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soil moisture storage
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Lina Saraswati ◽  
Sugeng Prijono ◽  
Budi Prasetya

Background: The study of the moisture balance can be used to suppose the plants water requirement and the plants water use efficiency. The moisture balance influenced by climate factor, therefore climate change can affect the moisture balance especially in rainfed. Therefore, an effort is needed to manage soil moisture in rainfed as a climate change mitigation measure: soil and water conservation. This study aimed to determine the influence of soil and water conservation on the moisture balance in the coffee root zone. Methods: This study was conducted at people’s coffee plantation of Argotirto village, Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency, located between 8.2411-8.1443 S and 112.4031-112.4634 E. Observation were made on February to November 2020, divided into observations in the wet season, dry seasons and flowering period. The observation plots consisted of terraced plot (P0), terraced + straight silt pit (P1), terraced + L-shaped silt pit (P2) and terrace + biopore (P3). The observation variables were: soil physical characteristics and moisture balance components there were precipitation, percolation, runoff, evapotranspiration and soil moisture storage. Result: At P1, the runoff depth was 80.89% lower and the percolation was 44.22% higher than P0. The total soil moisture storage at P1 was 20.06% higher than P0 in the dry season, indicating that P1 could increase the period of surplus moisture in the dry season.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 375-382
H. P. DAS ◽  

In the present study, a two layer model has been proposed to estimate evapotranspiration, soil moisture storage and runoff. For this purpose soil profile has been assumed to be composed of two layers : the top layer having a fixed field capacity of 100 mm and the underlying layer having field capacity depending on the soil texture. Normal values of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration have been used in the study.   The model, applied to kharif and rabi seasons furnishes crop evapotranspiration period when soil in two layers reach wilting point and surface runoff and its duration.   The model developed has been applied to 411ocations representing most of the soil types found in India. The analysis revealed that lowest ET is seen over Himalayan foothills and northeast India in kharif and rabi seasons. Enough residual soil moisture is available to the crops at the end of kharif season over NE India; most of it being in the top layer. Eastern India record largest runoff of 800-1000 mm. Arid to semi-arid region in NW India does not seem to experience much runoff.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8

Summary. Following the commissioning of the Gabčíkovo (Bős) hydroelectric power plant in 1992, a monitoring program was launched to assess the agricultural and forestry consequences of the diversion of the Danube into a newly built derivation channel in the Žitný ostrov (Csallóköz) and Szigetköz areas. Prior to the Danube diversion, groundwater played a significant role in the water supply of plants, therefore it is of primary importance to monitor the changes in groundwater levels and soil moisture. Correlation between the groundwater depth and soil moisture time series taken at four measurement points of Szigetköz (T-03, T-04, T-09, T-16) between 1995 and 2012 was analysed. Average and extreme water levels (quartiles 1 and 4) were examined for the 18-year time series, in which 2nd and 3rd quartiles of the groundwater levels were treated together as characteristic water level. It was found that groundwater significantly correlated with soil moisture storage below the rooting zone of field crops. Összefoglalás. A Gabčíkovo (Bős) vízerőművet 1992-ben helyezték üzembe. A dunacsúnyi duzzasztó vize a bősi erőművön átfolyva a Szlovákiában épített vízlevezető csatornából 40 km után tért vissza a korábbi Duna főmederbe. A régi Duna főmederbe emiatt az elterelt szakaszon a korábbi vízmennyiség ötöde került. Minthogy mind a szlovákiai, mind a magyarországi mezőgazdasági és erdőterületek vízellátásában a talajvíz és a dunai árhullámok jelentős szerepet játszottak, 1995-től a Duna-elterelés hatásának felmérésére talajvízszint és talajnedvesség monitoring program indult a Csallóközben és a Szigetközben. A szlovák megfigyelések publikált anyagainak megállapításait és a Szigetközből két szántóföld, egy kaszálórét és egy nyárfaültetvény 1995 és 2012 közötti mérési adatait dolgoztuk fel. A talajvízmélység és a 10 cm-es talajrétegek mért térfogatszázalékos (v.%) nedvességtartalmából számított talajvízkészletek közötti korrelációt számítottuk. A 18 éves idősoron külön vizsgáltuk a jellemző, illetve a szélsőséges vízszintek (1. és 4. kvartilisek) hatását. A jellemző vízszintek hatásának vizsgálatához a talajvízszint értékek 2. és 3. kvartilisét egyben kezeltük. Megállapítottuk, hogy szignifikáns, ill. közel szignifikáns összefüggés csupán az átlagosnál a talajfelszínhez közelebbi (Q1) talajvízmélység esetén volt kimutatható mind a mély (T-03), mind a sekély talajrétegű (T-09) szántóföld 210–300 cm-es, illetve 120–140 cm-es talajszintjében. Vagyis a szántóföldi kultúrák számára az átlagos talajvízmélység nem jelentett vízpótlást. A régi Duna főmederhez közeli kaszálóréten (T-04) a talajvízmélység helyett a dunaremetei medervízszint adatok és a talajnedvességkészlet között még a 140 cm-es mélységben található kavicsos alapkőzet fölötti 20 cm-es talajrétegben sem volt jelentős kapcsolat. A mély talajrétegű (300 cm) erdészeti mérőhely (T-16) talajvízmélység és talajnedvességkészlet korrelációja csupán a 210–300 cm-es talajréteg esetében volt közel szignifikáns. A nyárültetvények fejlődéséhez szükséges éves 700–900 mm vízigény biztosítására emiatt a régi Duna főmederbe engedett többletvízre lenne szükség. A szántóföldi kultúrák terméshozama is elsősorban az adott év csapadékmennyisége és eloszlása szerint alakul. Amennyiben az időjárási feltételek kedvezőtlenek, megoldásként öntözni szükséges. Beszámoltunk továbbá arról, hogy két éve négy mérőhely üzemel, ami a naponta óránként mért 6 órás átlag talajnedvesség-adatokat gyűjti. A folyamatos talajnedvesség-adatgyűjtés célja az időjárás, a növényi vízfelhasználás és a talajvízből történő nedvesítés nyomon követése és a talajvízforgalom-modell leírásának a kontrollja. A közeljövő feladata az évente 12-14 alkalommal az ezeken a mérőhelyeken is gyűjtött kapacitívszondás és a folyamatos nedvességmérési eredmények megfeleltetése, minthogy a bemutatott közel azonos példa mellett több helyen és mélységben időben párhuzamos módon változik ugyan a kétféle érték, azonban akár több, mint 5 v.% különbséggel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (18) ◽  
pp. 10136
Fred Kizito ◽  
Jane Gicheha ◽  
Abdul Rahman Nurudeen ◽  
Lulseged Tamene ◽  
Kennedy Nganga ◽  

Landscape restoration initiatives often have the potential to result in environmental gains, but the question of whether these gains are sustainable and how they are linked to other community needs (social, productivity and economic gains) remains unclear. We use the Sustainable Intensification Assessment Framework (SIAF) to demonstrate how environmental benefits are linked to productivity, environment, social, human, and economic components. Using the SIAF, the standardization of relevant indicators across multiple objectives provided a contextual representation of sustainability. The study assessed the overall gains resulting from the measured indicators of sustainable land management (SLM) practices and their relationship to the multiple domains of the SIAF. We present a unique case for SLM options using a combined-methods approach where biophysical, socio-economic, and citizen science help assess the sustainability of the interventions. Using a participatory approach with farmers, land restoration options were conducted in four target micro-watersheds for 3 years (2015–2017). Co-developed restoration measures at the landscape level within the four micro-watersheds (MW1-MW4) resulted in a substantial increment (50%) for all treatments (grass strips, terraces, and a combination of grass strips and terraces) in soil moisture storage and increased maize and forage production. We demonstrate that SLM practices, when used in combination, greatly reduce soil erosion and are profitable and sustainable while conferring livelihood benefits to smallholder farmers.

2021 ◽  
Erhao Meng ◽  
Shengzhi Huang ◽  
Qiang Huang ◽  
Linyin Cheng ◽  
Wei Fang

Abstract The monthly changes in total water storage (△TWS) can be employed for drought and flood monitoring and early warning and can be obtained from the total water storage anomalies (TWSA) of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). However, the relatively short GRACE time series limits its further wide application. To this end, a combined prediction (CP) model including Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was proposed in this study for the reconstruction and extension of monthly TWSA from 1960 to 2012. Moreover, an innovative input selection strategy is proposed to build a monthly TWSA prediction model, in which the partial correlation algorithm is used to select the best input variables from candidate input variables. These candidate input variables include streamflow, precipitation, evaporation, and soil moisture storage (SMS). The Yunnan province, a typical humid area in China, was selected as a case study. The results show that: (1) The innovative input selection strategy effectively improves the simulation ability of the model, especially when the candidate input variables influence each other; (2) The performance of the CP model using the innovative input selection strategy is best; (3) The monthly △TWS obtained from the extension of TWSA recorded five of the seven extreme meteorological drought events in Yunnan Province from 1961 to 2001, therefore, the reliability of the expanded TWSA is better than GLDAS TWSA. Generally, the findings of this study showed that the CP model using an innovative input selection strategy is a useful and powerful tool for monthly TWSA prediction.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 1719
Ziqi Liu ◽  
Rong She ◽  
Kangning Xiong ◽  
Yuan Li ◽  
Lulu Cai

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of different vegetation restoration types on soil hydrology characteristics in the Karst Plateau Gorge and to clarify the soil moisture (θ) use characteristics. A barrel experiment was conducted to monitor θ and the water potential (Ψ) of three vegetation types (Zanthoxylum bungeanum (ZB), Zea mays L. (ZM), and Sophora tonkinensis (ST), Abandoned land (AL)) was used as a control to explore θ use conditions of each vegetation type. A larger surface permeability led to lower moisture storage. The soil moisture storage showed the law of ZM > ST > AL > ZB. The soil moisture storage also had obvious characteristics in dry-wet seasons. As a typical drought-tolerant crop, ZB responded more obviously to rainfall and had the highest effective replenishment amount and efficiency. Two processes were clearly involved in decreasing soil moisture, which could be divided into three stages of changes: a consumption period (CP), a moisture supplying period (SP), and a relatively stable period (RSP). CP occurred primarily in November to April, when θ was prone to water stress and required proper artificial replenishment. SP was characterized by limited rainfall replenishment in January and May, which significantly increased θ. During the rainy season, corresponding with RSP, θ fluctuated within a relatively stable range. At the end of the CP, the water shortage was more severe. In actual agricultural production, attention should be given to reasonable artificial recharge. This research aims to provide a theoretical basis for karst θ management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-202
Musa Oladejo Kehinde ◽  
Aliyu Tambuwal Umar

The estimation of soil moisture storage is fundamental to crop production, hydrological and biological processes. This study assessed soil moisture storage in Nigeria using the Climatic Water Budgeting Approach. Mean monthly air temperature and monthly rainfall data were collected from the archives of the Nigerian Meteorological Agency from 27 weather stations in Nigeria. The data were subjected to Climatic Water Budgeting Approach to compute the monthly soil moisture storage at different locations in Nigeria over two years with contrasting moisture conditions (1983 and 2003). The mean monthly air temperature data were used to estimate the monthly potential evapotranspiration (PE) while the PE in conjunction with the mean monthly rainfall and the soil water holding capacity of 250mm were used to calculate the monthly soil moisture storage. The results showed that most locations north of latitude 9°N recorded low soil moisture storage below 10 mm from April to July especially in 1983. The soil moisture storage was high in all the places in January and February due to low potential evapotranspiration and accumulated potential water loss (APWL). Most Places South of latitude 9°N recorded higher soil moisture storage between 20 mm and 100 mm from January to May compared to their counterparts north of latitude 9°N in both 1983 and 2003. The soil moisture storage attained 250 mm (100%) from July-October across Nigeria. This study concluded that the soil moisture varies spatially and temporally in Nigeria decreasing from South to North. A paired sample test revealed a significant difference between the soil moisture storage of 2003 and 1983 in Nigeria (p=.000).

Andrew Ireson ◽  
Seth Amankwah ◽  
Sujan Basnet ◽  
Talia Bobenic ◽  
Morgan Braaten ◽  

Using data from five long-term field sites measuring soil moisture, we show the limitations of using soil moisture observations alone to constrain modelled hydrological fluxes. We test a land surface model, MESH/CLASS, with two configurations: one where the soil hydraulic properties are determined using a pedotransfer function (the texture-based calibration) and one where they are assigned directly (the hydraulic properties-based calibration). The hydraulic properties-based calibration outperforms the texture-based calibration in terms of reproducing changes in soil moisture storage within a 1.6 m deep profile at each site, but both perform reasonably well, especially in the summer months. When the models are constrained using observations of changes in soil moisture, the predicted hydrological fluxes are subject to very large uncertainties associated with equifinality. The uncertainty is larger for the hydraulic properties-based calibration, even though the performance was better. We argue that since the pedotransfer functions constrain the model parameters in the texture-based calibrations in an unrealistic way, the texture-based calibration underestimates the uncertainty in the fluxes. We recommend that reproducing observed cumulative changes in soil moisture storage should be considered a necessary but insufficient criterion of model success. Additional sources of information are needed to reduce uncertainties, and these could include improved estimation of the soil hydraulic properties and direct observations of fluxes, particularly evapotranspiration.

2021 ◽  
Arnaud Cerbelaud ◽  
Jérôme Lefèvre ◽  
Pierre Genthon ◽  
Christophe Menkes

<p>Situated in the South-West Pacific, New Caledonia is a tropical island dominated by a central mountain range and is subject to cyclones, regular intense precipitation events and flash-flooding. Recent fine-scaled projections of climate change in New Caledonia show that the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events could be reduced by ~ 20% by 2080-2100 [Dutheil <em>et al.</em>, 2020]. This paper investigates the ability of the WRF-Hydro/Noah-MP modelling framework to represent the hydrological regime of six watersheds in New Caledonia. A nearly 2-year long WRF ideal atmospheric forcing was completed with observed precipitations from 24 rain gauges using two rainfall spatial interpolation methods at 0.2 km-resolution. This study mainly seeks to calibrate the uncoupled WRF-Hydro/Noah-MP system as well as to evaluate its performance upon short and contrasted heavy rainfall events between 2012 and 2014. Particular attention was paid to (i) the sensitivity of calibration processes to rainfall spatial interpolation methods, (ii) the consistency in modelled soil moisture storage and (iii) the reliability of hydrograph separation provided by WRF-Hydro.</p><p>After automatic calibration relying upon the DDS algorithm [Tolson and Shoemaker, 2007], streamflow simulations show overall good performance with Nash–Sutcliffe efficiencies (NSE) greater than 0.6 on a 21-month period for all watersheds. Standard hydrological features of all studied watersheds are well reproduced. The quality of simulation is found to be decreasing with lower values of runoff coefficient. We show on three watersheds that spatial distribution of rainfall can highly condition the calibration process and thus greatly modify modelled soil moisture storage and in result the shape of simulated flash floods. WRF-Hydro’s hydrograph decomposition between surface and underground runoff is presented and compared with known characteristics of watersheds as well as with other quickflow/baseflow separation methods. To our knowledge, this work is the first attempt to use the uncoupled WRF-Hydro hydro-meteorological model for flash flood analysis in New Caledonia and opens a pathway to study multiple hydrological and climatic features in the region in the context of climate change.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: hydro-meteorological modelling, WRF-Hydro, Noah-MP, flash flood, rainfall spatial interpolation, hydrograph separation, baseflow, New-Caledonia</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 915
Elias C. Massoud ◽  
Zhen Liu ◽  
Amin Shaban ◽  
Mhamad Hage

Regions with high productivity of agriculture, such as the Beqaa Plain, Lebanon, often rely on groundwater supplies for irrigation demand. Recent reports have indicated that groundwater consumption in this region has been unsustainable, and quantifying rates of groundwater depletion has remained a challenge. Here, we utilize 15 years of data (June 2002–April 2017) from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission to show Total Water Storage (TWS) changes in Lebanon’s Beqaa Plain. We then obtain complimentary information on various hydrologic cycle variables, such as soil moisture storage, snow water equivalent, and canopy water storage from the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) model, and surface water data from the largest body of water in this region, the Qaraaoun Reservoir, to disentangle the TWS signal and calculate groundwater storage changes. After combining the information from the remaining hydrologic cycle variables, we determine that the majority of the losses in TWS are due to groundwater depletion in the Beqaa Plain. Results show that the rate of groundwater storage change in the West Beqaa is nearly +0.08 cm/year, in the Rashaya District is −0.01 cm/year, and in the Zahle District the level of depletion is roughly −1.10 cm/year. Results are confirmed using Sentinel-1 interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data, which provide high-precision measurements of land subsidence changes caused by intense groundwater usage. Furthermore, data from local monitoring wells are utilized to further showcase the significant drop in groundwater level that is occurring through much of the region. For monitoring groundwater storage changes, our recommendation is to combine various data sources, and in areas where groundwater measurements are lacking, we especially recommend the use of data from remote sensing.

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