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employee behavior
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2022 ◽  
pp. 471-490
Kanupriya Misra Bakhru ◽  
Alka Sharma

The authors have discussed in detail the meaning of employee engagement and its relevance for the organizations in the present scenario. The authors also highlighted the various factors that predict the employee engagement of the employees in the varied organizations. The authors have emphasized on the role that HR analytics can play to identify the reasons for low level of engagement among employees and suggesting ways to improve the same using predictive analytics. The authors have also advocated the benefits that organizations can reap by making use of HR analytics in measuring the engagement levels of the employees and improving the engagement levels of diverse workforce in the existing organizations. The authors have also proposed the future perspectives of the proposed study that help the organizations and officials from the top management to tap the benefits of analytics in the function of human resource management and to address the upcoming issues related to employee behavior.

Muhammad Imran ◽  
Tehmina Ambreen

The training, performance appraisal, organizational support, and compensation are playing a very important role in enhancing employee service behavior in the police department. The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of training, performance appraisal, and organizational support on employee service behavior, with the mediating role of compensation. Data was collected from the employees of Punjab police through the questionnaire. The partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) has been employed for data analysis. The results of the study found a positive and significant relationship between training, performance appraisal, organizational support, and employee service behavior. Furthermore, compensation plays the mediating role between training, performance appraisal, organizational support, and employee behavior in Punjab police, Pakistan. As per the findings of the study, employee behavior can be improved with the help of training, performance appraisal, organizational support, and compensation.

2022 ◽  
pp. 145-160
Okechukwu Ethelbert Amah

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is no longer a legal obligation but discretionary aimed at fulfilling the needs of stakeholders. The failed leadership in Africa has made discretionary CSR initiatives very important in the life of employees and local community. The chapter reports a micro-level study that considered the effect of CSR initiatives directed to employees and local communities on employee organizational identification (OID) and employee creativity (ECR). The results obtained show that CSR directed to employees has both direct and indirect relationships with ECR through OID, while CSR directed at local community has only indirect relationship with ECR through OID. The results position CSR initiatives as strategic to the performance of business instead of just being philanthropic. This means that managers must take special interest in developing and implementing CSR initiatives since their outcome has an effect on employee behavior. The study also demonstrates the need to factor the importance of each CSR initiatives directed at various stakeholders in future study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-52
Nurma Dwi Puspitasari ◽  
Supri Wahyudi Utomo ◽  
Elana Era Yusdita

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to determine the handling of bad loans or problem loans at PT BPR BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera from the Bank's behavior or the behavior of bank employees. This type of research is qualitative research. The research method uses interviews and observations. The data source in this study is primary data, obtained from several employees of PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera related to the credit section. Troubled credit handling carried out by the behavior of PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera employees in addition to implementing technical imposed by the Financial Services Authority, namely in the form of rescheduling, reconditioning, restructuring, and confiscation of guarantee goods. PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera also applies a sense of chair and humanity by through the process of resignation of the monthly book close to wait for customers who have agreed to pay off their bad credit. So besides considering the return of credit for the bank in the end there are values caught on the practice of PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera, namely still considering a sense of mutual cooperation, humanity, kinship. Keywords: People's credit bank, employee behavior, accounting for confectional, financial institutions, principle timeliness.   ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu  untuk mengetahui penanganan kredit macet atau kredit bermasalah pada PT BPR  Buana Citra Sejahtera  dari perilaku pihak bank atau perilaku karyawan bank.  Jenis penelitian  ini  adalah penelitian kualitatif. Metode penelitian menggunakan   wawancara dan observasi. Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah data primer, diperoleh dari beberapa karyawan PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera yang berhubungan dengan bagian kredit. Penanganan kredit bermasalah yang dilakukan oleh perilaku karyawan PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera selain menerapkan tehnik yang diberlakukan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan yaitu berupa rescheduling, reconditioning, restructuring, serta penyitaan barang jaminan. PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera juga menerapkan  rasa kekelurgaan dan kemanusian dengan melalui proses  pengunduran tanggal tutup buku bulanan untuk menunggu nasabah yang telah sepakat akan melunasi kredit macetnya. Jadi selain pertimbangan kembalinya kredit untuk pihak bank pada akhirnya terdapat nilai-nilai yang tertangkap pada praktik PT BPR Buana Citra Sejahtera yaitu masih mempertimbangkan rasa gotong royong, kemanusiaan, kekeluargaan. Kata Kunci: Bank perkreditan rakyat, Perilaku karyawan, Akuntansi keperilakuan, Lembaga Keuangan, Prinsip ketepatan waktu.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003754972110612
Yi Song ◽  
Bin Hu ◽  
Heqiang Xue

Crowdsourcing logistics is a business model for the modern logistics industry. However, the employee behavior of crowdsourcing logistics remains unstable due to the dynamic nature of crowdsourcing logistics. With a small change in environmental factors, e.g., the delivery price, employee opinion may show frequent polarization or reversal that can lead to employee turnover. To explore the mechanism of sudden change in employee opinion and turnover, a cusp catastrophe model is embedded into the relative agreement (RA) model of opinion dynamics to form a catastrophe-embedded RA model. Text data about employee opinion of the crowdsourcing logistics company DaDa are collected for modeling and validation of the catastrophe-embedded RA model. Simulation experiments explore the impact of network structure and delivery price on employee opinion evolution and employee turnover. The catastrophe theory–embedded RA model extends the application of the RA model in the field of opinion dynamics with frequent polarization or reversal.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Christian Schnieder

PurposeThis paper provides an overview of the empirical findings on how relative performance information (RPI) affects employee behavior. Additionally, the review identifies future research opportunities based on a systematic analysis of the literature that incorporates findings across several disciplines and provides replicable, extensive coverage.Design/methodology/approachThis paper addresses a research gap via synthesis, drawing on the empirical literature identified and analyzed systematically. A conceptual framework is developed to integrate the studies.FindingsThe effect of RPI on performance through enhanced effort is positive; moreover, publicity and performance-dependent compensation strengthen the effect. However, RPI has also been found to increase sabotage among employees, and it can lead to less honest reporting. Future research could examine critical mediators and moderators of the RPI-performance relationship and thus complement the findings. Additionally, the effects of group-based RPI remain underrepresented. Future work could help to assess in greater detail how RPI interacts with culture and norms and whether RPI is due to personal expectations. There is also room for further research regarding the effects of RPI on cooperation, its consequences for learning, how it affects budgeting decisions and its implications for risk taking.Originality/valueThis paper presents the first literature review in the field of RPI. It provides synthesized knowledge about whether RPI is beneficial or detrimental to organizational performance.

2021 ◽  
pp. 089331892110538
Liang Liang ◽  
Xue Zhang ◽  
Guyang Tian ◽  
Yezhuang Tian

The effect of communication visibility on employee behaviors has garnered attention for the widespread use of enterprise social media; yet, this research has rarely considered the typical employee behavior of innovation behavior. This paper explores the relationship between communication visibility and innovation behavior. In addition, the underlying mechanism and boundary conditions are examined drawing on communication visibility theory, regulatory focus theory, and voice literature. Data were collected in a field experiment from a Chinese enterprise. It was found that communication visibility was positively associated with innovation behavior, and the positive association was mediated by voice behavior. Meanwhile, the positive indirect effect of communication visibility on employee innovation behavior was strengthened by promotion regulatory focus. Our research expands our understanding of the outcome behaviors of communication visibility and provides valuable management implications by shedding light on measures to promote innovation behavior.

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