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bank employees
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-52
Nurma Dwi Puspitasari ◽  
Supri Wahyudi Utomo ◽  
Elana Era Yusdita

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to determine the handling of bad loans or problem loans at PT BPR BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera from the Bank's behavior or the behavior of bank employees. This type of research is qualitative research. The research method uses interviews and observations. The data source in this study is primary data, obtained from several employees of PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera related to the credit section. Troubled credit handling carried out by the behavior of PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera employees in addition to implementing technical imposed by the Financial Services Authority, namely in the form of rescheduling, reconditioning, restructuring, and confiscation of guarantee goods. PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera also applies a sense of chair and humanity by through the process of resignation of the monthly book close to wait for customers who have agreed to pay off their bad credit. So besides considering the return of credit for the bank in the end there are values caught on the practice of PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera, namely still considering a sense of mutual cooperation, humanity, kinship. Keywords: People's credit bank, employee behavior, accounting for confectional, financial institutions, principle timeliness.   ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu  untuk mengetahui penanganan kredit macet atau kredit bermasalah pada PT BPR  Buana Citra Sejahtera  dari perilaku pihak bank atau perilaku karyawan bank.  Jenis penelitian  ini  adalah penelitian kualitatif. Metode penelitian menggunakan   wawancara dan observasi. Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah data primer, diperoleh dari beberapa karyawan PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera yang berhubungan dengan bagian kredit. Penanganan kredit bermasalah yang dilakukan oleh perilaku karyawan PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera selain menerapkan tehnik yang diberlakukan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan yaitu berupa rescheduling, reconditioning, restructuring, serta penyitaan barang jaminan. PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera juga menerapkan  rasa kekelurgaan dan kemanusian dengan melalui proses  pengunduran tanggal tutup buku bulanan untuk menunggu nasabah yang telah sepakat akan melunasi kredit macetnya. Jadi selain pertimbangan kembalinya kredit untuk pihak bank pada akhirnya terdapat nilai-nilai yang tertangkap pada praktik PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera yaitu masih mempertimbangkan rasa gotong royong, kemanusiaan, kekeluargaan. Kata Kunci: Bank perkreditan rakyat, Perilaku karyawan, Akuntansi keperilakuan, Lembaga Keuangan, Prinsip ketepatan waktu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 66-73
Md. Mizanur Rahman ◽  
Md. Bashir Uddin ◽  
Md. Solaiman Chowdhury ◽  
Md. Saidur Rahaman

On March 8, 2020, the first Covid-19 case was registered in Bangladesh, and the first death occurred on March 18, 2020. Still, the positive corona patients including banking employees are rising around and many negative thoughts are also increasing day by day in mind. These circumstances make the employees worried. Consequently, this paper's fundamental objective is to find out the psychological status of private commercial bank employees during COVID-19. Using a random sampling technique and a questionnaire through "Google Form" the data was gathered from 151 employees. For the completion of the data analysis procedures, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-22 Version) was used. The major findings showed a maximum of 91% of employees felt nervous when s (he) hears someone died from COVID-19. In addition, 83% of employees are always fear of COVID-19 infection, 81% of employees are fear when they hear someone got tested positive for COVID-19. Besides, 49% of bank employees cannot concentrate on their regular activities while 40% of employees are stressed to lose their current job due to COVID-19. The policy-making authorities of private commercial banks in Bangladesh will get an opportunity to know the employees' psychological status during COVID-19. They can also make some necessary measures (based on our recommendations) to overcome these challenges.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 277-287
Titik Purwati ◽  
Rafidah Rafidah ◽  
Atiqi Chollisni ◽  
Dina Mayasari Soeswoyo ◽  
Ade Risna Sari

The COVID-19 pandemic has disturbed people all over the world. The economy is limited, even services in various institutions are also limited. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to describe the concept of service management and the role of developing the creative economy of Banks in Indonesia in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The types of research data are statements and patterns of service behavior of the tire management team in Indonesia. Data were collected through observation and interviews. The interview subjects were the public as bank consumers (respondents) and bank employees. The respondent selection system was used with a random system in accordance with research needs. The results prove the role of customer service in providing information to customers very well. Because the media used customer service in providing the information is very good and customers feel very satisfied for the services provided customer service.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (No.1) ◽  
pp. 83-108
Munazza Zahra ◽  
Daisy Mui Hung Kee

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the proactive personality of Pakistani bank employees influenced their job performance. With the awareness of the importance of job performance in the banking sector of Pakistan, researchers also examined the mediating role of work engagement in the relationship between proactive personality and job performance. A total of 315 responses were obtained from officers to test the relationship between proactive personality and job performance, and to examine the mechanism via work engagement. The researchers analyzed respondents’ demographic profiles in SPSS version 23 and developed several hypotheses through structural equation modelling technique which were tested in SmartPLS version 3. The findings of the study showed a significant positive relationship between proactive personality and the three dimensions of job performance: task performance, individual- directed citizenship behavior (OCBI), and organizational-directed citizenship behavior (OCBO). The study results also supported the main hypothesis that work engagement mediated the relationship between proactive personality and job performance. The findings of the study present a few useful insights to the HR department and policymakers in the banking sector. Proactive personality should be considered as one of the necessary dispositions to be evaluated in hiring decisions. Bank management should devote more attention on the work engagement of employees and its related factors to boost employees’ performance at work.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Sabia Singh ◽  
Gurpreet Randhawa

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to examine the impact of organizational cynicism (OCyn) on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) among bank employees with a focus on the role of work alienation (WA) as a potential mediator.Design/methodology/approachUsing standardized questionnaire, data were collected from 381 employees working in the banking sector of Punjab, a northern state of India. Statistical techniques such as hierarchical multiple regression and confirmatory factor analysis along with PROCESS macro were used for data analysis.FindingsResults reveal that OCyn has a significant negative effect on OCB. Further, WA is found to be significantly partially mediating the relationship between the aforementioned constructs.Research limitations/implicationsThis study pertains to a single sector i.e., banking sector restricting the generalizability to other industrial and vocational settings. Further, it may be difficult to draw any causal inferences as the research design adopted for this study is cross-sectional in nature.Practical implicationsIn order to promote OCBs among bank employees, the formation of negative workplace attitudes such as OCyn and WA needs to be regulated. This can be achieved through improving communications network, encouraging participative decision-making activities, conducting psychological counseling and stress management training sessions.Originality/valueThis study is one of the scarce empirical research works that have substantiated the direct impact along with the indirect impact of OCyn (through work alienation) on OCB among bank employees.

2021 ◽  
pp. 299-309
Tanvi Godbole ◽  
Saikat Gochhait ◽  
Dilip Ghosh

Majid Motamedzadeh ◽  
Mahdi Jalali ◽  
Rostam Golmohammadi ◽  
Javad Faradmal ◽  
Hamid Reza Zakeri ◽  

Abstract Background Long-term use of computer in a static mode may cause musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in bank staff. Considering the high number of bank employees in different countries, such as Iran, the risk factors of these disorders should be investigated in order to implement interventions required to reduce the risk factors. This study aimed to examine the risk factors of MSDs using the Rapid Office Strain Assessment (ROSA) method and to perform an ergonomic intervention program with banking staff in Iran. Methods This interventional study was conducted on 277 bank employees in Iran. Subjects were randomly divided into three groups, including a control group (without any intervention), an educational intervention (EI) group, and a group receiving both educational and physical intervention (EPI). Before and after the intervention, the ROSA method and Nordic questionnaire were used to assess the risk factors of MSDs in office jobs and to investigate the prevalence of MSDs. Data were collected 2 weeks before and 9 months following the intervention. Results Before the intervention, the mean score of ROSA at workstations of all groups was above five with high risk. Nine months after the start of the intervention, there was a significant decrease in the mean ROSA score and its components in the two groups that received the intervention, which was statistically significant (P < 0.001). The results of the study of the prevalence of MSDs in the employees—before the intervention—indicate that the highest prevalence of MSDs in the control group was in areas of the neck (67.1%), back (64.4%), and lower back (63%). In the EI group, the highest prevalence of MSDs was in the neck (65.2%), lower back (61.6%), and back (60.7%) areas. In the EPI group, the discomfort areas were the neck (68.5%), shoulders (66.3%), and lower back (60.9%). Nine months after the intervention, there was a significant decrease in the prevalence of MSDs in the neck, shoulders, and lumbar regions of staff who received the intervention (P < 0.05). Conclusion Nine months after performing the interventions, there was a relative improvement in workstations and prevalence of MSDs in various areas within the bodies of the bank staff. This study showed that using the ROSA method is appropriate for assessing the risk factors of office work and that it can identify deficiencies in workstations. These defects can be addressed by designing and implementing an EI program together with physical interventions according to the components of the ROSA method.

Umme Kulsum Dipa ◽  
Nishat Taslin Mohona ◽  
Jayashree Dey

Employees are the heart of an organization as they are the weapons that propel the organization towards its goal. However, to superintend and build them as competent, committed in the long run, it is challenging to experience supportive communication, fair bonding, and more clarity regarding the organization's goal and responsibility. Thus, this research intends to examine the impact of training & development and communication on organizational commitment based on the private bank employees of Bangladesh, especially on the Chattogram division.Through simple random sampling method, the questionnaire was sent to 200 bank employees and  a total of 153 responses were perfectly derived as the sample size (Krejcie & Morgan, 1970). The study is analyzed through quantitative analysis and were tested in the statistical software SPSS (version 22). The findings show the significant relationship of training & development and communication that are positively related to organizational commitment. The study suggests that commercial banks should introduce proper training & development measurements that will clarify work activities, objectives, and a supportive communication system that can defend critical issues and relationships in the organization.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Rafael Robina-Ramírez ◽  
José Amelio Medina-Merodio ◽  
Rosa Estriégana ◽  
Hector V. Jimenez-Naranjo

Purpose A model is proposed to develop happiness in the banking sector based on an improvement in the spirituality of employees. Design/methodology/approach Following the Schwartz’s model for behavioural transformation, a new path has been proposed based on the development of the transcendent vision of work. The data obtained were analysed using the partial least squares-structural equation modeling (SEM) method. Findings Contrary to the widespread idea that happiness is orientated towards the enjoyment of goods, bank employees prefer to develop spiritual values and resources that allow them to respond adequately to massive layoffs and pressures at work. Research limitations/implications The bank employees’ schedules made it difficult to organise group sessions. Multiple sessions prevented us all from interacting. Practical implications It is established a training strategy for the pursuit of happiness, to propose an engine for actions orientated towards happiness and to introduce transcendence and spirituality as requirements for finding happiness during daily work. Social implications There is a need to return to traditional values and principles in daily work. This will have a positive effect on communities and society. Originality/value A new concept has been coined: spiritual resources. This new variable can help to combat adversity by exploring the meaning of transcendence at work.

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