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wing length
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Charalambos T. Thoma ◽  
Konstantina N. Makridou ◽  
Dimitrios E. Bakaloudis ◽  
Christos G. Vlachos

2022 ◽  
Pierre Marie Sovegnon ◽  
Marie Joelle Fanou ◽  
Romaric Akoton ◽  
Oswald Yédjinnavênan Djihinto ◽  
Hamirath Odée Lagnika ◽  

The success achieved in reducing malaria transmission by vector control is threatened by insecticide resistance. To strengthen the current vector control programmes, the non-genetic factors underlying the emergence of insecticide resistance in Anopheles vectors and its widespread need to be explored. This study aimed to assess the effects of larval diet on some life-history traits and pyrethroid-insecticide susceptibility of Anopheles gambiae s.s. Three (3) An. gambiae strains, namely Kisumu (insecticide susceptible), AcerKis (homozygous ace-1 R G119S resistant) and KisKdr (homozygous kdr R L1014F resistant) were fed with three different diets (low, medium, and high) of TetraMin ® Baby fish food. Pre-imaginal developmental time, larval mortality, adult emergence rate and female wing length were measured. Mosquito females were exposed to insecticide-treated net (ITN) PermaNet 2.0 and PermaNet 3.0. In the three An. gambiae strains, significant differences in adult emergence rates ( F = 1054.2; df = 2; p <0.01), mosquito wing length ( F = 970.5; df = 2; p <0.01) and adult survival post insecticide exposure ( χ2 = 173; df = 2; p <0.01), were noticed among the three larval diets. Larvae fed with the low food diets took more time to develop, were smaller at emergence and displayed a short lifespan, while the specimens fed with a high regime developed faster and into big adults. Although being fed with a high diet, none of An. gambiae strain harbouring the kdr R and ace-1 R allele survived 24 hours after exposure against PermaNet 3.0. This study showed that variation in the larval diet significantly impacts An. gambiae life-history traits such as larval mortality and developmental time, adult wing length, and female susceptibility to pyrethroid insecticides. Further investigations through field-based studies would allow an in-depth understanding of the implications of these non-genetic parameters on the physiological traits of malaria vectors and consequently improve resistance management.

Firda Arlina ◽  
Sabrina Husmaini ◽  
R. Rhoudha ◽  
W. R. Sardi ◽  
T. Rafian

Abstract This research was aimed to identifiaty qualitative and quantitative phenotypic polymorphism of Sikumbang Jonti Duck in Kecamatan Payakumbuh Timur Kota Payakumbuh Sumatera Barat. This research used 206 Sikumbang Jonti duck that were sexual maturity (22-48 weeks), divided of 50 males and 156 females. The qualitative traits observeted were head color, neck color, breaks color, back color, primary wings color, tail color, thigh color, bill color, and shank color. The quantitative traits observed were body weight (kg), beak width (cm), beak length (cm), neck length (cm), wing length (cm), femur length (cm), tibia length (cm), shank length (cm), back length (cm), number of primary wing feathers (strands), number of secondary wing feathers (strands), pelvic width (cm), and chest circumference (cm). The result showed that color of Sikumbang Jonti duck was dominated by white. Male Sikumbang Jonti duck had color head was white-black, and female had color head was white. In addition, the Sikumbang Jonti duck had green primary wing feathers like a beetle. The coefficient of diversity of the Sikumbang Jonti duck was low for beak width, tibia length (female), number of primary wing feathers, and number of secondary wing feathers, moderate value for body weight, beak length, neck length, wing length, femur length (female), length tibia (male), shank length, back length, perlvis width (females), and chest circumference (males), and high value for femur length (males). Keywords: Duck morphometric; Germplasm; Pattern color; Payakumbuh; Sumatera barat   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindentifikasi keragaman fenotipe kualitatif dan  kuantitatif itik Sikumbang Jonti di Kecamatan Payakumbuh Timur Kota Payakumbuh Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan 206 ekor itik Sikumbang Jonti yang sudah dewasa kelamin (22 – 48 minggu), terdiri dari 50 ekor jantan dan 156 ekor betina. Sifat kualitatif yang diamati adalah warna bulu head, warna bulu neck, warna bulu breaks, warna back, warna primary wings, warna tail, warna thigh, warna bill, dan warna shank. Sifat kuantitatif yang diamati adalah bobot badan (kg), lebar paruh (cm), panjang paruh (cm), panjang leher (cm), panjang sayap (cm), panjang femur (cm), panjang tibia (cm), panjang shank (cm), panjang punggung (cm), jumlah bulu sayap primer (helai), jumlah bulu sayap sekunder(helai), lebar pelvis (cm), dan lingkar dada (cm). Hasil menunjukkan warna bulu itik Sikumbang Jonti didominasi dengan warna bulu putih. Warna bulu kepala itik Sikumbang Jonti jantan berwarna putih-hitam, sedangkan itik Sikumbang Jonti betina berwarna putih. Selain itu, itik Sikumbang Jonti memiliki warna bulu sayap primer berwarna hijau seperti kumbang. Koefisien keragaman itik Sikumbang Jonti bernilai rendah untuk lebar paruh, panjang tibia (betina), jumlah bulu sayap primer, dan jumlah bulu sayap sekunder, bernilai sedang untuk bobot badan, panjang paruh, panjang leher, panjang sayap, panajng femur (betina), panjang tibia (jantan), panjang shank, panjang punggung, lebar perlvis (betina), dan lingkar dada (jantan), dan bernilai tinggi untuk panjang femur (jantan). Keragaman fenotipe kualitatif dan kuantitatif pada itik Sikumbang Jonti relatif seragam, kecuali pada fenotipe kuantitatif panjang femur pada itik Sikumbang Jonti jantan memiliki keragaman tinggi. Kata kunci: Morfometrik itik; Payakumbuh; Plasma nutfah; Sumatera barat; Warna bulu

2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012022
M Azim ◽  
A Tarman ◽  
M A N Abdullah ◽  
M A Yaman

Abstract Efforts to improve the quality of local chickens, especially free-range chickens, are carried out by improving genetic traits, namely through a strict selection method to produce broilers with the name of Superior Local Broilers (ALPU) and laying purposes with Arab Kampung Chickens (Kamaras). This study was conducted to obtain information on the comparison of ALPU and Kamaras embryo development for genetic improvement as the basis for further research. This study used 105 ALPU hatching eggs and 105 Kamaras hatching eggs, the observations were carried out for 21 days. Eggs were collected for 7 days and then put into the incubator, then observed every day by breaking each 5 ALPU and Kamaras eggs to see 7 parameters of embryo development in the form of: body weight, body length, head circumference, neck length, beak length, wing length and leg length. The results showed that there was no significant developmental difference between ALPU and Kamaras embryos. However, the embryo weight and beak length of Kamaras tended to be larger than those of ALPU, while the head circumference and wing length of ALPU tended to be larger than that of Kamaras. In conclusion, the embryonic development between ALPU and Kamaras showed relatively similar embryo development during the hatching period.

Henrik Henrik ◽  
Marhayani Marhayani ◽  
Fajar Syadik

Abstract This research aimed to identify the morphometrics characteristic and egg production of duck in the center farming area in Tolitoli Regency. There are four districts chosen as the research sample location, which are Dampal Selatan, Lampasio, Galang, and Dako Pemean. In each district, 250 female ducks were used. Parameters was observed is body weight, body length, pubis width, shank length, chest circumference, wings length, neck length, and egg production based on Hand Day Production. The correlation between morphometrics and HDP analyzed by IBM Statistic 25 software. The results showed that pubis width have a strong positive correlation with egg production (r value 0.37 – 0.45). The body weight have negative correlation with HDP (-0.31 to -0.22), chest circumference (-0.13 to -0.05), body length (-0.01 to 0.03), wing length (-0.12 to 0.03), neck length (-0.03 to 0.02), and shank length (0.02 to 0.03). The morphometrics characteristic and egg production in duck center farming area are uniform with an HDP at 63%. Keywords: Correlation; Duck; Egg; Morphometrics; Production   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik morfometrik dan produksi telur itik di sentra peternakan itik Kabupaten Tolitoli. Terdapat empat kecamatan yang dijadikan lokasi sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu Kecamatan Dampal Selatan, Lampasio, Galang, dan Dako Pemean dijadikan sampel penelitian. Masing-masing 250 itik betina yang digunakan. Parameter yang diamati yaitu bobot badan, panjang badan, lebar pubis, panjang shank, lingkar dada, panjang sayap, dan panjang leher serta produksi telur berdasarkan Hen Day Production (HDP). Hubungan morfometrik dengan produksi telur dianalisis menggunakan analisis korelasi menggunakan IBM Statistic 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lebar pubis memiliki korelasi yang positif dan cukup kuat dengan HDP dengan nilai korelasi antara 0,37–0,45. Bobot badan berkorelasi negative dengan HDP (-0,31 sampai -0,22), lingkar dada (-0,13 sampai -0,05), panjang badan (-0,01 sampai 0,03), panjang sayap (-0,12 sampai 0,03), panjang leher (-0,03 sampai 0,02), dan panjang shank (0,02 sampai 0,03). Karakteristik morfometrik dan produksi telur itik pada sentra peternakan yang diteliti seragam dengan nilai HDP sebesar 63%. Kata kunci: Itik; Korelasi; Morfometrik; Produksi; Telur

Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Viktor Baranov ◽  
Jonas Jourdan ◽  
Blue Hunter-Moffatt ◽  
Sajad Noori ◽  
Simon Schölderle ◽  

Size is one of the most outwardly obvious characteristics of animals, determined by multiple phylogenetic and environmental variables. Numerous hypotheses have been suggested to explain the relationship between the body size of animals and their geographic latitude. Bergmann’s Rule, describing a positive relationship between the body size of endothermic animals and their geographic latitude, is especially well known. Whether or not insects exhibit a similar pattern has long been a subject for debate. We hypothesize that latitudinal size gradients are coupled to temperature variation affecting the metabolic rate of these merolimnic insects. We showcase a strong latitudinal size gradient in non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae), based on the examination of 4309 specimens of these midges from around the world. Although phylogenetic position was a key predictor of wing length, we also found that wing length decreases by 32.4 µm per every 1 °C of mean annual temperature increase. This pattern was found across different taxa and could be detected in 20 of 24 genera studied. We discuss the reasons for this pattern origin and its palaeoecological implications.

Yusuf Ziya Oğrak ◽  
Abdullah Özbilgin ◽  
Recep Gümüş ◽  
Milivoje Uroševıć

This study was carried out to determine some zoometric measurements and body weights in two different varieties of Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), white and brown. For this purpose, live weights and variables of twelve different body measurements were evaluated in 30 white and brown varieties (15 males, 15 females), a total of 60 six-week-old quails housed under the same nutritional and environmental conditions. Although higher values were obtained in terms of average body weights at six weeks of age compared to many of the literature reports, there was no difference in terms of the two-color varieties compared in this study, while females were found to be significantly heavier than males. While white quails had higher values than brown ones in terms of head width, beak width, beak length, sternum length, tarsus length and wing length, females had higher values in live weight, body length, chest circumference and tarsus diameter variables according to gender. Positive correlations were found between body weights of six-week-old Japanese quails and the variables of skull length, body length, sternum length, middle finger length, wing length, chest circumference and tarsus diameter. Considering the fact that the consumption of quail will increase for the spread of quail breeding, it can be recommended to carry out more comprehensive studies on the factors that will enable people to prefer quail in nutrition.

eLife ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Tanvi Deora ◽  
Siddharth S Sane ◽  
Sanjay P Sane

The mechanics of Dipteran thorax is dictated by a network of exoskeletal linkages which, when deformed by the flight muscles, generate coordinated wing movements. In Diptera, the forewings power flight, whereas the hindwings have evolved into specialized structures called halteres which provide rapid mechanosensory feedback for flight stabilization. Although actuated by independent muscles, wing and haltere motion is precisely phase-coordinated at high frequencies. Because wingbeat frequency is a product of wing-thorax resonance, any wear-and-tear of wings or thorax should impair flight ability. How robust is the Dipteran flight system against such perturbations? Here, we show that wings and halteres are independently-driven, coupled oscillators. We systematically reduced the wing length in flies and observed how wing-haltere synchronization was affected. The wing-wing system is a strongly-coupled oscillator, whereas the wing-haltere system is weakly-coupled through mechanical linkages which synchronize phase and frequency. Wing-haltere link acts in a unidirectional manner; altering wingbeat frequency affects haltere frequency, but not vice-versa. Exoskeletal linkages are thus key morphological features of the Dipteran thorax which ensure wing-haltere synchrony, despite severe wing damage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (5) ◽  
pp. 20-29
H. H. Gunn ◽  
S. N. Chimenem-Amadi ◽  
V. U. Oleforuh-Okoleh ◽  
B. O. Agaviezor

The study was conducted to assess the genetic diversity and association of motilin receptor gene between growth traits in Nigerian improved native chickens by using 150 chickens of mixed sexes comprised of 50 naked neck, 50 Normal feathered and 50 Frizzled feathered. The birds were kept for 16 weeks during which feed and water were supplied ad libitum as well as medications/vaccinations. During this period, data on feed intake, feed conversion ratio, body weight, wing length, shank length, drumstick, body length, height at withers and breast girth were collected. Blood samples were collected for DNA extraction at the 16 week. Polymerase Chain Reaction and sequencing was done. Data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results revealed C>G mutation that was associated with the growth data. There was no significant (p>0.05) difference between the haplotypes (CC and CG) in feed intake although, CG haplotype (mutant gene) recorded the numerical higher value (3584.00±11.96g). Significant effect (p<0.05) was observed for feed conversion ratio with a range of 4.17±0.09 in CG to 4.22±0.11 in CC. Body weight was also significant (p<0.05) with values ranging from 1672.00±32.93g in CC to 1954.00±29.45g in CG. There was no significant (p>0.05) difference between the haplotype CC (normal) and haplotype CG (mutant) for wing length, shank length, drumstick, body length, height at withers and breast girth. The highest estimates of evolutionary divergence between sequences (0.046) were observed between naked neck chickens and Normal feathered chickens. Normal feathered chicken had the highest within mean group genetic distance of 0.143. These results if properly harnessed could assist in the improvement of the Nigeria local chicken in terms of improved growth performance.       L'étude a été menée pour évaluer la diversité génétique et l'association du gène du récepteur de la motiline entre les traits de croissance chez des poulets indigènes améliorés nigérians en utilisant 150 poulets de sexes mixtes comprenant 50 à cou nu, 50 à plumes normales et 50 à plumes frisées. Les oiseaux ont été gardés pendant 16 semaines au cours desquelles de la nourriture et de l'eau ont été fournies ad libitum ainsi que des médicaments/vaccinations. Au cours de cette période, des données sur la prise alimentaire, le taux de conversion alimentaire, le poids corporel, la longueur des ailes, la longueur du jarret, le pilon, la longueur du corps, la hauteur au garrot et la circonférence de la poitrine ont été recueillies. Des échantillons de sang ont été prélevés pour l'extraction d'ADN à la 16e semaine. La réaction en chaîne par polymérase et le séquençage ont été effectués. Les données recueillies ont été soumises à une analyse de variance (ANOVA). Les résultats ont révélé une mutation  C>G associée aux données de croissance. Il n'y avait pas de différence significative (p>0,05) entre les haplotypes (CC et CG) dans la prise alimentaire bien que l'haplotype CG (gène mutant) ait enregistré la valeur numérique la plus élevée (3584,00±11,96g). Un effet significatif (p<0,05) a été observé pour le taux de conversion alimentaire avec une plage de 4,17 ± 0,09 en CG à 4,22 ± 0,11 en CC. Le poids corporel était également significatif (p<0,05) avec des valeurs allant de 1672,00 ± 32,93 g en CC à 1954,00 ± 29,45 g en CG. Il n'y avait pas de différence significative (p>0,05) entre l'haplotype CC (normal) et l'haplotype CG (mutant) pour la longueur des ailes, la longueur du jarret, le pilon, la longueur du corps, la hauteur au garrot et la circonférence de la poitrine. Les estimations les plus élevées de divergence évolutive entre les séquences (0,046) ont été observées entre les poulets à cou nu et les poulets à plumes normales. Le poulet à plumes normal avait la distance génétique la plus élevée au sein du groupe moyen de 0,143. Ces résultats, s'ils sont correctement exploités, pourraient contribuer à l'amélioration du poulet local du Nigeria en termes de performances de croissance améliorées

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
Sumi Na ◽  
Eunyoung Lee ◽  
Hyunjung Kim ◽  
Seiwoong Choi ◽  
Hoonbok Yi

Abstract Background Organism body size is a basic characteristic in ecology; it is related to temperature according to temperature-size rule. Butterflies are affected in various aspects by climate change because they are sensitive to temperature. Therefore, this study was conducted to understand the effect of an increase in temperature due to global warming on the wing of butterflies. Results A total of 671 butterflies belonging to 9 species were collected from 1990 to 2016 in Seoul (336 specimens) and Mokpo (335 specimens). Consequently, as the mean temperature increased, the wing length of the species increased. However, there are exceptions that the Parnassius stubbendorfii, Pieridae canidia, and Pieris rapae wing length of Seoul increased, but the butterfly wing length of Mokpo decreased. Conclusions The positive correlations between the butterfly wing length and mean temperature showed that the change of mean temperature for about 26 years affects the wing length of butterfly species. The exception is deemed to have been influenced by the limited research environment, and further studies are needed. We would expect that it can be provided as basic data for studying effect of climate change.

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