in particular, confectionery - caramel. Proper nutrition is an integral part of a modern person diet; due to their properties, they increase the immunity and immune status of a person. The aim of the work is to create composite mixtures for sugar-free caramel using modern software. The studies were carried out using the MathLab software package, in particular the Statistica 10.0 software. A methodology for creating recipes using system packages has been developed. To enrich the caramel, the following components were selected: apple juice, coltsfoot extract, orange juice, mint and burdock extract, cranberry and lingonberry juices. An optimal recipe has been designed and equations are presented for calculating the dosages of the components of the enriched sugar-free caramel based on a natural sweetener isomalt with the addition of plant-based additives containing macro and micronutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the human body with a diagnosis of type II diabetes mellitus.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-151
Novalia Kusumarini ◽  
Angky Wahyu Putranto ◽  
Christanti Agustina ◽  
Andi Aryananda Wahab

Sludge from the paper industry can affect soil fertility due to its organic content. However, sludge as waste has a contamination risk of polluting the soil. This research focused on the chemical properties content of sludge from the paper industry (pH, organic C, macro and micronutrients, heavy metals) and contaminant microbes (E. coli and Salmonella sp.) in order to evaluate to the potency of sludge to be soil amendment. Sludge sample was taken in 0-20 cm depth from Sumengko Village, Wringinanom, Gresik. The chemical properties were measured in Soil Chemistry Laboratory in Soil Science Department, and the biological properties were measured in Pest and Disease Laboratory in the Agricultural Faculty of Brawijaya University. The chemical and biological properties of sludge were compared to quality standards according to Keputusan Menteri Pertanian No. 261/2019 (Kepmentan No. 261/2019) from the Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia. Sludge from the paper industry has the potency to be soil amendment because it meets the requirement from Kepmentan No. 261/2019. Its pH was neutral (6.9), the macro and micronutrients contents fit the requirement, and it had no microbial contaminant content. However, the organic C was under expectation, and it has over Hg content.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
Gislaine Gabardo ◽  
Maristella Dalla Pria ◽  
Henrique Luis da Silva ◽  
Mônica Gabrielle Harms

ABSTRACT: In the last crop seasons, the complex of late season diseases (CLSD) of soybean (Glycine max L. (Merrill)), has been causing considerable reductions in the crop yield. Currently, there are no cultivars resistant to all pathogens that causes CLSD. The present study evaluated the effect of applying the acibenzolar-S-methyl resistance inducer, alternative products and fungicide on the severity of CLSD in the soybean cultivar BMX Potência RR during the 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 crops, in the field. The treatments for the experiments were: 1 - control (water); 2 - acibenzolar-S-methyl; 3 - calcium; 4 - micronutrients: copper, manganese and zinc; 5 - micronutrients: manganese, zinc and molybdenum; 6 - nitrogen-potassium fertilizer; 7 - Ascophyllum nodosum and 8 - azoxystrobin + cyproconazole with the addition of the adjuvant. Four applications of alternative products and two of fungicide were carried out in both harvests. A diagrammatic scale assessed the severity of CLSD at the phenological stage R7.1. The acibenzolar-S-methyl resistance inducer, alternative products (macro and micronutrients) and A. nodosum had no effect on the severity of CLSD in the two harvests. The fungicide (azoxystrobin + cyproconazole) reduced the severity of CLSD and prevented damage to productivity in both experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 91-92 ◽  
pp. 64-73
Nataliia Zaimenko ◽  
Bohdana Ivanytska ◽  
Natalia Didyk ◽  
Olena Malashchuk ◽  
Dzhamal Rakhmetov ◽  

The interactive effects of Cd and natural siliceous mineral analcite on Cd phytotoxicity and rate of accumulation in plant tissues have been analyzed. The test-plants of corn and hemp were grown in pots under controlled conditions of light, temperature, and soil moisture for 21 days in experiments modeling the following treatments: (1) without any amendments (control); (2) with the application of 0.1 % and 0.5 % (by weight) of CdSO4; (3) Cd salts (CdSO4) + analcite 0.1 g, 0.25 g, and 0.5 g per container. Test-plants performance was assessed by their growth characteristics (shoot height and root length), the content of photosynthetic pigments, macro- and micronutrients in leaves. The effect of Cd on maize and hemp plants inhibited their growth, chlorophyll biosynthesis in the leaves, led to a change in the balance of macro- and microelements, which leads to the accumulation of Cd in the tissues of shoots of both studied crops. Application of analcite partially compensated for the negative effects of Cd salts on the crop’s growth, chlorophyll content, and balance of nutrients and reduced Cd accumulation significantly in shoots.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 454-462
Aisha Alshikhy ◽  
Hanaa Almasallati ◽  
Marwa Abu Saif

Parenteral nutrition (PN) is a form of administering nutrients, include water, macro and micronutrients and is one of widely used mode of therapy used in patients who are unable to tolerate oral or enteral feeding. Therefore, the success of nutritional therapy depends chiefly on nutrition support teams. The aim of the present work to evaluation the provision of parenteral nutrition in the Benghazi medical center. A total of 86 patients were involved in the study and numbers of questions were answered from nutrition support team at the hospital. The result revealed that PPN (IV drip) most common used and mixture of dextrose and sodium chloride were highly provision in the hospital. Furthermore the Doctors at the ward were shown have fully responsibility for provided PN but there were neglected role of dietitian and pharmacist. Patients monitoring were not carried out routinely. Most drug delivered by PN found NSAIDs and insulin. Dextrose and sodium chlorides commonly used in the hospital for delivery medication. The present study also demonstrated that, PN did not fulfill the patients requirement and there were no patients monitoring. PN found to be used most frequently in some condition were where in real need such as pulmonary disease, GIT disorder and renal disease. Furthermore, TPN provided for the admitted patients include in emergencies, therapeutic and for unconscious patients. There were reported a number of complication in patient received PN due to lack of monitoring and prolong replacements of PN drainage. PPN (Iv drips) were the most common uses at the hospital and longer duration was proved which might led to patients burden in the hospital. Furthermore, due to the uses of PPN for longer times this could contribute for patients malnutrition. Our data suggested that, comprehensive nutrition support team and provision of intervention programs in order to increased quality and reduced patients burden and also the result of our study needed to be validated in large sample to know the real role of dietitian and pharmacist for ordered of drugs and nutrients and nutrients drug interactions. Keywords: Nutrients, Provision, TPN, PN, complication, medications.

Марина Михайловна Романова ◽  
Алексей Викторович Чернов

Вопросы питания занимают особое место в научной медицине и практическом здравоохранении, в условиях пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции нуждаются в дальнейшем всестороннем изучении и развитии. Статья посвящена исследованию и анализу роли и возможностей профилактического и лечебного питания при оказании медицинской помощи в разных медицинских организациях в условиях пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19. Определены особенности оптимальной организации питания здоровых лиц и пациентов с новой коронавирусной инфекции с течением разной тяжести при лечении в амбулаторных и стационарных условиях, включая пациентов, находящихся в критических состояниях. Обеспечение потребностей в макро- и микронутриентах, поддержание и нормализация пищевого и метаболического статуса пациента с COVID-19 во многом определят благоприятный исход для больного с новой коронавирусной инфекцией. Полученные данные следует учитывать при проведении профилактических и лечебных мероприятий отдельным категориям пациентов на всех этапах оказания медицинской помощи. Оптимизация организации профилактического и лечебного питания пациентов с новой коронавирусной инфекцией COVID-19 на всех этапах оказания медицинской помощи будет способствовать снижению первичной и общей заболеваемости, количеству осложнений, смертности; повышению качества оказания медицинской помощи Nutrition issues occupy a special place in scientific medicine and practical healthcare, in the context of a pandemic of a new coronavirus infection, they need further comprehensive study and development. The article is devoted to the study and analysis of the role and possibilities of preventive and curative nutrition in the provision of medical care in various medical organizations in the context of the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. The features of optimal nutrition organization of healthy individuals and patients with a new coronavirus infection with a course of varying severity during treatment in outpatient and inpatient settings, including patients in critical conditions, are determined. Ensuring the needs for macro- and micronutrients, maintaining and normalizing the nutritional and metabolic status of a patient with COVID-19 will largely determine a favorable outcome for a patient with a new coronavirus infection. The data obtained should be taken into account when carrying out preventive and curative measures for certain categories of patients at all stages of medical care. Optimization of the organization of preventive and curative nutrition of patients with the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 at all stages of medical care will contribute to reducing primary and general morbidity, the number of complications, mortality; improving the quality of medical care

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 181-185
Jéssica Cristina Meira Bezerra ◽  
Brian Turati Rezende ◽  
Jose Antonio Agustini ◽  
Patrick Luan Ferreira dos Santos ◽  
Maximiliano Kawahata Pagliarini ◽  

The Brazilian berry (Pliniacauliflora, sin: Myrciariacauliflora Berg), a native tree of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, called by native people as “Jabuticaba” and cultivated throughout the national territory, is a species produced for consumption in natura, manufacturing liqueurs, ice cream, fermented drinks and juices, jellies, in addition to be used in the pharmaceutical industry for essential oil production. Despite being a tree species, it has been cultivated in pots by those who have little space. Thus, this study aimed to verify substrate compositions with soil in the development of Brazilian berry in full sun and potted. The experimental design was completely randomized, with 3 treatments and 9 replications, being: T1 – Soil + organic compost (1:1); T2 – Soil + sand (1:1); T3 – Soil + sand + organic compost (1:1:1). Chemical and physical properties of substrate mixtures, chlorophyll index and fresh and dry matter of leaves and analysis of leaf macro and micronutrients content were evaluated. Among the evaluated treatments, soil + sand + organic compost (1:1:1) showed favourable results for the evaluated characteristics, while soil + sand (1:1) showed unfavourable results, probably due to the presence of sand in its mixture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Renan Jardel Treter ◽  
Ivan Ricardo Carvalho ◽  
Danieli Jacoboski Hutra ◽  
Murilo Vieira Loro ◽  
Mariluci Cavinatto ◽  

Nutrients have differences in their functions as metabolic and structural constituents in plant organs. The specific identification of the symptoms of excess or deficiency of nutrients is essential for the correct management to be carried out in order to avoid production losses. In this context, this research aimed to evaluate the symptoms of deficiency and excess of nutrients in soybean. The experiment was carried out on a bench, with 3-liter containers, in which uniformly germinated seedlings were selected for implantation. Initially, the seedlings were subjected to a complete nutrient solution to allow for a uniform and unrestricted initial development over a period of one week. Then, the plants were subjected to solutions with twice as much nutrient, absence of nutrients, complete solution and nutrient restriction, individual omissions resulted in morphological changes, which translated into visual symptoms characteristic of the nutritional deficiency of the respective nutrient. The solution with twice the nutrient concentration of the complete solution showed an increase in the absorption of N, Mg, K and Fe, for Cu it was twice the absorption and for Zn five times more. There was a decrease in the absorption of Ca and Mn and, with that, it is concluded that the availability of twice as many nutrients did not result in double their absorption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 939 (1) ◽  
pp. 012058
B Gafurdjanov ◽  
E Berdiev ◽  
U Xoliyorov

Abstract This article presents the results of research on the biochemical composition of green and yellowing leaves of 64-year-old bipedal ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) seed and pollen trees growing in the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, introduced to Uzbekistan in the last century. Biochemical analyzes recorded the presence of 6 types of vitamins and 44 macro- and micronutrients in the leaves of the ginkgo tree. Vitamin C levels were found to be lower in the seed tree than in the pollen tree. The amount was 35.8 mg/% in the green leaves of the seed tree and 34.4 mg/% in the yellowed leaves. Ginkgo leaves contain important macro-and micronutrients such as Ca, Mg, K, Al, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, Co, I, Se, which are necessary for the vital activity of the human body and normal metabolism. The green leaves of the two-leafed ginkgo pollen tree contained 27577.288 mg/l of calcium, 11562.299 mg/l of potassium, the leaves of the seed tree 13912.903 mg/l of calcium and 7491.462 mg/l of potassium. At the same time, the green leaves of ginkgo contain 3073.807 mg/l – 7977.459 mg/l magnesium, 4353.72-5003.88 mg/l phosphorus, 501.073-515.343 mg/l sodium, 779.750 mg/l– the presence of silicon in the amount of 844.039 mg/l and iron in the amount of 373.023 mg/l – 655.148 mg/l was determined.

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