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Horticulture International Journal 
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Published By Medcrave Group

2576-4462, 2576-4462

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Shah Masaud Khan ◽  
Abid Ali ◽  
Ijaz Hussain ◽  
Muhammad Saeed ◽  
Izhar Hussain ◽  

The research was carried out on the “Evaluation of Radish genotypes with special study on sowing geometry at Agricultural Research Institute, Tarnab Peshawar”. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design having three replications. The experiment comprised with two factors, one was sowing dates(19th Oct., 4th., Nov., and 19th Nov) and the other was different genotypes (Mino, Local Red and Local White). The data were recorded on Days to germination, Germination (%), Days to edible maturity, Number of leaves plant-1, Leaf length plant-1 (cm), Root length plant-1 (cm), Root diameter plant-1 (cm), root fresh weight (g), Plot weight (kg) and yield (t ha-1). Sowing dates significantly affected all yield parameters. Sowing of radish on 19th October has more number of Leaves (17.44 leaves) plant-1, Leaf length plant(22.611 cm), root length plant-1(24.058 cm), root diameter plant-1(3.12 cm) fresh root weight (503.95g), the maximum plot weight (50.90 kg plot-1) and higher yield (62.36t ha-1) was observed whereas the crop sown on 19th November showed the minimum days to germination (8.88 days), germination percentage (96.88%) and minimum days to maturity (53 days). Among genotypes Mino take minimum days to germinate(8.22 days), maximum germination percentage (99.22), minimum days to maturity (52.778), maximum number of leaves (19.44 leaves), leaf length (23.422 cm), greater root length (24.588 cm), maximum root diameter (3.53 cm), higher root fresh weight (536.62g), higher weight per plot (52.22 kg) and maximum yield (63.54t ha-1). The results emphasized that the suitable time of sowing for Mino genotype is 19th October for Peshawar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 222-227
Moomin Abu ◽  
Eric Mwinlanaa Yuoni

This study determined the optimum concentration of, and duration of immersion in a local detergent (“awabla”) that protected fruit skin of Kent and Keitt mango varieties from mango fruit sap-induced injury (sap-burn) at harvest.The resultant skin/peel colour, pulp colour, and total soluble solids content was also evaluated for fruit quality. Randomized Complete Block Design and Completely Randomized Design with four replications in each case were used for field and laboratory experiments respectively. For each of the two varieties, ten mango trees were sampled at random in each of the four replications of a mango plantation.On each sample tree, twenty panicles all initiating fruit-set were identified and tagged. The number of days from fruit-set to physiological maturity were monitored and harvested for the experiments. Concentrations of 0.25,0.50, and 0.75% of “awabla” solution for 25,30,and35 minutes immersion period in all combinations were established as appropriate and recommended for management of Kent and Keitt mango fruit sap-induced injury. The detergent (“awabla”) had a proven efficacy in the range of 87-94 % for Kent and 90-93 % for Keitt. The resultant peel colour, pulp colour, and total soluble solids content of Kent and Keitt mango fruit samples were not significantly influenced by the treatments at p>0.05.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 211-220
Subhas Chandra Datta

The most ‘Economically-Important Number-One Consumption-Vegetable-Crops,’ is lost by different pathogens like nematodes, causing the root-knot disease which is definitely controlled by different chemical-pesticides, and on the opposite hand, the pandemic coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) outbreaks of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have emphasized the vulnerability of human populations to novel viral pressures, causing an emergent global pandemic and badly impacts on horticulture-agriculture-environment health socio-economy medical-pharmaceutical science-technology communication issues. So it's an urgent have to develop potential epidemiological and biomedical preventing COVID-19 vaccines. And India emphasis on okra, the ‘Nature's-Gift to Human-Disease-Free-Healthy-Life’, and therefore the ultra-high-diluted biomedicines prepared from okra root, applied and confirmed by foliar spray@ 20 ml/plant each group respectively, are highly effective against the root-knot disease of okra, with increasing fresh-plant growth and fruit production. The high-diluted-biomedicines of okra, are simpler than the untreated ones and show the foremost potential confirmed end in all respects. The genetic-effects of ultra-high-diluted-biomedicines thought to induce systemic acquired resistance response of the treated plants through the expression of pathogenesis-related -proteins-genes (22 to 4 numbers), which are more or less similar molecular range (295kD to 11kD) of the many coronaviruses, and it'll to blame for preventing root-knot and COVID-19 like variant-virus diseases by inducing defense-resistance or increasing innate-immunity, with the toxic-free world, and it should help to develop best potential new preventive treatments methods or drug or vaccines, within the field of ‘21st Century COVID-19 sort of a pandemic within the new normal situation in future, and confirms the “Economic okra Act as a Preventive-COVID-19 Vaccine Advanced Horticulture Agriculture Environment Biodiversity Conservation Science Technology-Communication Applications”, and whole plant act as ‘Nature's-Gift Preventive-COVID-19 Vaccine for All’.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 202-209
P Durairasu ◽  
C Sekhar ◽  
A Vidhyavathi

In Tamil Nadu, there were 32 Forest Development Agencies were functioning in 12 Forest Circles. Coimbatore forest circle is the one in which three FDAs were established and this formed the study area. The study was carried out in Coimbatore Forest Circle following a Multi Stage Random Sampling technique by selecting three hundred tribal households. FDAs were implementing several activities with the participation of tribes to avert man-animal conflicts and to improve the socio economic status of tribes. This study was focusing on documenting the activities and the participation of tribes in those activities. Among the activities, erection of Elephant trenches, plantation development and the Project Elephant schemes implemented by both Forest and Line Department officials have imparted some impacts in reducing the Man-Animal Conflicts by promoting higher employment generation. Because of higher employment opportunities, the participation of tribes were much influenced in FDA activities which are statistically significant at one per cent level. Besides, impact of FDA implementation, Plantation development activities and wild life protection measures are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 192-200

The reproductive successes under natural and manual pollination were assessed. Two cocoa farms around Bobiri Forest Reserve, in the Ejisu-Juabeng District Ghana were purposively selected. Fifteen percent of open flowers from five selected cocoa trees were subjected to manual-pollination and total exclusion. Ninety pods under natural pollination were compared with ninety pods under manually pollination. Proximate analysis was carried out to evaluate the macronutrients of cocoa pod and seeds produced under the two pollination modes. Results show that pollinator exclusion significantly decreased fruit set (df=2, X2 =12.5, P=0.00) and flower set (df= 2, F=25.2, P=0.00) (P=0.00). Pod weights and seed numbers significantly differed (V=0.049, F (4.49)=0.986, p<0.01, eta squared=0.049) irrespective of pod size and mode of pollination, however, there were individual differences. Weights of small pods did not differ (p>0.05) under the two pollination regimes, however, weights of medium size pods (p < 0.05) and that of the large pods (<0.05) produced under the two regimes of pollination differed. Number of beans and the size of pods did not differ under the two modes of pollination. Linear relationship existed between weight (y) and seed number (x) of individual pods: Y=18.56 + 0.016x; R2 =0.45. Macronutrients of pods and seeds did not differ (paired t test= 4.08, 29 d. f.; P=0.12) under the two pollination mode. The study concluded that natural pollination contributed to cocoa production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 187-190
Dhruba Raj Bhattarai ◽  
Sharmila Piya ◽  
Divyanshi Bhattarai ◽  
Bishwash Poudel ◽  
Kumar Mani Dahal

The study was conducted during 2020-2021 to identify the contribution of home garden interventions towards household access to vegetables amidst COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal. Kavreplanchok district was the selected site of study wherein checklist, focus group discussion and field observation were the major data collection methods. Women in the treatment group participated in home gardening orientation and vegetable gardening activities, however, only data collection was done in the control group. Post-intervention data showed 46% households in treatment group practiced improved organic vegetable gardening technologies as compared to 10.67% in control. Furthermore, annual vegetable requirement met from home garden was 62% in treatment group, while it was only 36 % in control group. Similarly, the knowledge on nutrition, home gardening technology and proper handling of vegetables has increased significantly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 181-185
Jéssica Cristina Meira Bezerra ◽  
Brian Turati Rezende ◽  
Jose Antonio Agustini ◽  
Patrick Luan Ferreira dos Santos ◽  
Maximiliano Kawahata Pagliarini ◽  

The Brazilian berry (Pliniacauliflora, sin: Myrciariacauliflora Berg), a native tree of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, called by native people as “Jabuticaba” and cultivated throughout the national territory, is a species produced for consumption in natura, manufacturing liqueurs, ice cream, fermented drinks and juices, jellies, in addition to be used in the pharmaceutical industry for essential oil production. Despite being a tree species, it has been cultivated in pots by those who have little space. Thus, this study aimed to verify substrate compositions with soil in the development of Brazilian berry in full sun and potted. The experimental design was completely randomized, with 3 treatments and 9 replications, being: T1 – Soil + organic compost (1:1); T2 – Soil + sand (1:1); T3 – Soil + sand + organic compost (1:1:1). Chemical and physical properties of substrate mixtures, chlorophyll index and fresh and dry matter of leaves and analysis of leaf macro and micronutrients content were evaluated. Among the evaluated treatments, soil + sand + organic compost (1:1:1) showed favourable results for the evaluated characteristics, while soil + sand (1:1) showed unfavourable results, probably due to the presence of sand in its mixture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 139-143
Aurelia Mendoza-Gómez ◽  
Teresa de Jesús Velázquez-Alcaraz ◽  
Carlos Alfonso López-Orona ◽  
Felipe Ayala-Tafoya ◽  
Tomás Díaz-Valdez ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 134-137
Paula Bergamin Arthur ◽  
Rodrigo Sebastião Rossi Leandro ◽  
Larissa Nalesso Costa Harder ◽  
Marcia Nalesso Costa Harder ◽  
Valter Arthur

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 129-132
Marcia Nalesso Costa Harder ◽  
Ian Harder Formaggio ◽  
Larissa Nalesso Costa Harde ◽  
Débora Cristina Maciel de Lemos Bovi ◽  
Paula Bergamin Arthur ◽  

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