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beak length
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Firda Arlina ◽  
Sabrina Husmaini ◽  
R. Rhoudha ◽  
W. R. Sardi ◽  
T. Rafian

Abstract This research was aimed to identifiaty qualitative and quantitative phenotypic polymorphism of Sikumbang Jonti Duck in Kecamatan Payakumbuh Timur Kota Payakumbuh Sumatera Barat. This research used 206 Sikumbang Jonti duck that were sexual maturity (22-48 weeks), divided of 50 males and 156 females. The qualitative traits observeted were head color, neck color, breaks color, back color, primary wings color, tail color, thigh color, bill color, and shank color. The quantitative traits observed were body weight (kg), beak width (cm), beak length (cm), neck length (cm), wing length (cm), femur length (cm), tibia length (cm), shank length (cm), back length (cm), number of primary wing feathers (strands), number of secondary wing feathers (strands), pelvic width (cm), and chest circumference (cm). The result showed that color of Sikumbang Jonti duck was dominated by white. Male Sikumbang Jonti duck had color head was white-black, and female had color head was white. In addition, the Sikumbang Jonti duck had green primary wing feathers like a beetle. The coefficient of diversity of the Sikumbang Jonti duck was low for beak width, tibia length (female), number of primary wing feathers, and number of secondary wing feathers, moderate value for body weight, beak length, neck length, wing length, femur length (female), length tibia (male), shank length, back length, perlvis width (females), and chest circumference (males), and high value for femur length (males). Keywords: Duck morphometric; Germplasm; Pattern color; Payakumbuh; Sumatera barat   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindentifikasi keragaman fenotipe kualitatif dan  kuantitatif itik Sikumbang Jonti di Kecamatan Payakumbuh Timur Kota Payakumbuh Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan 206 ekor itik Sikumbang Jonti yang sudah dewasa kelamin (22 – 48 minggu), terdiri dari 50 ekor jantan dan 156 ekor betina. Sifat kualitatif yang diamati adalah warna bulu head, warna bulu neck, warna bulu breaks, warna back, warna primary wings, warna tail, warna thigh, warna bill, dan warna shank. Sifat kuantitatif yang diamati adalah bobot badan (kg), lebar paruh (cm), panjang paruh (cm), panjang leher (cm), panjang sayap (cm), panjang femur (cm), panjang tibia (cm), panjang shank (cm), panjang punggung (cm), jumlah bulu sayap primer (helai), jumlah bulu sayap sekunder(helai), lebar pelvis (cm), dan lingkar dada (cm). Hasil menunjukkan warna bulu itik Sikumbang Jonti didominasi dengan warna bulu putih. Warna bulu kepala itik Sikumbang Jonti jantan berwarna putih-hitam, sedangkan itik Sikumbang Jonti betina berwarna putih. Selain itu, itik Sikumbang Jonti memiliki warna bulu sayap primer berwarna hijau seperti kumbang. Koefisien keragaman itik Sikumbang Jonti bernilai rendah untuk lebar paruh, panjang tibia (betina), jumlah bulu sayap primer, dan jumlah bulu sayap sekunder, bernilai sedang untuk bobot badan, panjang paruh, panjang leher, panjang sayap, panajng femur (betina), panjang tibia (jantan), panjang shank, panjang punggung, lebar perlvis (betina), dan lingkar dada (jantan), dan bernilai tinggi untuk panjang femur (jantan). Keragaman fenotipe kualitatif dan kuantitatif pada itik Sikumbang Jonti relatif seragam, kecuali pada fenotipe kuantitatif panjang femur pada itik Sikumbang Jonti jantan memiliki keragaman tinggi. Kata kunci: Morfometrik itik; Payakumbuh; Plasma nutfah; Sumatera barat; Warna bulu

2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012022
M Azim ◽  
A Tarman ◽  
M A N Abdullah ◽  
M A Yaman

Abstract Efforts to improve the quality of local chickens, especially free-range chickens, are carried out by improving genetic traits, namely through a strict selection method to produce broilers with the name of Superior Local Broilers (ALPU) and laying purposes with Arab Kampung Chickens (Kamaras). This study was conducted to obtain information on the comparison of ALPU and Kamaras embryo development for genetic improvement as the basis for further research. This study used 105 ALPU hatching eggs and 105 Kamaras hatching eggs, the observations were carried out for 21 days. Eggs were collected for 7 days and then put into the incubator, then observed every day by breaking each 5 ALPU and Kamaras eggs to see 7 parameters of embryo development in the form of: body weight, body length, head circumference, neck length, beak length, wing length and leg length. The results showed that there was no significant developmental difference between ALPU and Kamaras embryos. However, the embryo weight and beak length of Kamaras tended to be larger than those of ALPU, while the head circumference and wing length of ALPU tended to be larger than that of Kamaras. In conclusion, the embryonic development between ALPU and Kamaras showed relatively similar embryo development during the hatching period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-192
Kencana Ayudya Prabahandari ◽  
Kasiyati Kasiyati ◽  
Muhammad Anwar Djaelani ◽  
Sunarno Sunarno

 Daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) merupakan bagian tanaman yang mengandung nutrisi pendukung pertumbuhan tulang ekstremitas ayam jantan, meliputi protein dan mineral kalsium. Atas dasar potensi tersebut, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis pakan tambahan tepung daun kelor pada pertumbuhan tulang ekstremitas ayam jantan. Parameter uji penelitian ini meliputi panjang sayap, panjang tibiotarsus, panjang tarsometatarsus, panjang badan, dan panjang paruh. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri atas 5 perlakuan meliputi P0 (pakan standar 100%), P1, P2, P3 dan P4 berturut-turut mendapat tambahan tepung daun kelor 1%, 2%, 3%, dan 4% dengan pakan standar 99%, 98, 97%, dan 96%, tiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Data dianalisis menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dan uji lanjut Duncan Multi Range Test(DMRT) (P<0,05). Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa pemberian tepung daun kelor berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan panjang sayap dan panjang tarsometararsus, namun tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan panjang tibiotarsus, panjang badan, dan panjang paruh. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penambahan tepung daun kelor pada pakan berpotensi meningkatkan panjang tulang sayap dan tulang tarsometatarsus yang merupakan bagian dari tulang ekstremitas ayam jantan Moringa leaf (Moringa oleifera) is part of plant that contains nutrients that support rooster extremity bone growth, including protein and calcium minerals. Base on this potential, doing research to analyzing  effect of supplemented Moringa meal on growth of rooster extremity bones. The test parameters of this study include wing length, tibiotarsus length, tarsometatarsus length, body length, and beak length. The research used completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of 5 treatments including P0 (standard feed 100%), P1, P2, P3, and P4, respectively, received moringa leaf additions of 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% with standard feed of 99%, 98, 97%, and 96%, each treatment was repeated 3 times. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Duncan Multi Range Test (DMRT) advanced test (P <0.05). The results showed that supplementation of Moringa meal was significantly different (P<0.05) of the wing and tarsometatarsal length. However, it was not significantly different (P>0.05) in tibiotarsal length, body length, and beak length. Supplementation of Moringa leaf meal on the diet of rooster did not increase extremity bones at grower phase. The conclusion was addition of Moringa leaf meal in diet potentially increase wing and tarsometatarsal bone length which are part of rooster extremity bones.

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
pp. 22-31
Jonathan Vergara ◽  
Meljan Demetillo ◽  
Leila Ombat ◽  
Jashin Rosal

Plants are reservoirs of bioactive compounds with the potential for pharmaceutical use. In this study, the secondary metabolites of Neonauclea formicaria leaf crude ethanolic extract were determined using phytochemical screening. The plant's leaf extract was then used to test its angiogenesis activity using the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay. Four concentrations of the extract were prepared—0.1 mg/L, 1.0 mg/L, 10.0 mg/L, and 100.0 mg/L and were topically applied on the CAM. Phytochemical screening revealed that N. formicaria leaves contain heavy amounts of flavonoids and tannins, while alkaloids, saponins, and steroids were present in trace amounts. The crude ethanolic extract was anti-angiogenic, as indicated by the significant decrease of vascular density at higher concentrations (P<0.05).  The 100 mg/L extract concentration showed the highest vascular inhibition (50.93%) among the other concentrations, suggesting its angiopreventive potential (P<0.05). Further investigation on the embryo's gross morphometry revealed no significant effects in the weight, crown-rump length, head-beak length, forelimb length, and hind limb length. Also, these indices were not associated with the angiogenesis activity on the CAM. Further studies exploring the specific metabolites of the different plant parts of N. formicaria and the plant's angiopreventive potential are recommended.

Asa Bela Sri Reformasi Nala Putri ◽  
Gushairiyanto Gushairiyanto ◽  
Depison Depison

Abstract The research of this study aims to know quantitative characteristics and genetic distance of several local chicken strains. The research material is Super chicken, KUB chicken, and Kampung chicken. The method used was an experiment with a sample of 82 chickens from each strain. Retrieval of BW and AVG data are collected every month until the age of 2 months, while body measurements are taken at the age of 2 months. The data collected are quantitative characteristics includes body weight, weight gain, beak length, beak width, head length, head circumference, head height, neck length, neck circumference, wing length, back length, back height, back height, chest length, chest width, shank length, shank circumference, tibia length, tibia circumference, third finger length and pubic bone distance.  Data collected were analyzed using t-test to see the difference in BB, PBB, and body measurements using Minitab statistical software 18. Mahalanobis distance approach with a matrix of variance between variables based on chicken strains was arranged into a matrix to determine the discriminant function and then form phylogenetic trees by using the MEGA X program via the UPGMA method. Body weight, average daily gain, and body sizes of Super chickens are bigger than other strains of chickens, while the smallest is owned by Kampung chickens. The closest genetic distance matrix was shown by Super chickens to KUB chickens (4.08) and the farthest genetic distance was shown by KUB chickens to Kampung chickens (13.87). Keywords: Genetic distance; Local chicken; Quantitatif characteristic   Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakteristik kuantitatif dan jarak genetik beberapa galur ayam lokal. Materi penelitian ini adalah ayam Super, ayam KUB, dan ayam Kampung. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan sampel 82 ekor ayam jantan/betina yang dipelihara umur 1 hari sampai umur 2 bulan pada masing-masing galur. Pengambilan data BB dan PBB diambil pada setiap bulan hingga ayam berumur 2 bulan, sedangkan ukuran-ukuran tubuh diambil pada umur 2 bulan. Data yang dihimpun adalah karakteristik kuantitatif meliputi bobot badan, pertambahan bobot badan, panjang paruh, lebar paruh, panjang kepala, lingkar kepala, tinggi kepala, panjang leher, lingkar leher, panjang sayap, panjang punggung, tinggi punggung, panjang dada, lebar dada, panjang shank, lingkar shank, panjang tibia, lingkar tibia, panjang jari ketiga dan jarak tulang pubis. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis menggunakan uji-t untuk melihat perbedaan BB, PBB, dan ukuran-ukuran tubuh menggunakan perangkat lunak statistika Minitab 18. Pendekatan jarak Mahalanobis dengan matriks peragam antara peubah berdasarkan galur ayam disusun menjadi sebuah matriks untuk mengetahui fungsi diskriminan kemudian membentuk pohon filogenetik dengan menggunakan program MEGA X melalui metode UPGMA. BB, PBB, dan ukuran-ukuran tubuh ayam Super lebih besar dibandingkan dengan galur ayam lainnya, sedangkan yang paling kecil dimiliki oleh ayam Kampung. Nilai matrik jarak genetik terdekat ditunjukkan oleh ayam Super dengan ayam KUB (4,08) dan jarak genetik terjauh ditunjukkan oleh ayam KUB dengan ayam Kampung (13,87). Kata Kunci: Ayam lokal; Jarak genetik; Karakteristik kuantiatif

Elena F. Boer ◽  
Hannah F. Van Hollebeke ◽  
Carson Holt ◽  
Mark Yandell ◽  
Michael D. Shapiro

SummaryVertebrate craniofacial morphogenesis is a highly orchestrated process that is directed by evolutionarily conserved developmental pathways 1,2. Within species, canalized developmental programs typically produce only modest morphological variation. However, as a result of millennia of artificial selection, the domestic pigeon (Columba livia) displays radical variation in craniofacial morphology within a single species. One of the most striking cases of pigeon craniofacial variation is the short beak phenotype, which has been selected in numerous breeds. Classical genetic experiments suggest that pigeon beak length is regulated by a small number of genetic factors, one of which is sex-linked (Ku2 locus) 3–5. However, the molecular genetic underpinnings of pigeon craniofacial variation remain unknown. To determine the genetic basis of the short beak phenotype, we used geometric morphometrics and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping on an F2 intercross between a short-beaked Old German Owl (OGO) and a medium-beaked Racing Homer (RH). We identified a single locus on the Z-chromosome that explains a majority of the variation in beak morphology in the RH x OGO F2 population. In complementary comparative genomic analyses, we found that the same locus is also strongly differentiated between breeds with short and medium beaks. Within the differentiated Ku2 locus, we identified an amino acid substitution in the non-canonical Wnt receptor ROR2 as a putative regulator of pigeon beak length. The non-canonical Wnt (planar cell polarity) pathway serves critical roles in vertebrate neural crest cell migration and craniofacial morphogenesis 6,7. In humans, homozygous ROR2 mutations cause autosomal recessive Robinow syndrome, a rare congenital disorder characterized by skeletal abnormalities, including a widened and shortened facial skeleton 8,9. Our results illustrate how the extraordinary craniofacial variation among pigeons can reveal genetic regulators of vertebrate craniofacial diversity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 134-143
Thobela Louis Tyasi ◽  
Khomotso Mashiloane ◽  
Kwena Mokoena

Linear body measurement traits are used for the estimation of body weight in animal breeding to aid livestock farmers where the weighing scale is not available. The objective of the work was to determine the effect of breed on body weight (BW) and linear body measurement traits such as wing length (WL), keel length (KL), shank circumference (SC), chest circumference (CC) and beak length (BL) of two (Hy-line Silver Brown and Potchefstroom Koekoek) layer chicken layer breeds. A total of 100 layers with 50 for each breed were randomly selected for the study at the age of 22 weeks. Pearson’s correlation and Student T-Test were used for data analysis. Correlation was employed to examine the relationship between measured traits in each breed. Correlation findings showed that BW had a highly positive statistical significant correlation (p < 0.01) with WL (r = 0.76) in Potchefstroom Koekoek breed, while BW had a negative statistical significant correlation (p < 0.05) with WL (r = -0.27) in Hy-line Silver Brown chicken layer breed.  Student T-Test results indicated that Potchefstroom Koekoek chicken layer breed was statistically (P<0.05) heavier than Hy-line Silver Brown chicken layer breed. Potchefstroom Koekoek had longer wing length and chest circumference than Hy-line Silver Brown while Hy-line Silver Brown had longer (P<0.05) keel length, shank circumference and beak length than Potchefstroom Koekoek. It is concluded that the results suggest that Potchefstroom Koekoek chicken layer breed is a weightier indigenous layer but keel length, shank circumference and beak length might require improvement. It also suggests that improvement of WL might improve BW of Potchefstroom Koekoek breed while improvement of WL might decrease BW of Hy-line Silver Brown chicken layer breed.

2021 ◽  
Ricardo Marcelino Claudino ◽  
Yasmine Antonini ◽  
Cristiane Martins ◽  
Marina Beirao ◽  
Erika Martins Braga ◽  

Interspecific competition can strongly influence community structure and shape niche breadth and overlap. One of the main factors that determine the hummingbird community structure is competition for food. Hummingbirds functional attributes, such as beak length and body mass, influence nectar acquisition in the flowers, shaping foraging niches according to hummingbird dominance and foraging strategy. This study evaluates how the hummingbirds' functional and behavioral attributes are related to plants assemblage in rocky outcrops' habitats. We tested the following hypothesis: H1) Functional traits (beak length and body mass) are related to the richness and frequency of pollen grain morphotypes carried by hummingbirds; H2) Dominant and territorial hummingbirds carry a lower richness and frequency of pollen types when compared to subordinate hummingbirds, and H3) Hummingbird species carry different types of pollen grains. We conducted the study between September 2018 and March 2019 in a Campo Rupestre (rocky outcrops) in Southeastern Brazil. Hummingbirds were captured with a trap built based on trapdoors. We recorded their beak size and body masses, marked with commercial bird rings and ink on parts of the body, and then released. Behavioral responses to artificial feeders were collected regarding each visit's time and duration and the outcome of aggressive interactions. The pollen adhered to the body parts was collected and identified in the laboratory. Our results showed that neither body size nor aggressive behaviors influenced pollen richness and frequency in rocky outcrops. Beak length was the most important hummingbirds' attribute that influenced pollen richness, but not pollen frequency. Short-billed hummingbirds carried the greatest richness of pollen grains. Pollen grain richness and frequency were not related to hummingbird body mass or aggressive behavior. The hummingbird-pollen grain interaction network has shown to be generalized in the pollen grain transport. We conclude that hummingbirds' beak length is the central morphological variable to measure pollen grain transport. It has direct implications for the pollination of different plant species.

Hasan Eleroğlu ◽  
Beyhan Yeter ◽  
Ökkeş Akyar

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of housing system on morphological characteristics of Atak-S cocks reared in closed and free range systems. Cocks were fed with standard feed according to feeding program for seventeen weeks. In order to determine the effect of the housing system on some morphological features and asymmetry, Crest length (İU), Crest width (İG), Eye width (GG), Nose length (BU), Face width (YG), Wattle length (SU), Beak length (GU) in bilateral features, measurements were made from the right and left sides on the head of the cocks. Furthermore, foot features such as Width of tarsometatarsus at the joint with tibiotarsus (EG), Length of tarsometatarsus (TU), Width at 1 cm above the spur of tarsometatarsus (MG1), Width of tarsometatarsus at the spur (MG2), Length of the back toe (AP), Length of the outer toe nail (DT), Length of the fourth phalanx of the outer toe (D4), Length of the third phalanx of the outer toe (D3), Length of the mid toe nail (OT), Length of the fourth phalanx of the mid toe (O4), Length of the third phalanx of the mid toe (O3) measurements were taken on the right and left feet of the cocks. All measurements were made in millimetres (0.01 mm) using a digital caliper. Relative asymmetry (GA) and fluctuating asymmetry (DA) values were calculated for the features showing bilateral symmetry. According to the statistical analysis on the obtained data, the morphological characteristics of ATAK-S cocks were not affected by the housing system, and that the characters underlined in both housing conditions developed in the same way as right and left.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-6
I. O. Dudusola ◽  
H. A. Bashiru ◽  
I. Awojimi

Morphometric traits have been found useful in quantifying body size and shape and scientific information on them would be required for genetic improvement of turkeys. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of sex and genotype on morphometric traits of turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). Linear body measurements were taken on 70 exotic turkeys (20 males and 50 females) and 80 locally adapted turkeys (30 males and 50 females) randomly selected from the Turkey Unit at Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching and Research Farm. The linear body measurements taken and recorded were the beak length, head length, neck length, body length, keel length, wing span, wing length, drumstick, Shank length, toe length, tail length and body girth all taken in centimeters (cm) using a measuring tape. Data were analyzed with the GLM procedure of SAS and Duncan Multiple Range Test was used to detect differences among means. There were significant differences (p <0.05) between male and female turkeys with male turkeys having higher values as an expression of sexual dimorphism for all studied traits. Further, the male was found to be significantly higher (p <0.05) than the females for all the morphometric traits measured both for the local and exotic type. The exotic type was found to be significantly (p <0.05) higher than the local type for all the morphometric traits measured. There were significant (p <0.05) interactions between sex and genotype with the male exotic having higher values of all the morphometric traits observed. It was concluded that turkeys are sexually dimorphic and that exotic type had higher body conformation and morphology than their locally adapted counterpart.

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