BACKGROUND: HEIs implement different techniques for the problem of assessing the progress towards the notified goals or the achievements, which is the only way to ensure that the HEIs are functioning properly along the right way or not. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to propose a model for assessing the performance, which may be of interest to institutions, partners, society and students. METHODS: In this paper, the technique of performance-related goals of HEIs, and a statistical approach are proposed. The methodology of this paper will manage briefly the issues of the applicability of the technique, how to derive the “goals” for HEI’s, taking into consideration the indicators of the Intellectual Capital (Human, Organizational, and Relational), and how to collect the data from HEIs successfully. The processes of assuring the technique of performance-related goals, deriving and implementing the goals, and the acquisition and testing of data are developed. RESULTS: The findings of this paper are in two directions, i.e. in the proposing of a performance model for HEIs which is based on the goals of HEIs; and in the application side, i.e. in the practical results of the evaluation of HEIs and how to clarify the performance of institutions and how to compare between them. The findings show that the practical results are significant, and reliable. CONCLUSIONS: This paper develops a significance model for performance appraisal of HEIs, how we can compare between the performance of HEIs, and to rank their performance. The practical results of the model are both accurate and significant.