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banana tree
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-54
Jujuk Juhariah ◽  
Margaretha Praba Aulia

Tahun 2020 merupakan tahun yang cukup sulit bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Adanya virus corona jenis baru memaksa masyarakat untuk beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan baru. Salah satu masalah terbesar yang dihadapi adalah dengan adanya kebijakan lockdown  yang menyebabkan sulitnya distribusi bahan pangan. Oleh sebab itu edukasi masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan secara organik dengan mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang ada disekitar pekarangan rumah perlu dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui respon tanaman cabai keriting dengan menggunakan pupuk fermentasi urin sapi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara memberikan perlakuan variasi pemupukan dengan mencampur urin sapi dan EM4 (perlakuan A); urin sapi, EM4, dan batang pohon pisang (perlakuan B); urin sapi, EM4, dan sabut kelapa (perlakuan C); dan urin sapi, EM4, dan akar kacang tanah (perlakuan D). Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter batang, dan bobot biomassa kering tanaman.  Perlakuan penambahan sabut kelapa pada fermentasi urin sapi memberikan pengaruh yang nyata pada parameter tinggi tanaman. Sedangkan penambahan akar kacang tanah pada fermentasi pupuk urin sapi meningkatkan bobot biomassa kering tanaman secara signifikan. Penambahan batang pohon pisang pada fermentasi urin sapi secara nyata memberikan pengaruh terhadap diameter batang tanaman cabai keriting. Akan tetapi, jumlah daun tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dari semua jenis pemupukan. The year 2020 is quite a difficult year for the people of Indonesia. The existence of a new coronavirus type forces people to adapt to new habits. One of the biggest problems faced is the lockdown policy which makes it difficult for food distribution. Therefore, it is necessary to educate the public to utilize the yard organically by optimizing the existing resources around the yard of the house. This study aimed to determine the response of curly chili plants using cow urine fermentation fertilizer. The research was conducted by giving various fertilization treatments by mixing cow urine and EM4 (treatment A); cow urine, EM4, and banana tree trunks (treatment B); cow urine, EM4, and coconut husk (treatment C); and cow urine, EM4, and groundnut root (treatment D). Parameters observed in this study were plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, and dry biomass weight of the plant. The addition of coconut fiber in cow urine fermentation has a significant effect on plant height parameters. Meanwhile, the addition of groundnut roots to fermented cow urine fertilizer increased the dry biomass weight of the plant significantly. The addition of banana tree trunks to cow urine fermentation significantly affected the stem diameter of curly chili plants. However, the number of leaves did not show a significant difference between all types of fertilization.

Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 3744
K. Z. M. Abdul Motaleb ◽  
Abdul Ahad ◽  
Ginta Laureckiene ◽  
Rimvydas Milasius

Four types of nonwovens were prepared from different sections of the banana tree e.g., outer bark (OB), middle bark (MB), inner bark (IB) and midrib of leaf (MR) by wet laid web formation. They were reinforced with two different types of matrices e.g., epoxy and polyester, to make eight variants of composites. Treatments including alkali on raw fibers, water repellent on nonwovens and gamma radiation on composites were applied in order to investigate their effects on properties of the composites such as water absorbency, tensile strength (TS), flexural strength (FS) and elongation at break (Eb%). Variations in the morphological structure and chemical composition of both raw banana fibers and fibers reinforced by the treatments were analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). OB composites exhibited higher water absorbency, TS and FS and lower Eb% compared to other types of composites. Epoxy composites were found to have 16% lower water absorbency, 41.2% higher TS and 39.1% higher FS than polyester composites on an average. Water absorbency of the composites was reduced 32% by the alkali treatment and a further 63% by water repellent treatment. TS and FS of the composites were on average improved 71% and 87% by alkali treatment and a further 30% and 35% by gamma radiation respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 1208-1221
Bernard Bacye ◽  
Hyacinthe Sami Kambire ◽  
Marie Ouindnonga Sawadogo ◽  
Abdoul Moumouni Zonga

Au Burkina Faso, le recyclage des résidus de culture constitue un défi pour l’amélioration de la productivité des systèmes de production agricole. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer les effets de la gestion des résidus du bananier (Musa acuminata C.) et de la fumure minérale sur les caractéristiques chimiques du sol et le rendement du maïs (Zea mays L.). Un essai en split-plot avec quatre répétitions comparant quatre modes de gestion des résidus du bananier et quatre options de fumure minérale a été conduit en culture pluviale et en culture irriguée. Les rendements grains du maïs ont augmenté de 24 à 66,2% avec le paillage et l’enfouissement de résidus par rapport au brûlage et au ramassage. Le pH, le carbone total, l’azote total et le potassium disponible du sol ont été améliorés par le paillage, l’enfouissement et le brûlage des résidus comparativement au ramassage. L’utilisation combinée des résidus et des engrais a permis un accroissement significatif des rendements. Cependant, elle a induit une baisse du pH et du potassium total du sol comparativement au témoin. L’étude a montré l’intérêt du paillage et de l’enfouissement des résidus du bananier combiné avec la fumure azotée pour améliorer les rendements de maïs. English title: The effects of banana tree residues managements and mineral fertilizers use options on soil chemical properties and maize yield in a banana tree / maize rotation system in western Burkina Faso In Burkina Faso, the recycling of crop residues for improving the productivity of cropping systems is still a challenge. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the management of banana tree (Musa acuminata C.) residues and mineral fertilizers on both soil chemical characteristics and the yield of maize (Zea mays L.). A split-plot trial with four repetitions comparing four management types of banana tree residues (mulching, burying, burning and exporting) and four application options of mineral fertilizers was conducted in rain-fed and irrigated cropping systems. The results revealed that the maize grain yield increased by 24 to 66.2% with mulching and burying residues (green manure) compared to burning or exporting the banana tree residues. Soil pH, total carbon and nitrogen as well as available potassium were improved by the mulching, burying and burning compared to exporting the banana tree residues. The combined use of the residues and mineral fertilizers significantly improved the maize yield. However, it caused a decrease in the soil pH and total potassium compared to the control treatment. The study demonstrated that mulching and burying banana tree residues in combination with mineral fertilizer improves maize yield.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (8-9) ◽  
pp. 755-767
Ignace Safari Murhububa ◽  
Kévin Tougeron ◽  
Claude Bragard ◽  
Marie-Laure Fauconnier ◽  
Espoir Bisimwa Basengere ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 47-54
Jean-Martial F. K. Kassi ◽  
Henri P. N’Guessan ◽  
Seydou Tuo ◽  
Brahima Camara ◽  
Daouda Koné

Black leaf streak disease (BLSD) is the major constraint on banana production around the world. In Côte d'Ivoire, this disease is found in all banana-growing areas and its management involves the use of large volumes of agrochemicals. This mode of production is increasingly denounced by consumers from regarding fruit contamination by phytopharmaceuticals. The objective of this study is to promote the use of NECO 50 EC, a plant extract-based biofungicide in an integrated black Sigatoka management system. The fungitoxic effect of NECO 50 EC was assessed in vitro on Mycosphaerella fijiensis conidia germination and the evolution of black leaf streak disease symptoms under natural infestation. NECO 50 EC was applied over a surface area of 25 ha at a rate of 0.3 l/ha. Its weekly effect on the evolution of the rank of the youngest leaf affected (YLA), the rank of the youngest necrotic leaf (YLN), the number of functional leaves at flowering (NFLF) and the number of functional leaves at harvest (NFLH) was determined and then compared to those of a morpholine (Volley 88 OL) applied over a surface area of 25 ha at a dose of 0.5 l/ha. NECO 50 EC showed an anti-germinating effect on Mycosphaerella fijiensis conidia at low doses, useful in reducing disease spreading. Its application in banana tree plantations reduced disease pressure on the plots. It ensured the protection of new leaves generated (YLA > 4), favored ranks of YLN greater than 9. More than 14 leaves were counted at flowering and more than 7 leaves at harvest were observed. NECO 50 EC, a plant extract-based biological fungicide, may be an effective alternative for black leaf streak disease control in industrial banana tree plantations.

Sirok Bastra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-66
Siti Sofiah Fitriyani ◽  
Heni Endriyani ◽  
Seina Dwi Nurmadila

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi keberadaan cerita rakyat yang sudah dikenal oleh khalayak umum, yakni cerita Ciung Wanara dan Cindelaras. Namun, di samping cerita rakyat yang sudah diketahui tersebut, terdapat pula cerita rakyat sejenis yang belum diketahui oleh masyarakat luas. Cerita rakyat itu adalah cerita rakyat Asal-usul Warna Merah pada Pohon Pisang yang notabene memiliki kemiripan dengan cerita rakyat Ciung Wanara, dan cerita rakyat Cindelaras. Kemiripan yang muncul dari ketiga cerita rakyat ini dapat dilihat dari motif-motif yang hadir melalui unsur intrinsik cerita, khususnya dalam tokoh dan alur. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan sastra bandingan. Adapun teori yang digunakan, yaitu teori folklor dan motif Thomson. Sumber data dari penelitian ini ialah data primer dan sekunder. Data primer didapatkan melalui proses wawancara secara langusng dengan narasumber, sedangkan data sekunder didapatkan melalui media internet. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua motif yang paling dominan di antara cerita rakyat Ciung Wanara, Cindelaras, dan Asal-usul Warna Merah pada Pohon Pisang. Kedua motif tersebut yaitu motif ibu tiri dan motif hewan ajaib. Hal ini menunjukkan jika dalam ketiga cerita rakyat tersebut dapat ditarik benang merah yang mengindikasikan kesamaan melalui motif yang dominan. Namun, terdapat juga perbedaan yang dilatarbelakangi oleh kebudayaan kolektif pemiliknya, sehingga dapat dikatakan jika ketiga cerita rakyat ini merupakan cerita yang berbeda tetapi dengan karakteristik yang hampir sama. This research is motivated by the existence of folklore that is well-known by the general public, namely the story of Ciung Wanara and Cindelaras. However, in addition to the known folklore, there are also similar folklore that is not yet known by the wider community. The folklore is the folklore of the Origin of the Red Color on the Banana Tree which incidentally has similarities with Ciung Wanara folklore, and Cindelaras folklore. Similarities that emerge from these three folklore can be seen from the motives that are present through the intrinsic elements of the story, especially in characters and plot. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method with a comparative literary approach. The theory used is the folklore theory and Thomson's motives. Data sources from this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data weve the interview process directly with the resource persons, while secondary data obtained through internet media. The results of this study indicate that there are two of the most dominant motives among Ciung Wanara folklore, Cindelaras, and the Red Origin of Banana Trees. The two motives are: 1) the stepmother's motives; and 2) the magical animal motive. This shows that in all three folklore a red thread can be drawn indicating similarity through dominant motives. However, there are also differences that are motivated by the collective culture of their owners, so it can be said if these three folklore are different stories but with almost the same characteristics.

2021 ◽  
K.Z.M. Abdul Motaleb ◽  
Abdul Ahad ◽  
Ginta Laureckiene ◽  
Rimvydas Milasius

Abstract Four types of nonwovens were prepared from different sections of the banana tree e.g., outer bark (OB), middle bark (MB), inner bark (IB) and midrib of leaf (MR) by wet laid web formation. They were reinforced on two different types of matrices e.g., epoxy (E) and polyester (P) to make eight variants of composites. Different concentration (5–15%) of NaOH and water repellent (WR); and different doses (100-500krd) of gamma radiation were applied in different stages of process. The properties like water absorbency, tensile strength (TS), flexural strength (FS) and elongation at break (Eb%) were investigated. OB composites were exhibited higher water absorbency, TS and FS but lower Eb% than other types of composites. Epoxy composites were found to have 16% lower water absorbency, 41.2% higher TS and 39.1% higher FS than polyester composites on an average. Alkali treatment reduced the water absorbency by 32%; improved the TS by 71%; improved the FS by 87% on an average at 15% NaOH. Water repellent treatment (on alkali treated composites) decreased the absorbency by 63% at 10% WR but increased 6.3% at 15% WR. Gamma radiation improved the TS of 30% and FS of 35% on an average at a dose of 100krd for IB and 200krd for other composites. Further increment of dose reduced both the FS and TS.

Rafael Azevedo Arruda de Abreu ◽  
Natalia Ferreira Suárez ◽  
Rafael Pio ◽  
Carolina Valeriano de Carvalho ◽  
Leonardo Pereira da Silva Brito ◽  

S. Kuikel ◽  
B. Upadhyay ◽  
D. Aryal ◽  
S. Bista ◽  
B. Awasthi ◽  

Abstract. Individual Tree Crown (ITC) delineation from aerial imageries plays an important role in forestry management and precision farming. Several conventional as well as machine learning and deep learning algorithms have been recently used in ITC detection purpose. In this paper, we present Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) as the deep learning and machine learning algorithms along with conventional methods of classification such as Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) and Nearest Neighborhood (NN) classification for banana tree delineation. The comparison was done based by considering two cases; Firstly, every single classifier was compared by feeding the image with height information to see the effect of height in banana tree delineation. Secondly, individual classifiers were compared quantitatively and qualitatively based on five metrices i.e., Overall Accuracy, Recall, Precision, F-Score, and Intersection Over Union (IoU) and best classifier was determined. The result shows that there are no significant differences in the metrices when height information was fed as there were banana tree of almost similar height in the farm. The result as discussed in quantitative and qualitative analysis showed that the CNN algorithm out performed SVM, OBIA and NN techniques for crown delineation in term of performance measures.

Juan Esteban Mayorquín Guevara ◽  
Alex Guimarães Sanches ◽  
Vanessa Maria Dantas Pedrosa ◽  
Mara Cristina Pessoa da Cruz ◽  
José Antônio Alberto da Silva ◽  

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