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negative thoughts
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2022 ◽  
Ana M. DiGiovanni ◽  
Talea Cornelius ◽  
Niall Bolger

Co-rumination is the process of perseverating on problems, negative thoughts, or feelings with another person. Still unknown is how co-rumination unfolds within the daily lives of romantic couples. Using a variance decomposition procedure on data from a 14-day dyadic daily diary, we assess how much co-rumination varies over time and whether it is a couple- or individual-level process. Results revealed that within-person fluctuations in co-rumination contributed most (~33%) to the total variance and that these fluctuations could be reliably assessed using multi-item summary scores. Although time-invariant between-couple differences account significantly for the total variance (~14%) and can be reliably assessed, there is little within-couple agreement on the extent to which co-rumination fluctuates on a daily level. More research is needed to understand when and why perceptions of daily co-rumination diverge within couples, and how this informs theory on co-rumination and similar ostensibly dyadic constructs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 0
Gehendra Mahara ◽  
Mina Karki

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 1663-1676
Heba Atef El_Sayed Mohmoud Awad

Purpose: Recognizing the technological effects of family disintegration. Method: Human field: a sample of the dangerous electronic games players, including "4" players who are still alive, and "5" players who committed suicide. Methods and Tools: The Case study method, Ethnographic method, Descriptive approach, and Interview. The research type is Analytic, and the theoretical framework is Postmodernism Theory. Originality: The researcher tries to provide a comprehensive view of how electronic games piracy on their players and pushes them to suicide, in the presence of the family disintegration element. Findings: family disintegration was the main reason for children’s addiction to electronic games. Thus, electronic games were like escaping from reality and living in imagination, and spending free time. Also, electronic games were a means that absorbed the negative charge and feelings of anger among the children instead of the family. There are many types of piracy on players: (programming for the mind, charging with negative thoughts, threatening to kill parents, an emotional challenge to the teenager, blackmail and intimidation, or with talismans). Conclusion: a person can control another, to the extent that this other person allows this person to control him. Do not allow a game administrator to control you, activate Cybersecurity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (12) ◽  
pp. 3562-3564
Muhammad Iqbal Afridi ◽  
Chooni Lal ◽  
Rozeena Ameen Dharwarwala ◽  
Jawed Akbar Dars ◽  
Fariha Iqbal ◽  

Depressive disorder is a common mental disorder and one of the leading causes of disability around the globe. It is characterized by depressed mood, lack of enjoyment, decreased activity, negative thoughts and reduced concentration for at least two weeks. Globally 350 million people are suffering from depression and 18.34 million people from Southeast Asia alone. Major depressive disorder is growing in overall disease burden around the world. It is predicted to be the leading cause of disease burden by 2030, and it is already the leading cause in women worldwide. Depression affects the prefrontal cortex, cingulate gyrus, amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus and hypothalamus. These brain regions are involved in the regulation of motivation, eating, sleeping, energy level, circadian rhythm, and responses to rewarding and aversive stimuli, which are all abnormal in depressed people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 66-73
Md. Mizanur Rahman ◽  
Md. Bashir Uddin ◽  
Md. Solaiman Chowdhury ◽  
Md. Saidur Rahaman

On March 8, 2020, the first Covid-19 case was registered in Bangladesh, and the first death occurred on March 18, 2020. Still, the positive corona patients including banking employees are rising around and many negative thoughts are also increasing day by day in mind. These circumstances make the employees worried. Consequently, this paper's fundamental objective is to find out the psychological status of private commercial bank employees during COVID-19. Using a random sampling technique and a questionnaire through "Google Form" the data was gathered from 151 employees. For the completion of the data analysis procedures, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-22 Version) was used. The major findings showed a maximum of 91% of employees felt nervous when s (he) hears someone died from COVID-19. In addition, 83% of employees are always fear of COVID-19 infection, 81% of employees are fear when they hear someone got tested positive for COVID-19. Besides, 49% of bank employees cannot concentrate on their regular activities while 40% of employees are stressed to lose their current job due to COVID-19. The policy-making authorities of private commercial banks in Bangladesh will get an opportunity to know the employees' psychological status during COVID-19. They can also make some necessary measures (based on our recommendations) to overcome these challenges.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Sutinah Sutinah

Background: Stroke is the third leading cause of mortality worldwide after coronary heart disease and cancer in developed and developing countries. Psychosocial therapy is important to reduce depression levels and control negative thoughts of post-stroke patients. Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of cognitive thoughts stopping therapy to decrease the levels of depression and increase the ability to control negative thoughts in post-stroke clients. Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental research design. A purposive sampling technique was used with 48 of the total sample. Result: Wilcoxon test results for cognitive thought-stopping therapy (CTST) showed p=0.003; cognitive therapy (CT) showed p=0.003, and thought stopping (TS) showed p=0.002. It indicated that in each treatment group, there were significant differences. Meanwhile, the Kruskal Wallis test showed that the posttest om depression showed p=0.001, Wilcoxon for CTST showed p=0.002, CT showed p=0.003, and thought stopping (TS) showed p=0.002, indicating that in each treatment group, there were significant differences. The Kruskal Wallis test showed that the posttest on the ability to control negative thoughts showed p=0.000. Conclusion: The results showed an effect of therapy on depression levels and the ability to control negative thoughts. Hospitals can implement this study's results to develop mental health services, especially for stroke clients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-19
Iskandarsyah Siregar ◽  
Firlii Rahmadiyah ◽  
Alisha Firiska Qatrunnada Siregar

Schizophrenia is a group of psychotic disorders with primary personality disorders, characteristic distortions of thought processes. Schizophrenic disorders are characterized by fundamental and characteristic distortions of thought and perception and incompatible or blunted effects. Anger, anxiety, and fear are the most common hallucinations in Schizophrenic patients. These feelings drive the continued negative behaviour of the Schizophrenic patient. The therapeutic communication technique in the nursing process is one of the techniques in the healing process of patients, especially those with mental disorders nursing problems. This study was conducted based on anxiety about the results of observations, preliminary research, and reports obtained about the number of therapy failures for Schizophrenic patients caused by communication errors during treatment. In this study, researchers aimed to determine the Therapeutic Communication of Nurses to Patients. This qualitative research uses a Quasy-experimental design using a One-Group Pre-Post Test Design research design. The conclusion emerged in the study that 22 people (88%) of respondents were in the Bad category in controlling negative thoughts. Meanwhile, three respondents (12%) have an excellent ability to control negative thoughts. There are also research results that show 3 variables that support effective and efficient therapeutic communication. These are Build Trust, Troubleshooting with Constructive Coping, and Giving Appreciation.

Lintang Aulia Utami

One of the tasks of child development is to establish and build social relationships with friends and their environment. Individuals who have been socially excluded will withdraw by not having relationships with others because of the fear of the negative evaluation feom others. The assessment methods used were interview, observation and psychological tests namely were graphic tests, and the Intelligenz Structure Test (IST). The intervention used to change the subject's negative thoughts to become more positive is cognitive therapy. The cognitive therapy process that was given as many as 6 sessions with the target subject was able to change his negative thoughts into more positive ones. The results of the intervention show that the subject was able to replaces his negative thoughts with positive thoughts which ultimately makes the subject feel no guilt anymore.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
Sitiayu Zubaidah Yusuf ◽  
Zurinah Tahir ◽  
Salfarina Samsudin

Due to the lack of land in densely populated areas in Malaysia, high-rise residential building has become a trend in the recent years. However, in designing and constructing these buildings, safety considerations have not received adequate attention. This study aims to examine the causes of children falling from high-rise buildings, while the nature and frequencies of such accidents were also investigated. The paper is based on the existing literature, as well as feedbacks from questionnaires and interviews. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach within Multi-criteria Decision Analysis was adopted for the analysis undertaken in this study. The outcome reveals that accidents involving child falls can be prevented by establishing appropriate policies and regulations. The strict enforcement of safety laws and regulations will help to avoid untoward accidents and dispel negative thoughts about living in high-rise buildings. The findings elaborate on the ranking of elements that influence child safety in high-rise apartments.

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